Example #1
    def __init__(self, propID, valueType, units, objectID=0, metaData={}):
        Initializes the property.

        :param PropertyID propID: Property ID
        :param ValueType valueType: Type of a property, i.e. scalar, vector, tensor. Tensor is by default a tuple of 9 values, being compatible with Field's tensor.
        :param units: Property units or string
        :type units: Physics.PhysicalUnits or string
        :param int objectID: Optional ID of problem object/subdomain to which property is related, default = 0

        self.propID = propID
        # self.units = units
        self.valueType = valueType
        self.objectID = objectID

        if PhysicalQuantities.isPhysicalUnit(units):
            self.unit = units
            self.unit = PhysicalQuantities.findUnit(units)

        self.setMetadata('Type', 'mupif.Property.Property')
        self.setMetadata('Type_ID', str(self.propID))
        self.setMetadata('Units', self.unit.name())
        self.setMetadata('ValueType', str(self.valueType))

Example #2
    def convertToUnit(self, unit):
        Change the unit and adjust the value such that
        the combination is equivalent to the original one. The new unit
        must be compatible with the previous unit of the object.

        :param C{str} unit: a unit

        :raise TypeError: if the unit string is not a known unit or a unit incompatible with the current one
        unit = PhysicalQuantities.findUnit(unit)
        self.value = self._convertValue(self.value, self.unit, unit)
        self.unit = unit
Example #3
    def __init__(self, t, dt, targetTime, units=None, n=1):
        Initializes time step.

        :param t: Time(time at the end of time step)
        :type t: PQ.PhysicalQuantity
        :param dt: Step length (time increment), type depends on 'units'
        :type dt: PQ.PhysicalQuantity
        :param targetTime: target simulation time (time at the end of simulation, not of a single TimeStep)
        :type targetTime: PQ.PhysicalQuantity. targetTime is not related to particular time step rather to the material model (load duration, relaxation spectra etc.)
        :param PQ.PhysicalUnit or str units: optional units for t, dt, targetTime if given as float values
        :param int n: Optional, solution time step number, default = 1
        self.number = n  # solution step number, dimensionless

        if units is None:
            if not PQ.isPhysicalQuantity(t):
                raise TypeError(str(t) + ' is not physical quantity')

            if not PQ.isPhysicalQuantity(dt):
                raise TypeError(str(dt) + ' is not physical quantity')

            if not PQ.isPhysicalQuantity(targetTime):
                raise TypeError(str(targetTime) + ' is not physical quantity')

            self.time = t
            self.dt = dt
            self.targetTime = targetTime
            if PQ.isPhysicalUnit(units):
                units_temp = units
                units_temp = PQ.findUnit(units)

            self.time = PQ.PhysicalQuantity(t, units_temp)
            self.dt = PQ.PhysicalQuantity(dt, units_temp)
            self.targetTime = PQ.PhysicalQuantity(targetTime, units_temp)