Example #1
def fromGeneralNote(n):
    Translate a music21 :class:`~music21.note.Note` into a 
    complete MusicXML representation.

    >>> n = note.Note('c3')
    >>> n.quarterLength = 3
    >>> post = musicxml.m21ToString.fromGeneralNote(n)
    >>> #print post
    # make a copy, as this process will change tuple types
    # this method is called infrequently, and only for display of a single
    # note
    from music21 import duration

    nCopy = copy.deepcopy(n)
    duration.updateTupletType(nCopy.duration)  # modifies in place

    out = stream.Stream()

    # call the musicxml property on Stream
    return fromMusic21Object(out)
Example #2
def fromGeneralNote(n):
    Translate a music21 :class:`~music21.note.Note` into a 
    complete MusicXML representation.

    >>> n = note.Note('c3')
    >>> n.quarterLength = 3
    >>> post = musicxml.m21ToString.fromGeneralNote(n)
    >>> #print post
    # make a copy, as this process will change tuple types
    # this method is called infrequently, and only for display of a single
    # note
    from music21 import duration

    nCopy = copy.deepcopy(n)
    duration.updateTupletType(nCopy.duration)  # modifies in place

    out = stream.Stream()

    # call the musicxml property on Stream
    return fromMusic21Object(out)
Example #3
def generalNoteToMusicXML(n):
    '''Translate a music21 :class:`~music21.note.Note` into a complete MusicXML representation. 

    >>> from music21 import *
    >>> n = note.Note('c3')
    >>> n.quarterLength = 3
    >>> post = musicxml.translate.generalNoteToMusicXML(n)
    >>> post[-100:].replace('\\n', '')
    '/type>        <dot/>        <notations/>      </note>    </measure>  </part></score-partwise>'

    from music21 import stream, duration

    # make a copy, as we this process will change tuple types
    nCopy = copy.deepcopy(n)
    duration.updateTupletType(nCopy.duration) # modifies in place

    out = stream.Stream()
    # call the musicxml property on Stream
    return out.musicxml
Example #4
def makeBeams(s, inPlace=False):
    Return a new Measure, or Stream of Measures, with beams applied to all
    notes. Measures with Voices will process voices independently.

    In the process of making Beams, this method also updates tuplet types.
    This is destructive and thus changes an attribute of Durations in

    Note that `makeBeams()` is automatically called in show('musicxml') and
    other formats if there is no beaming information in the piece (see

    If `inPlace` is True, this is done in-place; if `inPlace` is False,
    this returns a modified deep copy.

    .. note: Before Version 1.6, `inPlace` default was `True`; now `False`
             like most `inPlace` options in music21.

    See :meth:`~music21.meter.TimeSignature.getBeams` for the algorithm used.


        >>> from music21 import meter
        >>> from music21 import stream


        >>> aMeasure = stream.Measure()
        >>> aMeasure.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
        >>> aNote = note.Note()
        >>> aNote.quarterLength = .25
        >>> aMeasure.repeatAppend(aNote,16)
        >>> bMeasure = aMeasure.makeBeams(inPlace=False)


        >>> for i in range(0, 4):
        ...   print i, bMeasure.notes[i].beams
        0 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/start>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
        1 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>
        2 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
        3 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/stop>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>

    TODO: inPlace=False does not work in many cases
    from music21 import stream

    #environLocal.printDebug(['calling Stream.makeBeams()'])
    if not inPlace:  # make a copy
        returnObj = copy.deepcopy(s)
        returnObj = s

    #if s.isClass(Measure):
    if 'Measure' in s.classes:
    #if s.isClassOrSubclass('Measure'):
        mColl = []  # store a list of measures for processing
    elif len(s.getElementsByClass('Measure')) > 0:
        mColl = returnObj.getElementsByClass('Measure')  # a stream of measures
        raise stream.StreamException(
            'cannot process a stream that neither is a Measure nor has '

    lastTimeSignature = None

    for m in mColl:
        # this means that the first of a stream of time signatures will
        # be used
        if m.timeSignature is not None:
            lastTimeSignature = m.timeSignature
        if lastTimeSignature is None:
            #    'makeBeams(): lastTimeSignature is None: cannot process'])
            raise stream.StreamException(
                'cannot proces beams in a Measure without a time signature')
        noteGroups = []
        if m.hasVoices():
            for v in m.voices:

        #    'noteGroups', noteGroups, 'len(noteGroups[0])',
        #    len(noteGroups[0])])

        for noteStream in noteGroups:
            if len(noteStream) <= 1:
                continue  # nothing to beam
            durList = []
            for n in noteStream:
            #    'beaming with ts', lastTimeSignature, 'measure', m, durList,
            #    noteStream[0], noteStream[1]])

            # error check; call before sending to time signature, as, if this
            # fails, it represents a problem that happens before time signature
            # processing
            durSum = sum([d.quarterLength for d in durList])
            barQL = lastTimeSignature.barDuration.quarterLength

            if not common.almostEquals(durSum, barQL) and durSum > barQL:
                #    'attempting makeBeams with a bar that contains durations
                #    that sum greater than bar duration (%s > %s)' %
                #    (durSum, barQL)])
            # getBeams can take a list of Durations; however, this cannot
            # distinguish a Note from a Rest; thus, we can submit a flat
            # stream of note or note-like entities; will return
            # the same list of beam objects

            offset = 0.0
            if m.paddingLeft != 0.0:
                offset = m.paddingLeft
            elif (noteStream.highestTime <
                offset = (lastTimeSignature.barDuration.quarterLength -
            beamsList = lastTimeSignature.getBeams(
                noteStream, measureStartOffset=offset)

            for i in range(len(noteStream)):
                # this may try to assign a beam to a Rest
                noteStream[i].beams = beamsList[i]
            # apply tuple types in place; this modifies the durations
            # in dur list

    del mColl  # remove Stream no longer needed
    if inPlace is not True:
        return returnObj
Example #5
def makeBeams(s, inPlace=False):
    Return a new Measure, or Stream of Measures, with beams applied to all
    notes. Measures with Voices will process voices independently.

    In the process of making Beams, this method also updates tuplet types.
    This is destructive and thus changes an attribute of Durations in

    Note that `makeBeams()` is automatically called in show('musicxml') and
    other formats if there is no beaming information in the piece (see

    If `inPlace` is True, this is done in-place; if `inPlace` is False,
    this returns a modified deep copy.

    .. note: Before Version 1.6, `inPlace` default was `True`; now `False`
             like most `inPlace` options in music21.

    See :meth:`~music21.meter.TimeSignature.getBeams` for the algorithm used.


        >>> from music21 import meter
        >>> from music21 import stream


        >>> aMeasure = stream.Measure()
        >>> aMeasure.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
        >>> aNote = note.Note()
        >>> aNote.quarterLength = .25
        >>> aMeasure.repeatAppend(aNote,16)
        >>> bMeasure = aMeasure.makeBeams(inPlace=False)


        >>> for i in range(0, 4):
        ...   print i, bMeasure.notes[i].beams
        0 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/start>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
        1 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>
        2 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/continue>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
        3 <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/stop>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/stop>>

    TODO: inPlace=False does not work in many cases
    from music21 import stream

    #environLocal.printDebug(['calling Stream.makeBeams()'])
    if not inPlace:  # make a copy
        returnObj = copy.deepcopy(s)
        returnObj = s

    #if s.isClass(Measure):
    if 'Measure' in s.classes:
        #if s.isClassOrSubclass('Measure'):
        mColl = []  # store a list of measures for processing
    elif len(s.getElementsByClass('Measure')) > 0:
        mColl = returnObj.getElementsByClass('Measure')  # a stream of measures
        raise stream.StreamException(
            'cannot process a stream that neither is a Measure nor has '

    lastTimeSignature = None

    for m in mColl:
        # this means that the first of a stream of time signatures will
        # be used
        if m.timeSignature is not None:
            lastTimeSignature = m.timeSignature
        if lastTimeSignature is None:
            #    'makeBeams(): lastTimeSignature is None: cannot process'])
            raise stream.StreamException(
                'cannot proces beams in a Measure without a time signature')
        noteGroups = []
        if m.hasVoices():
            for v in m.voices:

        #    'noteGroups', noteGroups, 'len(noteGroups[0])',
        #    len(noteGroups[0])])

        for noteStream in noteGroups:
            if len(noteStream) <= 1:
                continue  # nothing to beam
            durList = []
            for n in noteStream:
            #    'beaming with ts', lastTimeSignature, 'measure', m, durList,
            #    noteStream[0], noteStream[1]])

            # error check; call before sending to time signature, as, if this
            # fails, it represents a problem that happens before time signature
            # processing
            durSum = sum([d.quarterLength for d in durList])
            barQL = lastTimeSignature.barDuration.quarterLength

            if not common.almostEquals(durSum, barQL) and durSum > barQL:
                #    'attempting makeBeams with a bar that contains durations
                #    that sum greater than bar duration (%s > %s)' %
                #    (durSum, barQL)])
            # getBeams can take a list of Durations; however, this cannot
            # distinguish a Note from a Rest; thus, we can submit a flat
            # stream of note or note-like entities; will return
            # the same list of beam objects

            offset = 0.0
            if m.paddingLeft != 0.0:
                offset = m.paddingLeft
            elif (noteStream.highestTime <
                offset = (lastTimeSignature.barDuration.quarterLength -
            beamsList = lastTimeSignature.getBeams(noteStream,

            for i in range(len(noteStream)):
                # this may try to assign a beam to a Rest
                noteStream[i].beams = beamsList[i]
            # apply tuple types in place; this modifies the durations
            # in dur list

    del mColl  # remove Stream no longer needed
    if inPlace is not True:
        return returnObj