def createSleep():
    section = "A1 r4 G G G8 F G2 G c2 c8 c c B c2 c"
    s1 = TinyNotationStream(section)
    s1.clef = music21.clef.Treble8vbClef()
#    lS1 = LilyString("\\score { {" + s1.lily + "} \\layout {} \\midi {} }")
    lS1 = LilyString(s1.lily)
    #print lS1.value
def createEasyScale():
    myScale = "d8 e f g a b"
    time1 = TimeSignature("3/4")
    s1 = TinyNotationStream(myScale, time1)
    s1.insert(0, time1)
#    s1.timeSignature = time1
#    s1.showTimeSignature = True
    lS1 = LilyString("{" + s1.lily.value + "}")
def createScalePart():
    c = QuarterNote(); c.step = "C"
    d = QuarterNote(); d.step = "D"
    # etc
    b = QuarterNote(); b.step = "B"
    s1 = Stream()
    s1.append([c, d, b])
    lS1 = LilyString("{" + s1.lily + "}")
def createOrphee():
    '''section = measures from Orphee, Act I, no. 1, m.15 by Gluck
    tempo = moderato, timeSig = cut time
    random = randomly generated melody from rolling dice.
    random = " g4 b-8 b-16 b- b-32 b- b-64 e- r32 r8 r4"
    random2 = " g4 a-8 a-8 d'-16 b16 a-16 c'16 c'4 c'8 g8 e-8 f8 f4 a-4"
    random3 = " f4 g4. a8 a4. d'8 b4 a4 c'4 r4 c'4. c'8 g8 e-8 f4 f4 a-2."
    section = "g4 g2 c'4 c'2 b4 b8 c' c'2. g4 a-2 g4 "
    section += random3

    s1 = TinyNotationStream(section)
    lS1 = LilyString(s1.lily)
def redoLandini():
    bs = cadencebook.BallataSheet()
    w1 = bs.makeWork(260)
    lilyAll = LilyString(r'''
    \score {
<< \time 3/4
  \new Staff {     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe" \clef "treble" g'2. d'4 \times 2/3 {e'8 d'8 c'8} d'8 e'8 c'8 d'8 c'8 bes8 bes8 a8 g4 r4 f4  } 
  \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet" \clef "bass" g2.~ g2. c4 ees4 f4 r4 g4 a4  } 
 \header { 
 piece = "D'amor mi biasmo -- A section cadence  " 
    \layout {}
    \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 88 4) } }
#    lilyAll += w1.incipitClass().lily()
#    print w1.incipitClass().lily()
    #print lilyAll.value
def searchForNotes(notesStr):
    '''the notesStr is a string of notes in the following form:
    "C4 D4 E4 B3 C4"
    that's it: name, octave. With no accidentals.  If octave is 0 then
    it means do not bother checking for octaves.
    Currently octave is ignored anyhow.
    notesArr = notesStr.split()
    noteObjArr = []
    for tN in notesArr:
        tNObj = Note() = tN[0]
        tNObj.octave = int(tN[1])
    ballataObj  = cadencebook.BallataSheet()
    searcher1 = NoteSearcher(noteObjArr) 
    streamLily = ""

    for thisWork in ballataObj:
        for thisCadence in thisWork.snippets:
            if (thisCadence is None or thisCadence.streams is None):
            for i in range(len(thisCadence.streams)):
                if searcher1.compareToStream(thisCadence.streams[i]) is True:
                    notesList = ""
                    for thisNote in thisCadence.streams[i].notes:
                        #thisNote.editorial.color = "blue"
                        if hasattr(thisNote.lily, "value"):
                            notesList += thisNote.lily.value + " "
                    streamLily += "\\score {" + \
                            "<< \\time " + str(thisCadence.timeSig) + \
                            "\n \\new Staff {" + str(thisCadence.streams[i].lily) + "} >>" + \
                            thisCadence.header() + "\n}\n"
                    print("In piece %r found in stream %d: %s" % (thisWork.title, i, notesList))
    if streamLily:
        lS = LilyString(streamLily)
def major3rd():
    myScale = "a-2 c'2"
    s1 = TinyNotationStream(myScale)
    lS1 = LilyString(s1.lily)
def capuaReg3():
    myScale = "a4 f g r r r r a f# g2"
    s1 = TinyNotationStream(myScale)
    lS1 = LilyString(s1.lily)
def capuaReg1():
    myScale = "g4 f4 g4 r4 r2 g4 f#4 g2"
    s1 = TinyNotationStream(myScale)
    lS1 = LilyString(s1.lily)