Example #1
    def showChanges(self, show=False):
        Visual and debugging feature to display which notes are changed.
        Will open in musescore, unless show is set to False
        for (idx, (midiNoteRef, omrNoteRef,
                   change)) in enumerate(self.changes):
            if change == ChangeOps.NoChange:
            else:  # change is Insertion, Deletion, Substitution
                midiNoteRef.color = change.color
                omrNoteRef.color = change.color

        self.targetStream.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
        self.sourceStream.metadata = metadata.Metadata()

        self.targetStream.metadata.title = 'Target ' + str(
        self.sourceStream.metadata.title = 'Source ' + str(

        self.targetStream.metadata.movementName = self.targetStream.metadata.title
        self.sourceStream.metadata.movementName = self.sourceStream.metadata.title

        if show:
    def testJSONSerializationMetadata(self):
        from music21.musicxml import xmlHandler
        from music21.musicxml import fromMxObjects
        from music21.musicxml import testFiles
        from music21 import metadata

        md = metadata.Metadata(
            title='Concerto in F',
        self.assertEqual(md.composer, 'Frank')


        mdNew = metadata.Metadata()

        jsonString = freezeThaw.JSONFreezer(md).json
        freezeThaw.JSONThawer(mdNew).json = jsonString

        self.assertEqual(mdNew.date, '2010/--/--')
        self.assertEqual(mdNew.composer, 'Frank')

        self.assertEqual(mdNew.title, 'Concerto in F')

        # test getting meta data from an imported source

        d = xmlHandler.Document()
        d.read(testFiles.mozartTrioK581Excerpt)  # @UndefinedVariable
        mxScore = d.score  # get the mx score directly

        md = fromMxObjects.mxScoreToMetadata(mxScore)

        self.assertEqual(md.movementNumber, '3')
                         'Menuetto (Excerpt from Second Trio)')
        self.assertEqual(md.title, 'Quintet for Clarinet and Strings')
        self.assertEqual(md.number, 'K. 581')
        self.assertEqual(md.composer, 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart')

        # convert to json and see if data is still there
        mdNew = metadata.Metadata()

        jsonString = freezeThaw.JSONFreezer(md).json
        freezeThaw.JSONThawer(mdNew).json = jsonString

        self.assertEqual(mdNew.movementNumber, '3')
                         'Menuetto (Excerpt from Second Trio)')
        self.assertEqual(mdNew.title, 'Quintet for Clarinet and Strings')
        self.assertEqual(mdNew.number, 'K. 581')
        self.assertEqual(mdNew.composer, 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart')
Example #3
    def asOpus(self):
        returns all snippets as a :class:`~music21.stream.Opus` object

        >>> deduto = alpha.trecento.cadencebook.BallataSheet().workByTitle('deduto')
        >>> deduto.title
        'Deduto sey a quel'
        >>> dedutoScore = deduto.asOpus()
        >>> dedutoScore
        <music21.stream.Opus ...>
        >>> #_DOCS_SHOW dedutoScore.show('lily.png')
        o = stream.Opus()
        md = metadata.Metadata()
        o.insert(0, md)
        o.metadata.composer = self.composer
        o.metadata.title = self.title

        bs = self.snippets
        for thisSnippet in bs:
            if thisSnippet is None:
            if (thisSnippet.tenor is None and thisSnippet.cantus is None
                    and thisSnippet.contratenor is None):
            s = stream.Score()
            for dummy in range(self.totalVoices):
                s.insert(0, stream.Part())

            for partNumber, snippetPart in enumerate(
                if thisSnippet.snippetName != "" and partNumber == self.totalVoices - 1:
                    textEx = expressions.TextExpression(
                    textEx.style.absoluteY = 'below'
                    if 'FrontPaddedSnippet' in thisSnippet.classes:
                        if snippetPart.hasMeasures():
                                'Measure')[-1].insert(0, textEx)
                        if snippetPart.hasMeasures():
                                'Measure')[0].insert(0, textEx)
                            snippetPart.insert(0, textEx)
#                if currentTs is None or timeSig != currentTs:
#                    s.append(timeSig)
#                    currentTs = timeSig
                    currentScorePart = s.parts[partNumber]
                except IndexError:
                    continue  # error in coding
                for thisElement in snippetPart:
                    if 'TimeSignature' in thisElement.classes:
            o.insert(0, s)
        return o
def print_music(converted_output):

    thisstream = stream.Stream()
    thisstream.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
        0, metadata.Metadata(title='vanilla ai', composer='sent from my ai'))

    for timestep in converted_output:

        t1, t2, t3, t4 = timestep

        # hm_elements = len(t1) # todo: also handle rests, as well as optimize for single notes
        thischord = chord.Chord()

        for tt1, tt2, tt3, tt4 in zip(t1, t2, t3, t4):
            tt1.replace('#', '+')
            # tt1 = 'R'
            thisnote = note.Note(tt1 + str(tt2 + 2))
            thisnote.duration.quarterLength = tt3
            thisnote.volume.velocity = tt4


    thisstream.plot(title='my musiplot')
Example #5
def insert_musicxml_metadata(sheet: music21.stream.Stream):
    Insert various metadata into the provided XML document
    The timesignature in particular is required for proper MIDI conversion
    global timesignature

    from music21.clef import TrebleClef, BassClef, Treble8vbClef
    for part, name, clef in zip(
            sheet.parts, ['soprano', 'alto', 'tenor', 'bass'],
        [TrebleClef(), TrebleClef(),
        # empty_part = part.template()
        part.insert(0, timesignature)
        part.insert(0, clef)
        part.id = name
        part.partName = name

    md = metadata.Metadata()
    sheet.insert(0, md)

    # required for proper musicXML formatting
    sheet.metadata.title = 'DeepBach'
    sheet.metadata.composer = 'DeepBach'
Example #6
def audioVirelaiSearch():
    #from music21 import audioSearch
    from music21.audioSearch import transcriber
    from music21 import search
    virelaisSheet = cadencebook.TrecentoSheet(sheetname='virelais')

    virelaiCantuses = []
    for i in range(2, 54):
        thisVirelai = virelaisSheet.makeWork(i)
        if thisVirelai.title != "":
                vc = thisVirelai.incipit.getElementsByClass('Part')[0]
                vc.insert(0, metadata.Metadata(title=thisVirelai.title))
            except IndexError:
    searchScore = transcriber.runTranscribe(show=False,
    #from music21 import converter
    #searchScore = converter.parse("c'4 a8 a4 g8 b4. d'4. c8 b a g f4", '6/8')
    l = search.approximateNoteSearch(searchScore, virelaiCantuses)
    for i in l:
        print(i.metadata.title, i.matchProbability)
Example #7
    def testJSONSerializationMetadata(self):
        from music21 import converter
        from music21.musicxml import testFiles as mTF
        from music21 import metadata

        md = metadata.Metadata(
            title='Concerto in F',
        # environLocal.printDebug([str(md.json)])
        self.assertEqual(md.composer, 'Frank')
        self.assertEqual(md.date, '2010/--/--')
        self.assertEqual(md.composer, 'Frank')
        self.assertEqual(md.title, 'Concerto in F')

        # test getting meta data from an imported source
        c = converter.parse(mTF.mozartTrioK581Excerpt)  # @UndefinedVariable
        md = c.metadata

        self.assertEqual(md.movementNumber, '3')
            md.movementName, 'Menuetto (Excerpt from Second Trio)')
        self.assertEqual(md.title, 'Quintet for Clarinet and Strings')
        self.assertEqual(md.number, 'K. 581')
        self.assertEqual(md.composer, 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart')
Example #8
    def toScore(self, labelRomanNumerals=True, labelSubsectionsOnScore=True):
        creates Score object out of a from CTSong...also creates CTRule objects in the process,
        filling their .streamFromCTSong attribute with the corresponding smaller inner stream. 
        Individual attributes of a rule are defined by the entire CTSong, such as 
        meter and time signature, so creation of CTRule objects typically occurs
        only from this method and directly from the clercqTemperly text.
        >>> s = romanText.clercqTemperley.CTSong(romanText.clercqTemperley.BlitzkriegBopCT)
        >>> scoreObj = s.toScore()
        >>> scoreObj.highestOffset   
        self.labelRomanNumerals = labelRomanNumerals
        self.labelSubsectionsOnScore = labelSubsectionsOnScore
        if self._scoreObj is not None:
            return self._scoreObj
        scoreObj = stream.Part()
        measures = self.rules['S'].expand()

        scoreObj.insert(0, metadata.Metadata())
        scoreObj.metadata.title = self.title

        self._scoreObj = scoreObj
        return scoreObj
Example #9
def museDataWorkToStreamScore(museDataWork, inputM21=None):
    '''Given an museDataWork object, build into a multi-part :class:`~music21.stream.Score` with metadata.

    This assumes that this MuseDataHandler defines a single work (with 1 or fewer reference numbers). 
    if the optional parameter inputM21 is given a music21 Stream subclass, it will use that object
    as the outermost object.  However, inner parts will always be made :class:`~music21.stream.Part` objects.
    from music21 import stream
    from music21 import metadata

    if inputM21 == None:
        s = stream.Score()
        s = inputM21

    # each musedata part has complete metadata, so must get first
    mdpObjs = museDataWork.getParts()

    md = metadata.Metadata()
    s.insert(0, md)

    md.title = mdpObjs[0].getWorkTitle()
    md.movementNumber = mdpObjs[0].getMovementNumber()
    md.movementName = mdpObjs[0].getMovementTitle()

    # not obvious where composer is stored
    #md.composer = mdpObjs[0].getWorkNumber()
    #md.localeOfComposition = mdpObjs[0].getWorkNumber()
    md.number = mdpObjs[0].getWorkNumber()

    for mdPart in mdpObjs:
        musedataPartToStreamPart(mdPart, s)
    return s
Example #10
def generate_examples():
    output_dir = ".\\Examples\\"

    # Example 1 - cycle 2/7 for C major
    sc = scale.MajorScale('C')
    tonic_triad = chord.Chord(sc.pitchesFromScaleDegrees([1, 3, 5], 'C5',
    cycle = generate_cycle_pair(sc, tonic_triad, "2/7")
    cycle.insert(0, key.KeySignature(0))
    cycle.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
    cycle.metadata.title = "Example 1 - Cycle 2/7 in C Major"
    cycle.write("MusicXML", output_dir + "Example 1")

    # Example 2 - cycle 4/5 for D major
    sc = scale.MajorScale('D')
    tonic_triad = chord.Chord(sc.pitchesFromScaleDegrees([1, 3, 5], 'D4',
    cycle = generate_cycle_pair(sc, tonic_triad, "4/5")
    cycle.insert(0, key.KeySignature(2))
    cycle.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
    cycle.metadata.title = "Example 2 - Cycle 4/5 in D Major"
    cycle.write("MusicXML", output_dir + "Example 2")

    # Example 3 - cycle 3/6 for A harmonic minor
    sc = scale.HarmonicMinorScale('A')
    tonic_triad = chord.Chord(sc.pitchesFromScaleDegrees([1, 3, 5], 'A4',
    cycle = generate_cycle_pair(sc, tonic_triad, "3/6")
    cycle.insert(0, key.KeySignature(0))
    cycle.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
    cycle.metadata.title = "Example 3 - Cycle 3/6 in A Harmonic Minor"
    cycle.write("MusicXML", output_dir + "Example 3")

    # Example 4 - cycle 3/6 for C major but with drop 2 chords
    tonic = 'C'
    sc = scale.MajorScale(tonic)
    root = sc.pitchFromDegree(1)
    tonic_triad = chord.Chord([root, root.transpose(7), root.transpose(16)])
    cycle = generate_cycle_pair(sc,
    cycle.insert(0, key.KeySignature(0))
    cycle.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
    cycle.metadata.title = "Example 4 - Cycle 3/6 in C Major\nDrop 2 voicings"
    cycle.write("MusicXML", output_dir + "Example 4")
Example #11
def insert_metadata(output_chorale):
    for part, name in zip(output_chorale.parts, ['soprano']):
        part.id = name
        part.partName = name
    md = metadata.Metadata()
    output_chorale.insert(0, md)
    output_chorale.metadata.title = 'Anticipation-RNN'
    output_chorale.metadata.composer = 'GH'
Example #12
def notesAndDurationsToStream(notesList, durationList, scNotes=None,
                              removeRestsAtBeginning=True, qle=None):
    take a list of :class:`~music21.note.Note` objects or rests
    and an equally long list of how long
    each ones lasts in terms of samples and returns a
    Stream using the information from quarterLengthEstimation
    and quantizeDurations.

    returns a :class:`~music21.stream.Score` object, containing
    a metadata object and a single :class:`~music21.stream.Part` object, which in turn
    contains the notes, etc.  Does not run :meth:`~music21.stream.Stream.makeNotation`
    on the Score.

    >>> durationList = [20, 19, 10, 30, 6, 21]
    >>> n = note.Note
    >>> noteList = [n('C#4'), n('D5'), n('B4'), n('F#5'), n('C5'), note.Rest()]
    >>> s,lengthPart = audioSearch.notesAndDurationsToStream(noteList, durationList)
    >>> s.show('text')
    {0.0} <music21.metadata.Metadata object at ...>
    {0.0} <music21.stream.Part ...>
        {0.0} <music21.note.Note C#>
        {1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
        {2.0} <music21.note.Note B>
        {2.5} <music21.note.Note F#>
        {4.0} <music21.note.Note C>
        {4.25} <music21.note.Rest rest>
    # rounding lengths
    p2 = stream.Part()

    # If the score is available, the quarter estimation is better:
    # It could take into account the changes of tempo during the song, but it
    # would take more processing time
    if scNotes != None:
        fe = features.native.MostCommonNoteQuarterLength(scNotes)
        mostCommon = fe.extract().vector[0]
        qle = quarterLengthEstimation(durationList, mostCommon)
    elif scNotes is None: # this is for the transcriber
        qle = quarterLengthEstimation(durationList)

    for i in range(len(durationList)):
        actualDuration = quantizeDuration(durationList[i] / qle)
        notesList[i].quarterLength = actualDuration
        if not (removeRestsAtBeginning and (notesList[i].name == "rest")):
            removeRestsAtBeginning = False

    sc = stream.Score()
    sc.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
    sc.metadata.title = 'Automatic Music21 Transcription'
    sc.insert(0, p2)

    if scNotes is None:   # Case transcriber
        return sc, len(p2)
    else: #case follower
        return sc,qle
Example #13
def cycle36_write_file_test():
    tonic = 'C'
    sc = scale.MajorScale(tonic)
    tonic_triad = chord.Chord(sc.pitchesFromScaleDegrees([1, 3, 5], 'C5',
    cycle = generate_cycle_pair(sc, tonic_triad, "3/6")
    cycle.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
    cycle.metadata.title = "Cycle 3/6 progression in C Major"
    cycle.metadata.composer = "Chord Cycle Generation Software"
    cycle.write("MusicXML", "C:\\Temp\\Cycle36_progression")
Example #14
def makeRowScore(data: Optional = None,
                 write: bool = False,
                 title: Optional[str] = 'Rows_in_the_Repertoire'):
    Makes a score setting out any number of rows in musical notation,
    annotated with labelled pitch classes and work metadata (title, composer etc).

    Note: unlike the rest of this repository, this requires an external music21: library

    from music21 import bar, expressions, layout, metadata, meter, serial, stream

    score = stream.Score()
    part = stream.Part()
    part.insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('12/4'))  # Not essential
    count = 1

    if not data:
        jsonPath = os.path.join('.', 'Repertoire_Anthology', 'rows_in_the_repertoire.json')
        with open(jsonPath) as jsonFile:
            data = json.load(jsonFile)

    for d in data:  # dict
        entry = data[d]
        m = stream.Measure(number=count)
        count += 1
        row = serial.pcToToneRow(entry['P0'])

        for x in row.notes:
            x.stemDirection = 'none'
            x.lyric = x.pitch.pitchClass
            m.insert(x.offset, x)

        text = f"{entry['Composer']}: {entry['Work']}, {entry['Year']}"  # ", {entry['P0']}"
        m.insert(0, expressions.TextExpression(text))


    # Layout
    for thisMeasure in score.parts[0].getElementsByClass('Measure'):
        thisMeasure.insert(bar.Barline(type='final', location='right'))

    # Metadata
    score.insert(0, metadata.Metadata())
    score.metadata.composer = 'Various composers and analysts, compiled by Mark Gotham'
    score.metadata.title = title

    if write:
        w = os.path.join('.', 'Repertoire_Anthology', title + '.mxl')
        score.write(fmt='mxl', fp=w)
        return score
Example #15
 def makeMetadata(self):
     self.insert(0, metadata.Metadata())
     if self.hasEditorialInformation and 'metadata' in self.editorial:
         meta = self.editorial.metadata
         if 'title' in meta:
             self.metadata.title = meta.get('title')
         elif 'name' in meta:
             self.metadata.title = meta.get('name')
         if 'transcriber' in meta:
             c = metadata.Contributor()
             c.name = meta['transcriber']
             c.role = 'transcriber'
Example #16
 def leadsheetEx1(self):
     Example realization of a lead sheet, "Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair" from music21 corpus
     testFile1 = corpus.parse('leadSheet/fosterBrownHair.xml')
     testFile1.metadata.title = 'Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair'
     testFile = harmony.realizeChordSymbolDurations(testFile1)
     smoothBassCS = generateSmoothBassLine(testFile.flat.getElementsByClass(harmony.ChordSymbol))
     output = generateContrapuntalBassLine(smoothBassCS, generatePopSongRules())
     mergeLeadSheetAndBassLine(testFile1, output).show()
Example #17
 def transcript(self):
     electric_guitar = instrument.fromString('grand piano')
     electric_guitar.midiChannel = 0
     electric_guitar.midiProgram = 1
     self.stream.insert(0, metadata.Metadata())
     self.stream.metadata.title = self.path.split('/')[-1]
     for note in self.note_info:
     key = self.stream.analyze('key')
     # Insert Key to Stream
     self.stream.insert(0, key)
Example #18
 def realizeclercqTemperleyEx(self, testfile):  
     Example realization  (using fbRealizer - romanNumerals flavor) of any clercqTemperley file.
     testfile must conform to the requirements of a class clercgTemperley file (must be a string)
     s = clercqTemperley.CTSong(testfile)
     testFile1 = s.toScore()
     testFile = harmony.realizeChordSymbolDurations(testFile1)
     smoothBassRN = generateSmoothBassLine(testFile.flat.getElementsByClass(roman.RomanNumeral))
     output = generateContrapuntalBassLine(smoothBassRN, generateBaroqueRules())
     output.metadata.title = s.title
def generate_cycle_pairs_for_all_string_sets(root_scale, tonic, pair_type, voicing=Voicing.Closed):
    cycle_pairs = []
    for strings in iteration_function(voicing):
        string_set = (GuitarRange.get_string(strings[0]), GuitarRange.get_string(strings[1]), GuitarRange.get_string(strings[2]))

        tonic_triad = generate_tonic_triad(root_scale, tonic, string_set, voicing)

        cycle_pair = generate_cycle_pair(root_scale, tonic_triad, pair_type, string_set, voicing)

        # populate all the metadata to make the titling and everything automatic
        cycle_pair.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
        cycle_pair.metadata.title = "Cycle " + pair_type + " Progression in " + root_scale.name + "\nString Set: " + \
            str(string_set[0].number.value) + "-" + str(string_set[1].number.value) + "-" + \
            str(string_set[2].number.value) + "; " + Voicing.to_string(voicing) + " Triads"
        cycle_pair.metadata.composer = "Graham Smith"
        cycle_pair.metadata.date = "2020"

        # add system breaks at the end each measure to make it one measure per line
        cycle_pair.definesExplicitSystemBreaks = True
        for s in cycle_pair.getElementsByClass(stream.Stream):
            measures = s.getElementsByClass(stream.Measure)
            for m in measures:
        cycle_pair.definesExplicitSystemBreaks = True

        # add notation to make the score easier to read
        cycle_pair[1][0][1].lyric = "First cycle starts"
        cycle_pair[2][0][0].lyric = "Second cycle starts"

        # add an ending measure to make the line breaks and formatting a bit cleaner/more consistent
        m = stream.Measure()
        last_chord_as_list = list(tonic_triad.pitches)
        check_note_ranges_and_transpose(last_chord_as_list, string_set)
        last_chord = chord.Chord(last_chord_as_list)
        last_chord.duration = duration.Duration(4.0)
        r = note.Rest()
        r.duration = duration.Duration(2.0)


        # cycle_pair.show()

    return cycle_pairs
Example #20
    def __init__(self, fiveExcelCells=None, parentPiece=None):
        if fiveExcelCells == None:
            fiveExcelCells = []
        if fiveExcelCells != []:
            if len(fiveExcelCells) != 5:
                raise Exception(
                    "Need five Excel Cells to make a PolyphonicSnippet object")

            for part in fiveExcelCells[0:3]:
                if part is not None and hasattr(
                        part, 'isStream') and part.isStream == True:
                    part.__class__ = stream.Part
                    part.classes.insert(0, 'Part')

            self.cadenceType = fiveExcelCells[3]
            self.timeSig = meter.TimeSignature(fiveExcelCells[4])
            self.parentPiece = parentPiece
            self.cantus = fiveExcelCells[0]
            self.tenor = fiveExcelCells[1]
            self.contratenor = fiveExcelCells[2]

            if self.contratenor == "" or self.contratenor is None:
                self.contratenor = None
                self.contratenor.id = 'Ct'
            if self.tenor == "" or self.tenor is None:
                self.tenor = None
                self.tenor.id = 'T'

            if self.cantus == "" or self.cantus is None:
                self.cantus = None
                self.cantus.id = 'C'

            md = metadata.Metadata()
            md.title = self.header()
            self.insert(0, md)
Example #21
def get():
    piece = stream.Score()
    p1 = stream.Part()
    p1.id = 'part1'

    notes = [
        note.Note('C4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('D4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('E4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('F4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('G4', type='half'),
        note.Note('G4', type='half'),
        note.Note('A4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('A4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('A4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('A4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('G4', type='half'),
        note.Note('A4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('A4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('A4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('A4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('G4', type='half'),
        note.Note('F4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('F4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('F4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('F4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('E4', type='half'),
        note.Note('E4', type='half'),
        note.Note('D4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('D4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('D4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('D4', type='quarter'),
        note.Note('C4', type='half'),


    piece.insert(0, metadata.Metadata())
    piece.metadata.title = 'Alle meine Entchen'
    piece.insert(0, p1)
    return piece, notes
    def create_score_from_parts(self,
                                score_title="Piano concerto",
                                composer="Anonymous COMP5030 student"):
        """ given list of stream.Parts
            return a stream.Score w/ each Part stacked together
        # create a score container
        s = stream.Score()

        # insert stacked parts
        for i in range(1, parts + 1):
            p = self.create_part_from_measures()
            p.id = f"Part{i}"
            s.insert(0, p)

        # set metadata
        s.insert(0, metadata.Metadata())
        s.metadata.title = f"{score_title} in {str(self.key)}"
        s.metadata.composer = composer
        return s
Example #23
    def testSortorder(self):
        from music21 import stream, bar, clef, note, metadata
        m = stream.Measure()
        b = bar.Repeat()
        m.leftBarline = b
        c = clef.BassClef()
        n = note.Note()

        # check sort order
        self.assertEqual(m[0], b)
        self.assertEqual(m[1], c)
        self.assertEqual(m[2], n)

        # if we add metadata, it sorts ahead of bar
        md = metadata.Metadata()
        m.insert(0, md)

        self.assertEqual(m[0], md)
        self.assertEqual(m[1], b)
Example #24
def mergeLeadSheetAndBassLine(leadsheet, bassLine):
    method to combine the lead sheet (i.e. from the ex-wikifonia) with just the melody line
    and chord symbols with the newly realized bassLine (i.e. from fbRealizer) which 
    consists of two parts, the treble line and bass line.
    s = stream.Score()
    s.metadata.title = leadsheet.metadata.title
    cs = leadsheet.flat.getElementsByClass(harmony.ChordSymbol)
    if cs[0].offset > 0:
        bassLine.parts[0].insertAndShift(0, note.Rest(quarterLength=cs[0].offset))
        bassLine.parts[1].insertAndShift(0, note.Rest(quarterLength=cs[0].offset))
    voicePart = leadsheet.parts[0]
    pianoTreble = bassLine.parts[0]
    pianoBass = bassLine.parts[1]
    s.insert(0, voicePart)
    s.insert(0, pianoTreble)
    s.insert(0, pianoBass)

    return s
    def __init__(self, fiveExcelCells=None, parentPiece=None):
        if fiveExcelCells is None:
            fiveExcelCells = []
        if fiveExcelCells != []:
            if len(fiveExcelCells) != 5:
                raise Exception(
                    "Need five Excel Cells to make a PolyphonicSnippet object")

            self.cadenceType = fiveExcelCells[3]
            self.timeSig = meter.TimeSignature(fiveExcelCells[4])
            self.parentPiece = parentPiece
            self.cantus = fiveExcelCells[0]
            self.tenor = fiveExcelCells[1]
            self.contratenor = fiveExcelCells[2]

            self.longestLineLength = 0

            if self.contratenor == "" or self.contratenor is None:
                self.contratenor = None
                self.contratenor.id = 'Ct'
            if self.tenor == "" or self.tenor is None:
                self.tenor = None
                self.tenor.id = 'T'

            if self.cantus == "" or self.cantus is None:
                self.cantus = None
                self.cantus.id = 'C'

            md = metadata.Metadata()
            md.title = self.header()
            self.insert(0, md)
def main(phrases=2):
    cMajScale = SourceSet(tonic='c', pitches=['c3', 'd3', 'e3', 'f3', 'g3', 'a3', 'b3', 'c4', \
        'd4', 'e4', 'f4', 'g4', 'a4', 'b4', 'c5', 'd5', 'e5', 'f5', 'g5'])

    composition = ComputerComposition(cMajScale)



    # for _i in range(phrases - 1):  # TODO Eventually generate middle material
    #     composition.predominant_function_chord()
    #     composition.dominant_function_chord()
    #     composition.tonic_chord_maj()
    #     composition.predominant_function_chord()
    #     composition.dominant_function_chord()
    #     composition.dominant_function_chord()
    #     composition.tonic_chord_maj()
    #     composition.predominant_function_chord()

    composition.PACadence()  # End on a perfect authentic cadence


    # Add metadata
    composition.insert(0, metadata.Metadata())
    # Showy title
    composition.metadata.title = "Music Fragment " + b64encode(
    composition.metadata.composer = "Composed by Computer"

    composition.write("musicxml", "Composition.xml")
Example #27

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build final score
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

piano_right_hand = tools.convert_stream(piano_right_hand, stream.Part)
piano_left_hand = tools.convert_stream(piano_left_hand, stream.Part)
cello = tools.convert_stream(cello, stream.Part)
cello.partName = "Vc."
score = tools.merge_streams(
    cello, piano_right_hand, piano_left_hand, stream_class=stream.Score
piano_staff_group = layout.StaffGroup(
    [piano_right_hand, piano_left_hand],
score.insert(0, piano_staff_group)
score.metadata = metadata.Metadata()
score.metadata.title = "Liturgie de Cristal"
score.metadata.composer = "Olivier Messiaen"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Output xml file and show score in MuseScore
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# write to wav file
file = wave.open("output/" + filename + "_sine.wav", "wb")
file.setsampwidth(2)  # 2 bytes = 16 bit

# Get music21 notes
note_info = list(music_info[:, 1])

# Create music21 stream
s = Stream()
electricguitar = instrument.fromString('electric guitar')
electricguitar.midiChannel = 0
electricguitar.midiProgram = 30  #Set program to Overdriven Guitar
s.insert(0, metadata.Metadata())
for note in note_info:

# Analyse music21 stream to get song Key
key = s.analyze('key')
print("Key: " + key.name)
# Insert Key to Stream
s.insert(0, key)

# Save MIDI to file
s.write('midi', "output/" + filename + "_music21.mid")
Example #29
    def testStreams01(self):
        Basic stream issues
        #from music21 import note, stream, clef, metadata, spanner

        #==== "fig-df02"
        # Storing, Ordering, and Timing Elements

        n1 = note.Note('g3', type='half')
        n2 = note.Note('d4', type='half')
        cf1 = clef.AltoClef()

        m1 = stream.Measure(number=1)
        m1.append([n1, n2])
        m1.insert(0, cf1)

        # the measure has three elements
        assert len(m1) == 3
        # the offset returned is the most-recently set
        assert n2.offset == 2.0
        # automatic sorting positions Clef first
        assert m1[0] == cf1
        # list-like indices follow sort order
        assert m1.index(n2) == 2
        # can find an element based on a given offset
        assert m1.getElementAtOrBefore(3) == n2

        n3 = note.Note('g#3', quarterLength=0.5)
        n4 = note.Note('d-4', quarterLength=3.5)

        m2 = stream.Measure(number=2)
        m2.append([n3, n4])

        # appended position is after n3
        assert n4.offset == .5
        assert m2.highestOffset == .5
        # can access objects on elements
        assert m2[1].duration.quarterLength == 3.5
        # the Stream duration is the highest offset + duration
        assert m2.duration.quarterLength == 4

        p1 = stream.Part()
        p1.append([m1, m2])

        # the part has 2 components
        assert len(p1) == 2
        # the Stream duration is the highest offset + durations
        assert p1.duration.quarterLength == 8
        # can access Notes from Part using multiple indices
        assert p1[1][0].pitch.nameWithOctave == 'G#3'

        s1 = stream.Score()
        md1 = metadata.Metadata(title='The music21 Stream')
        s1.insert(0, md1)
        # calling show by default renders musicxml output

        #==== "fig-df02" end

        #==== "fig-df03"
        # Positioning the Same Element in Multiple Containers
        # show positioning the same element in multiple containers
        # do not yet use a flat representation
        s2 = stream.Stream()
        s3 = stream.Stream()
        s2.insert(10, n2)
        s3.insert(40, n2)

        # the offset attribute returns the last assigned
        assert n2.offset == 40
        # we can provide a site to finde a location-specific offset
        assert n2.getOffsetBySite(m1) == 2.0
        assert n2.getOffsetBySite(s2) == 10
        # the None site provides a default offset
        assert set(n2.sites.get()) == set([None, m1, s2, s3])
        # the same instance is found in all Streams
        assert m1.hasElement(n2) == True
        assert s2.hasElement(n2) == True
        assert s3.hasElement(n2) == True

        # only offset is independent to each location
        n2.pitch.transpose('-M2', inPlace=True)
        assert s2[s2.index(n2)].nameWithOctave == 'C4'
        assert s3[s3.index(n2)].nameWithOctave == 'C4'
        assert m1[m1.index(n2)].nameWithOctave == 'C4'

        # the transposition is maintained in the original context

        #==== "fig-df03" end

        #==== "fig-df04"
        # Simultaneous Access to Hierarchical and Flat Representations

        # lengths show the number of elements; indices are sequential
        s1Flat = s1.flat
        assert len(s1) == 2
        assert len(s1Flat) == 6
        assert s1Flat[4] == n3
        assert s1Flat[5] == n4

        # adding another Part to the Score results in a different flat representation
        n5 = note.Note('a#1', quarterLength=2.5)
        n6 = note.Note('b2', quarterLength=1.5)
        m4 = stream.Measure(number=2)
        m4.append([n5, n6])

        r1 = note.Rest(type='whole')
        cf2 = clef.bestClef(m4)  # = BassClef
        m3 = stream.Measure(number=1)
        m3.append([cf2, r1])

        p2 = stream.Part()
        p2.append([m3, m4])
        s1.insert(0, p2)

        assert 'BassClef' in cf2.classes

        # objects are sorted by offset
        s1Flat = s1.flat
        assert len(s1) == 3
        assert len(s1.flat) == 10
        assert s1Flat[6] == n3
        assert s1Flat[7] == n5
        assert s1Flat[8] == n4
        assert s1Flat[9] == n6

        # the F-sharp in m. 2 now as offsets for both flat non-flat sites
        assert n3.getOffsetBySite(m2) == 0
        assert n3.getOffsetBySite(s1Flat) == 4
        # the B in m. 2 now as offsets for both flat non-flat sites
        assert n6.getOffsetBySite(m4) == 2.5
        assert n6.getOffsetBySite(s1Flat) == 6.5


        #==== "fig-df04" end

        #==== "fig-df05"
        # Iterating and Filtering Elements by Class

        # get the Clef object, and report its sign, from Measure 1
        assert m1.getElementsByClass('Clef').stream()[0].sign == 'C'
        # collect into a list the sign of all clefs in the flat Score
        assert [cf.sign
                for cf in s1.flat.getElementsByClass('Clef')] == ['C', 'F']

        # collect the offsets Measures in the first part
        assert [e.offset for e in p1.elements] == [0.0, 4.0]
        # collect the offsets of Note in the first part flattened
        assert [e.offset
                for e in p1.flat.notesAndRests] == [0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.5]
        # collect the offsets of Notes in all parts flattened
        assert [e.offset for e in s1.flat.notesAndRests
                ] == [0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.5, 6.5]

        # get all pitch names
        match = []
        for e in s1.flat.getElementsByClass('Note').stream():
        assert match == ['G3', 'C4', 'G#3', 'A#1', 'D-4', 'B2']

        # collect all Notes and transpose up a perfect fifth
        for n in s1.flat.getElementsByClass('Note').stream():
            n.transpose('P5', inPlace=True)

        # check that all pitches are correctly transposed
        match = []
        for e in s1.flat.getElementsByClass('Note').stream():
        assert match == ['D4', 'G4', 'D#4', 'E#2', 'A-4', 'F#3']


        #==== "fig-df05" end

        #==== "fig-df06"
        # Searching by Locations and Contexts

        # a Note can always find a Clef
        self.assertIs(n4.getContextByClass('Clef'), cf1)
        # must search oldest sites first
        assert n6.getContextByClass('Clef',
                                    sortByCreationTime='reverse') == cf2

        #        # a Note can find their Measure number from a flat Part
        #        match = []
        #        for e in p1.flat.getElementsByClass('Note'):
        #            match.append(e.getContextByClass('Measure').number)
        #        assert match == [1, 1, 2, 2]

        # all Notes can find their Measure number from a flat Score
        match = []
        for e in s1.flat.notesAndRests:
            match.append([e.name, e.getContextByClass('Measure').number])
        assert match == [['D', 1], ['rest', 1], ['G', 1], ['D#', 2], ['E#', 2],
                         ['A-', 2], ['F#', 2]]
        #==== "fig-df06" end

        #==== "fig-df06"
        # Non-Hierarchical Object Associations
        #oldIds = []
        #for idKey in n1.sites.siteDict:
        #    print (idKey, n1.sites.siteDict[idKey].isDead)
        #    oldIds.append(idKey)

        # Spanners can be positioned in Parts or Measures
        sp1 = spanner.Slur([n1, n4])
        sp2 = spanner.Slur([n5, n6])
        m4.insert(0, sp2)

        #print(id(sp1), id(sp1.spannerStorage), n1.sites.siteDict[id(sp1.spannerStorage)].isDead)
        #if id(sp1.spannerStorage) in oldIds:
        #    print ("******!!!!!!!!!*******")

        # Elements can report on what Spanner they belong to
        ss1 = n1.getSpannerSites()
        self.assertTrue(sp1 in ss1, (ss1, sp1))

        ss6 = n6.getSpannerSites()
        assert sp2 in ss6

        #         p1Flat = p1.flat
        #         assert sp1.getDurationSpanBySite(p1Flat) == [0.0, 8.0]
        #         p2Flat = p2.flat
        #         assert sp2.getDurationSpanBySite(p2Flat) == [4.0, 8.0]

        #==== "fig-df06" end

        # additional tests
        self.assertEqual(m1.clef, cf1)
Example #30
def abcToStreamScore(abcHandler, inputM21=None):
    '''Given an abcHandler object, build into a multi-part :class:`~music21.stream.Score` with metadata.

    This assumes that this ABCHandler defines a single work (with 1 or fewer reference numbers).

    if the optional parameter inputM21 is given a music21 Stream subclass, it will use that object
    as the outermost object.  However, inner parts will always be made :class:`~music21.stream.Part` objects.
    from music21 import abcFormat
    from music21 import metadata

    if inputM21 == None:
        s = stream.Score()
        s = inputM21

    # meta data can be first
    md = metadata.Metadata()
    s.insert(0, md)

    # get title from large-scale metadata
    titleCount = 0
    for t in abcHandler.tokens:
        if isinstance(t, abcFormat.ABCMetadata):
            if t.isTitle():
                if titleCount == 0:  # first
                    md.title = t.data
                    #environLocal.printDebug(['got metadata title', md.title])
                    titleCount += 1
                # all other titles go in alternative field
                    md.alternativeTitle = t.data
                    #environLocal.printDebug(['got alternative title', md.alternativeTitle])
                    titleCount += 1
            elif t.isComposer():
                md.composer = t.data

            elif t.isOrigin():
                md.localeOfComposition = t.data
                #environLocal.printDebug(['got local of composition', md.localOfComposition])

            elif t.isReferenceNumber():
                md.number = int(t.data)  # convert to int?
                #environLocal.printDebug(['got work number', md.number])

    partHandlers = []
    tokenCollections = abcHandler.splitByVoice()
    if len(tokenCollections) == 1:
        # add metadata -- stored in tokenCollections[0] -- to each Part (stored in tokenCollections[i])
        for i in range(1, len(tokenCollections)):
            # concatenate abc handler instances
            newABCHandler = tokenCollections[0] + tokenCollections[i]
            #dummy = [t.src for t in newABCHandler.tokens]
            #print dummy

    # find if this token list defines measures
    # this should probably operate at the level of tunes, not the entire
    # token list

    partList = []
    for partHandler in partHandlers:
        p = abcToStreamPart(partHandler)

    for p in partList:
        s._insertCore(0, p)
    return s