Example #1
    def testTrillExtensionA(self):
        '''Test basic wave line creation and output, as well as passing
        objects through make measure calls.
        from music21 import stream
        from music21 import note
        from music21 import chord
        from music21 import expressions
        from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml
        s = stream.Stream()
        s.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 12)
        n1 = s.notes[0]
        n2 = s.notes[-1]
        sp1 = expressions.TrillExtension(n1, n2)
        raw = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter().parse(s)
        self.assertEqual(raw.count(b'wavy-line'), 2)

        s = stream.Stream()
        s.repeatAppend(chord.Chord(['c-3', 'g4']), 12)
        n1 = s.notes[0]
        n2 = s.notes[-1]
        sp1 = expressions.TrillExtension(n1, n2)
        raw = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter().parse(s)
        # s.show()
        self.assertEqual(raw.count(b'wavy-line'), 2)
Example #2
    def testBasic(self):
        from music21 import abcFormat
        from music21.abcFormat import translate
        from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml

        af = abcFormat.ABCFile()

        GEX = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()

        for i, tf in enumerate(ALL):
            ah = af.readstr(tf)
            title = ah.getTitle()
            s = translate.abcToStreamScore(ah)
            # run musicxml processing to look for internal errors
                unused_out = GEX.parse(s)
            except UnicodeDecodeError as ude:
                environLocal.warn('About to fail on ABC file #{}'.format(i))
                raise ude

            if title == 'D Fragment':
                sharps = s.parts[0].keySignature.sharps
                    sharps, 7, 'C# key signature should be parsed as 7 sharps')
Example #3
 def testMusicxmlOutput(self):
     # test direct rendering of musicxml
     from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml
     d = Dynamic('p')
     xmlout = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter().parse(d).decode('utf-8')
     match = '<p />'
     self.assertTrue(xmlout.find(match) != -1, xmlout)
Example #4
    def write(self, obj, fmt, fp=None, subformats=None, **keywords): # pragma: no cover
        from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml

        ### hack to make musescore excerpts -- fix with a converter class in MusicXML
        if subformats is not None and 'png' in subformats:
            # do not print a title or author -- to make the PNG smaller.
            savedDefaultTitle = defaults.title
            savedDefaultAuthor = defaults.author
            defaults.title = ''
            defaults.author = ''

        generalExporter = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter(obj)
        dataBytes = generalExporter.parse()
        fp = self.writeDataStream(fp, dataBytes)

        if subformats is not None and 'png' in subformats:
            defaults.title = savedDefaultTitle
            defaults.author = savedDefaultAuthor

        if (subformats is not None
                and ('png' in subformats or 'pdf' in subformats)
                and not str(environLocal['musescoreDirectPNGPath']).startswith('/skip')):
            fp = self.runThroughMusescore(fp, subformats, **keywords)

        return fp
Example #5
def noteflightEmbed(outputStream):
    Takes in a stream outputStream, and a string title. Returns the HTML for a page
    containing a noteflight
    flash embed of the stream and the title title

    TODO: Change javascript and noteflight embed to relate to be server-specific

    >>> sc = corpus.parse('bwv7.7').measures(0, 2)
    >>> (output, contentType) = alpha.webapps.templates.noteflightEmbed(sc)
    >>> contentType
    'text/html; charset=utf-8'
    from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml
    musicxmlBytes = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter().parse(outputStream)
    musicxmlString = musicxmlBytes.decode('utf-8')
    musicxmlString = musicxmlString.replace('\n', '')
    musicxmlString = musicxmlString.replace('\'', '\\\'')
    htmlStr = """
<title>Music21 URL App Response</title>
<script language="javascript"
    // Event handling function
    function noteflightEventHandler(e)
        if(e.type == 'scoreDataLoaded') {
            m21.noteflight.sendMusicXMLToNoteflightEmbed('nfscore', '$musicxml')
<script language="javascript">
m21 = new Music21interface();

function setup() {
    m21.noteflight.createNoteflightEmbed('noteflightembed', 'nfscore',
        'fc79df30896da6aa03f90ff771015913ca6880be',800, 450, 1.0);

<body onload="setup()">

<h1>Music21 Output</h1>
<div id="noteflightembed">

    htmlData = Template(htmlStr)

    htmlData = htmlData.safe_substitute(musicxml=musicxmlString)
    return (htmlData.encode('utf-8'), 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
Example #6
    def testMusicxmlDirectOut(self):
        # test rendering musicxml directly from meter
        from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml

        ts = TimeSignature('3/8')
        xmlOut = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter().parse(ts).decode('utf-8')

        match = '<time><beats>3</beats><beat-type>8</beat-type></time>'
        xmlOut = xmlOut.replace(' ', '')
        xmlOut = xmlOut.replace('\n', '')
        self.assertNotEqual(xmlOut.find(match), -1)
Example #7
def musicxmlText(outputStream):
    Takes in a stream outputStream and returns its musicxml with
    content-type 'text/plain' for displaying in a browser

    >>> sc = corpus.parse('bwv7.7').measures(0, 2)
    >>> (output, contentType) = alpha.webapps.templates.musicxmlText(sc)
    >>> contentType
    'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
    >>> b'score-partwise' in output
    from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml
    musicxmlBytes = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter().parse(outputStream)
    return (musicxmlBytes, 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
Example #8
    def testBasic(self):
        from music21 import abcFormat
        from music21.abcFormat import translate
        from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml

        af = abcFormat.ABCFile()

        GEX = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()

        for tf in ALL:
            ah = af.readstr(tf)
            s = translate.abcToStreamScore(ah)
            # run musicxml processing to look for internal errors
            unused_out = GEX.parse(s)
Example #9
def musicxmlFile(outputStream):
    Takes in a stream outputStream and returns its musicxml with 
    content-type 'application/vnd.recordare.musicxml+xml' for downloading
    >>> sc = corpus.parse('bwv7.7').measures(0,2)
    >>> (output, contentType) = alpha.webapps.templates.musicxmlFile(sc)
    >>> contentType
    'application/vnd.recordare.musicxml+xml; charset=utf-8'
    >>> b'score-partwise' in output

    from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml
    musicxmlBytes = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter().parse(outputStream)
    return (musicxmlBytes, 'application/vnd.recordare.musicxml+xml; charset=utf-8')
Example #10
    def testQuarterToneA(self):
        p1 = Pitch('D#~')
        # environLocal.printDebug([p1, p1.accidental])
        self.assertEqual(str(p1), 'D#~')
        # test generation of raw musicxml output
        xmlOut = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter().parse(p1).decode('utf-8')

        match = '<step>D</step><alter>1.5</alter><octave>4</octave>'
        xmlOut = xmlOut.replace(' ', '')
        xmlOut = xmlOut.replace('\n', '')
        self.assertNotEqual(xmlOut.find(match), -1)

        s = stream.Stream()
        for pStr in ['A~', 'A#~', 'A`', 'A-`']:
            p = Pitch(pStr)
            self.assertEqual(str(p), pStr)
            n = note.Note()
            n.pitch = p
        self.assertEqual(len(s), 4)
        match = [e.pitch.ps for e in s]
        self.assertEqual(match, [69.5, 70.5, 68.5, 67.5])

        s = stream.Stream()
        alterList = [
            None, 0.5, 1.5, -1.5, -0.5, 'half-sharp', 'one-and-a-half-sharp',
            'half-flat', 'one-and-a-half-flat', '~'
        sc = scale.MajorScale('c4')
        for x in range(1, 10):
            n = note.Note(sc.pitchFromDegree(x % sc.getDegreeMaxUnique()))
            n.quarterLength = 0.5
            n.pitch.accidental = Accidental(alterList[x])

        match = [str(n.pitch) for n in s.notes]
        self.assertEqual(match, [
            'C~4', 'D#~4', 'E-`4', 'F`4', 'G~4', 'A#~4', 'B`4', 'C-`4', 'D~4'

        match = [e.pitch.ps for e in s]
            match, [60.5, 63.5, 62.5, 64.5, 67.5, 70.5, 70.5, 58.5, 62.5])
Example #11
    def write(self, obj, fmt, fp=None, subformats=None, **keywords):
        from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml
        ### hack to make musescore excerpts -- fix with a converter class in MusicXML
        if subformats is not None and 'png' in subformats:
            savedDefaultTitle = defaults.title
            savedDefaultAuthor = defaults.author
            defaults.title = ''
            defaults.author = ''

        generalExporter = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter(obj)
        dataBytes = generalExporter.parse()
        fp = self.writeDataStream(fp, dataBytes)

        if subformats is not None and 'png' in subformats:
            defaults.title = savedDefaultTitle
            defaults.author = savedDefaultAuthor

        if subformats is not None and 'png' in subformats:
            fp = self.runThroughMusescore(fp, **keywords)
        return fp
Example #12
    def testBasic(self):
        from music21 import abcFormat
        from music21.abcFormat import translate
        from music21.musicxml import m21ToXml

        af = abcFormat.ABCFile()

        GEX = m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()
        for i, tf in enumerate(ALL):
            ah = af.readstr(tf)
            s = translate.abcToStreamScore(ah)
            # run musicxml processing to look for internal errors
                unused_out = GEX.parse(s)
            except UnicodeDecodeError as ude:
                environLocal.warn("About to fail on ABC file #{}".format(i))
                raise ude
Example #13
 def to_musicxml(self):
     return m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter(