Example #1
    def test_re_char_heights(self):
        """char heights for RE terms should be correct"""
        rets = array([[0, 0, 0.12535], [0.15782, 0, 0.67927], [0, 0, 0.28571],
                      [-0.1, 0, -0.21429]])

        expect_char_ret_height = array([[0, 0, 0.08417], [0.03539, 0, 0.45612],
                                        [0, 0, 0.19185],
                                        [-0.02243, 0, -0.14389]])
        got_ret_height = get_re_char_heights(rets).round(decimals=5)
        self.assertEqual(got_ret_height, expect_char_ret_height)
def get_four_position_fig(four_pos_results, positions, figsize,
                          group_label=None, group_ref=None, figwidth=None,
                          xtick_fontsize=14, ytick_fontsize=14):
    position_sets = list(combinations(positions, 4))
    assert len(position_sets) == 1
    rel_entropies = [four_pos_results[position_sets[0]]['rel_entropy']]
    ylim = logo.est_ylim(rel_entropies)

    rel_entropy = rel_entropies[0]

    fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax = fig.gca()

    num_pos = len(positions) + 1

    mid_pos = num_pos // 2

    position_re = numpy.zeros((num_pos,), float)
    characters = numpy.zeros((num_pos, 256), str)

    rets = numpy.zeros((256, num_pos), float)
    indices = list(range(4))

    # now adjust indices to reflect position along sequence
    for i in range(len(indices)):
        if indices[i] >= mid_pos:
            indices[i] += 1

    position_re.put(indices, rel_entropy)
    stats = four_pos_results[position_sets[0]]['stats']
    mut_stats = stats[
        get_selected_indices(stats, group_label=group_label,
                             group_ref=group_ref)][['base1', 'base2', 'base3',
                                                    'base4', 'ret']]
    mut_stats = mut_stats.sort_values(by='ret')

    characters[indices[0]] = list(mut_stats['base1'])
    characters[indices[1]] = list(mut_stats['base2'])
    characters[indices[2]] = list(mut_stats['base3'])
    characters[indices[3]] = list(mut_stats['base4'])

    for index in indices:
        rets[:, index] = mut_stats['ret']

    heights = get_re_char_heights(rets, re_positionwise=position_re)
    logo.draw_multi_position(char_heights=heights.T, characters=characters,
                             position_indices=indices, ax=ax, ylim=ylim,

    return fig
Example #3
def get_plot_data(single_results, positions):
    num_pos = len(positions) + 1
    mid = num_pos // 2

    position_re = numpy.zeros((num_pos, ), float)
    rets = numpy.zeros((4, num_pos), float)
    characters = [list('ACGT') for i in range(num_pos)]
    for index, pos in enumerate(positions):
        if index >= mid:
            index += 1

        stats = single_results[pos]['stats']
        position_re[index] = single_results[pos]['rel_entropy']
        mut_stats = stats[get_selected_indices(stats)][['base', 'ret']]
        mut_stats = mut_stats.sort_values(by='ret')
        characters[index] = list(mut_stats['base'])
        rets[:, index] = mut_stats['ret']

    heights = get_re_char_heights(rets, re_positionwise=position_re)
    return heights.T, characters, list(range(num_pos))
def get_single_position_fig(single_results, positions, figsize,
                            group_label=None, group_ref=None, figwidth=None,
                            xlabel_fontsize=14, ylabel_fontsize=14,
                            xtick_fontsize=14, ytick_fontsize=14):
    num_pos = len(positions) + 1
    mid = num_pos // 2

    position_re = numpy.zeros((num_pos,), float)
    rets = numpy.zeros((4, num_pos), float)
    characters = [list('ACGT') for i in range(num_pos)]
    for index, pos in enumerate(positions):
        if index >= mid:
            index += 1

        stats = single_results[pos]['stats']
        position_re[index] = single_results[pos]['rel_entropy']
        mut_stats = stats[get_selected_indices(stats, group_label=group_label,
        mut_stats = mut_stats.sort_values(by='ret')
        characters[index] = list(mut_stats['base'])
        rets[:, index] = mut_stats['ret']

    heights = get_re_char_heights(rets, re_positionwise=position_re)
    fig = logo.draw_multi_position(heights.T, characters=characters,
                                   figsize=figsize, figwidth=figwidth,

    if figwidth:

    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.set_xlabel('Position', fontsize=xlabel_fontsize)
    ax.set_ylabel('RE', rotation='vertical', fontsize=ylabel_fontsize)
    ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=xtick_fontsize, pad=xtick_fontsize // 2,
    ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=ytick_fontsize, pad=ytick_fontsize // 2)
    return fig
def get_three_position_fig(three_pos_results, positions, figsize,
                           group_label=None, group_ref=None, figwidth=None,
                           xtick_fontsize=14, ytick_fontsize=14):
    position_sets = list(combinations(positions, 3))
    array_coords = get_resized_array_coordinates3(positions, position_sets)

    coords = list(array_coords.values())
    xdim = max(v[0] for v in coords) + 1
    ydim = max(v[1] for v in coords) + 1

    fig, axarr = pyplot.subplots(xdim, ydim, figsize=figsize, sharex=True,

    for i in range(xdim):
        for j in range(ydim):
            if (i, j) in coords:

            ax = axarr[i, j]

    num_pos = len(positions) + 1
    mid_pos = num_pos // 2

    rel_entropies = []
    for position_set in position_sets:
    ylim = logo.est_ylim(rel_entropies)

    position_re = numpy.zeros((num_pos,), float)
    multi_positions = {}
    characters = numpy.zeros((num_pos, 64), str)

    for motif in combinations(positions, 3):
        rets = numpy.zeros((64, num_pos), float)
        indices = list(map(positions.index, motif))
        row, col = array_coords[motif]
        ax = axarr[row, col]

        # now adjust indices to reflect position along sequence
        for i in range(len(indices)):
            if indices[i] >= mid_pos:
                indices[i] += 1

        position_re.put(indices, three_pos_results[motif]['rel_entropy'])

        stats = three_pos_results[motif]['stats']
        mut_stats = stats[
            get_selected_indices(stats, group_label=group_label,
                                 group_ref=group_ref)][['base1', 'base2',
                                                        'base3', 'ret']]
        mut_stats = mut_stats.sort_values(by='ret')

        characters[indices[0]] = list(mut_stats['base1'])
        characters[indices[1]] = list(mut_stats['base2'])
        characters[indices[2]] = list(mut_stats['base3'])

        for index in indices:
            rets[:, index] = mut_stats['ret']

        heights = get_re_char_heights(rets, re_positionwise=position_re)
        multi_positions[motif] = dict(rets=rets, indices=indices,
                                      characters=characters, heights=heights)
        logo.draw_multi_position(char_heights=heights.T, characters=characters,
                                 position_indices=indices, ax=ax, ylim=ylim,

    return fig