def load_data(): ''' Loads averaged ACE and SuperMAG data files, and loads and processes MVAB0 data files and loads it all into a data structure. MVAB0 processes means computing azimuth and incilnations for each normal. Arguments: Keyword Arguments: Returns: data structure: Structure containing averaged ACE and SuperMAG data, and MVAB0 phase front information ''' filepath = uf.get_parameter('filepath') start_year = int(uf.get_parameter('start_year')) end_year = int(uf.get_parameter('end_year')) dtype = np.dtype([('t', 'f8'), ('pos', '3f8'), ('v', '3f8'), ('n', 'f8'), ('p', 'f8'), ('spd', 'f8'), ('B', '3f8'), ('normal', '3f8'), ('sme', 'f8'), ('az', 'f8'), ('inc', 'f8'), ('angle', 'f8'), ('smu', 'f8'), ('sml', 'f8')]) data = np.ndarray(0, dtype=dtype) for year in range(start_year, end_year): #Get ACE data ACE = np.load(filepath + 'Averages/ACE_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE_B = np.load(filepath + 'Averages/ACE_B_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy') #get normals normals = np.load(filepath + 'Averages/MVAB0_normals_' + str(year) + '.npy') #get SuperMAG SuperMAG = np.load(filepath + 'Averages/SuperMAG_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy') data_year = np.zeros(len(ACE), dtype=dtype) data_year['t'] = ACE['t'] data_year['pos'] = ACE['pos'] data_year['v'] = ACE['v'] data_year['n'] = ACE['n'] data_year['p'] = ACE['p'] data_year['spd'] = ACE['spd'] data_year['B'] = ACE_B['B'] data_year['normal'] = normals['n'] data_year['sme'] = SuperMAG['sme'] data_year['smu'] = SuperMAG['smu'] data_year['sml'] = SuperMAG['sml'] data = np.append(data, data_year) data['angle'], data['inc'], data['az'] = process_normals(data['normal']) return data
def average_ACE(): ''' Computes average_ACE_year() for each year from start_year to end_year as specified in config.par. Arguments: Returns: int: Function completed indicator ''' start_year = int(uf.get_parameter('start_year')) end_year = int(uf.get_parameter('end_year')) for i in range(start_year, end_year): average_ACE_year(i) return 1
def pull_data(): ''' Pull a range (specified in config.par) of years of ACE SWE, ACE MFI data from CDAWeb, clean it, and store it in a location specified in config.par. Arguments: Returns: int: Function finished indicator ''' start_year = int(uf.get_parameter('start_year')) end_year = int(uf.get_parameter('end_year')) for i in range(start_year, end_year): pull_ACE_year(i) pull_ACE_B_year(i) print('') return 1
def calc_MVAB0_normals(ratio=2): ''' Computes calc_MVAB0_normals_year() for each year from start_year to end_year as specified in config.par. Arguments: Keyword Arguments: ratio(int): Ratio between eigenvalues required for MVAB0 normal to be accepted Returns: int: Function completed indicator ''' start_year = int(uf.get_parameter('start_year')) end_year = int(uf.get_parameter('end_year')) for i in range(start_year, end_year): calc_MVAB0_normals_year(i, ratio=ratio) return 1
def calc_time_indices(): ''' Create and save to file two lists of indices for each year, for ACE swe, ACE mfi. The indices define time intervals separated by a time dt, of length interval_length, both contained in config.par. The range of years computed for are also contained in config.par. Arguments: year(int) -- The year for which indices will be calculated Returns: int: Function finished indicator ''' start_year = int(uf.get_parameter('start_year')) end_year = int(uf.get_parameter('end_year')) for i in range(start_year, end_year): calc_time_indices_year(i) print('') return 1
def calc_MVAB0_normals_year(year, ratio=2): ''' For each interval in a year, computes the MVAB0 normal using ACE IMF data, and saves the normals to a file. Arguments: year(int): Year to compute MVAB0 for Keyword Arguments: ratio(int): Ratio between eigenvalues required for MVAB0 normal to be accepted Returns: int: Function completed indicator ''' print('Calculating ' + str(year)) filepath = uf.get_parameter('filepath') #check for file if os.path.exists(filepath + 'Averages/MVAB0_normals_' + str(year) + '.npy'): print('File ' + 'MVAB0_normals_' + str(year) + '.npy' + ' already exists! Skipping...') return 1 #For each interval, compute MVAB0 normals ACE_B = np.load(filepath + 'Data/ACE_B_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE_B_indices = np.load(filepath + 'Indices/ACE_B_indices_' + str(year) + '.npy') normals = np.full([len(ACE_B_indices), 3], np.nan) p0 = 0 for i in range(len(ACE_B_indices)): if ACE_B_indices[i, 0] == -1: continue else: normals[i] = MVAB0(ACE_B['B'][ACE_B_indices[i, 0]:ACE_B_indices[i, 1]], ratio=ratio) p = int(float(i) / len(ACE_B_indices) * 100.) if p != p0: uf.status(p) p0 = p print('') dtype = np.dtype([('n', '3f8')]) data = np.ndarray(len(normals), dtype=dtype) data['n'] = normals + 'Averages/MVAB0_normals_' + str(year) + '.npy', data)
def average_ACE_year(year): ''' For each interval in a year, compute the average of a bunch of different ACE quantities, and save them to file for use later. Requires data files to have been downloaded. Arguments: year(int): The year for which the averages will be computed Returns: int: Function completed indicator ''' filepath = uf.get_parameter('filepath') print('Starting ' + str(year)) #ACE #check for file if os.path.exists(filepath + 'Averages/ACE_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy') & os.path.exists(filepath + 'Averages/ACE_B_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy'): print('File ' + 'ACE_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy' + ' already exists! Skipping...') return 1 ACE = np.load(filepath + 'Data/ACE_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE_indices = np.load(filepath + 'Indices/ACE_indices_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE_avg = average_arr(ACE, ACE_indices) + 'Averages/ACE_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy', ACE_avg) #ACE_B ACE_B = np.load(filepath + 'Data/ACE_B_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE_B_indices = np.load(filepath + 'Indices/ACE_B_indices_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE_B_avg = average_arr(ACE_B, ACE_B_indices) + 'Averages/ACE_B_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy', ACE_B_avg) return ACE_avg
def average_SuperMAG(): ''' For each interval in a yea, for each year, compute the average of each SuperMAG index and store the results to a separate file for each year. Arguments: Returns: int: Function completed indicator ''' filepath = uf.get_parameter('filepath') start_year = int(uf.get_parameter('start_year')) end_year = int(uf.get_parameter('end_year')) interval_length = eval(uf.get_parameter('interval_length')) dt = eval(uf.get_parameter('dt')) for year in range(start_year, end_year): #Load in times tstart = mdate.date2num(datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)) tend = mdate.date2num(datetime.datetime(year, 12, 31, 23, 0, 0)) start_times = np.arange(tstart + 3. / 24., tend - 3. / 24., dt) end_times = start_times + interval_length if os.path.exists(filepath + 'Averages/SuperMAG_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy'): print('File ' + 'SuperMAG_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy' + ' already exists! Skipping...') continue #Load in data smag = np.load(filepath + 'Data/SuperMAG_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE = np.load(filepath + 'Averages/ACE_avg_' + str(year) + '.npy') print('Processing ' + str(year)) smu = np.zeros(len(start_times)) + np.nan sme = np.zeros(len(start_times)) + np.nan sml = np.zeros(len(start_times)) + np.nan p0 = 0 for i in range(len(start_times)): #Calculate timeshift for interval v = ACE['v'][i, 0] ACE_x = ACE['pos'][i, 0] ts = (ACE_x / v) / 86400. #get timeshift, convert to days if np.isnan(ts): smu[i] = np.nan sme[i] = np.nan sml[i] = np.nan continue t1 = start_times[i] + ts t2 = end_times[i] + ts t = smag['t'][np.logical_and(smag['t'] > t1, smag['t'] < t2)] if t != []: smu[i] = np.nanmax(smag['smu'][np.logical_and( smag['t'] > t1, smag['t'] < t2)]) sme[i] = np.nanmax(smag['sme'][np.logical_and( smag['t'] > t1, smag['t'] < t2)]) sml[i] = np.nanmax(smag['sml'][np.logical_and( smag['t'] > t1, smag['t'] < t2)]) else: smu[i] = np.nan sme[i] = np.nan sml[i] = np.nan p = int(float(i) / len(start_times) * 100.) if p != p0: uf.status(p) p0 = p print(' ') dtype = np.dtype([('sme', 'f8'), ('sml', 'f8'), ('smu', 'f8')]) sm = np.ndarray(len(sme), dtype=dtype) sm['sme'] = sme sm['smu'] = smu sm['sml'] = sml + 'Averages/SuperMAG_avg_' + str(year), sm) return 1
def calc_time_indices_year(year): ''' Create and save to file two lists of indices for one year, for ACE swe, ACE mfi. The indices define time intervals separated by a time dt, of length interval_length. (These are defined in config.par) Arguments: year(int) -- The year for which indices will be calculated Returns: int: Function finished indicator ''' filepath = uf.get_parameter('filepath') interval_length = eval(uf.get_parameter('interval_length')) dt = eval(uf.get_parameter('dt')) print('Calculating indices for ' + str(year)) if not os.path.exists(filepath + 'Indices/'): os.makedirs(filepath + 'Indices/') filename = filepath + 'Indices/ACE_indices_' + str(year) + '.npy' #Check if file already exists if os.path.exists(filename): print('File ' + 'ACE_indices_' + str(year) + '.npy' + ' already exists! Skipping...') return 1 ACE = np.load(filepath + 'Data/ACE_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE_B = np.load(filepath + 'Data/ACE_B_' + str(year) + '.npy') ACE_t = ACE['t'].copy() ACE_B_t = ACE_B['t'].copy() #Create an array of start times based on year, with each time separated by half an hour tstart = mdate.date2num(datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)) tend = mdate.date2num(datetime.datetime(year, 12, 31, 23, 0, 0)) start_times = np.arange(tstart + 3. / 24., tend - 3. / 24., dt) end_times = start_times + interval_length ACE_B_time_indices = np.empty([len(start_times), 2], dtype=int) ACE_time_indices = np.empty([len(start_times), 2], dtype=int) for i in range(0, len(start_times)): [Abt1, Abt2] = uf.interval(start_times[i], end_times[i], ACE_B_t) [At1, At2] = uf.interval(start_times[i], end_times[i], ACE_t) if np.isnan(At1): ACE_B_time_indices[i] = [-1, -1] ACE_time_indices[i] = [-1, -1] continue if len(ACE['p'][At1:At2][np.isfinite(ACE['p'][At1:At2])]) < 20: ACE_B_time_indices[i] = [-1, -1] ACE_time_indices[i] = [-1, -1] continue ACE_time_indices[i] = [At1, At2] ACE_B_time_indices[i] = [Abt1, Abt2] if np.mod(i, 200) == 0 and i != 0: uf.status(int(float(i) / float(len(start_times)) * 100)) + 'Indices/ACE_indices_' + str(year) + '.npy', ACE_time_indices) + 'Indices/ACE_B_indices_' + str(year) + '.npy', ACE_B_time_indices) print('') return 1
def pull_ACE_B_year(year, filepath=''): ''' Pull a year of ACE MFI data from CDAWeb, clean it, and store it in a location specified in config.par Arguments: year(int) -- The year for which data will be pulled Returns: int: Function finished indicator ''' filepath = uf.get_parameter('filepath') #check if there's a folder there, if not, make it if not os.path.exists(filepath + 'Data/'): os.makedirs(filepath + 'Data/') filename = filepath + 'Data/ACE_B_' + str(year) + '.npy' #Check if file already exists if os.path.exists(filename): print('File ' + 'ACE_B_' + str(year) + '.npy' + ' already exists! Skipping...') return 1 print('Pulling ACE mfi data from ' + str(year)) uf.status(0) ACE_B_dtype = np.dtype([('t', 'f8'), ('B', '3f8')]) ACE_B = np.ndarray(0, dtype=ACE_B_dtype) for i in range(1, 13): t1 = datetime.datetime(year, i, 1) if i + 1 < 13: t2 = datetime.datetime(year, i + 1, 1) else: t2 = datetime.datetime(year + 1, 1, 1) #print('Pulling '+str(t1)[0:10] + ' - ' + str(t2)[0:10]) mfi_data = cdas.get_data('sp_phys', 'AC_H0_MFI', t1, t2, ['BGSEc']) ACE_B_month = np.ndarray(len(mfi_data['EPOCH']) // 4, dtype=ACE_B_dtype) np.transpose([ collapse_down(mfi_data['BX_GSE'], 4), collapse_down(mfi_data['BY_GSE'], 4), collapse_down(mfi_data['BZ_GSE'], 4) ]) ACE_B_month['B'] = np.transpose([ collapse_down(mfi_data['BX_GSE'], 4), collapse_down(mfi_data['BY_GSE'], 4), collapse_down(mfi_data['BZ_GSE'], 4) ]) ACE_B_month['t'] = collapse_down(mdate.date2num(mfi_data['EPOCH']), 4) #Clean bad data ACE_B_month['B'][ACE_B_month['B'] < -10**30] = np.nan #append to the full array ACE_B = np.append(ACE_B, ACE_B_month) uf.status(int((i / 12) * 100)), ACE_B) print(str(year) + ' finished!') print('File saved to ' + filename)
def process_SuperMAG(): ''' Pulls SuperMAG data from a folder specified in config.par year by year, loads it into a data structure and saves it to file Arguments: Returns: int: Function finished indicator ''' start_year = int(uf.get_parameter('start_year')) end_year = int(uf.get_parameter('end_year')) #check for superMAG data txt_filepath = uf.get_parameter('SuperMAG_filepath') if not os.path.isfile(txt_filepath + 'SuperMAG_2000.txt'): print('Hey, check your SuperMAG txt files. They arent there.') for year in range(start_year, end_year): print('Processing data for ' + str(year)) filepath = uf.get_parameter('filepath') #check if there's a folder there, if not, make it if not os.path.exists(filepath + 'Data/'): os.makedirs(filepath + 'Data/') filename = filepath + 'Data/SuperMAG_' + str(year) + '.npy' #Check if file already exists if os.path.exists(filename): print('File ' + 'SuperMAG_' + str(year) + '.npy' + ' already exists! Skipping...') continue data = np.loadtxt(txt_filepath + 'SuperMAG_' + str(year) + '.txt', skiprows=88) years = np.array(data[..., 0], dtype=int) month = np.array(data[..., 1], dtype=int) day = np.array(data[..., 2], dtype=int) hour = np.array(data[..., 3], dtype=int) minute = np.array(data[..., 4], dtype=int) second = np.array(data[..., 5], dtype=int) time = np.full(len(day), datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1), dtype=object) for j in range(len(day)): time[j] = datetime.datetime(years[j], month[j], day[j], hour[j], minute[j], second[j]) tnum = mdate.date2num(time) sme = data[..., 6] sme[sme > 99999] = np.nan sml = data[..., 7] sml[sml > 99999] = np.nan smu = data[..., 8] smu[smu > 99999] = np.nan data = None dtype = np.dtype([('t', 'f8'), ('sme', 'f8'), ('sml', 'f8'), ('smu', 'f8')]) sm = np.ndarray(len(tnum), dtype=dtype) sm['t'] = tnum sm['sme'] = sme sm['sml'] = sml sm['smu'] = smu, sm) print('Finished ', year) return 1
def pull_ACE_year(year): ''' Pull a year of ACE SWE data from CDAWeb, clean it, and store it in a location specified in config.par Arguments: year(int) -- The year for which data will be pulled Returns: int: Function finished indicator ''' print('Pulling data for ' + str(year)) filepath = uf.get_parameter('filepath') #check if there's a folder there, if not, make it if not os.path.exists(filepath + 'Data/'): os.makedirs(filepath + 'Data/') filename = filepath + 'Data/ACE_' + str(year) + '.npy' #Check if file already exists if os.path.exists(filename): print('File ' + 'ACE_' + str(year) + '.npy' + ' already exists! Skipping...') return 1 #First create empty structures to hold the data ACE_dtype = np.dtype([('t', 'f8'), ('pos', '3f8'), ('v', '3f8'), ('n', 'f8'), ('p', 'f8'), ('spd', 'f8')]) ACE = np.ndarray(0, dtype=ACE_dtype) print('Pulling ACE swe data from ' + str(year)) uf.status(0) #Pull the data from CDAWeb in month chunks for i in range(1, 13): t1 = datetime.datetime(year, i, 1) if i + 1 < 13: t2 = datetime.datetime(year, i + 1, 1) else: t2 = datetime.datetime(year + 1, 1, 1) #print('Pulling '+str(t1)[0:10] + ' - ' + str(t2)[0:10]) swe_data = cdas.get_data('sp_phys', 'AC_H0_SWE', t1, t2, ['Np', 'Vp', 'V_GSE', 'SC_pos_GSE']) #make temp structure ACE_month = np.ndarray(len(swe_data['EPOCH']), dtype=ACE_dtype) #throw data into structure and clean it up ACE_month['t'] = mdate.date2num(swe_data['EPOCH']) ACE_month['pos'] = np.transpose([ swe_data['ACE_X-GSE'], swe_data['ACE_Y-GSE'], swe_data['ACE_Z-GSE'] ]) ACE_month['n'] = swe_data['H_DENSITY'] ACE_month['v'] = np.transpose( [swe_data['VX_(GSE)'], swe_data['VY_(GSE)'], swe_data['VZ_(GSE)']]) #clean up ACE data ACE_month['n'][ACE_month['n'] < -10**30] = np.nan ACE_month['v'][ACE_month['v'] < -10**30] = np.nan ACE_month['spd'] = np.sqrt(np.sum(ACE_month['v']**2, axis=1)) ACE_month['p'] = 1.6726 * 10**( -6) * ACE_month['n'] * ACE_month['spd']**2 # Units are nPa ACE = np.append(ACE, ACE_month) uf.status(int((i / 12) * 100)), ACE) print(str(year) + ' finished!') print('File saved to ' + filename) return 1