def adjustRate(routL, servrates, cusL, qTypeL, adjustIndex, maxError):
	#print "In adjustRate:"
	rateToAdjust = servrates[adjustIndex[0]][adjustIndex[1]]
	lamL, T = mva_multiclass(routL, servrates, cusL, qTypeL)
	v = 0.1
	diff = lamL[0] - lamL[1]
	while math.fabs(diff) > maxError:
		#print "oldServrates:"
		#print servrates
		#print "lambda difference:"
		#print lamL[0] - lamL[1]
		if diff > 0: #(the writer is faster than the reader)
			rateToAdjust += v#increase the rate of the reader
			rateToAdjust -= v#decrease the rate of the reader
		#plug ratetoAdjust back to the rates
		servrates = updateRates(servrates, adjustIndex, rateToAdjust)
		lamL, T = mva_multiclass(routL, servrates, cusL, qTypeL)
		#print "newServrates:"
		#print servrates
		v = v/2
		if diff == lamL[0] - lamL[1]:
		diff = lamL[0] - lamL[1]
	return servrates
def runmepan(msg):
    if msg != 'imhappy':
        return 0
    rout = [[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1],[1,0,0,0]]
    for x in range(10,11):
        #print "service rate for the reader local computation: ",x
        servrates = np.array([[1.0,1.0],[1.0,1.0],[1.0,x],[1.0,0.7]])
        la,T = mva_multiclass([rout,rout], servrates, (2,2), [1,0,1,0])
        print "lambda before adjusting rates"
        print la[0],la[1]
        print "The adjusted rates for "
        print x
        newRates = adjustRate([rout,rout], servrates, (2,2), [1,0,1,0], [3,1],la[0]/100.0)
        print newRates
        l,T = mva_multiclass([rout,rout], newRates, (2,2), [1,0,1,0])
        print l[0],l[1]
Example #3
 def mva(self, pop_vector = None):
     if not self.rout_l:
     res_tmp = mva_multiclass(self.rout_l, self.serv_rates, pop_vector or tuple(map(len, self.classes)), self.q_type)
     self.est_wait = res_tmp[0][1::2]
     self.est_qlen = res_tmp[1][1::2]
     self.lam      = res_tmp[2]
Example #4
def bodytrack(threadstuple, serv):
    #serv_M = ma.asarray([[0, 0, 0, 0, 6983544, 91465, 23131612, 171783],
    #                     [340208, 21308, 230049, 18250, 83687, 35901, 0, 0],
    #                     [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22032093, 103155]])
    serv_M = ma.asarray(serv)

    rout = [
        [[0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 1, 1],
         [0, 0, 1, 0]],
         [[39, 1, 0, 0],
          [0, 4, 1, 0],
          [1, 0, 1, 0],
          [0, 0, 0, 0]],
        [[0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 1]]

    qt = list(islice(cycle((1,0)), serv_M.shape[1]))
    routL = map (lambda x: rout_insert_inter(normalizeRowWise(np.asarray(x))), rout)
    res = mva_multiclass (routL, 1./serv_M.T, threadstuple, qt)
    cont = (res[0][1::2] - serv_M.T[1::2]).T
    print "%.0f %.0f %.0f" % (cont[1,0], cont[0,2], cont[2,3])

    return res
Example #5
def streamcluster(threadstuple):
    #serv_M = ma.asarray([[248722, 45232],[350726, 60236]])

    #serv_M = ma.asarray([[2514000, 151000],[3500000, 300000]])
    serv_M = ma.asarray([[993824, 60288, ],
    [1397572, 60455, ],
    rout = [[[1]],

    qt = list(islice(cycle((1,0)), serv_M.shape[1]))
    routL = map (lambda x: rout_insert_inter(normalizeRowWise(np.asarray(x))), rout)
    res = mva_multiclass (routL, 1./serv_M.T, threadstuple, qt)
    print (res[0][1::2] - serv_M.T[1::2]).T

    return res
Example #6
def parse_and_run_mva (filename, nclass):
    '''parse service times from micro benchmark with one lock
    nlocks = 1
    nthreads = 0
    if nclass > 1:
        serv_vec = [[],[]]
        wait_vec = [[],[]]
        serv_vec = [[]]
        wait_vec = [[]]
    with open(filename) as f:
        recReader = csv.reader (f, delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True)
        for _row in recReader:
            tid = int(_row[0])
            think_time = float(_row[2])
            q_time = float(_row[3])
            serv_time = float(_row[4])
            serv_vec[tid % nclass].append([think_time, serv_time])
            wait_vec[tid % nclass].append(serv_time+q_time)
            nthreads += 1

    n_per_c = nthreads
    arr = np.asarray(serv_vec)
    serv = np.average(arr, axis=1)
    rout = np.eye(2)
    routL = list(repeat(rout, nclass))
    qt = list(islice(cycle((1,0)), nlocks*2))
    serv_M = listOfArrToMtx(serv)
    res = mva_multiclass (routL, 1./serv_M.T, tuple([n_per_c]*nclass), qt)
    est_wait = res[0][1]
    meas_wait = np.average(np.array(wait_vec), axis=1)
    for i in xrange(nclass):
        print "%d %d %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f" % (i, nthreads, serv_M.T[1][i], est_wait[i], meas_wait[i], meas_wait[i]-est_wait[i], serv_M.T[0][i])
    return res