Example #1
    def testSelects(self):
        mask = N.ones((3,2))
        mask[1,1] = 0
        mask0 = mask.copy()
        data = N.arange(6).reshape(mask.shape)
        map_ = DenseArrayMapper(mask)

        # check if any exception is thrown if we get
        # out of the outIds
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, map_.selectOut, [0,1,2,6])

        # remove 1,2
        self.failUnless((map_.forward(data)==[0, 4, 5]).all())
        # remove 1 more
        self.failUnless((map_.forward(data)==[0, 5]).all())

        # check if original mask wasn't perturbed
        self.failUnless((mask == mask0).all())

        # do the same but using discardOut
        map_ = DenseArrayMapper(mask)
        self.failUnless((map_.forward(data)==[0, 4, 5]).all())
        self.failUnless((map_.forward(data)==[0, 5]).all())

        # check if original mask wasn't perturbed
        self.failUnless((mask == mask0).all())
Example #2
    def _testSelectReOrder(self):
        Test is desabled for now since if order is incorrect in
        __debug__ we just spit out a warning - no exception
        mask = N.ones((3,3))
        mask[1,1] = 0

        data = N.arange(9).reshape(mask.shape)
        map_ = DenseArrayMapper(mask)
        oldneighbors = map_.forward(data)[map_.getNeighbors(0, radius=2)]

        # just do place changes
        # by default - we don't sort/check order so it would screw things
        # up
        map_.selectOut([7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0])
        # we check if an item new outId==7 still has proper neighbors
        newneighbors = map_.forward(data)[map_.getNeighbors(7, radius=2)]
        self.failUnless( (oldneighbors != newneighbors ).any())