Example #1
    def __init__(self,
        # XXX Determine which parameters depend on each other and implement
        # safety/simplifying logic around them
        # already done for: nr_weight
        # thought: weight and weight_label should be a dict
        """Interface class to LIBSVM classifiers and regressions.

        Default implementation (C/nu/epsilon SVM) is chosen depending
        on the given parameters (C/nu/tube_epsilon).
        svm_impl = kwargs.get('svm_impl', None)
        # Depending on given arguments, figure out desired SVM
        # implementation
        if svm_impl is None:
            for arg, impl in [ ('tube_epsilon', 'EPSILON_SVR'),
                               ('C', 'C_SVC'),
                               ('nu', 'NU_SVC') ]:
                if kwargs.has_key(arg):
                    svm_impl = impl
                    if __debug__:
                        debug('SVM', 'No implementation was specified. Since '
                              '%s is given among arguments, assume %s' %
                              (arg, impl))
            if svm_impl is None:
                svm_impl = 'C_SVC'
                if __debug__:
                    debug('SVM', 'Assign C_SVC "by default"')
        kwargs['svm_impl'] = svm_impl

        # init base class
        _SVM.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        self._svm_type = self._KNOWN_IMPLEMENTATIONS[svm_impl][0]

        if 'nu' in self._KNOWN_PARAMS and 'epsilon' in self._KNOWN_PARAMS:
            # overwrite eps param with new default value (information
            # taken from libSVM docs

        self.__model = None
        """Holds the trained SVM."""
Example #2
File: svm.py Project: PSLLab/PyMVPA
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # XXX Determine which parameters depend on each other and implement
        # safety/simplifying logic around them
        # already done for: nr_weight
        # thought: weight and weight_label should be a dict
        """Interface class to LIBSVM classifiers and regressions.

        Default implementation (C/nu/epsilon SVM) is chosen depending
        on the given parameters (C/nu/tube_epsilon).

        svm_impl = kwargs.get('svm_impl', None)
        # Depending on given arguments, figure out desired SVM
        # implementation
        if svm_impl is None:
            for arg, impl in [('tube_epsilon', 'EPSILON_SVR'), ('C', 'C_SVC'),
                              ('nu', 'NU_SVC')]:
                if arg in kwargs:
                    svm_impl = impl
                    if __debug__:
                            'SVM', 'No implementation was specified. Since '
                            '%s is given among arguments, assume %s' %
                            (arg, impl))
            if svm_impl is None:
                svm_impl = 'C_SVC'
                if __debug__:
                    debug('SVM', 'Assign C_SVC "by default"')
        kwargs['svm_impl'] = svm_impl

        # init base class
        _SVM.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        self._svm_type = self._KNOWN_IMPLEMENTATIONS[svm_impl][0]

        if 'nu' in self._KNOWN_PARAMS and 'epsilon' in self._KNOWN_PARAMS:
            # overwrite eps param with new default value (information
            # taken from libSVM docs

        self.params['nr_weight'] = Parameter(len(self.params['weight'].value))
        self.__model = None
        """Holds the trained SVM."""
Example #3
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Interface class to Shogun's classifiers and regressions.

        Default implementation is 'libsvm'.

        svm_impl = kwargs.get('svm_impl', 'libsvm').lower()
        kwargs['svm_impl'] = svm_impl

        # init base class
        _SVM.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        self.__svm = None
        """Holds the trained svm."""
        self.__svm_apply = None
        """Compatibility convenience to bind to the classify/apply method
           of __svm"""
        # Need to store original data...
        # TODO: keep 1 of them -- just __traindata or __traindataset
        # For now it is needed for computing sensitivities
        self.__traindataset = None

        # internal SG swig proxies
        self.__traindata = None
        self.__kernel = None
        self.__kernel_test = None
        self.__testdata = None

        # remove kernel-based for some
        # TODO RF: provide separate handling for non-kernel machines
        if svm_impl in ['svmocas']:
            if not (self.__kernel is None
                    or self.__kernel.__kernel_name__ == 'linear'):
                raise ValueError(
                    "%s is inherently linear, thus provided kernel %s "
                    "is of no effect" % (svm_impl, self.__kernel))