def test_er_nifti_dataset(): # setup data sources tssrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, u"bold.nii.gz") evsrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, "fslev3.txt") masrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, "mask.nii.gz") evs = FslEV3(evsrc).to_events() # load timeseries ds_orig = fmri_dataset(tssrc) # segment into events ds = eventrelated_dataset(ds_orig, evs, time_attr="time_coords") # we ask for boxcars of 9s length, and the tr in the file header says 2.5s # hence we should get round(9.0/2.4) *,20,40) == 3200 features assert_equal(ds.nfeatures, 3200) assert_equal(len(ds), len(evs)) # the voxel indices are reflattened after boxcaring , but still 3D assert_equal(ds.fa.voxel_indices.shape, (ds.nfeatures, 3)) # and they have been broadcasted through all boxcars assert_array_equal(ds.fa.voxel_indices[:800], ds.fa.voxel_indices[800:1600]) # each feature got an event offset value assert_array_equal(ds.fa.event_offsetidx, np.repeat([0, 1, 2, 3], 800)) # check for all event attributes assert_true("onset" in assert_true("duration" in assert_true("features" in # check samples origsamples = _load_anyimg(tssrc)[0] for i, onset in enumerate([value2idx(e["onset"],, "floor") for e in evs]): assert_array_equal(ds.samples[i], origsamples[onset : onset + 4].ravel()) assert_array_equal([i], np.arange(onset, onset + 4)) assert_array_equal([i], np.arange(onset, onset + 4) * 2.5) for evattr in [a for a in if a.count("event_attrs") and not a.count("event_attrs_event")]: assert_array_equal(evs[i]["_".join(evattr.split("_")[2:])],[evattr].value[i]) # check offset: only the last one exactly matches the tr assert_array_equal(, [1, 1, 0]) # map back into voxel space, should ignore addtional features nim = map2nifti(ds) # origsamples has t,x,y,z assert_equal(nim.get_shape(), origsamples.shape[1:] + (len(ds) * 4,)) # check shape of a single sample nim = map2nifti(ds, ds.samples[0]) # pynifti image has [t,]z,y,x assert_equal(nim.get_shape(), (40, 20, 1, 4)) # and now with masking ds = fmri_dataset(tssrc, mask=masrc) ds = eventrelated_dataset(ds, evs, time_attr="time_coords") nnonzero = len(_load_anyimg(masrc)[0].nonzero()[0]) assert_equal(nnonzero, 530) # we ask for boxcars of 9s length, and the tr in the file header says 2.5s # hence we should get round(9.0/2.4) *,20,40) == 3200 features assert_equal(ds.nfeatures, 4 * 530) assert_equal(len(ds), len(evs)) # and they have been broadcasted through all boxcars assert_array_equal(ds.fa.voxel_indices[:nnonzero], ds.fa.voxel_indices[nnonzero : 2 * nnonzero])
def test_er_nifti_dataset(): # setup data sources tssrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, u'bold.nii.gz') evsrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'fslev3.txt') masrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'mask.nii.gz') evs = FslEV3(evsrc).to_events() # load timeseries ds_orig = fmri_dataset(tssrc) # segment into events ds = eventrelated_dataset(ds_orig, evs, time_attr='time_coords') # we ask for boxcars of 9s length, and the tr in the file header says 2.5s # hence we should get round(9.0/2.4) *,20,40) == 3200 features assert_equal(ds.nfeatures, 3200) assert_equal(len(ds), len(evs)) # the voxel indices are reflattened after boxcaring , but still 3D assert_equal(ds.fa.voxel_indices.shape, (ds.nfeatures, 3)) # and they have been broadcasted through all boxcars assert_array_equal(ds.fa.voxel_indices[:800], ds.fa.voxel_indices[800:1600]) # each feature got an event offset value assert_array_equal(ds.fa.event_offsetidx, np.repeat([0, 1, 2, 3], 800)) # check for all event attributes assert_true('onset' in assert_true('duration' in assert_true('features' in # check samples origsamples = _load_anyimg(tssrc)[0] for i, onset in \ enumerate([value2idx(e['onset'],, 'floor') for e in evs]): assert_array_equal(ds.samples[i], origsamples[onset:onset + 4].ravel()) assert_array_equal([i], np.arange(onset, onset + 4)) assert_array_equal([i], np.arange(onset, onset + 4) * 2.5) for evattr in [ a for a in if a.count("event_attrs") and not a.count('event_attrs_event') ]: assert_array_equal(evs[i]['_'.join(evattr.split('_')[2:])],[evattr].value[i]) # check offset: only the last one exactly matches the tr assert_array_equal(, [1, 1, 0]) # map back into voxel space, should ignore addtional features nim = map2nifti(ds) # origsamples has t,x,y,z if externals.versions['nibabel'] >= '1.2': vol_shape = nim.shape else: vol_shape = nim.get_shape() assert_equal(vol_shape, origsamples.shape[1:] + (len(ds) * 4, )) # check shape of a single sample nim = map2nifti(ds, ds.samples[0]) if externals.versions['nibabel'] >= '1.2': vol_shape = nim.shape else: vol_shape = nim.get_shape() # pynifti image has [t,]z,y,x assert_equal(vol_shape, (40, 20, 1, 4)) # and now with masking ds = fmri_dataset(tssrc, mask=masrc) ds = eventrelated_dataset(ds, evs, time_attr='time_coords') nnonzero = len(_load_anyimg(masrc)[0].nonzero()[0]) assert_equal(nnonzero, 530) # we ask for boxcars of 9s length, and the tr in the file header says 2.5s # hence we should get round(9.0/2.4) *,20,40) == 3200 features assert_equal(ds.nfeatures, 4 * 530) assert_equal(len(ds), len(evs)) # and they have been broadcasted through all boxcars assert_array_equal(ds.fa.voxel_indices[:nnonzero], ds.fa.voxel_indices[nnonzero:2 * nnonzero])