Example #1
 def test_gnbsearchlight_matchaccuracy(self):
     # was not able to deal with custom errorfx collapsing samples
     # after 55e147e0bd30fbf4edede3faef3a15c6c65b33ea
     ds = datasets['3dmedium'].copy()
     ds.fa['voxel_indices'] = ds.fa.myspace
     sl_err = sphere_gnbsearchlight(GNB(), NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=1),
     sl_acc = sphere_gnbsearchlight(GNB(), NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=1),
                                      radius=0, errorfx=mean_match_accuracy)
     assert_array_almost_equal(sl_err(ds), 1.0 - sl_acc(ds).samples)
Example #2
 def test_gnbsearchlight_matchaccuracy(self):
     # was not able to deal with custom errorfx collapsing samples
     # after 55e147e0bd30fbf4edede3faef3a15c6c65b33ea
     ds = datasets['3dmedium'].copy()
     ds.fa['voxel_indices'] = ds.fa.myspace
     sl_err = sphere_gnbsearchlight(GNB(),
     sl_acc = sphere_gnbsearchlight(GNB(),
     assert_array_almost_equal(sl_err(ds), 1.0 - sl_acc(ds).samples)
Example #3
def test_searchlight_errors_per_trial():
    # To make sure that searchlight can return error/accuracy per trial
    from mvpa2.clfs.gnb import GNB
    from mvpa2.generators.partition import OddEvenPartitioner
    from mvpa2.measures.base import CrossValidation
    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import sphere_searchlight
    from mvpa2.measures.gnbsearchlight import sphere_gnbsearchlight
    from mvpa2.testing.datasets import datasets
    from mvpa2.misc.errorfx import prediction_target_matches

    dataset = datasets['3dsmall'].copy()
    # randomly permute samples so we break any random correspondence
    # to strengthen tests below
    sample_idx = np.arange(len(dataset))
    dataset = dataset[np.random.permutation(sample_idx)]

    dataset.sa.targets = ['L%d' % l for l in dataset.sa.targets]
    dataset.fa['voxel_indices'] = dataset.fa.myspace
    sample_clf = GNB()              # fast and deterministic

    part = OddEvenPartitioner()
    # only do partial to save time
    cv = CrossValidation(sample_clf, part, errorfx=None) #prediction_target_matches)
    # Just to compare error
    cv_error = CrossValidation(sample_clf, part)

    # Large searchlight radius so we get entire ROI, 2 centers just to make sure
    # that all stacking works correctly
    sl = sphere_searchlight(cv, radius=10, center_ids=[0, 1])
    results = sl(dataset)

    sl_gnb = sphere_gnbsearchlight(sample_clf, part, radius=10, errorfx=None,
                                   center_ids=[0, 1])
    results_gnbsl = sl_gnb(dataset)

    # inspect both results
    # verify that partitioning was done correctly
    partitions = list(part.generate(dataset))
    for res in (results, results_gnbsl):
        assert('targets' in res.sa.keys())  # should carry targets
        assert('cvfolds' in res.sa.keys())  # should carry cvfolds
        for ipart in xrange(len(partitions)):
            assert_array_equal(dataset[partitions[ipart].sa.partitions == 2].targets,
                               res.sa.targets[res.sa.cvfolds == ipart])

    assert_datasets_equal(results, results_gnbsl)

    # one "accuracy" per each trial
    assert_equal(results.shape, (len(dataset), 2))
    # with accuracies the same in both searchlights since the same
    # features were to be selected in both cases due too large radii
    errors_dataset = cv(dataset)
    assert_array_equal(errors_dataset.samples[:, 0], results.samples[:, 0])
    assert_array_equal(errors_dataset.samples[:, 0], results.samples[:, 1])
    # and error matching (up to precision) the one if we run with default error function
    assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(results.targets[:, None] != results.samples, axis=0)[0],
Example #4
    def test_gnbsearchlight_3partitions_and_splitter(self):
        ds = self.dataset[:, :20]
        # custom partitioner which provides 3 partitions
        part = CustomPartitioner([([2], [3], [1])])
        gnb_sl = sphere_gnbsearchlight(GNB(), part)
        res_gnb_sl = gnb_sl(ds)

        # compare results to full blown searchlight
        sl = sphere_searchlight(CrossValidation(GNB(), part))
        res_sl = sl(ds)

        assert_datasets_equal(res_gnb_sl, res_sl)

        # and theoretically for this simple single cross-validation we could
        # just use Splitter
        splitter = Splitter('chunks', [2, 3])
        # we have to put explicit None since can't become a kwarg in 1 day any
        # longer here
        gnb_sl_ = sphere_gnbsearchlight(GNB(), None, splitter=splitter)
        res_gnb_sl_ = gnb_sl_(ds)
        assert_datasets_equal(res_gnb_sl, res_gnb_sl_)
Example #5
    def test_gnbsearchlight_3partitions_and_splitter(self):
        ds = self.dataset[:, :20]
        # custom partitioner which provides 3 partitions
        part = CustomPartitioner([([2], [3], [1])])
        gnb_sl = sphere_gnbsearchlight(GNB(), part)
        res_gnb_sl = gnb_sl(ds)

        # compare results to full blown searchlight
        sl = sphere_searchlight(CrossValidation(GNB(), part))
        res_sl = sl(ds)

        assert_datasets_equal(res_gnb_sl, res_sl)

        # and theoretically for this simple single cross-validation we could
        # just use Splitter
        splitter = Splitter('chunks', [2, 3])
        # we have to put explicit None since can't become a kwarg in 1 day any
        # longer here
        gnb_sl_ = sphere_gnbsearchlight(GNB(), None, splitter=splitter)
        res_gnb_sl_ = gnb_sl_(ds)
        assert_datasets_equal(res_gnb_sl, res_gnb_sl_)
Example #6
def test_gnbsearchlight_permutations():
    import mvpa2
    from mvpa2.base.node import ChainNode
    from mvpa2.clfs.gnb import GNB
    from mvpa2.generators.base import  Repeater
    from mvpa2.generators.partition import NFoldPartitioner, OddEvenPartitioner
    #import mvpa2.generators.permutation
    from mvpa2.generators.permutation import AttributePermutator
    from mvpa2.testing.datasets import datasets
    from mvpa2.measures.base import CrossValidation
    from mvpa2.measures.gnbsearchlight import sphere_gnbsearchlight
    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import sphere_searchlight
    from mvpa2.mappers.fx import mean_sample
    from mvpa2.misc.errorfx import mean_mismatch_error
    from mvpa2.clfs.stats import MCNullDist
    from mvpa2.testing.tools import assert_raises, ok_, assert_array_less

    # mvpa2.debug.active = ['APERM', 'SLC'] #, 'REPM']
    # mvpa2.debug.metrics += ['pid']
    count = 10
    nproc = 1 + int(mvpa2.externals.exists('pprocess'))
    ds = datasets['3dsmall'].copy()
    ds.fa['voxel_indices'] = ds.fa.myspace

    slkwargs = dict(radius=3, space='voxel_indices',  enable_ca=['roi_sizes'],
                    center_ids=[1, 10, 70, 100])

    clf  = GNB()
    splt = NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=2, attr='chunks')

    repeater   = Repeater(count=count)
    permutator = AttributePermutator('targets', limit={'partitions': 1}, count=1)

    null_sl = sphere_gnbsearchlight(clf, ChainNode([splt, permutator], space=splt.get_space()),
                                    postproc=mean_sample(), errorfx=mean_mismatch_error,

    distr_est = MCNullDist(repeater, tail='left', measure=null_sl,
    sl = sphere_gnbsearchlight(clf, splt,
                               null_dist=distr_est, postproc=mean_sample(),
    if __debug__:                         # assert is done only without -O mode
        assert_raises(NotImplementedError, sl, ds)

    # "ad-hoc searchlights can't handle yet varying targets across partitions"
    if False:
        # after above limitation is removed -- enable
        sl_map = sl(ds)
        sl_null_prob = sl.ca.null_prob.samples.copy()

    ### 'normal' Searchlight
    clf  = GNB()
    splt = NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=2, attr='chunks')
    repeater   = Repeater(count=count)
    permutator = AttributePermutator('targets', limit={'partitions': 1}, count=1)
    # rng=np.random.RandomState(0)) # to trigger failure since the same np.random state
    # would be reused across all pprocesses
    null_cv = CrossValidation(clf, ChainNode([splt, permutator], space=splt.get_space()),
    null_sl_normal = sphere_searchlight(null_cv, nproc=nproc, **slkwargs)
    distr_est_normal = MCNullDist(repeater, tail='left', measure=null_sl_normal,

    cv = CrossValidation(clf, splt, errorfx=mean_mismatch_error,
                         enable_ca=['stats'], postproc=mean_sample() )
    sl = sphere_searchlight(cv, nproc=nproc, null_dist=distr_est_normal, **slkwargs)
    sl_map_normal = sl(ds)
    sl_null_prob_normal = sl.ca.null_prob.samples.copy()

    # For every feature -- we should get some variance in estimates In
    # case of failure they are all really close to each other (up to
    # numerical precision), so variance will be close to 0
                              axis=1), -1e-5)
    for s in distr_est_normal.ca.dist_samples.samples[0]:
        ok_(len(np.unique(s)) > 1)
Example #7
    def test_spatial_searchlight(self, common_variance=True, do_roi=False):
        """Tests both generic and GNBSearchlight
        Test of GNBSearchlight anyways requires a ground-truth
        comparison to the generic version, so we are doing sweepargs here
        # compute N-1 cross-validation for each sphere
        # YOH: unfortunately sample_clf_lin is not guaranteed
        #      to provide exactly the same results due to inherent
        #      iterative process.  Therefore lets use something quick
        #      and pure Python
        gnb = GNB(common_variance=common_variance)
        cv = CrossValidation(gnb, NFoldPartitioner())

        ds = datasets['3dsmall'].copy()
        ds.fa['voxel_indices'] = ds.fa.myspace

        skwargs = dict(radius=1, enable_ca=['roi_sizes', 'raw_results'])

        if do_roi:
            # select some random set of features
            nroi = rnd.randint(1, ds.nfeatures)
            # and lets compute the full one as well once again so we have a reference
            # which will be excluded itself from comparisons but values will be compared
            # for selected roi_id
            sl_all = sphere_gnbsearchlight(gnb, NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=1),
            result_all = sl_all(ds)
            # select random features
            roi_ids = rnd.permutation(range(ds.nfeatures))[:nroi]
            skwargs['center_ids'] = roi_ids
            nroi = ds.nfeatures

        sls = [sphere_searchlight(cv, **skwargs),
               #GNBSearchlight(gnb, NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=1))
               sphere_gnbsearchlight(gnb, NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=1),
                                     indexsum='fancy', **skwargs)

        if externals.exists('scipy'):
            sls += [ sphere_gnbsearchlight(gnb, NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=1),
                                           indexsum='sparse', **skwargs)]

        # Just test nproc whenever common_variance is True
        if externals.exists('pprocess') and common_variance:
            sls += [sphere_searchlight(cv, nproc=2, **skwargs)]

        all_results = []
        for sl in sls:
            # run searchlight
            results = sl(ds)
            #print `sl`
            # check for correct number of spheres
            self.assertTrue(results.nfeatures == nroi)
            # and measures (one per xfold)
            self.assertTrue(len(results) == len(ds.UC))

            # check for chance-level performance across all spheres
            # makes sense only if number of features was big enough
            # to get some stable estimate of mean
            if not do_roi or nroi > 20:
                self.assertTrue(0.4 < results.samples.mean() < 0.6)

            mean_errors = results.samples.mean(axis=0)
            # that we do get different errors ;)
            self.assertTrue(len(np.unique(mean_errors) > 3))

            # check resonable sphere sizes
            self.assertTrue(len(sl.ca.roi_sizes) == nroi)
            if do_roi:
                # for roi we should relax conditions a bit
                self.assertTrue(max(sl.ca.roi_sizes) <= 7)
                self.assertTrue(min(sl.ca.roi_sizes) >= 4)
                self.assertTrue(max(sl.ca.roi_sizes) == 7)
                self.assertTrue(min(sl.ca.roi_sizes) == 4)

            # check base-class state
            self.assertEqual(sl.ca.raw_results.nfeatures, nroi)

            # Test if we got results correctly for 'selected' roi ids
            if do_roi:
                assert_array_equal(result_all[:, roi_ids], results)

        if len(all_results) > 1:
            # if we had multiple searchlights, we can check either they all
            # gave the same result (they should have)
            aresults = np.array([a.samples for a in all_results])
            dresults = np.abs(aresults - aresults.mean(axis=0))
            dmax = np.max(dresults)
            self.assertTrue(dmax <= 1e-13)