Example #1
def run(args):
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # build list of events
    events = []
    timebased_events = False
    if args.event_attrs is not None:
        def_attrs = dict([(k, ds.sa[k].value) for k in args.event_attrs])
        events = find_events(**def_attrs)
    elif args.csv_events is not None:
        if args.csv_events == '-':
            csv = sys.stdin.read()
            import cStringIO
            csv = cStringIO.StringIO(csv)
            csv = open(args.csv_events, 'rU')
        csvt = _load_csv_table(csv)
        if not len(csvt):
            raise ValueError("no CSV columns found")
        if args.onset_column:
            csvt['onset'] = csvt[args.onset_column]
        nevents = len(csvt[csvt.keys()[0]])
        events = []
        for ev in xrange(nevents):
            events.append(dict([(k, v[ev]) for k, v in csvt.iteritems()]))
    elif args.onsets is not None:
        if not len(args.onsets):
            args.onsets = [i for i in sys.stdin]
        # time or sample-based?
        if args.time_attr is None:
            oconv = int
            oconv = float
        events = [{'onset': oconv(o)} for o in args.onsets]
    elif args.fsl_ev3 is not None:
        timebased_events = True
        from mvpa2.misc.fsl import FslEV3
        events = []
        for evsrc in args.fsl_ev3:
    if not len(events):
        raise ValueError("no events defined")
    verbose(2, 'Extracting %i events' % len(events))
    if args.event_compression is None:
        evmap = None
    elif args.event_compression == 'mean':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.mean, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'median':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.median, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'min':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.min, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'max':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.max, attrfx=merge2first)
    # convert to event-related ds
    evds = eventrelated_dataset(ds,
    # act on all attribute options
    evds = process_common_dsattr_opts(evds, args)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(evds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return evds
Example #2
def test_er_nifti_dataset():
    # setup data sources
    tssrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, u'bold.nii.gz')
    evsrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'fslev3.txt')
    masrc = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'mask.nii.gz')
    evs = FslEV3(evsrc).to_events()
    # load timeseries
    ds_orig = fmri_dataset(tssrc)
    # segment into events
    ds = eventrelated_dataset(ds_orig, evs, time_attr='time_coords')

    # we ask for boxcars of 9s length, and the tr in the file header says 2.5s
    # hence we should get round(9.0/2.4) * np.prod((1,20,40) == 3200 features
    assert_equal(ds.nfeatures, 3200)
    assert_equal(len(ds), len(evs))
    # the voxel indices are reflattened after boxcaring , but still 3D
    assert_equal(ds.fa.voxel_indices.shape, (ds.nfeatures, 3))
    # and they have been broadcasted through all boxcars
    # each feature got an event offset value
    assert_array_equal(ds.fa.event_offsetidx, np.repeat([0, 1, 2, 3], 800))
    # check for all event attributes
    assert_true('onset' in ds.sa)
    assert_true('duration' in ds.sa)
    assert_true('features' in ds.sa)
    # check samples
    origsamples = _load_anyimg(tssrc)[0]
    for i, onset in \
        enumerate([value2idx(e['onset'], ds_orig.sa.time_coords, 'floor')
                        for e in evs]):
        assert_array_equal(ds.samples[i], origsamples[onset:onset + 4].ravel())
        assert_array_equal(ds.sa.time_indices[i], np.arange(onset, onset + 4))
                           np.arange(onset, onset + 4) * 2.5)
        for evattr in [
                a for a in ds.sa
                if a.count("event_attrs") and not a.count('event_attrs_event')
    # check offset: only the last one exactly matches the tr
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.orig_offset, [1, 1, 0])

    # map back into voxel space, should ignore addtional features
    nim = map2nifti(ds)
    # origsamples has t,x,y,z
    if externals.versions['nibabel'] >= '1.2':
        vol_shape = nim.shape
        vol_shape = nim.get_shape()
    assert_equal(vol_shape, origsamples.shape[1:] + (len(ds) * 4, ))
    # check shape of a single sample
    nim = map2nifti(ds, ds.samples[0])
    if externals.versions['nibabel'] >= '1.2':
        vol_shape = nim.shape
        vol_shape = nim.get_shape()
    # pynifti image has [t,]z,y,x
    assert_equal(vol_shape, (40, 20, 1, 4))

    # and now with masking
    ds = fmri_dataset(tssrc, mask=masrc)
    ds = eventrelated_dataset(ds, evs, time_attr='time_coords')
    nnonzero = len(_load_anyimg(masrc)[0].nonzero()[0])
    assert_equal(nnonzero, 530)
    # we ask for boxcars of 9s length, and the tr in the file header says 2.5s
    # hence we should get round(9.0/2.4) * np.prod((1,20,40) == 3200 features
    assert_equal(ds.nfeatures, 4 * 530)
    assert_equal(len(ds), len(evs))
    # and they have been broadcasted through all boxcars
                       ds.fa.voxel_indices[nnonzero:2 * nnonzero])