Example #1
def random_affine_transformation(ds, scale_fac=100., shift_fac=10.):
    """Distort a dataset by random scale, shift, and rotation.

    The original data samples are transformed by applying a random rotation,
    shifting by a random vector (randomly selected, scaled input sample), and
    scaled by a random factor (randomly selected input feature values, scaled
    by an additional factor). The effective transformation values are stored in
    the output dataset's attribute collection as 'random_rotation',
    'random_shift', and 'random_scale' respectively.

    ds : Dataset
      Input dataset. Its sample and features attributes will be assigned to the
      output dataset.
    scale_fac : float
      Factor by which the randomly selected value for data scaling is scaled
    shift_fac : float
      Factor by which the randomly selected shift vector is scaled.
    rndidx = np.random.randint
    R = get_random_rotation(ds.nfeatures)
    samples = ds.samples
    # reusing random data from dataset itself
    random_scale = samples[rndidx(len(ds)), rndidx(ds.nfeatures)] * scale_fac
    random_shift = samples[rndidx(len(ds))] * shift_fac
    samples = np.dot(samples, R) * random_scale \
              + random_shift
    return Dataset(samples, sa=ds.sa, fa=ds.fa,
                   a={'random_rotation': R,
                      'random_scale': random_scale,
                      'random_shift': random_shift})
Example #2
def get_fake_data(nsubjects=20, noise_level=0.2, nbogus_classes=0):
    orig_ds = mean_group_sample(['targets'])(testing_datasets['uni3large'])
    # and creating an additional target which is a composition of the other two, so
    # it should be closer to them than to the left out L2
    classes_data = [
        orig_ds.samples, orig_ds[0].samples + orig_ds[1].samples,
        orig_ds[1].samples + 4 * orig_ds[2].samples
    classes_targets = list(orig_ds.T) + ['L0+1', 'L1+4*2']
    if nbogus_classes:
            np.zeros((nbogus_classes, classes_data[0].shape[1]), dtype=float))
        classes_targets += ['B%02d' % i for i in xrange(nbogus_classes)]
    proto_ds = dataset_wizard(np.vstack(classes_data), targets=classes_targets)
    ntargets = len(proto_ds.UT)
    dss = []
    for i in xrange(nsubjects):
        R = get_random_rotation(proto_ds.nfeatures)
        ds = dataset_wizard(np.dot(proto_ds.samples, R), targets=proto_ds.T)
        #ds = dataset_wizard(proto_ds.samples, targets=proto_ds.T)
        ds.sa['subjects'] = [i]
        # And select a varying number of features
        ds = ds[:, :np.random.randint(10, ds.nfeatures)]
        # Add some noise
        ds.samples += np.random.normal(size=ds.shape) * noise_level
    return dss
Example #3
def random_affine_transformation(ds, scale_fac=100., shift_fac=10.):
    """Distort a dataset by random scale, shift, and rotation.

    The original data samples are transformed by applying a random rotation,
    shifting by a random vector (randomly selected, scaled input sample), and
    scaled by a random factor (randomly selected input feature values, scaled
    by an additional factor). The effective transformation values are stored in
    the output dataset's attribute collection as 'random_rotation',
    'random_shift', and 'random_scale' respectively.

    ds : Dataset
      Input dataset. Its sample and features attributes will be assigned to the
      output dataset.
    scale_fac : float
      Factor by which the randomly selected value for data scaling is scaled
    shift_fac : float
      Factor by which the randomly selected shift vector is scaled.
    rndidx = np.random.randint
    R = get_random_rotation(ds.nfeatures)
    samples = ds.samples
    # reusing random data from dataset itself
    random_scale = samples[rndidx(len(ds)), rndidx(ds.nfeatures)] * scale_fac
    random_shift = samples[rndidx(len(ds))] * shift_fac
    samples = np.dot(samples, R) * random_scale \
              + random_shift
    return Dataset(samples, sa=ds.sa, fa=ds.fa,
                   a={'random_rotation': R,
                      'random_scale': random_scale,
                      'random_shift': random_shift})
Example #4
def rotate_surface(xyz):
    """ Function to rotate surface using a random rigid rotation

        xyz : np.ndarray (n_points, 3)
            an array containing the euclidean coordinates of the vertices
            of the surface

        xyz_rnd : np.ndarray (n_points, 3)
            the rotated array with the euclidean coordinates of the rotated
            vertices of the surface

        dist : np.ndarray (n_points, 3)
            for each point of the rotated surface, the distance from the three
            nearest vertices in the original surface

        i : np.ndarray (n_points, 3)
            for each point of the rotated surface, the indices of the three
            nearest vertices in the original surface
    assert xyz.shape[1] == 3, 'I work only with surfaces in 3D spaces'
    # rotate xyz randomly
    rnd_rot = get_random_rotation(xyz.shape[1])
    xyz_rnd = np.dot(xyz, rnd_rot)

    # find three closest neighbors making up the triangle
    nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=3, algorithm='auto').fit(xyz)
    dist, i = nbrs.kneighbors(xyz_rnd)

    return xyz_rnd, dist, i
Example #5
def rotate_surface(xyz):
    """ Function to rotate surface using a random rigid rotation

        xyz : np.ndarray (n_points, 3)
            an array containing the euclidean coordinates of the vertices
            of the surface

        xyz_rnd : np.ndarray (n_points, 3)
            the rotated array with the euclidean coordinates of the rotated
            vertices of the surface

        dist : np.ndarray (n_points, 3)
            for each point of the rotated surface, the distance from the three
            nearest vertices in the original surface

        i : np.ndarray (n_points, 3)
            for each point of the rotated surface, the indices of the three
            nearest vertices in the original surface
    assert xyz.shape[1] == 3, "I work only with surfaces in 3D spaces"
    # rotate xyz randomly
    rnd_rot = get_random_rotation(xyz.shape[1])
    xyz_rnd = np.dot(xyz, rnd_rot)

    # find three closest neighbors making up the triangle
    nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=3, algorithm="auto").fit(xyz)
    dist, i = nbrs.kneighbors(xyz_rnd)

    return xyz_rnd, dist, i
    def get_testdata(self):
        # rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
        rs = np.random.RandomState()
        nt = 200
        n_triangles = 4
        ns = 10
        nv = n_triangles * 3
        vertices = np.zeros((nv, 3))  # 4 separated triangles
        faces = []
        for i in range(n_triangles):
            vertices[i * 3] = [i * 2, 0, 0]
            vertices[i * 3 + 1] = [i * 2 + 1, 1 / np.sqrt(3), 0]
            vertices[i * 3 + 2] = [i * 2 + 1, -1 / np.sqrt(3), 0]
            faces.append([i * 3, i * 3 + 1, i * 3 + 2])
        faces = np.array(faces)
        surface = Surface(vertices, faces)

        ds_orig = np.zeros((nt, nv))
        # add coarse-scale information
        for i in range(n_triangles):
            ds_orig[:, i * 3:(i + 1) * 3] += rs.normal(size=(nt, 1))
        # add fine-scale information
        ds_orig += rs.normal(size=(nt, nv))
        dss_train, dss_test = [], []
        for i in range(ns):
            ds = np.zeros_like(ds_orig)
            for j in range(n_triangles):
                   j * 3:(j + 1) * 3] = np.dot(ds_orig[:, j * 3:(j + 1) * 3],
                # special_ortho_group.rvs(3, random_state=rs))
            ds = Dataset(ds)
            ds.fa['node_indices'] = np.arange(nv)
            ds_train, ds_test = ds[:nt // 2, :], ds[nt // 2:, :]
            zscore(ds_train, chunks_attr=None)
            zscore(ds_test, chunks_attr=None)
        return dss_train, dss_test, surface
    def get_testdata(self):
        # rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
        rs = np.random.RandomState()
        nt = 200
        n_triangles = 4
        ns = 10
        nv = n_triangles * 3
        vertices = np.zeros((nv, 3))  # 4 separated triangles
        faces = []
        for i in range(n_triangles):
            vertices[i*3] = [i*2, 0, 0]
            vertices[i*3+1] = [i*2+1, 1/np.sqrt(3), 0]
            vertices[i*3+2] = [i*2+1, -1/np.sqrt(3), 0]
            faces.append([i*3, i*3+1, i*3+2])
        faces = np.array(faces)
        surface = Surface(vertices, faces)

        ds_orig = np.zeros((nt, nv))
        # add coarse-scale information
        for i in range(n_triangles):
            ds_orig[:, i*3:(i+1)*3] += rs.normal(size=(nt, 1))
        # add fine-scale information
        ds_orig += rs.normal(size=(nt, nv))
        dss_train, dss_test = [], []
        for i in range(ns):
            ds = np.zeros_like(ds_orig)
            for j in range(n_triangles):
                ds[:, j*3:(j+1)*3] = np.dot(ds_orig[:, j*3:(j+1)*3],
                                            # special_ortho_group.rvs(3, random_state=rs))
            ds = Dataset(ds)
            ds.fa['node_indices'] = np.arange(nv)
            ds_train, ds_test = ds[:nt//2, :], ds[nt//2:, :]
            zscore(ds_train, chunks_attr=None)
            zscore(ds_test, chunks_attr=None)
        return dss_train, dss_test, surface