Example #1
    def __init__(self, vg, white, pial, intermediate=None):
        volgeom: volgeom.VolGeom
            Volume geometry
        white: surf.Surface
            Surface representing white-grey matter boundary
        pial: surf.Surface
            Surface representing pial-grey matter boundary
        intermediate: surf.Surface (default: None).
            Surface representing intermediate surface. If omitted
            it is the node-wise average of white and pial.
            This parameter is usually ignored, except when used
            in a VolSurfMinimalLowresMapping.

        'pial' and 'white' should have the same topology.
        self._volgeom = volgeom.from_any(vg)
        self._pial = surf.from_any(pial)
        self._white = surf.from_any(white)

        if not self._pial.same_topology(self._white):
            raise Exception("Not same topology for white and pial")

        #if intermediate is None:
        #    intermediate = (self.pial_surface * .5) + (self.white_surface * .5)
        self._intermediate = surf.from_any(intermediate)
Example #2
    def test_volgeom_masking(self):
        maskstep = 5
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom((2 * maskstep, 2 * maskstep, 2 * maskstep), np.identity(4))

        mask = vg.get_empty_array()
        sh = vg.shape

        # mask a subset of the voxels
        rng = range(0, sh[0], maskstep)
        for i in rng:
            for j in rng:
                for k in rng:
                    mask[i, j, k] = 1

        # make a new volgeom instance
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vg.shape, vg.affine, mask)

        data = vg.get_masked_nifti_image(nt=1)
        msk = vg.get_masked_nifti_image()
        dset = fmri_dataset(data, mask=msk)
        vg_dset = volgeom.from_any(dset)

        # ensure that the mask is set properly and
        assert_equal(vg.nvoxels, vg.nvoxels_mask * maskstep ** 3)
        assert_equal(vg_dset, vg)

        dilates = range(0, 8, 2)
        nvoxels_masks = []  # keep track of number of voxels for each size
        for dilate in dilates:
            covers_full_volume = dilate * 2 >= maskstep * 3 ** .5 + 1

            # constr gets values: None, Sphere(0), 2, Sphere(2), ...
            for i, constr in enumerate([Sphere, lambda x:x if x else None]):
                dilater = constr(dilate)

                img_dilated = vg.get_masked_nifti_image(dilate=dilater)
                data = img_dilated.get_data()

                assert_array_equal(data, vg.get_masked_array(dilate=dilater))
                n = np.sum(data)

                # number of voxels in mask is increasing
                assert_true(all(n >= p for p in nvoxels_masks))

                # results should be identical irrespective of constr
                if i == 0:
                    # - first call with this value of dilate: has to be more
                    #   voxels than very previous dilation value, unless the
                    #   full volume is covered - then it can be equal too
                    # - every next call: ensure size matches
                    cmp = lambda x, y:(x >= y if covers_full_volume else x > y)
                    assert_true(all(cmp(n, p) for p in nvoxels_masks))
                    # same size as previous call
                    assert_equal(n, nvoxels_masks[-1])

                # if dilate is not None or zero, then it should
                # have selected all the voxels if the radius is big enough
                assert_equal(np.sum(data) == vg.nvoxels, covers_full_volume)
Example #3
    def test_volgeom_masking(self):
        maskstep = 5
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom((2 * maskstep, 2 * maskstep, 2 * maskstep), np.identity(4))

        mask = vg.get_empty_array()
        sh = vg.shape

        # mask a subset of the voxels
        rng = range(0, sh[0], maskstep)
        for i in rng:
            for j in rng:
                for k in rng:
                    mask[i, j, k] = 1

        # make a new volgeom instance
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vg.shape, vg.affine, mask)

        data = vg.get_masked_nifti_image(nt=1)
        msk = vg.get_masked_nifti_image()
        dset = fmri_dataset(data, mask=msk)
        vg_dset = volgeom.from_any(dset)

        # ensure that the mask is set properly and
        assert_equal(vg.nvoxels, vg.nvoxels_mask * maskstep ** 3)
        assert_equal(vg_dset, vg)

        dilates = range(0, 8, 2)
        nvoxels_masks = [] # keep track of number of voxels for each size
        for dilate in dilates:
            covers_full_volume = dilate * 2 >= maskstep * 3 ** .5 + 1

            # constr gets values: None, Sphere(0), 2, Sphere(2), ...
            for i, constr in enumerate([Sphere, lambda x:x if x else None]):
                dilater = constr(dilate)

                img_dilated = vg.get_masked_nifti_image(dilate=dilater)
                data = img_dilated.get_data()

                assert_array_equal(data, vg.get_masked_array(dilate=dilater))
                n = np.sum(data)

                # number of voxels in mask is increasing
                assert_true(all(n >= p for p in nvoxels_masks))

                # results should be identical irrespective of constr
                if i == 0:
                    # - first call with this value of dilate: has to be more
                    #   voxels than very previous dilation value, unless the
                    #   full volume is covered - then it can be equal too
                    # - every next call: ensure size matches
                    cmp = lambda x, y:(x >= y if covers_full_volume else x > y)
                    assert_true(all(cmp(n, p) for p in nvoxels_masks))
                    # same size as previous call
                    assert_equal(n, nvoxels_masks[-1])

                # if dilate is not None or zero, then it should
                # have selected all the voxels if the radius is big enough
                assert_equal(np.sum(data) == vg.nvoxels, covers_full_volume)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, vg, source, meta=None, src2nbr=None, src2aux=None):
        """Initialize a VolumeMaskDictionary

        vg: volgeom.VolGeom or fmri_dataset-like or str
            data structure that contains volume geometry information.
        source: Surface.surf or numpy.ndarray or None
            structure that contains the geometric information of
            (the centers of) each mask. In the case of surface-searchlights this
            should be a surface used as the center for searchlights.
        meta: dict or None
            Optional meta data stored with this instance (such as searchlight
            radius and volumetric information). A use case is storing an instance
            and loading it later, and then checking whether the meta information
            is correct when it used to run a searchlight analysis.
        src2nbr: dict or None
            In a typical use case it contains a mapping from node center
            indices to lists of voxel indices.
        src2aux: dict or None
            In a typical use case it can contain auxiliary information such as
            distance of each voxel to each center.
        self._volgeom = volgeom.from_any(vg)
        self._source = source

        self._src2nbr = dict() if src2nbr is None else src2nbr
        self._src2aux = dict() if src2nbr is None else src2aux

        self._meta = meta

        # this attribute is initially set to None
        # upon the first call that requires an inverse mapping
        # it is generated.
        self._lazy_nbr2src = None
Example #5
    def __init__(self, vg, white, pial, intermediate=None):
        volgeom: volgeom.VolGeom
            Volume geometry
        white: surf.Surface
            Surface representing white-grey matter boundary
        pial: surf.Surface
            Surface representing pial-grey matter boundary
        intermediate: surf.Surface (default: None).
            Surface representing intermediate surface. If omitted
            it is the node-wise average of white and pial.
            This parameter is usually ignored, except when used
            in a VolSurfMinimalLowresMapping.

        'pial' and 'white' should have the same topology.
        self._volgeom = volgeom.from_any(vg)
        self._pial = surf.from_any(pial)
        self._white = surf.from_any(white)

        if not self._pial.same_topology(self._white):
            raise Exception("Not same topology for white and pial")

        #if intermediate is None:
        #    intermediate = (self.pial_surface * .5) + (self.white_surface * .5)
        self._intermediate = surf.from_any(intermediate)
Example #6
    def __init__(self, vg, source, meta=None, src2nbr=None, src2aux=None):
        vg: volgeom.VolGeom or fmri_dataset-like or str
            data structure that contains volume geometry information.
        source: Surface.surf or numpy.ndarray or None
            structure that contains the geometric information of
            (the centers of) each mask. In the case of surface-searchlights this
            should be a surface used as the center for searchlights.
        meta: dict or None
            Optional meta data stored with this instance (such as searchlight
            radius and volumetric information). A use case is storing an instance
            and loading it later, and then checking whether the meta information
            is correct when it used to run a searchlight analysis.
        src2nbr: dict or None
            In a typical use case it contains a mapping from node center
            indices to lists of voxel indices.
        src2aux: dict or None
            In a typical use case it can contain auxiliary information such as
            distance of each voxel to each center.
        self._volgeom = volgeom.from_any(vg)
        self._source = source

        self._src2nbr = dict() if src2nbr is None else src2nbr
        self._src2aux = dict() if src2nbr is None else src2aux

        self._meta = meta

        # this attribute is initially set to None
        # upon the first call that requires an inverse mapping
        # it is generated.
        self._lazy_nbr2src = None
Example #7
    def __init__(self, vg):
        vg: Volgeom.volgeom or str or NiftiImage
            volume to be used as a surface
        self._vg = volgeom.from_any(vg)

        n = self._vg.nvoxels
        vertices = self._vg.lin2xyz(np.arange(n))
        faces = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.int)

        # call the parent's class constructor
        super(VolumeBasedSurface, self).__init__(vertices, faces, check=False)
Example #8
    def __init__(self, vg):
        vg: Volgeom.volgeom or str or NiftiImage
            volume to be used as a surface
        self._vg = volgeom.from_any(vg)

        n = self._vg.nvoxels
        vertices = self._vg.lin2xyz(np.arange(n))
        faces = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.int)

        # call the parent's class constructor
        super(VolumeBasedSurface, self).__init__(vertices, faces, check=False)
Example #9
def from_volume(v):
    '''Makes a pseudo-surface from a volume.
    Each voxels corresponds to a node; there is no topology.
    A use case is mimicking traditional volume-based searchlights

    v: str of NiftiImage
        input volume

    s: surf.Surface
        Surface with an equal number as nodes as there are voxels
        in the input volume. The associated topology is empty.
    vg = volgeom.from_any(v)
    vs = VolumeBasedSurface(vg)

    return VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, vs, vs, vs)
Example #10
def from_volume(v):
    '''Makes a pseudo-surface from a volume.
    Each voxels corresponds to a node; there is no topology.
    A use case is mimicking traditional volume-based searchlights

    v: str of NiftiImage
        input volume

    s: surf.Surface
        Surface with an equal number as nodes as there are voxels
        in the input volume. The associated topology is empty.
    vg = volgeom.from_any(v)
    vs = VolumeBasedSurface(vg)

    return VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, vs, vs, vs)
Example #11
    def __init__(self, vg, source, src2nbr=None, src2aux=None):
        vg: volgeom.VolGeom or fmri_dataset-like or str
            data structure that contains volume geometry information.
        source: Surface.surf or numpy.ndarray or None
            structure that contains the geometric information of 
            (the centers of) each mask. In the case of surface-searchlights this
            should be a surface used as the center for searchlights. 
        self._volgeom = volgeom.from_any(vg)
        self._source = source

        self._src2nbr = dict() if src2nbr is None else src2nbr
        self._src2aux = dict() if src2nbr is None else src2aux

        # this attribute is initially set to None
        # upon the first call that requires an inverse mapping
        # it is generated.
        self._lazy_nbr2src = None
Example #12
    def train(self, dataset):
        '''Train the query engine on a dataset'''
        vg = self.voxsel.volgeom
        # We are creating a map from big unmasked indices of voxels
        # known to voxsel into the dataset's feature indexes.
        # We verify that the current dataset has the necessary
        # features (i.e. are not masked out) and that the volume
        # geometry matches that of the original voxel selection

        vg_ds = None
            vg_ds = volgeom.from_any(dataset)
            vg_ds = None

        if vg_ds:
            eps = .0001
            if np.max(np.abs(vg_ds.affine - vg.affine)) > eps:
                raise ValueError("Mismatch in affine matrix: %r !+ %r" %
                                        (vg_ds.affine, vg.affine))
            if not vg_ds.same_shape(vg):
                raise ValueError("Mismatch in shape: (%s,%s,%s) != "
                                 "(%s,%s,%s)" %
                                        (vg_ds.shape[:3], vg.shape[:3]))
            warning("Could not find dataset volume geometry for %r" % dataset)

        self._map_voxel_coord = map_voxel_coord = {}
        long_is = vg.ijk2lin(dataset.fa[self.space].value)
        long_is_invol = vg.contains_lin(long_is)
        for i, long_i in enumerate(long_is):
            if not long_is_invol[i]:
                raise ValueError('Feature id %d (with voxel id %d)'
                                 ' is not in the (possibly masked) '
                                 'volume geometry %r)' % (i, long_i, vg))
            if long_i in map_voxel_coord:
                map_voxel_coord[long_i] = [i]
Example #13
    def train(self, dataset):
        '''Train the query engine on a dataset'''
        vg = self.voxsel.volgeom
        # We are creating a map from big unmasked indices of voxels
        # known to voxsel into the dataset's feature indexes.
        # We verify that the current dataset has the necessary
        # features (i.e. are not masked out) and that the volume
        # geometry matches that of the original voxel selection

        vg_ds = None
            vg_ds = volgeom.from_any(dataset)
            vg_ds = None

        if vg_ds:
            eps = .0001
            if np.max(np.abs(vg_ds.affine - vg.affine)) > eps:
                raise ValueError("Mismatch in affine matrix: %r !+ %r" %
                                        (vg_ds.affine, vg.affine))
            if not vg_ds.same_shape(vg):
                raise ValueError("Mismatch in shape: (%s,%s,%s) != "
                                 "(%s,%s,%s)" %
                                        (vg_ds.shape[:3], vg.shape[:3]))
            warning("Could not find dataset volume geometry for %r" % dataset)

        self._map_voxel_coord = map_voxel_coord = {}
        long_is = vg.ijk2lin(dataset.fa[self.space].value)
        long_is_invol = vg.contains_lin(long_is)
        for i, long_i in enumerate(long_is):
            if not long_is_invol[i]:
                raise ValueError('Feature id %d (with voxel id %d)'
                                 ' is not in the (possibly masked) '
                                 'volume geometry %r)' % (i, long_i, vg))
            if long_i in map_voxel_coord:
                map_voxel_coord[long_i] = [i]
Example #14
    def __init__(self, vg, source, src2nbr=None, src2aux=None):
        vg: volgeom.VolGeom or fmri_dataset-like or str
            data structure that contains volume geometry information.
        source: Surface.surf or numpy.ndarray or None
            structure that contains the geometric information of 
            (the centers of) each mask. In the case of surface-searchlights this
            should be a surface used as the center for searchlights. 
        self._volgeom = volgeom.from_any(vg)
        self._source = source

        self._src2nbr = dict() if src2nbr is None else src2nbr
        self._src2aux = dict() if src2nbr is None else src2aux

        # this attribute is initially set to None
        # upon the first call that requires an inverse mapping
        # it is generated.
        self._lazy_nbr2src = None
Example #15
def run_voxel_selection(radius,
    Voxel selection wrapper for multiple center nodes on the surface

    radius: int or float
        Size of searchlight. If an integer, then it indicates the number of
        voxels. If a float, then it indicates the radius of the disc
    volume: Dataset or NiftiImage or volgeom.Volgeom
        Volume in which voxels are selected.
    white_surf: str of surf.Surface
        Surface of white-matter to grey-matter boundary, or filename
        of file containing such a surface.
    pial_surf: str of surf.Surface
        Surface of grey-matter to pial-matter boundary, or filename
        of file containing such a surface.
    source_surf: surf.Surface or None
        Surface used to compute distance between nodes. If omitted, it is
        the average of the gray and white surfaces.
    source_surf_nodes: list of int or numpy array or None
        Indices of nodes in source_surf that serve as searchlight center.
        By default every node serves as a searchlight center.
    volume_mask: None (default) or False or int
        Mask from volume to apply from voxel selection results. By default
        no mask is applied. If volume_mask is an integer k, then the k-th
        volume from volume is used to mask the data. If volume is a Dataset
        and has a property volume.fa.voxel_indices, then these indices
        are used to mask the data, unless volume_mask is False or an integer.
    distance_metric: str
        Distance metric between nodes. 'euclidean' or 'dijksta' (default)
    start_fr: float (default: 0)
            Relative start position of line in gray matter, 0.=white
            surface, 1.=pial surface
    stop_fr: float (default: 1)
        Relative stop position of line (as in see start)
    start_mm: float (default: 0)
        Absolute start position offset (as in start_fr)
    stop_mm: float (default: 0)
        Absolute start position offset (as in start_fr)
    nsteps: int (default: 10)
        Number of steps from white to pial surface
    eta_step: int (default: 1)
        After how many searchlights an estimate should be printed of the
        remaining time until completion of all searchlights
    nproc: int or None
        Number of parallel threads. None means as many threads as the
        system supports. The pprocess is required for parallel threads; if
        it cannot be used, then a single thread is used.
    outside_node_margin: float or None (default)
        By default nodes outside the volume are skipped; using this
        parameter allows for a marign. If this value is a float (possibly
        np.inf), then all nodes within outside_node_margin Dijkstra
        distance from any node within the volume are still assigned
        associated voxels. If outside_node_margin is True, then a node is
        always assigned voxels regardless of its position in the volume.
    results_backend : 'native' or 'hdf5' or None (default).
        Specifies the way results are provided back from a processing block
        in case of nproc > 1. 'native' is pickling/unpickling of results by
        pprocess, while 'hdf5' would use h5save/h5load functionality.
        'hdf5' might be more time and memory efficient in some cases.
        If None, then 'hdf5' if used if available, else 'native'.
    tmp_prefix : str, optional
        If specified -- serves as a prefix for temporary files storage
        if results_backend == 'hdf5'.  Thus can specify the directory to use
        (trailing file path separator is not added automagically).
    node_voxel_mapping: 'minimal' or 'maximal' or 'minimal_lowres'
        If 'minimal' then each voxel is associated with at most one node.
        If 'maximal' it is associated with as many nodes that contain the
        voxel (default: 'maximal').
        If 'minimal_lowres' then each voxel is associated with at most one
        node, and each node that is mapped onto has a corresponding node
        (at the same spatial location) in source_surf.

    sel: volume_mask_dict.VolumeMaskDictionary
        Voxel selection results, that associates, which each node, the indices
        of the surrounding voxels.

    vg = volgeom.from_any(volume, volume_mask)

    mapper_dict = dict(maximal=volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping,

    mapper = mapper_dict[node_voxel_mapping]

    vsm = mapper(vg,

    sel = voxel_selection(vol_surf_mapping=vsm,

    return sel
Example #16
    def test_volgeom(self, temp_fn):
        sz = (17, 71, 37, 73)  # size of 4-D 'brain volume'
        d = 2.  # voxel size
        xo, yo, zo = -6., -12., -20.  # origin
        mx = np.identity(4, np.float) * d  # affine transformation matrix
        mx[3, 3] = 1
        mx[0, 3] = xo
        mx[1, 3] = yo
        mx[2, 3] = zo

        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(sz, mx)  # initialize volgeom

        eq_shape_nvoxels = {
            (17, 71, 37): (True, True),
            (71, 17, 37, 1): (False, True),
            (17, 71, 37, 2): (True, True),
            (17, 71, 37, 73): (True, True),
            (2, 2, 2): (False, False)

        for other_sz, (eq_shape, eq_nvoxels) in eq_shape_nvoxels.iteritems():
            other_vg = volgeom.VolGeom(other_sz, mx)
            assert_equal(other_vg.same_shape(vg), eq_shape)
            assert_equal(other_vg.nvoxels_mask == vg.nvoxels_mask, eq_nvoxels)

        nv = sz[0] * sz[1] * sz[2]  # number of voxels
        nt = sz[3]  # number of time points
        assert_equal(vg.nvoxels, nv)

        # a couple of hard-coded test cases
        # last two are outside the volume
        linidxs = [0, 1, sz[2], sz[1] * sz[2], nv - 1, -1, nv]
        subidxs = ([(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0),
                    (sz[0] - 1, sz[1] - 1, sz[2] - 1)] +
                   [(sz[0], sz[1], sz[2])] * 2)

        xyzs = ([(xo, yo, zo), (xo, yo, zo + d), (xo, yo + d, zo),
                 (xo + d, yo, zo),
                 (xo + d * (sz[0] - 1), yo + d * (sz[1] - 1), zo + d *
                  (sz[2] - 1))] + [(np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)] * 2)

        for i, linidx in enumerate(linidxs):
            lin = np.asarray([linidx])
            ijk = vg.lin2ijk(lin)
            ijk_expected = np.reshape(np.asarray(subidxs[i]), (1, 3))
            assert_array_almost_equal(ijk, ijk_expected)
            xyz = vg.lin2xyz(lin)
            xyz_expected = np.reshape(np.asarray(xyzs[i]), (1, 3))
            assert_array_almost_equal(xyz, xyz_expected)

        # check that some identities hold
        ab, bc, ac = vg.lin2ijk, vg.ijk2xyz, vg.lin2xyz
        ba, cb, ca = vg.ijk2lin, vg.xyz2ijk, vg.xyz2lin
        identities = [
            lambda x: ab(ba(x)), lambda x: bc(cb(x)), lambda x: ac(ca(x)),
            lambda x: ba(ab(x)), lambda x: cb(bc(x)), lambda x: ca(ac(x)),
            lambda x: bc(ab(ca(x))), lambda x: ba(cb(ac(x)))

        # 0=lin, 1=ijk, 2=xyz
        identities_input = [1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0]

        # voxel indices to test
        linrange = [0, 1, sz[2], sz[1] * sz[2]] + range(0, nv, nv // 100)

        lin = np.reshape(np.asarray(linrange), (-1, ))
        ijk = vg.lin2ijk(lin)
        xyz = vg.ijk2xyz(ijk)

        for j, identity in enumerate(identities):
            inp = identities_input[j]
            x = {0: lin, 1: ijk, 2: xyz}[inp]

            assert_array_equal(x, identity(x))

        # check that masking works
        assert_false(vg.contains_lin(-lin - 1).any())

        assert_false(vg.contains_ijk(-ijk - 1).any())

        # ensure that we have no rounding issues
        deltas = [-.51, -.49, 0., .49, .51]
        should_raise = [True, False, False, False, True]

        for delta, r in zip(deltas, should_raise):
            xyz_d = xyz + delta * d
            lin_d = vg.xyz2lin(xyz_d)

            if r:
                assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_array_almost_equal, lin_d,
                assert_array_almost_equal(lin_d, lin)

        # some I/O testing

        img = vg.get_empty_nifti_image()


        vg2 = volgeom.from_any(img)
        vg3 = volgeom.from_any(temp_fn)

        assert_array_equal(vg.affine, vg2.affine)
        assert_array_equal(vg.affine, vg3.affine)

        assert_equal(vg.shape[:3], vg2.shape[:3], 0)
        assert_equal(vg.shape[:3], vg3.shape[:3], 0)

        assert_true(len('%s%r' % (vg, vg)) > 0)
def run_voxel_selection(radius, volume, white_surf, pial_surf,
                         source_surf=None, source_surf_nodes=None,
                         volume_mask=None, distance_metric='dijkstra',
                         start_mm=0, stop_mm=0, start_fr=0., stop_fr=1.,
                         nsteps=10, eta_step=1, nproc=None,
                         results_backend=None, tmp_prefix='tmpvoxsel',

    Voxel selection wrapper for multiple center nodes on the surface

    radius: int or float
        Size of searchlight. If an integer, then it indicates the number of
        voxels. If a float, then it indicates the radius of the disc
    volume: Dataset or NiftiImage or volgeom.Volgeom
        Volume in which voxels are selected.
    white_surf: str of surf.Surface
        Surface of white-matter to grey-matter boundary, or filename
        of file containing such a surface.
    pial_surf: str of surf.Surface
        Surface of grey-matter to pial-matter boundary, or filename
        of file containing such a surface.
    source_surf: surf.Surface or None
        Surface used to compute distance between nodes. If omitted, it is
        the average of the gray and white surfaces.
    source_surf_nodes: list of int or numpy array or None
        Indices of nodes in source_surf that serve as searchlight center.
        By default every node serves as a searchlight center.
    volume_mask: None (default) or False or int
        Mask from volume to apply from voxel selection results. By default
        no mask is applied. If volume_mask is an integer k, then the k-th
        volume from volume is used to mask the data. If volume is a Dataset
        and has a property volume.fa.voxel_indices, then these indices
        are used to mask the data, unless volume_mask is False or an integer.
    distance_metric: str
        Distance metric between nodes. 'euclidean' or 'dijksta' (default)
    start_fr: float (default: 0)
            Relative start position of line in gray matter, 0.=white
            surface, 1.=pial surface
    stop_fr: float (default: 1)
        Relative stop position of line (as in see start)
    start_mm: float (default: 0)
        Absolute start position offset (as in start_fr)
    stop_mm: float (default: 0)
        Absolute start position offset (as in start_fr)
    nsteps: int (default: 10)
        Number of steps from white to pial surface
    eta_step: int (default: 1)
        After how many searchlights an estimate should be printed of the
        remaining time until completion of all searchlights
    nproc: int or None
        Number of parallel threads. None means as many threads as the
        system supports. The pprocess is required for parallel threads; if
        it cannot be used, then a single thread is used.
    outside_node_margin: float or None (default)
        By default nodes outside the volume are skipped; using this
        parameter allows for a marign. If this value is a float (possibly
        np.inf), then all nodes within outside_node_margin Dijkstra
        distance from any node within the volume are still assigned
        associated voxels. If outside_node_margin is True, then a node is
        always assigned voxels regardless of its position in the volume.
    results_backend : 'native' or 'hdf5' or None (default).
        Specifies the way results are provided back from a processing block
        in case of nproc > 1. 'native' is pickling/unpickling of results by
        pprocess, while 'hdf5' would use h5save/h5load functionality.
        'hdf5' might be more time and memory efficient in some cases.
        If None, then 'hdf5' if used if available, else 'native'.
    tmp_prefix : str, optional
        If specified -- serves as a prefix for temporary files storage
        if results_backend == 'hdf5'.  Thus can specify the directory to use
        (trailing file path separator is not added automagically).
    node_voxel_mapping: 'minimal' or 'maximal' or 'minimal_lowres'
        If 'minimal' then each voxel is associated with at most one node.
        If 'maximal' it is associated with as many nodes that contain the
        voxel (default: 'maximal').
        If 'minimal_lowres' then each voxel is associated with at most one
        node, and each node that is mapped onto has a corresponding node
        (at the same spatial location) in source_surf.

    sel: volume_mask_dict.VolumeMaskDictionary
        Voxel selection results, that associates, which each node, the indices
        of the surrounding voxels.

    vg = volgeom.from_any(volume, volume_mask)

    mapper_dict = dict(maximal=volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping,

    mapper = mapper_dict[node_voxel_mapping]

    vsm = mapper(vg, white=white_surf, pial=pial_surf,
                 intermediate=source_surf, nsteps=nsteps, start_fr=start_fr,
                 stop_fr=stop_fr, start_mm=start_mm, stop_mm=stop_mm)

    sel = voxel_selection(vol_surf_mapping=vsm, radius=radius,
                          eta_step=eta_step, nproc=nproc,

    return sel
Example #18
    def test_volgeom(self, temp_fn):
        sz = (17, 71, 37, 73) # size of 4-D 'brain volume'
        d = 2. # voxel size
        xo, yo, zo = -6., -12., -20. # origin
        mx = np.identity(4, np.float) * d # affine transformation matrix
        mx[3, 3] = 1
        mx[0, 3] = xo
        mx[1, 3] = yo
        mx[2, 3] = zo

        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(sz, mx) # initialize volgeom

        eq_shape_nvoxels = {(17, 71, 37): (True, True),
                           (71, 17, 37, 1): (False, True),
                           (17, 71, 37, 2): (True, True),
                            (17, 71, 37, 73): (True, True),
                           (2, 2, 2): (False, False)}

        for other_sz, (eq_shape, eq_nvoxels) in eq_shape_nvoxels.iteritems():
            other_vg = volgeom.VolGeom(other_sz, mx)
            assert_equal(other_vg.same_shape(vg), eq_shape)
            assert_equal(other_vg.nvoxels_mask == vg.nvoxels_mask, eq_nvoxels)

        nv = sz[0] * sz[1] * sz[2] # number of voxels
        nt = sz[3] # number of time points
        assert_equal(vg.nvoxels, nv)

        # a couple of hard-coded test cases
        # last two are outside the volume
        linidxs = [0, 1, sz[2], sz[1] * sz[2], nv - 1, -1 , nv]
        subidxs = ([(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0),
                    (sz[0] - 1, sz[1] - 1, sz[2] - 1)]
                   + [(sz[0], sz[1], sz[2])] * 2)

        xyzs = ([(xo, yo, zo), (xo, yo, zo + d), (xo, yo + d, zo),
                 (xo + d, yo, zo),
                 (xo + d * (sz[0] - 1), yo + d * (sz[1] - 1), zo + d * (sz[2] - 1))]
                + [(np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)] * 2)

        for i, linidx in enumerate(linidxs):
            lin = np.asarray([linidx])
            ijk = vg.lin2ijk(lin)

            ijk_expected = np.reshape(np.asarray(subidxs[i]), (1, 3))
            assert_array_almost_equal(ijk, ijk_expected)

            xyz = vg.lin2xyz(lin)

            xyz_expected = np.reshape(np.asarray(xyzs[i]), (1, 3))
            assert_array_almost_equal(xyz, xyz_expected)

        # check that some identities hold
        ab, bc, ac = vg.lin2ijk, vg.ijk2xyz, vg.lin2xyz
        ba, cb, ca = vg.ijk2lin, vg.xyz2ijk, vg.xyz2lin
        identities = [lambda x:ab(ba(x)),
                      lambda x:bc(cb(x)),
                      lambda x:ac(ca(x)),
                      lambda x:ba(ab(x)),
                      lambda x:cb(bc(x)),
                      lambda x:ca(ac(x)),
                      lambda x:bc(ab(ca(x))),
                      lambda x:ba(cb(ac(x)))]

        # 0=lin, 1=ijk, 2=xyz
        identities_input = [1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0]

        # voxel indices to test
        linrange = [0, 1, sz[2], sz[1] * sz[2]] + range(0, nv, nv // 100)

        lin = np.reshape(np.asarray(linrange), (-1,))
        ijk = vg.lin2ijk(lin)
        xyz = vg.ijk2xyz(ijk)

        for j, identity in enumerate(identities):
            inp = identities_input[j]
            x = {0: lin,
                 1: ijk,
                 2: xyz}[inp]

            assert_array_equal(x, identity(x))

        # check that masking works
        assert_false(vg.contains_lin(-lin - 1).any())

        assert_false(vg.contains_ijk(-ijk - 1).any())

        # ensure that we have no rounding issues
        deltas = [-.51, -.49, 0., .49, .51]
        should_raise = [True, False, False, False, True]

        for delta, r in zip(deltas, should_raise):
            xyz_d = xyz + delta * d
            lin_d = vg.xyz2lin(xyz_d)

            if r:
                              assert_array_almost_equal, lin_d, lin)
                assert_array_almost_equal(lin_d, lin)

        # some I/O testing

        img = vg.get_empty_nifti_image()


        vg2 = volgeom.from_any(img)
        vg3 = volgeom.from_any(temp_fn)

        assert_array_equal(vg.affine, vg2.affine)
        assert_array_equal(vg.affine, vg3.affine)

        assert_equal(vg.shape[:3], vg2.shape[:3], 0)
        assert_equal(vg.shape[:3], vg3.shape[:3], 0)

        assert_true(len('%s%r' % (vg, vg)) > 0)
    def test_voxel_selection_alternative_calls(self):
        # Tests a multitude of different searchlight calls
        # that all should yield exactly the same results.
        # Calls differ by whether the arguments are filenames
        # or data objects, whether values are specified explicityly
        # or set to the default implicitly (using None).
        # and by different calls to run the voxel selection.
        # This method does not test for mask functionality.

        # define the volume
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 3)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5

        # four versions: array, nifti image, file name, fmri dataset
        volarr = np.ones(vol_shape)
        volimg = nb.Nifti1Image(volarr, vol_affine)
        # There is a detected problem with elderly NumPy's (e.g. 1.6.1
        # on precise on travis) leading to segfaults while operating
        # on memmapped volumes being forwarded to pprocess.
        # Thus just making it compressed volume for those cases
        suf = '.gz' \
            if externals.exists('pprocess') and externals.versions['numpy'] < '1.6.2' \
            else ''
        fd, volfn = tempfile.mkstemp('vol.nii' + suf, 'test')
        volds = fmri_dataset(volfn)

        fd, volfngz = tempfile.mkstemp('vol.nii.gz', 'test')
        voldsgz = fmri_dataset(volfngz)

        # make the surfaces
        sphere_density = 10

        # two versions: Surface and file name
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 25. + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 20. + 15
        intermediate = inner * .5 + outer * .5
        nv = outer.nvertices

        fd, outerfn = tempfile.mkstemp('outer.asc', 'test')
        fd, innerfn = tempfile.mkstemp('inner.asc', 'test')
        fd, intermediatefn = tempfile.mkstemp('intermediate.asc', 'test')

        for s, fn in zip([outer, inner, intermediate],
                         [outerfn, innerfn, intermediatefn]):
            surf.write(fn, s, overwrite=True)

        # searchlight radius (in mm)
        radius = 10.

        # dataset used to run searchlight on
        ds = fmri_dataset(volfn)

        # simple voxel counter (run for each searchlight position)
        m = _Voxel_Count_Measure()

        # number of voxels expected in each searchlight
        r_expected = np.array([[
            18, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10,
            9, 10, 11, 9, 10, 10, 8, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 12, 12, 11, 7, 7, 8, 5,
            9, 11, 11, 12, 12, 9, 5, 8, 7, 7, 12, 12, 13, 12, 12, 7, 7, 8, 5,
            9, 12, 12, 13, 11, 9, 5, 8, 7, 7, 11, 12, 12, 11, 12, 10, 10, 11,
            9, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 16, 13, 16, 16, 16, 17, 15, 17, 17, 17, 16,
            16, 16, 18, 16, 16, 16, 16, 18, 16

        params = dict(intermediate_=(intermediate, intermediatefn, None),
                      center_nodes_=(None, range(nv)),
                      volume_=(volimg, volfn, volds, volfngz, voldsgz),
                      surf_src_=('filename', 'surf'),
                      volume_mask_=(None, True, 0, 2),
                      call_method_=("qe", "rvs", "gam"))

        combis = _cartprod(params)  # compute all possible combinations
        combistep = 17  #173
        # some fine prime number to speed things up
        # if this value becomes too big then not all
        # cases are covered
        # the unit test tests itself whether all values
        # occur at least once

        tested_params = dict()

        def val2str(x):
            return '%r:%r' % (type(x), x)

        for i in xrange(0, len(combis), combistep):
            combi = combis[i]

            intermediate_ = combi['intermediate_']
            center_nodes_ = combi['center_nodes_']
            volume_ = combi['volume_']
            surf_src_ = combi['surf_src_']
            volume_mask_ = combi['volume_mask_']
            call_method_ = combi['call_method_']

            # keep track of which values were used -
            # so that this unit test tests itself

            for k in combi.keys():
                if not k in tested_params:
                    tested_params[k] = set()

            if surf_src_ == 'filename':
                s_i, s_m, s_o = inner, intermediate, outer
            elif surf_src_ == 'surf':
                s_i, s_m, s_o = innerfn, intermediatefn, outerfn
                raise ValueError('this should not happen')

            if call_method_ == "qe":
                # use the fancy query engine wrapper
                qe = disc_surface_queryengine(radius,
                sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)
                r = sl(ds).samples

            elif call_method_ == 'rvs':
                # use query-engine but build the
                # ingredients by hand
                vg = volgeom.from_any(volume_, volume_mask_)
                vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, s_i, s_o)
                sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(
                qe = SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(sel)
                sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)
                r = sl(ds).samples

            elif call_method_ == 'gam':
                # build everything from the ground up
                vg = volgeom.from_any(volume_, volume_mask_)
                vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, s_i, s_o)
                sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(
                mp = sel

                ks = sel.keys()
                nk = len(ks)
                r = np.zeros((1, nk))
                for i, k in enumerate(ks):
                    r[0, i] = len(mp[k])

            # check if result is as expected
            assert_array_equal(r_expected, r)

        # clean up
        all_fns = [volfn, volfngz, outerfn, innerfn, intermediatefn]
        map(os.remove, all_fns)

        for k, vs in params.iteritems():
            if not k in tested_params:
                raise ValueError("Missing key: %r" % k)
            for v in vs:
                vstr = val2str(v)
                if not vstr in tested_params[k]:
                    raise ValueError("Missing value %r for %s" %
                                     (tested_params[k], k))
    def test_voxel_selection(self):
        '''Compare surface and volume based searchlight'''
        Tests to see whether results are identical for surface-based
        searchlight (just one plane; Euclidean distnace) and volume-based

        Note that the current value is a float; if it were int, it would
        specify the number of voxels in each searchlight'''

        radius = 10.
        '''Define input filenames'''
        epi_fn = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'bold.nii.gz')
        maskfn = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'mask.nii.gz')
        Use the EPI datafile to define a surface.
        The surface has as many nodes as there are voxels
        and is parallel to the volume 'slice'
        vg = volgeom.from_any(maskfn, mask_volume=True)

        aff = vg.affine
        nx, ny, nz = vg.shape[:3]
        '''Plane goes in x and y direction, so we take these vectors
        from the affine transformation matrix of the volume'''
        plane = surf.generate_plane(aff[:3, 3], aff[:3, 0], aff[:3, 1], nx, ny)
        Simulate pial and white matter as just above and below
        the central plane
        normal_vec = aff[:3, 2]
        outer = plane + normal_vec
        inner = plane + -normal_vec
        Combine volume and surface information
        vsm = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, outer, inner)
        Run voxel selection with specified radius (in mm), using
        Euclidean distance measure
        surf_voxsel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vsm,
        '''Define the measure'''

        # run_slow=True would give an actual cross-validation with meaningful
        # accuracies. Because this is a unit-test only the number of voxels
        # in each searchlight is tested.
        run_slow = False

        if run_slow:
            meas = CrossValidation(GNB(),
                                   errorfx=lambda p, t: np.mean(p == t))
            postproc = mean_sample
            meas = _Voxel_Count_Measure()
            postproc = lambda x: x
        Surface analysis: define the query engine, cross validation,
        and searchlight
        surf_qe = SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(surf_voxsel)
        surf_sl = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=surf_qe, postproc=postproc)
        new (Sep 2012): also test 'simple' queryengine wrapper function

        surf_qe2 = disc_surface_queryengine(radius,
        surf_sl2 = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=surf_qe2, postproc=postproc)
        Same for the volume analysis
        element_sizes = tuple(map(abs, (aff[0, 0], aff[1, 1], aff[2, 2])))
        sph = Sphere(radius, element_sizes=element_sizes)
        kwa = {'voxel_indices': sph}

        vol_qe = IndexQueryEngine(**kwa)
        vol_sl = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=vol_qe, postproc=postproc)
        '''The following steps are similar to start_easy.py'''
        attr = SampleAttributes(
            os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'attributes_literal.txt'))

        mask = surf_voxsel.get_mask()

        dataset = fmri_dataset(samples=os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot,

        if run_slow:
            # do chunkswise linear detrending on dataset

            poly_detrend(dataset, polyord=1, chunks_attr='chunks')

            # zscore dataset relative to baseline ('rest') mean
                   param_est=('targets', ['rest']))

        # select class face and house for this demo analysis
        # would work with full datasets (just a little slower)
        dataset = dataset[np.array(
            [l in ['face', 'house'] for l in dataset.sa.targets],
        '''Apply searchlight to datasets'''
        surf_dset = surf_sl(dataset)
        surf_dset2 = surf_sl2(dataset)
        vol_dset = vol_sl(dataset)

        surf_data = surf_dset.samples
        surf_data2 = surf_dset2.samples
        vol_data = vol_dset.samples

        assert_array_equal(surf_data, surf_data2)
        assert_array_equal(surf_data, vol_data)
    def test_voxel_selection_alternative_calls(self):
        # Tests a multitude of different searchlight calls
        # that all should yield exactly the same results.
        # Calls differ by whether the arguments are filenames
        # or data objects, whether values are specified explicityly
        # or set to the default implicitly (using None).
        # and by different calls to run the voxel selection.
        # This method does not test for mask functionality.

        # define the volume
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 3)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5

        # four versions: array, nifti image, file name, fmri dataset
        volarr = np.ones(vol_shape)
        volimg = nb.Nifti1Image(volarr, vol_affine)
        # There is a detected problem with elderly NumPy's (e.g. 1.6.1
        # on precise on travis) leading to segfaults while operating
        # on memmapped volumes being forwarded to pprocess.
        # Thus just making it compressed volume for those cases
        suf = ".gz" if (externals.exists("pprocess") and externals.versions["numpy"] < "1.6.2") else ""
        fd, volfn = tempfile.mkstemp("vol.nii" + suf, "test")
        volds = fmri_dataset(volfn)

        fd, volfngz = tempfile.mkstemp("vol.nii.gz", "test")
        voldsgz = fmri_dataset(volfngz)

        # make the surfaces
        sphere_density = 10

        # two versions: Surface and file name
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 25.0 + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 20.0 + 15
        intermediate = inner * 0.5 + outer * 0.5
        nv = outer.nvertices

        fd, outerfn = tempfile.mkstemp("outer.asc", "test")
        fd, innerfn = tempfile.mkstemp("inner.asc", "test")
        fd, intermediatefn = tempfile.mkstemp("intermediate.asc", "test")

        for s, fn in zip([outer, inner, intermediate], [outerfn, innerfn, intermediatefn]):
            surf.write(fn, s, overwrite=True)

        # searchlight radius (in mm)
        radius = 10.0

        # dataset used to run searchlight on
        ds = fmri_dataset(volfn)

        # simple voxel counter (run for each searchlight position)
        m = _Voxel_Count_Measure()

        # number of voxels expected in each searchlight
        r_expected = np.array(

        params = dict(
            intermediate_=(intermediate, intermediatefn, None),
            center_nodes_=(None, range(nv)),
            volume_=(volimg, volfn, volds, volfngz, voldsgz),
            surf_src_=("filename", "surf"),
            volume_mask_=(None, True, 0, 2),
            call_method_=("qe", "rvs", "gam"),

        combis = _cartprod(params)  # compute all possible combinations
        combistep = 17  # 173
        # some fine prime number to speed things up
        # if this value becomes too big then not all
        # cases are covered
        # the unit test tests itself whether all values
        # occur at least once

        tested_params = dict()

        def val2str(x):
            return "%r:%r" % (type(x), x)

        for i in xrange(0, len(combis), combistep):
            combi = combis[i]

            intermediate_ = combi["intermediate_"]
            center_nodes_ = combi["center_nodes_"]
            volume_ = combi["volume_"]
            surf_src_ = combi["surf_src_"]
            volume_mask_ = combi["volume_mask_"]
            call_method_ = combi["call_method_"]

            # keep track of which values were used -
            # so that this unit test tests itself

            for k in combi.keys():
                if not k in tested_params:
                    tested_params[k] = set()

            if surf_src_ == "filename":
                s_i, s_m, s_o = inner, intermediate, outer
            elif surf_src_ == "surf":
                s_i, s_m, s_o = innerfn, intermediatefn, outerfn
                raise ValueError("this should not happen")

            if call_method_ == "qe":
                # use the fancy query engine wrapper
                qe = disc_surface_queryengine(
                    radius, volume_, s_i, s_o, s_m, source_surf_nodes=center_nodes_, volume_mask=volume_mask_
                sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)
                r = sl(ds).samples

            elif call_method_ == "rvs":
                # use query-engine but build the
                # ingredients by hand
                vg = volgeom.from_any(volume_, volume_mask_)
                vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, s_i, s_o)
                sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius, source_surf=s_m, source_surf_nodes=center_nodes_)
                qe = SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(sel)
                sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)
                r = sl(ds).samples

            elif call_method_ == "gam":
                # build everything from the ground up
                vg = volgeom.from_any(volume_, volume_mask_)
                vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, s_i, s_o)
                sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius, source_surf=s_m, source_surf_nodes=center_nodes_)
                mp = sel

                ks = sel.keys()
                nk = len(ks)
                r = np.zeros((1, nk))
                for i, k in enumerate(ks):
                    r[0, i] = len(mp[k])

            # check if result is as expected
            assert_array_equal(r_expected, r)

        # clean up
        all_fns = [volfn, volfngz, outerfn, innerfn, intermediatefn]
        map(os.remove, all_fns)

        for k, vs in params.iteritems():
            if not k in tested_params:
                raise ValueError("Missing key: %r" % k)
            for v in vs:
                vstr = val2str(v)
                if not vstr in tested_params[k]:
                    raise ValueError("Missing value %r for %s" % (tested_params[k], k))
    def test_voxel_selection(self):
        """Compare surface and volume based searchlight"""

        Tests to see whether results are identical for surface-based
        searchlight (just one plane; Euclidean distnace) and volume-based

        Note that the current value is a float; if it were int, it would
        specify the number of voxels in each searchlight"""

        radius = 10.0

        """Define input filenames"""
        epi_fn = pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot, "bold.nii.gz")
        maskfn = pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot, "mask.nii.gz")

        Use the EPI datafile to define a surface.
        The surface has as many nodes as there are voxels
        and is parallel to the volume 'slice'
        vg = volgeom.from_any(maskfn, mask_volume=True)

        aff = vg.affine
        nx, ny, nz = vg.shape[:3]

        """Plane goes in x and y direction, so we take these vectors
        from the affine transformation matrix of the volume"""
        plane = surf.generate_plane(aff[:3, 3], aff[:3, 0], aff[:3, 1], nx, ny)

        Simulate pial and white matter as just above and below
        the central plane
        normal_vec = aff[:3, 2]
        outer = plane + normal_vec
        inner = plane + -normal_vec

        Combine volume and surface information
        vsm = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, outer, inner)

        Run voxel selection with specified radius (in mm), using
        Euclidean distance measure
        surf_voxsel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vsm, radius, distance_metric="e")

        """Define the measure"""

        # run_slow=True would give an actual cross-validation with meaningful
        # accuracies. Because this is a unit-test only the number of voxels
        # in each searchlight is tested.
        run_slow = False

        if run_slow:
            meas = CrossValidation(GNB(), OddEvenPartitioner(), errorfx=lambda p, t: np.mean(p == t))
            postproc = mean_sample
            meas = _Voxel_Count_Measure()
            postproc = lambda x: x

        Surface analysis: define the query engine, cross validation,
        and searchlight
        surf_qe = SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(surf_voxsel)
        surf_sl = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=surf_qe, postproc=postproc)

        new (Sep 2012): also test 'simple' queryengine wrapper function

        surf_qe2 = disc_surface_queryengine(
            radius, maskfn, inner, outer, plane, volume_mask=True, distance_metric="euclidean"
        surf_sl2 = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=surf_qe2, postproc=postproc)

        Same for the volume analysis
        element_sizes = tuple(map(abs, (aff[0, 0], aff[1, 1], aff[2, 2])))
        sph = Sphere(radius, element_sizes=element_sizes)
        kwa = {"voxel_indices": sph}

        vol_qe = IndexQueryEngine(**kwa)
        vol_sl = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=vol_qe, postproc=postproc)

        """The following steps are similar to start_easy.py"""
        attr = SampleAttributes(pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot, "attributes_literal.txt"))

        mask = surf_voxsel.get_mask()

        dataset = fmri_dataset(
            samples=pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot, "bold.nii.gz"), targets=attr.targets, chunks=attr.chunks, mask=mask

        if run_slow:
            # do chunkswise linear detrending on dataset

            poly_detrend(dataset, polyord=1, chunks_attr="chunks")

            # zscore dataset relative to baseline ('rest') mean
            zscore(dataset, chunks_attr="chunks", param_est=("targets", ["rest"]))

        # select class face and house for this demo analysis
        # would work with full datasets (just a little slower)
        dataset = dataset[np.array([l in ["face", "house"] for l in dataset.sa.targets], dtype="bool")]

        """Apply searchlight to datasets"""
        surf_dset = surf_sl(dataset)
        surf_dset2 = surf_sl2(dataset)
        vol_dset = vol_sl(dataset)

        surf_data = surf_dset.samples
        surf_data2 = surf_dset2.samples
        vol_data = vol_dset.samples

        assert_array_equal(surf_data, surf_data2)
        assert_array_equal(surf_data, vol_data)