Example #1
def process_mwax_stats(
    mwax_stats_executable: str,
    full_filename: str,
    numa_node: int,
    timeout: int,
    stats_dump_dir: str,
) -> bool:
    # This code will execute the mwax stats command
    obs_id = str(os.path.basename(full_filename)[0:10])

    cmd = (f"{mwax_stats_executable} -t {full_filename} -m"
           f" /vulcan/metafits/{obs_id}_metafits.fits -o {stats_dump_dir}")

    logger.info(f"{full_filename}- attempting to run stats: {cmd}")

    start_time = time.time()
    return_value, stdout = mwax_command.run_command_ext(
        logger, cmd, numa_node, timeout)
    elapsed = time.time() - start_time

    if return_value:
        logger.info(f"{full_filename} stats success in {elapsed} seconds")

    return return_value
    def run_command(self, filename: str) -> bool:
        command = f"{self._executable_path}"

        # Substitute the filename into the command
        command = command.replace(mwax_mover.FILE_REPLACEMENT_TOKEN, filename)

        filename_no_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        command = command.replace(mwax_mover.FILENOEXT_REPLACEMENT_TOKEN,

        return mwax_command.run_command_ext(self.logger, command, -1, 60, True)
Example #3
def archive_file_rsync(
    full_filename: str,
    archive_numa_node: int,
    archive_destination_host: str,
    archive_destination_path: str,
    timeout: int,
    logger.debug(f"{full_filename} attempting archive_file_rsync...")

    # get file size
        file_size = os.path.getsize(full_filename)
    except Exception as e:
            f"{full_filename}: Error determining file size. Error {e}")
        return False

    # Build final command line
    # --no-compress ensures we don't try to compress (it's going to be quite
    # uncompressible)
    # The -e "xxx" is there to remove as much encryption/compression of the
    # ssh connection as possible to speed up the xfer
    cmdline = ("rsync --no-compress -e 'ssh -T -c aes128-cbc -o"
               " StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o Compression=no -x ' "
               f"-r {full_filename} {archive_destination_host}:"

    start_time = time.time()

    # run xrdcp
    return_val, stdout = mwax_command.run_command_ext(logger, cmdline,
                                                      timeout, False)

    if return_val:
        elapsed = time.time() - start_time

        size_gigabytes = float(file_size) / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0)
        gbps_per_sec = (size_gigabytes * 8) / elapsed

        logger.info(f"{full_filename} archive_file_rsync success"
                    f" ({size_gigabytes:.3f}GB in {elapsed:.3f} seconds at"
                    f" {gbps_per_sec:.3f} Gbps)")
        return True
        return False
Example #4
def do_checksum_md5(logger, full_filename: str, numa_node: int,
                    timeout: int) -> str:
    # default output of md5 hash command is:
    # "5ce49e5ebd72c41a1d70802340613757
    # /visdata/incoming/1320133480_20211105074422_ch055_000.fits"
    md5output = ""
    checksum = ""

    logger.info(f"{full_filename}- running md5sum...")

    cmdline = f"md5sum {full_filename}"

    size = os.path.getsize(full_filename)

    start_time = time.time()
    return_value, md5output = mwax_command.run_command_ext(
        logger, cmdline, numa_node, timeout, False)
    elapsed = time.time() - start_time

    size_megabytes = size / (1000 * 1000)
    mb_per_sec = size_megabytes / elapsed

    if return_value:
        # the return value will contain a few spaces and then the filename
        # So remove the filename and then remove any whitespace
        checksum = md5output.replace(full_filename, "").rstrip()

        # MD5 hash is ALWAYS 32 characters
        if len(checksum) == 32:
                f"{full_filename} md5sum success"
                f" {checksum} ({size_megabytes:.3f}MB in {elapsed} secs at"
                f" {mb_per_sec:.3f} MB/s)")
            return checksum
            raise Exception(
                f"Calculated MD5 checksum is not valid: md5 output {md5output}"
        raise Exception(
            f"md5sum returned an unexpected return code {return_value}")
Example #5
    def _copy_subfile_to_disk(
        filename: str,
        numa_node: int,
        destination_path: str,
        timeout: int,
    ) -> bool:
        self.logger.info(f"{filename}- Copying file into {destination_path}")

        command = f"cp {filename} {destination_path}/."

        start_time = time.time()
        retval, stdout = mwax_command.run_command_ext(
            self.logger, command, numa_node, timeout, False
        elapsed = time.time() - start_time

        if retval:
                f"{filename}- Copying file into {destination_path} was"
                f" successful (took {elapsed} secs."

        return retval
Example #6
def load_psrdada_ringbuffer(logger, full_filename: str, ringbuffer_key: str,
                            numa_node, timeout: int) -> bool:
        f"{full_filename}- attempting load_psrdada_ringbuffer {ringbuffer_key}"

    cmd = f"dada_diskdb -k {ringbuffer_key} -f {full_filename}"

    size = os.path.getsize(full_filename)

    start_time = time.time()
    return_value, stdout = mwax_command.run_command_ext(
        logger, cmd, numa_node, timeout)
    elapsed = time.time() - start_time

    size_gigabytes = size / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)
    gbps_per_sec = (size_gigabytes * 8) / elapsed

    if return_value:
        logger.info(f"{full_filename} load_psrdada_ringbuffer success"
                    f" ({size_gigabytes:.3f}GB in {elapsed} sec at"
                    f" {gbps_per_sec:.3f} Gbps)")

    return return_value
Example #7
def archive_file_xrootd(
    full_filename: str,
    archive_numa_node: int,
    archive_destination_host: str,
    timeout: int,
    logger.debug(f"{full_filename} attempting archive_file_xrootd...")

    # get file size
        file_size = os.path.getsize(full_filename)
    except Exception as e:
            f"{full_filename}: Error determining file size. Error {e}")
        return False

    # Gather some info for later
    filename = os.path.basename(full_filename)
    temp_filename = f"{filename}.part{uuid.uuid4()}"
    # Archive destination host looks like: ""
    # so just get the bit before the ":" for the host and the bit after for
    # the path
    destination_host = archive_destination_host.split(":")[0]
    destination_path = archive_destination_host.split(":")[1]
    full_destination_temp_filename = os.path.join(destination_path,
    full_destination_final_filename = os.path.join(destination_path, filename)

    # Build final command line
    # --posc         = persist on successful copy. If copy fails either remove
    #                  the file or set it to 0 bytes. Setting to 0 bytes is
    #                  weird, but I'll take it
    # --rm-bad-cksum = Delete dest file if checksums do not match
    cmdline = (
        "/usr/local/bin/xrdcp --cksum adler32 --posc --rm-bad-cksum --silent"
        " --streams 2 --tlsnodata"
        f" {full_filename} xroot://{archive_destination_host}/{temp_filename}")

    start_time = time.time()

    # run xrdcp
    return_val, stdout = mwax_command.run_command_ext(logger, cmdline,
                                                      timeout, False)

    if return_val:
        elapsed = time.time() - start_time

        size_gigabytes = float(file_size) / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0)
        gbps_per_sec = (size_gigabytes * 8) / elapsed

        logger.info(f"{full_filename} archive_file_xrootd success"
                    f" ({size_gigabytes:.3f}GB in {elapsed:.3f} seconds at"
                    f" {gbps_per_sec:.3f} Gbps)")

        cmdline = (
            f"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no mwa@{destination_host} 'mv"
            f" {full_destination_temp_filename}"
            f" {full_destination_final_filename}'")

        # run the mv command to rename the temp file to the final file
        # If this works, then mwacache will actually do its thing
        return_val, stdout = mwax_command.run_command_ext(
            logger, cmdline, archive_numa_node, timeout, False)

        if return_val:
                f"{full_filename} archive_file_xrootd successfully renamed"
                f" {full_destination_temp_filename} to"
                f" {full_destination_final_filename} on the remote host"
                f" {destination_host}")
            return True
            return False
        return False