def travis2(args=None): tasks = [] with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalServer: product', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['-c', '--vms', 'server', '--builds', 'product']) with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestGCC', tasks) as t: if t: runGCCTestCases()
def executeGate(): """executes the TruffleLLVM gate tasks""" tasks = [] with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalServer: product', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['-c', '--vms', 'server', '--builds', 'product']) with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('Findbugs', tasks) as t: if t: mx_findbugs.findbugs([]) with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestBenchmarks', tasks) as t: if t: runBenchmarkTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestTypes', tasks) as t: if t: runTypeTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestSulong', tasks) as t: if t: runTruffleTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestGCC', tasks) as t: if t: runGCCTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestLLVM', tasks) as t: if t: runLLVMTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestNWCC', tasks) as t: if t: runNWCCTestCases()
def travisJRuby(args=None): tasks = [] with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalServer: product', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['-c', '--vms', 'server', '--builds', 'product']) with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestJRuby', tasks) as t: if t: runTestJRuby()
def compiler_gate_runner(suites, unit_test_runs, bootstrap_tests, tasks, extraVMarguments=None): # Build server-hosted-jvmci now so we can run the unit tests with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalHosted: product', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['--vms', 'server', '--builds', 'product']) with VM('server', 'product'): # Run unit tests on server-hosted-jvmci for r in unit_test_runs:, tasks, extraVMarguments) # Run microbench on server-hosted-jvmci (only for testing the JMH setup) with VM('server', 'product'): for r in [MicrobenchRun('Microbench', ['TestJMH'])]:, extraVMarguments) # Run ctw against rt.jar on server-hosted-jvmci with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('CTW:hosted-product', tasks) as t: if t: ctw(['--ctwopts', '-Inline +ExitVMOnException', '-esa', '-G:+CompileTheWorldMultiThreaded', '-G:-InlineDuringParsing', '-G:-CompileTheWorldVerbose', '-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=400m'], _noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments)) # Build the jvmci VMs so we can run the other tests with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalOthers: fastdebug,product', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['--vms', 'jvmci', '--builds', 'fastdebug,product']) # bootstrap tests for b in bootstrap_tests:, extraVMarguments) # run dacapo sanitychecks for vmbuild in ['fastdebug', 'product']: for test in sanitycheck.getDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Gate, gateBuildLevel=vmbuild, extraVmArguments=extraVMarguments) \ + sanitycheck.getScalaDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Gate, gateBuildLevel=vmbuild, extraVmArguments=extraVMarguments): with Task(str(test) + ':' + vmbuild, tasks) as t: if t and not test.test('jvmci'): t.abort( + ' Failed') # ensure -Xbatch still works with VM('jvmci', 'product'): with Task('DaCapo_pmd:BatchMode:product', tasks) as t: if t: dacapo(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-Xbatch', 'pmd']) # ensure benchmark counters still work with VM('jvmci', 'product'): with Task('DaCapo_pmd:BenchmarkCounters:product', tasks) as t: if t: dacapo(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-G:+LIRProfileMoves', '-G:+GenericDynamicCounters', '-XX:JVMCICounterSize=10', 'pmd']) # ensure -Xcomp still works with VM('jvmci', 'product'): with Task('XCompMode:product', tasks) as t: if t: run_vm(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-Xcomp', '-version'])
def compiler_simple_gate_runner(suites, unit_test_runs, bootstrap_tests, tasks, extraVMarguments=None): # Run unit tests on server-hosted-jvmci with VM('jvmci', 'fastdebug'): # Build with Task('BuildHotSpotJVMCI: fastdebug', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['--vms', 'jvmci', '--builds', 'fastdebug']) for r in unit_test_runs:, tasks, extraVMarguments) # Run microbench (only for testing the JMH setup) for r in [MicrobenchRun('Microbench', ['TestJMH'])]:, extraVMarguments) # bootstrap tests for b in bootstrap_tests:, extraVMarguments)
def travis1(args=None): tasks = [] with Task('BuildJavaWithEcj', tasks) as t: if t: if mx.get_env('JDT'): mx.command_function('build')(['-p', '--no-native', '--warning-as-error']) gate_clean([], tasks, name='CleanAfterEcjBuild') else: mx._warn_or_abort('JDT environment variable not set. Cannot execute BuildJavaWithEcj task.', args.strict_mode) with Task('BuildJavaWithJavac', tasks) as t: if t: mx.command_function('build')(['-p', '--warning-as-error', '--no-native', '--force-javac']) with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalServer: product', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['-c', '--vms', 'server', '--builds', 'product']) with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('Findbugs', tasks) as t: if t and mx_findbugs.findbugs([]) != 0: t.abort('FindBugs warnings were found') with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestBenchmarks', tasks) as t: if t: runBenchmarkTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestPolglot', tasks) as t: if t: runPolyglotTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestInterop', tasks) as t: if t: runInteropTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestAsm', tasks) as t: if t: runAsmTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestTypes', tasks) as t: if t: runTypeTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestSulong', tasks) as t: if t: runTruffleTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestLLVM', tasks) as t: if t: runLLVMTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestNWCC', tasks) as t: if t: runNWCCTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestGCCSuiteCompile', tasks) as t: if t: runCompileTestCases()
def travis1(args=None): tasks = [] with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalServer: product', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['-c', '--vms', 'server', '--builds', 'product']) with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('Findbugs', tasks) as t: if t: mx_findbugs.findbugs([]) with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestBenchmarks', tasks) as t: if t: runBenchmarkTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestTypes', tasks) as t: if t: runTypeTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestSulong', tasks) as t: if t: runTruffleTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestLLVM', tasks) as t: if t: runLLVMTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestNWCC', tasks) as t: if t: runNWCCTestCases()
def executeGate(): """executes the TruffleLLVM gate tasks""" tasks = [] with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalServer: product', tasks) as t: if t: buildvms(['-c', '--vms', 'server', '--builds', 'product']) with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('Findbugs', tasks) as t: if t and mx_findbugs.findbugs([]) != 0: t.abort('FindBugs warnings were found') with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestBenchmarks', tasks) as t: if t: runBenchmarkTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestTypes', tasks) as t: if t: runTypeTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestPolglot', tasks) as t: if t: runPolyglotTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestInterop', tasks) as t: if t: runInteropTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestAsm', tasks) as t: if t: runAsmTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestSulong', tasks) as t: if t: runTruffleTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestGCC', tasks) as t: if t: runGCCTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestLLVM', tasks) as t: if t: runLLVMTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestNWCC', tasks) as t: if t: runNWCCTestCases() with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('TestGCCSuiteCompile', tasks) as t: if t: runCompileTestCases()
def compiler_gate_runner(suites, unit_test_runs, bootstrap_tests, tasks, extraVMarguments=None): # Build server-hosted-jvmci now so we can run the unit tests with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalHosted: product', tasks, tags=[GraalTags.test, GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: buildvms(['--vms', 'server', '--builds', 'product']) with VM('server', 'product'): # Run unit tests on server-hosted-jvmci for r in unit_test_runs:, tasks, extraVMarguments) # Run microbench on server-hosted-jvmci (only for testing the JMH setup) with VM('server', 'product'): for r in [MicrobenchRun('Microbench', ['TestJMH'], tags=[GraalTags.fulltest])]:, extraVMarguments) # Run ctw against rt.jar on server-hosted-jvmci with VM('server', 'product'): with Task('CTW:hosted-product', tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: ctw(['--ctwopts', '-Inline +ExitVMOnException', '-esa', '-G:+CompileTheWorldMultiThreaded', '-G:-InlineDuringParsing', '-G:-CompileTheWorldVerbose', '-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=400m'], _noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments)) # Build the jvmci VMs so we can run the other tests with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalJVMCI: fastdebug', tasks, tags=[GraalTags.bootstrap, GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: buildvms(['--vms', 'jvmci', '--builds', 'fastdebug']) with Task('BuildHotSpotGraalJVMCI: product', tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: buildvms(['--vms', 'jvmci', '--builds', 'product']) # bootstrap tests for b in bootstrap_tests:, extraVMarguments) # run dacapo sanitychecks for vmbuild in ['fastdebug', 'product']: for test in sanitycheck.getDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Gate, gateBuildLevel=vmbuild, extraVmArguments=extraVMarguments) \ + sanitycheck.getScalaDacapos(level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Gate, gateBuildLevel=vmbuild, extraVmArguments=extraVMarguments): with Task(str(test) + ':' + vmbuild, tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t and not test.test('jvmci'): t.abort( + ' Failed') # ensure -Xbatch still works with VM('jvmci', 'product'): with Task('DaCapo_pmd:BatchMode:product', tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: dacapo(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-Xbatch', 'pmd']) # ensure benchmark counters still work with VM('jvmci', 'product'): with Task('DaCapo_pmd:BenchmarkCounters:product', tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: dacapo(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-G:+LIRProfileMoves', '-G:+GenericDynamicCounters', '-XX:JVMCICounterSize=10', 'pmd']) # ensure -Xcomp still works with VM('jvmci', 'product'): with Task('XCompMode:product', tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: run_vm(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ['-Xcomp', '-version'])
def compiler_gate_runner(suites, unit_test_runs, bootstrap_tests, tasks, extraVMarguments=None): # Build server-hosted-jvmci now so we can run the unit tests with Task("BuildHotSpotGraalHosted: product", tasks, tags=[GraalTags.test, GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: buildvms(["--vms", "server", "--builds", "product"]) with VM("server", "product"): # Run unit tests on server-hosted-jvmci for r in unit_test_runs:, tasks, extraVMarguments) # Run microbench on server-hosted-jvmci (only for testing the JMH setup) with VM("server", "product"): for r in [MicrobenchRun("Microbench", ["TestJMH"], tags=[GraalTags.fulltest])]:, extraVMarguments) # Run ctw against rt.jar on server-hosted-jvmci with VM("server", "product"): with Task("CTW:hosted-product", tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: ctw( [ "--ctwopts", "-Inline +ExitVMOnException", "-esa", "-G:+CompileTheWorldMultiThreaded", "-G:-InlineDuringParsing", "-G:-CompileTheWorldVerbose", "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=400m", ], _noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments), ) # Build the jvmci VMs so we can run the other tests with Task("BuildHotSpotGraalJVMCI: fastdebug", tasks, tags=[GraalTags.bootstrap, GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: buildvms(["--vms", "jvmci", "--builds", "fastdebug"]) with Task("BuildHotSpotGraalJVMCI: product", tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: buildvms(["--vms", "jvmci", "--builds", "product"]) # bootstrap tests for b in bootstrap_tests:, extraVMarguments) # run dacapo sanitychecks for vmbuild in ["fastdebug", "product"]: for test in sanitycheck.getDacapos( level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Gate, gateBuildLevel=vmbuild, extraVmArguments=extraVMarguments ) + sanitycheck.getScalaDacapos( level=sanitycheck.SanityCheckLevel.Gate, gateBuildLevel=vmbuild, extraVmArguments=extraVMarguments ): with Task(str(test) + ":" + vmbuild, tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t and not test.test("jvmci"): t.abort( + " Failed") # ensure -Xbatch still works with VM("jvmci", "product"): with Task("DaCapo_pmd:BatchMode:product", tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: dacapo(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ["-Xbatch", "pmd"]) # ensure benchmark counters still work with VM("jvmci", "product"): with Task("DaCapo_pmd:BenchmarkCounters:product", tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: dacapo( _noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ["-G:+LIRProfileMoves", "-G:+GenericDynamicCounters", "-XX:JVMCICounterSize=10", "pmd"] ) # ensure -Xcomp still works with VM("jvmci", "product"): with Task("XCompMode:product", tasks, tags=[GraalTags.fulltest]) as t: if t: run_vm(_noneAsEmptyList(extraVMarguments) + ["-Xcomp", "-version"])