Example #1
def get_subwindow_tracking(z, pos_x, pos_y, model_sz, original_sz, avgChans, ctx=mx.cpu()):
    if original_sz is None:
        original_sz = model_sz
    sz = original_sz
    im_sz = np.shape(z)
    cen = (sz - 1) / 2
    context_xmin = np.floor(pos_x - cen)
    context_xmax = context_xmin + sz - 1
    context_ymin = np.floor(pos_y - cen)
    context_ymax = context_ymin + sz - 1
    left_pad = nd.maximum(0, 1 - context_xmin)
    top_pad = nd.maximum(0, 1 - context_ymin)
    right_pad = nd.maximum(0, context_xmax - im_sz[1])
    bottom_pad = nd.maximum(0, context_ymax - im_sz[0])

    context_xmin = context_xmin + left_pad;
    context_xmax = context_xmax + left_pad;
    context_ymin = context_ymin + top_pad;
    context_ymax = context_ymax + top_pad;
    paddings = [0, 0, 0, 0, int(top_pad), int(bottom_pad), int(left_pad), int(right_pad)]
    if avgChans is not None:
        im_padded_ = z - avgChans
    im_padded_ = nd.expand_dims(im_padded_, axis = 0) # B H W C
    im_padded_ = nd.transpose(im_padded_, axes=(0,3,1,2)) # B C H W
    im_padded_ = nd.pad(im_padded_, pad_width=paddings, mode='constant')
    im_padded_ = nd.transpose(im_padded_, axes=(0,2,3,1)) # B H W C
    if avgChans is not None:
        im_padded_ = im_padded_ + avgChans
    im_padded = im_padded_[0]
    im_patch_original = im_padded[int(context_ymin - 1) : int(context_ymax), int(context_xmin - 1) : int(context_xmax), :]
    if int(model_sz) != int(original_sz):
        sz_dst_w = np.round(im_patch_original.shape[1] / original_sz * model_sz)
        sz_dst_h = np.round(im_patch_original.shape[0] / original_sz * model_sz)
        im_patch = image.fixed_crop(im_patch_original,
                                    x0 = 0,
                                    y0 = 0,
                                    w = im_patch_original.shape[1],
                                    h = im_patch_original.shape[0],
                                    size = [int(sz_dst_w), int(sz_dst_h)],
                                    interp = 1
        if im_patch.shape[0] != model_sz:
            im_patch = image.fixed_crop(im_patch_original,
                                        x0 = 0,
                                        y0 = 0,
                                        w = im_patch_original.shape[1],
                                        h = im_patch_original.shape[0],
                                        size = [int(model_sz), int(model_sz)],
                                        interp = 1
        im_patch = im_patch_original
    return im_patch, im_patch_original
Example #2
def fixed_crop(src, x0, y0, w, h, size=None, interp=2):
    """Crop src at fixed location, and (optionally) resize it to size.
    Input image NDArray should has dim_order of 'HWC'.

    src : NDArray
        Input image
    x0 : int
        Left boundary of the cropping area
    y0 : int
        Top boundary of the cropping area
    w : int
        Width of the cropping area
    h : int
        Height of the cropping area
    size : tuple of (w, h)
        Optional, resize to new size after cropping
    interp : int, optional, default=2
        Interpolation method. See resize for details.

        An `NDArray` containing the cropped image.
    return img.fixed_crop(src, x0, y0, w, h, size, interp)
Example #3
def fixed_crop(src, x0, y0, w, h, size=None, interp=2):
    """Crop src at fixed location, and (optionally) resize it to size.
    Input image NDArray should has dim_order of 'HWC'.

    src : NDArray
        Input image
    x0 : int
        Left boundary of the cropping area
    y0 : int
        Top boundary of the cropping area
    w : int
        Width of the cropping area
    h : int
        Height of the cropping area
    size : tuple of (w, h)
        Optional, resize to new size after cropping
    interp : int, optional, default=2
        Interpolation method. See resize for details.

        An `NDArray` containing the cropped image.
    return img.fixed_crop(src, x0, y0, w, h, size, interp)
Example #4
    def __call__(self, src, label):
        """Apply transform to training image/label."""
        # random color jittering
        img = random_color_distort(src)

        # random expansion with prob 0.5
        if np.random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5:
            img, expand = timage.random_expand(
                img, fill=[m * 255 for m in self._mean])
            bbox = tbbox.translate(label,
            img, bbox = img, label

        # random cropping
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        bbox, crop = random_crop_with_constraints(bbox, (w, h))
        x0, y0, w, h = crop
        img = mx_img.fixed_crop(img, x0, y0, w, h)

        # resize with random interpolation
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        interp = np.random.randint(0, 5)
        img = timage.imresize(img, self._width, self._height, interp=interp)
        bbox = tbbox.resize(bbox, (w, h), (self._width, self._height))

        # random horizontal flip
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        img, flips = timage.random_flip(img, px=0.5)
        bbox = tbbox.flip(bbox, (w, h), flip_x=flips[0])

        # to tensor
        img = nd.image.to_tensor(img)
        img = nd.image.normalize(img, mean=self._mean, std=self._std)

        # generate training target so cpu workers can help reduce the workload on gpu
        gt_bboxes = nd.array(bbox[np.newaxis, :, :4])
        gt_ids = nd.array(bbox[np.newaxis, :, 4:5])
        if self._mixup:
            gt_mixratio = nd.array(bbox[np.newaxis, :, -1:])
            gt_mixratio = None
        objectness, center_targets, scale_targets, weights, class_targets = PrefetchTargetGenerator(
            self._num_classes, self._height, self._width, self._anchors,
            self._offsets, gt_bboxes, gt_ids, gt_mixratio)
        return (img, center_targets[0], scale_targets[0], weights[0],
                objectness[0], class_targets[0], gt_bboxes[0])
Example #5
def crop_resize_normalize(img, bbox_list, output_size):
    output_list = []
    transform_test = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
    for bbox in bbox_list:
        x0 = max(int(bbox[0]), 0)
        y0 = max(int(bbox[1]), 0)
        x1 = min(int(bbox[2]), int(img.shape[1]))
        y1 = min(int(bbox[3]), int(img.shape[0]))
        w = x1 - x0
        h = y1 - y0
        res_img = image.fixed_crop(nd.array(img), x0, y0, w, h, (output_size[1], output_size[0]))
        res_img = transform_test(res_img)
    output_array = nd.stack(*output_list)
    return output_array
Example #6
def crop_resize_normalize(img, bbox_list, output_size):
    output_list = []
    transform_test = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
    for bbox in bbox_list:
        x0 = max(int(bbox[0]), 0)
        y0 = max(int(bbox[1]), 0)
        x1 = min(int(bbox[2]), int(img.shape[1]))
        y1 = min(int(bbox[3]), int(img.shape[0]))
        w = x1 - x0
        h = y1 - y0
        res_img = image.fixed_crop(nd.array(img), x0, y0, w, h,
                                   (output_size[1], output_size[0]))
        res_img = transform_test(res_img)
    output_array = nd.stack(*output_list)
    return output_array
Example #7
def rand_crop(data, label, shape):
    data, rect = image.random_crop(data, shape)
    label = image.fixed_crop(label, *rect)

    return data, label
Example #8
 def __voc_rand_crop(self, feature, label, height, width):
     feature, rect = image.random_crop(feature, (width, height))
     label = image.fixed_crop(label, *rect)
     return feature, label
Example #9
def voc_rand_crop(feature, label, height, width):
    """Randomly crop for both feature and label images."""
    feature, rect = image.random_crop(feature, (width, height))
    label = image.fixed_crop(label, *rect)
    return feature, label
Example #10
def voc_rand_crop(feature, label, height, width):
    """Random cropping for images of the Pascal VOC2012 Dataset."""
    feature, rect = image.random_crop(feature, (width, height))
    label = image.fixed_crop(label, *rect)
    return feature, label
Example #11
    'wd': 1e-3
print("start train...\n")
d2l.train(train_iter, test_iter, net, loss, trainer, ctx, num_epochs=1)  # 5
print("end train...\n")

def predict(img):
    X = test_iter._dataset.normalize_image(img)
    X = X.transpose((2, 0, 1)).expand_dims(axis=0)
    pred = nd.argmax(net(X.as_in_context(ctx[0])), axis=1)
    return pred.reshape((pred.shape[1], pred.shape[2]))

def label2image(pred):
    colormap = nd.array(d2l.VOC_COLORMAP, ctx=ctx[0], dtype='uint8')
    X = pred.astype('int32')
    return colormap[X, :]

test_images, test_labels = d2l.read_voc_images(is_train=False)
n, imgs = 4, []
for i in range(n):
    crop_rect = (0, 0, 480, 320)
    X = image.fixed_crop(test_images[i], *crop_rect)
    pred = label2image(predict(X))
    imgs += [X, pred, image.fixed_crop(test_labels[i], *crop_rect)]
d2l.show_images(imgs[::3] + imgs[1::3] + imgs[2::3], 3, n)
Example #12
def voc_rand_crop(img, label, height, width):
    img, rect = image.random_crop(img, (width, height))
    label = image.fixed_crop(label, *rect)
    return img, label
Example #13
ctx = mx.cpu(0)

# Prepare the image
# -----------------
# download the example image
# url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmlc/web-data/master/gluoncv/segmentation/voc_examples/1.jpg'
filename = 'example.jpg'
# gluoncv.utils.download(url, filename)

# load the image
img = image.imread(filename)
img = image.fixed_crop(src=img, x0=0, y0=0, w =img.shape[1], h=img.shape[0], size=(224, 224))
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# plt.imshow(img.asnumpy())
# plt.show()

# normalize the image using dataset mean
from gluoncv.data.transforms.presets.segmentation import test_transform
img = test_transform(img, ctx)

# Load the pre-trained model and make prediction
# ----------------------------------------------
# get pre-trained model
model = gluoncv.model_zoo.get_model('fcn_resnet101_voc', pretrained=True)
Example #14
def RandomCrop(data, label, height, width):
    data, rect = image.random_crop(data,(height, width))
    label = image.fixed_crop(label,*rect)
    return data, label
Example #15
def voc_rand_crop(data, label, height, width):
    """Random cropping for images of the Pascal VOC2012 Dataset."""
    data, rect = image.random_crop(data, (width, height))
    label = image.fixed_crop(label, *rect)
    return data, label
Example #16
 def rand_crop(self, data, label, height, width):
     data, rect = image.random_crop(data, (width, height))
     label = image.fixed_crop(label, *rect)
     return data, label
Example #17
def rand_crop(data, label, height, width):
    data, rect = random_crop(data, (width, height))
    label = fixed_crop(label, *rect)
    return data, label