Example #1
def TimeseriesFromPSD_nd(param_noise):
    GPU only
    (asd_pos, asd_neg, low_f, high_f, high_f_, size, fs, fmin, fmax) = param_noise
    (*D_, N) = size
    D = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, D_)
    # Gauss noise and its one-sided PSD without window
    gauss_noise = 1* nd.random_normal(loc=0,scale=64,shape=(D, N), ctx=ctx)
    _, xf_noise, psd_gauss = oneSidedPeriodogram_nd(gauss_noise, fs=8192)
    psd_gauss = nd.array(psd_gauss, ctx = ctx, dtype='float64')

    psd_twosided  = nd.concat(  # low positive
                              nd.zeros((D, low_f), ctx = ctx, dtype='float64'), 
                                # high positive
                              psd_gauss[:, low_f:high_f] * asd_pos, 
                              nd.zeros((D, high_f_), ctx = ctx, dtype='float64'),
                              nd.zeros((D, high_f_), ctx = ctx, dtype='float64'),
                                # high negative
                              psd_gauss[:, low_f:high_f][::-1] * asd_neg, 
                                # low negative
                              nd.zeros((D, low_f), ctx = ctx, dtype='float64'), dim=1)
    amplitude =  nd.sqrt(psd_twosided *2 *fs*N )
    epsilon_imag = nd.random_uniform(low=0, high=1, shape=(D,N),ctx=ctx,dtype='float64')*2*np.pi
    re = nd.cos(epsilon_imag)*amplitude
    im = nd.sin(epsilon_imag)*amplitude
    temp = nd.zeros((D, N*2) , ctx=ctx)
    temp[:,::2] = re
    temp[:,1::2] = im
    timeseries = mx.contrib.ndarray.ifft(temp)/N
    return timeseries.reshape(size),  psd_twosided
Example #2
    def embedding(self, observed_arr):
        Embedding. In default, this method does the positional encoding.

            observed_arr:       `mxnet.ndarray` of observed data points.

            `mxnet.ndarray` of embedded data points.
        batch_size, seq_len, depth_dim = observed_arr.shape
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.seq_len = seq_len
        self.depth_dim = depth_dim

        if self.embedding_flag is False:
            return observed_arr

        depth_arr = nd.tile(nd.expand_dims((nd.arange(depth_dim) / 2).astype(int) * 2, 0), [seq_len, 1])

        depth_arr = depth_arr / depth_dim
        depth_arr = nd.power(10000.0, depth_arr).astype(np.float32)

        phase_arr = nd.tile(nd.expand_dims((nd.arange(depth_dim) % 2) * np.pi / 2, 0), [seq_len, 1])
        positional_arr = nd.tile(nd.expand_dims(nd.arange(seq_len), 1), [1, depth_dim])

        sin_arr = nd.sin(positional_arr / depth_arr + phase_arr)

        positional_encoded_arr = nd.tile(nd.expand_dims(sin_arr, 0), [batch_size, 1, 1])

        positional_encoded_arr = positional_encoded_arr.as_in_context(observed_arr.context)

        result_arr = observed_arr + (positional_encoded_arr * self.embedding_weignt)
        return result_arr
Example #3
def test_jitter_synthetic(
    jitter_method, float_type, ctx=mx.Context('cpu')
) -> None:
    # Initialize problem parameters
    batch_size = 1
    prediction_length = 50
    context_length = 5
    num_samples = 3

    # Initialize test data to generate Gaussian Process from
    lb = -5
    ub = 5
    dx = (ub - lb) / (prediction_length - 1)
    x_test = nd.arange(lb, ub + dx, dx, ctx=ctx, dtype=float_type).reshape(
        -1, 1
    x_test = nd.tile(x_test, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))

    # Define the GP hyper parameters
    amplitude = nd.ones((batch_size, 1, 1), ctx=ctx, dtype=float_type)
    length_scale = math.sqrt(0.4) * nd.ones_like(amplitude)
    sigma = math.sqrt(1e-5) * nd.ones_like(amplitude)

    # Instantiate desired kernel object and compute kernel matrix
    rbf_kernel = RBFKernel(amplitude, length_scale)

    # Generate samples from 0 mean Gaussian process with RBF Kernel and plot it
    gp = GaussianProcess(
        sample_noise=False,  # Returns sample without noise

    # Generate training set on subset of interval using the sine function
    x_train = nd.array([-4, -3, -2, -1, 1], ctx=ctx, dtype=float_type).reshape(
        context_length, 1
    x_train = nd.tile(x_train, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))
    y_train = nd.sin(x_train.squeeze(axis=2))

    # Predict exact GP using the GP predictive mean and covariance using the same fixed hyper-parameters
    samples, predictive_mean, predictive_std = gp.exact_inference(
        x_train, y_train, x_test

    assert (
        np.sum(np.isnan(samples.asnumpy())) == 0
    ), 'NaNs in predictive samples!'
Example #4
    def edge_func(self, edges):
        real_head, img_head = nd.split(edges.src['emb'], num_outputs=2, axis=-1)
        real_tail, img_tail = nd.split(edges.dst['emb'], num_outputs=2, axis=-1)

        phase_rel = edges.data['emb'] / (self.emb_init / np.pi)
        re_rel, im_rel = nd.cos(phase_rel), nd.sin(phase_rel)
        real_score = real_head * re_rel - img_head * im_rel
        img_score = real_head * im_rel + img_head * re_rel
        real_score = real_score - real_tail
        img_score = img_score - img_tail
        #sqrt((x*x).sum() + eps)
        score = mx.nd.sqrt(real_score * real_score + img_score * img_score + self.eps).sum(-1)
        return {'score': self.gamma - score} 
Example #5
    def infer(self, head_emb, rel_emb, tail_emb):
        re_head, im_head = nd.split(head_emb, num_outputs=2, axis=-1)
        re_tail, im_tail = nd.split(tail_emb, num_outputs=2, axis=-1)

        phase_rel = rel_emb / (self.emb_init / np.pi)
        re_rel, im_rel = nd.cos(phase_rel), nd.sin(phase_rel)
        real_score = re_head.expand_dims(axis=1) * re_rel.expand_dims(axis=0) - im_head.expand_dims(axis=1) * im_rel.expand_dims(axis=0)
        img_score = re_head.expand_dims(axis=1) * im_rel.expand_dims(axis=0) + im_head.expand_dims(axis=1) * re_rel.expand_dims(axis=0)

        real_score = real_score.expand_dims(axis=2) - re_tail.expand_dims(axis=0).expand_dims(axis=0)
        img_score = img_score.expand_dims(axis=2) - im_tail.expand_dims(axis=0).expand_dims(axis=0)

        score = mx.nd.sqrt(real_score * real_score + img_score * img_score + self.eps).sum(-1)
        return self.gamma - score
Example #6
            def fn(heads, relations, tails, num_chunks, chunk_size, neg_sample_size):
                hidden_dim = heads.shape[1]
                emb_real, emb_img = nd.split(heads, num_outputs=2, axis=-1)
                phase_rel = relations / (emb_init / np.pi)

                rel_real, rel_img = nd.cos(phase_rel), nd.sin(phase_rel)
                real = emb_real * rel_real - emb_img * rel_img
                img = emb_real * rel_img + emb_img * rel_real
                emb_complex = nd.concat(real, img, dim=-1)
                tmp = emb_complex.reshape(num_chunks, chunk_size, 1, hidden_dim)
                tails = tails.reshape(num_chunks, 1, neg_sample_size, hidden_dim)

                score = tmp - tails
                score_real, score_img = nd.split(score, num_outputs=2, axis=-1)
                score = mx.nd.sqrt(score_real * score_real + score_img * score_img + self.eps).sum(-1)
                return gamma - score
def main():
    # Initialize problem parameters
    batch_size = 1
    prediction_length = 50
    context_length = 5
    axis = [-5, 5, -3, 3]
    float_type = np.float64
    ctx = mx.Context("gpu")

    num_samples = 3
    ts_idx = 0

    # Initialize test data to generate Gaussian Process from
    lb = -5
    ub = 5
    dx = (ub - lb) / (prediction_length - 1)
    x_test = nd.arange(lb, ub + dx, dx, ctx=ctx,
                       dtype=float_type).reshape(-1, 1)
    x_test = nd.tile(x_test, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))

    # Define the GP hyper parameters
    amplitude = nd.ones((batch_size, 1, 1), ctx=ctx, dtype=float_type)
    length_scale = math.sqrt(0.4) * nd.ones_like(amplitude)
    sigma = math.sqrt(1e-5) * nd.ones_like(amplitude)

    # Instantiate desired kernel object and compute kernel matrix
    rbf_kernel = RBFKernel(amplitude, length_scale)

    # Generate samples from 0 mean Gaussian process with RBF Kernel and plot it
    gp = GaussianProcess(
        sample_noise=False,  # Returns sample without noise
    mean = nd.zeros((batch_size, prediction_length), ctx=ctx, dtype=float_type)
    covariance = rbf_kernel.kernel_matrix(x_test, x_test)
    gp.plot(x_test=x_test, samples=gp.sample(mean, covariance), ts_idx=ts_idx)

    # Generate training set on subset of interval using the sine function
    x_train = nd.array([-4, -3, -2, -1, 1], ctx=ctx,
                       dtype=float_type).reshape(context_length, 1)
    x_train = nd.tile(x_train, reps=(batch_size, 1, 1))
    y_train = nd.sin(x_train.squeeze(axis=2))

    # Predict exact GP using the GP predictive mean and covariance using the same fixed hyper-parameters
    samples, predictive_mean, predictive_std = gp.exact_inference(
        x_train, y_train, x_test)

    assert (np.sum(np.isnan(
        samples.asnumpy())) == 0), "NaNs in predictive samples!"
