Example #1
def totalAll(varConfFile, doGen = False):

    myDir = varConfFile.split("/")[0]

    lexec = Executor.Local(-multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    # lexec = Executor.Local(-10)

    N0, numGens, reps, dataDir = \

    models = list(N0.keys())
    for model in models:
        Ns = N0[model]
        for N in Ns:
            #print("%s/%d%s.conf" % (myDir, N, model))
            cfg = myUtils.getConfig("%s/%d%s.conf" % (myDir, N, model))
            startGen = cfg.gens - numGens
            ageM, ageF = myUtils.getAgeFecund(cfg)
            if doGen:
                gen(model, N, ageM, ageF, reps)
                nongen(model, N, ageM, ageF, reps, startGen)
Example #2
def doPlot(ax, nc, span, startCol, endRow):
    sampRes = []
    cfg = myUtils.getConfig('simple%d' % nc)
    for numIndivs, numLoci in sampleStrats:
        print numIndivs, numLoci
        #we assume that t0 is file(gen[0])-1
        f = open(myUtils.getStatName(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci))
        l = f.readline()
        while l != "":
            if l.find('temp') > -1:
            l = f.readline()
        f.readline()  # pcrits
        l = f.readline()
        while l != "":
            toks = l.rstrip().split(" ")
            #rep = int(toks[0])
            ref = int(toks[1])
            gen = int(toks[2])
            if gen - ref != span:
                l = f.readline()
            stat = toks[-3].split('#')  # Pollak 0.02
            val = float(stat[1])
            sampRes[-1].append([val if val > 0 else 100000])
            l = f.readline()
    sns.boxplot(sampRes, notch=0, sym='', ax=ax, whis=[2.75, 97.5])
    ax.set_ylim(0, 3 * nc)
    ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([nc // 2, nc, 3 * nc // 2, 2 * nc, 3 * nc])
    if not startCol:
        ax.set_yticklabels(['', '', '', ''])
    if endRow:
        ax.set_xticklabels([str(sampleStrat) for sampleStrat in sampleStrats])
    ax.axhline(nc, lw=0.4)
Example #3
def doModels(fun):
    for model in models:
        Ns = N0[model]
        for N in Ns:
            cfg = myUtils.getConfig(dataDir + "/" + str(N) + model + ".conf")
            startGen = cfg.gens - numGens - 1
            # sys.stdout.write("startGen: %d\n" % startGen)
            sys.stdout.write(model + "\t")
            sys.stdout.write(str(N) + "\t")
                ret = fun(model, N, startGen)
                sys.stdout.write("\t".join([str(x) for x in ret]))
            except IOError:
                sys.stdout.write("not done")
Example #4
def doModels(fun):
    for model in models:
        Ns = N0[model]
        for N in Ns:
            cfg = myUtils.getConfig(dataDir + "/" + str(N) + model + ".conf")
            startGen = cfg.gens - numGens - 1

            # sys.stdout.write("startGen: %d\n" % startGen)
            sys.stdout.write(model + "\t")
            sys.stdout.write(str(N) + "\t")
            ret = fun(model, N, startGen)
                ret = fun(model, N, startGen)
                sys.stdout.write("\t".join([str(x) for x in ret]))
            except IOError:
                sys.stdout.write("not done")
Example #5
def doTempCI(ax, nc, last_row):
    cfg = myUtils.getConfig('decl-%d-%d' % (nc, nc // 10))
    f = open(myUtils.getStatName(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci))
    l = f.readline()
    l = f.readline()
    #study_gen = cfg.declineGen + 1
    study_ref = 49
    study_gens = [cfg.declineGen + 1, cfg.declineGen + 6,
                  cfg.declineGen + 12, cfg.declineGen + 24]
    while l != 'temp\n':
        l = f.readline()
    f.readline()  # pcrits
    l = f.readline()
    tdecl = defaultdict(list)
    while l != "":
        toks = l.rstrip().split(" ")
        #rep = int(toks[0])
        ref = int(toks[1])
        gen = int(toks[2])
        #if gen != study_gen:
        #    l = f.readline()
        #    continue
        if ref != study_ref:
            l = f.readline()
        if gen not in study_gens:
            l = f.readline()
        stat = toks[-1].split('#')  # Nei/Tajima 0+
        #tdecl[ref].append((flt(stat[0]), flt(stat[2])))
        tdecl[gen].append((flt(stat[0]), flt(stat[2])))
        l = f.readline()
    bp_temp = []
    refGens = sorted(list(tdecl.keys()))
    #for g in refGens:
    for g in study_gens:
        p = 1
        bp_temp.append([y[p] if y[p] > 0 and y[p] < 100000 else 100000 for y in tdecl[g]])
    sns.boxplot(bp_temp, sym='', ax=ax)
    ax.set_xticklabels([str(x - cfg.declineGen) for x in refGens])
    ax.set_ylim(0, nc // 1)
Example #6
def doOfs():
    for model in models:
        Ns = N0[model]
        for N in Ns:
            print("%s\t%d" % (model, N))
            cfg = myUtils.getConfig(dataDir + "/" + str(N) + model + ".conf")
            startGen = cfg.gens - numGens - 1
            nowMale = {}
            totMale = {}
            nowFemale = {}
            totFemale = {}
            maxV = 0
            cnt = 0.0
            for rep in range(reps):
                fname = "data/%s/%d%s%d.ofs" % (dataDir, N, model, rep)
                f = open(fname)
                ls = f.readlines()
                vals = cleanSpaces(ls, startGen)
                for val in vals:
                    cnt += 1
                    sex = val[3]
                    topOfs = val[4]
                    nowOfs = val[5]
                    if int(topOfs) > maxV:
                        maxV = int(topOfs)
                    if sex == 1:
                        nowMale[nowOfs] = nowMale.get(nowOfs, 0) + 1
                        totMale[topOfs] = totMale.get(topOfs, 0) + 1
                        nowFemale[nowOfs] = nowFemale.get(nowOfs, 0) + 1
                        totFemale[topOfs] = totFemale.get(topOfs, 0) + 1
            for i in range(maxV):
                if i > 20 and i < maxV-1:
                print("\t\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f" % (i, nowMale.get(i, 0.0)/cnt,
                      nowFemale.get(i, 0)/cnt, totMale.get(i, 0)/cnt,
                      totFemale.get(i, 0)/cnt))
Example #7
def doOfs():
    for model in models:
        Ns = N0[model]
        for N in Ns:
            print("%s\t%d" % (model, N))
            cfg = myUtils.getConfig(dataDir + "/" + str(N) + model + ".conf")
            startGen = cfg.gens - numGens - 1
            nowMale = {}
            totMale = {}
            nowFemale = {}
            totFemale = {}
            maxV = 0
            cnt = 0.0
            for rep in range(reps):
                fname = "%s/%d%s%d.ofs" % (dataDir, N, model, rep)
                f = open(fname)
                ls = f.readlines()
                vals = cleanSpaces(ls, startGen)
                for val in vals:
                    cnt += 1
                    sex = val[3]
                    topOfs = val[4]
                    nowOfs = val[5]
                    if int(topOfs) > maxV:
                        maxV = int(topOfs)
                    if sex == 1:
                        nowMale[nowOfs] = nowMale.get(nowOfs, 0) + 1
                        totMale[topOfs] = totMale.get(topOfs, 0) + 1
                        nowFemale[nowOfs] = nowFemale.get(nowOfs, 0) + 1
                        totFemale[topOfs] = totFemale.get(topOfs, 0) + 1
            for i in range(maxV):
                if i > 20 and i < maxV - 1:
                print("\t\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f" %
                      (i, nowMale.get(i, 0.0) / cnt, nowFemale.get(i, 0) / cnt,
                       totMale.get(i, 0) / cnt, totFemale.get(i, 0) / cnt))
Example #8
def doLDNeCI(ax, nc, last_row):
    cfg = myUtils.getConfig('decl-%d-%d' % (nc, nc // 10))
    f = open(myUtils.getStatName(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci))
    l = f.readline()
    LD = [[], []]
    l = f.readline()
    gens = [cfg.declineGen, cfg.declineGen + 1, cfg.declineGen + 10]
    while l != 'temp\n':
        rep, gen = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        rep = int(rep)
        gen = int(gen)
        if gen not in gens:
            l = f.readline()
            l = f.readline()
            l = f.readline()
            l = f.readline()
        if gen == gens[0]:
            p = 0
        elif gen == gens[1]:
            p = 1
            p = 2
        l = f.readline()
        l = f.readline()
        toks = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        stat = toks[2].split('#')  # careful with pcrit
        if p != 2:  # We do not need the last result
            LD[p].append((flt(stat[0]), flt(stat[2])))
        l = f.readline()
        l = f.readline()
    bp_ld = []
    for i in range(len(LD)):
        p = 0 if i == 0 else 1
        bp_ld.append([y[p] if y[p] > 0 else 100000 for y in LD[i]])
    sns.boxplot(bp_ld, sym='', ax=ax)
    ax.set_xticklabels(['Bot CI\nNe=%d' % nc, 'Top CI\nNe=%d' % (nc / 10)])
    ax.set_ylim(0, nc // 5)
Example #9
def doHz(w, startGens):
    for model in models:
        Ns = N0[model]
        for N in Ns:
            cfg = myUtils.getConfig(dataDir + "/" + str(N) + model + ".conf")
            if len(startGens) == 0:  # Use last
                startGen = cfg.gens - numGens - 1
                startGen = startGens

    ages = list(sampCohort.keys())
    for age in ages:
        for indivs, loci in sampSize:
            case = '\t%d\t%d\tMSAT' % (indivs, loci)
            doCase(w, age, indivs, loci, False, False, startGen, numGens,
                   None, case)
            case = '\t%d\t%d\tMSAT-rel' % (indivs, loci)
            doCase(w, age, indivs, loci, False, True, startGen, numGens,
                   None, case)
            for pcrit in [0.021, 0.035, 0.05, 0.1]:
                case = '%s\t%d\t%d\tMSAT' % ("{pcrit}".format(pcrit=pcrit),
                                             indivs, loci)
                doCase(w, age, indivs, loci, False, False, startGen, numGens,
                       pcrit, case)
        for indivs, loci in sampSNP:
            case = '\t%d\t%d\tSNP' % (indivs, loci)
            doCase(w, age, indivs, loci, True, False, startGen, numGens,
                   None, case)
            for pcrit in [0.021, 0.035, 0.05, 0.1]:
                case = '%s\t%d\t%d\tSNP' % ("{pcrit}".format(pcrit=pcrit),
                                            indivs, loci)
                doCase(w, age, indivs, loci, True, False, startGen, numGens,
                       pcrit, case)
            case = '\t%d\t%d\tSNP-rel' % (indivs, loci)
            doCase(w, age, indivs, loci, True, True, startGen, numGens,
                   None, case)
def sim(cfg, prefOut):
    cfg = getConfig(cfg)

    (pop, popInitOps, popPreOps, popPostOps, oExpr) = createSinglePop(
        cfg.popSize, cfg.numMSats + cfg.numSNPs, cfg.startLambda, cfg.lbd)
    (loci, genInitOps, genPreOps) = createGenome(cfg.popSize,
                                                 cfg.numMSats, cfg.numSNPs)
    lSizes = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    (ageInitOps, agePreOps, mateOp, agePostOps) = createAge(pop)
    out = open(prefOut + ".sim", "w")
    err = open(prefOut + ".gen", "w")
    megaDB = open(prefOut + ".db", "w")
    reportOps = [
        # PyEval(r'"gen %d\n" % gen', reps=0),
        # PyEval(r'"size %s\n" % subPopSize', reps=0),
    sim = createSim(pop, cfg.reps)
    evolveSim(sim, cfg.gens, mateOp, genInitOps, genPreOps, popInitOps,
              ageInitOps, popPreOps, agePreOps, popPostOps, agePostOps,
              reportOps, oExpr)
                acu[j] += myRes[j]
        print(key, end=' ')
        for i in range(numVals):
            v = acu[i] / len(allRes)
            print(v, end=' ')
    return vals

for model in models:
    for N0 in N0s[model]:
        allRes = []
        print(model, N0)
        print("gen N1 Nall Npar kbar vk kbarm vkm kbarf vkf nb")
        cfg = getConfig(dataDir + "/" + str(N0) + model + ".conf")
        startGen = cfg.gens - numGens - 1
            for rep in range(reps):
                repCase = doModel(model, N0, rep, cfg)
                print(model, N0, rep, end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
                myGens = list(repCase.keys())
                print(myGens[0], end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
                for myGen in myGens:
                    print(repCase[myGen][-1], end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
                # print >>sys.stderr, model, N0, rep, repCase
                miniRep = {}
                for gen, vals in list(repCase.items()):
                    if gen >= startGen:
Example #12
    cond = "(sex==1 and age>%d) or (sex==2 and age>%d)" % (ageM, ageF)
    for rep in range(reps):
        if os.path.isfile("bothTop.sh"):
            lexec.submit("bash", 'bothTop.sh %d %d %d%s "%s"' %
                         (rep, rep + 1, N, model, cond))
            lexec.submit("bash", 'topGo.sh %d %d %d%s "%s"' %
                         (rep, rep + 1, N, model, cond))
            print(("bash", 'topGo.sh %d %d %d%s "%s"' %
                  (rep, rep + 1, N, model, cond)))
    # bash topGo.sh $REPS $REPE ${a[$i]}  ${age[$i]} ;

models = list(N0.keys())

for model in models:
    Ns = N0[model]
    for N in Ns:
        print(model, N)
        cfg = myUtils.getConfig("%s/%d%s.conf" % (myDir, N, model))
        startGen = cfg.gens - numGens
        ageM, ageF = myUtils.getAgeFecund(cfg)
        if doGen:
            gen(model, N, ageM, ageF, reps)
            nongen(model, N, ageM, ageF, reps, startGen)
import math
import sys

import pylab
from scipy import stats

import myUtils

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print "Syntax:", sys.argv[0], "<conffile> <tempStat>"

etc = myUtils.getEtc()

cfg = myUtils.getConfig(sys.argv[1])
tempStat = sys.argv[2]

res = {}
ys = []
for t in cfg.futureGens:
    y = cfg.A * math.cos(2 * math.pi * (t - cfg.seasonGen) / cfg.T) + cfg.B
    res[t] = {}
    #print t, y

for numIndivs, numLoci in cfg.sampleStrats:
    fname = myUtils.getStatName(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci)
    for rec in myUtils.getStat(open(fname)):
        if rec["type"] != "temp":
        g1l = res[rec["g2"]].setdefault(rec["g1"], [])
Example #14
            for j in range(numVals):
                acu[j] += myRes[j]
        print(key, end=' ')
        for i in range(numVals):
            v = acu[i] / len(allRes)
            print(v, end=' ')
    return vals

for model in models:
    for N0 in N0s[model]:
        allRes = []
        print(model, N0)
        print("gen N1 Nall Npar kbar vk kbarm vkm kbarf vkf nb")
        cfg = getConfig(dataDir + "/" + str(N0) + model + ".conf")
        startGen = cfg.gens - numGens - 1
            for rep in range(reps):
                repCase = doModel(model, N0, rep, cfg)
                print(model, N0, rep, end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
                myGens = list(repCase.keys())
                print(myGens[0], end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
                for myGen in myGens:
                    print(repCase[myGen][-1], end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
                # print >>sys.stderr, model, N0, rep, repCase
                miniRep = {}
                for gen, vals in list(repCase.items()):
                    if gen >= startGen:
Example #15
def doPlot(ax, nc, last_row):
    cfg = myUtils.getConfig('decl-%d-%d' % (nc, nc // 10))
        if nc == 1000:
            mdecl = defaultdict(dict)
            for rep, ref, gen, vals in myUtils.getMLNE(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci):
                top, point, bot = vals
                mdecl[ref].setdefault(gen, [])
    except IOError:
    f = open(myUtils.getStatName(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci))
    l = f.readline()
    LD = defaultdict(list)
    coanc = defaultdict(list)
    het = defaultdict(list)
    l = f.readline()
    while l != 'temp\n':
        rep, gen = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        rep = int(rep)
        gen = int(gen)
        if gen < cfg.declineGen:
            l = f.readline()
            l = f.readline()
            l = f.readline()
            l = f.readline()
        l = f.readline()
        toks = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        l = f.readline()
        toks = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        stat = toks[2].split('#')  # careful with pcrit
        l = f.readline()
        toks = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        het[gen].append(flt(toks[1]))  # pcrit...
        l = f.readline()
    f.readline()  # pcrits
    l = f.readline()
    tdecl = {}
    while l != "":
        toks = l.rstrip().split(" ")
        rep = int(toks[0])
        ref = int(toks[1])
        tdecl.setdefault(ref, {})
        gen = int(toks[2])
        if gen < cfg.declineGen:
            l = f.readline()
        tdecl[ref].setdefault(gen, [])
        stat = toks[-1].split('#')  # Nei/Tajima 0+
        l = f.readline()
    ax.plot([np.median([y if y > 0 else 100000 for y in LD[gen]])
             for gen in LD], label='LD')
    for ref, lst in tdecl.items():
        ax.plot([np.median([y if y > 0 else 100000 for y in lst[gen]])
                 for gen in lst], label=str(ref))
    if nc == 1000:
        for ref, lst in mdecl.items():
            ax.plot([np.median([y if y > 0 else 100000 for y in lst[gen]])
                    for gen in lst], label='m ' + str(ref))
    ax.set_xlim(0, 20)
    ax.set_ylim(0, nc)
Example #16
def doPlot(ax, nc, sampleStrat, startCol):
    numIndivs, numLoci = sampleStrat
    span = 24
    high = [[] for x in range(span)]
    point = [[] for x in range(span)]
    low = [[] for x in range(span)]
    mhigh = [[] for x in range(span)]
    mpoint = [[] for x in range(span)]
    mlow = [[] for x in range(span)]
    do_mlne = False
    if (numIndivs, numLoci) == (60, 20) and nc == 1000:
        do_mlne = True

        class Cfg:
        cfg = Cfg()  # hard-coded :((((
        cfg.demo = 'constant'
        cfg.numIndivs = numIndivs
        cfg.numLoci = numLoci
        cfg.popSize = nc
        cfg.refGens = [20]
        cfg.futureGens = range(21, 50)
        cfg.reps = 100
        for rep, ref, gen, vals in myUtils.getMLNE(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci):
            dist = gen - ref
            if dist < span:
                mlow[dist - 1].append(vals[0])
                mpoint[dist - 1].append(vals[1])
                mhigh[dist - 1].append(vals[2])

    sampRes = []
    cfg = myUtils.getConfig('simple%d' % nc)
    #we assume that t0 is file(gen[0])-1
    f = open(myUtils.getStatName(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci))
    l = f.readline()
    while l != "":
        if l.find('temp') > -1:
        l = f.readline()
    f.readline()  # pcrits
    l = f.readline()
    while l != "":
        toks = l.rstrip().split(" ")
        #rep = int(toks[0])
        ref = int(toks[1])
        gen = int(toks[2])
        dist = gen - ref
        if dist > span:
            l = f.readline()
        stat = toks[-3].split('#')  # Pollak 0.02
        high[dist - 1].append(flt(stat[0]))
        point[dist - 1].append(flt(stat[1]))
        low[dist - 1].append(flt(stat[2]))
        l = f.readline()
    ax.plot([None] + [np.median([y if y > 0 and y < 100000 else 100000
                                 for y in x]) for x in high],
    ax.plot([None] + [np.median([y if y > 0 and y < 100000 else 100000
                                 for y in x]) for x in point],
    ax.plot([None] + [np.median([y if y > 0 and y < 100000 else 100000
                                 for y in x]) for x in low],
    if do_mlne:
        ax.plot([None] + [np.median([y if y > 0 and y < 100000 else 100000 for y in x])
                          for x in mhigh], 'r--')
        ax.plot([None] + [np.median([y if y > 0 and y < 100000 else 100000 for y in x])
                          for x in mpoint], 'r')
        ax.plot([None] + [np.median([y if y > 0 and y < 100000 else 100000 for y in x])
                          for x in mlow], 'r--')
    ax.set_ylim(0, 3 * nc)
    ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([nc // 2, nc, 3 * nc // 2, 2 * nc, 3 * nc])
    ax.axhline(nc, lw=00.4)
    ax.set_xlim(0, len(point))
    if not startCol:
        ax.set_yticklabels(['', '', '', ''])
Example #17
from Bio.PopGen import LDNe
import os
import sys
import shutil
from copy import deepcopy
from myUtils import getConfig

if len(sys.argv)!=2:
    print "Syntax:", sys.argv[0], "<conffile>"

gpc = GenePopController('/home/tiago/bio')
ldnec = LDNeController('/home/tiago/bio')

cfg = getConfig(sys.argv[1])

def all(list):
    for e in list:
        print e,

def interval(list):
    for e1,e2 in list:
        print str(e1) + "#" + str(e2),

def median(list):
    list = deepcopy(list)
def plotComparison(ax, nc, sampleStrat, startCol, endRow):
    cfg = myUtils.getConfig('simple%d' % nc)
    numIndivs, numLoci = sampleStrat
    if numIndivs == 60 and numLoci == 20 and nc == 1000:
        do_mlne = True
        do_mlne = False
    if do_mlne:
        myml = {}
        for span in spans:
            myml[span] = []
        for rep, ref, gen, vals in myUtils.getMLNE(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci):
            dist = gen - ref
            if dist not in spans:
            val = vals[1]
    fname = myUtils.getStatName(cfg, numIndivs, numLoci)
    f = open(fname)
    l = f.readline()
    LD = {}
    for gen in cfg.futureGens:
        LD[gen] = []
    while l != 'temp\n':
        rep, gen = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        rep = int(rep)
        gen = int(gen)
        if gen not in cfg.futureGens:
        l = f.readline()
        #toks = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        l = f.readline()
        toks = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        stat = toks[3].split('#')  # careful with pcrit
        st = flt(stat[1])
        LD[gen].append(st if st < 100000 else 100000)
        l = f.readline()
        #toks = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        #het[gen].append(flt(toks[1]))  # pcrit...
        l = f.readline()
    f.readline()  # pcrit spec
    l = f.readline()
    mytemp = {}
    for span in spans:
        mytemp[span] = []
    while l != '':
        toks = l.rstrip().split(' ')
        ref = int(toks[1])
        gen = int(toks[2])
        dist = gen - ref
        if dist not in spans:
            l = f.readline()
        stat = toks[-3].split('#')  # careful with pcrit
        st = flt(stat[1])
        mytemp[dist].append(st if st > 0 and st < 100000 else 100000)
        l = f.readline()
    sns.boxplot([mytemp[span] for span in spans] + [[LD[cfg.futureGens[0]]]],
                sym='', ax=ax)
    if do_mlne:
        sns.boxplot([myml[span] for span in spans] + [],
                    sym='', ax=ax, widths=.5, color='bright')
    ax.set_ylim(0, 3 * nc)
    #ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([nc // 2, nc, 3 * nc // 2, 2 * nc])
    ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([nc // 2, nc, 3 * nc // 2, 2 * nc, 3 * nc])
    if not startCol:
        ax.set_yticklabels(['', '', '', ''])
    if endRow:
        ax.set_xticklabels(['span-%d' % span for span in spans] + ['LD'])