seg_len = SEG_LEN_IN_SEC / (1. / fs) sig = np.array(sig) sig_use = sig[:, channel_ind] out = ecg.ecg(signal=sig_use, sampling_rate=fs, show=False) ecg_filtered, peaks = out[1], out[2] segs = mf.get_segs(sig_use, peaks, seg_len, fs=fs) sigs_all = [sig[:, 0], sig[:, 1], ecg_filtered] desp_all = [ 'original signal', 'primary filtered signal', 'secondary filtered signal' ] i = 0 for curr_sig in sigs_all: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.plot(curr_sig) mf.config_plot('time', desp_all[i]) curr_segs = mf.get_segs(curr_sig, peaks, seg_len, fs=fs) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(10, 8)) j = 0 for ax in axes.flat: ax.plot(curr_segs[i]) #ax.axis('off') j += 1 i += 1 records += segs
fs = fields['fs'] sig_use = sig[:,1] dt = 1./fs seg_len = SEG_LEN_MS/1000. / (1./fs) # unit: num of bins #print seg_len TO_PLOT_ORIGIN_SIG = False if TO_PLOT_ORIGIN_SIG and 'Person_01/rec_7' in filename: ts = np.linspace(0,dt*len(sig_use),len(sig_use)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) plt.plot(ts, sig[:,0]) #my_funcs.config_plot('Time /s', 'Amplitude /mV') plt.plot(ts, sig[:,1]) my_funcs.config_plot('Time /s', 'Amplitude /mV') print 'filename: '+filename ## baseline drift handle x = sig[:,0] my_funcs.write_to_file(x) quit() y = my_funcs.my_butter(x,freqs=0.95,type='high') plt.plot(x,y) ## quit() out = ecg.ecg(signal=sig_use, sampling_rate=fs, show=False)
print all_train_times print all_accuBySeg_Vs print all_accuBySeg_Ns for i in range(len(all_accuBySeg_Vs)): plt.scatter(ratios, all_accuBySeg_Vs[i], color=color_methods[i], marker=marker_methods[i], s=150, label=clsfy_methods[i], facecolors=facecolors_methods[i], linewidth=1.5) plt.ylim([.5, 1.]) mf.config_plot('Ratio of V segments in Test', 'Accuracy of V by segment', legend_loc=(.9, .55)) for i in range(len(all_accuBySeg_Ns)): plt.scatter(ratios, all_accuBySeg_Ns[i], color=color_methods[i], marker=marker_methods[i], s=150, label=clsfy_methods[i], facecolors=facecolors_methods[i], linewidth=1.5) plt.ylim([.4, 1.]) mf.config_plot('Ratio of V segments in Test', 'Accuracy of N by segment') #, #legend_loc=(.9,.55))
def plot_pt_MSE_avgstd(use_saved_files=False): L = 24.0 #23.9 r2 = 2.5 [Mss_EGFP, sample_ratio, months] = rs.get_monkey_parameters(monkey_ID=3) data_expr = rs.get_expr_data(monkey_ID=3) row, col = data_expr.shape def get_avgstds(data): return np.mean(data, axis=1), np.std(data, axis=1) fz_expr_avg, fz_expr_std = get_avgstds(data_expr) if not os.path.exists(res_pt_avgstd_folderpath): os.mkdir(res_pt_avgstd_folderpath) if use_saved_files and os.path.isfile(res_pt_avgstd_folderpath + 'samples_theo_' + str(L) + '.txt'): samples_theo = np.loadtxt(res_pt_avgstd_folderpath + 'samples_theo_' + str(L) + '.txt') else: filename = simulated_folderpath + '[r2,L]=' + "[%.1f,%.1f]" % (r2, L) print filename mi_data = np.loadtxt(filename) mi_row, mi_col = mi_data.shape sample_days_inds = range(3 * 30, mi_col, 60) sample_big = rs.get_samples(mi_s=mi_data, sample_days_inds=sample_days_inds, sample_ratio=sample_ratio) repeat_num = 1 all_stats = [] for k in range(repeat_num): samples_theo = rs.resample(sample_big, col) all_stats += rs.two_sample_test(samples_theo, data_expr)[:-1] all_stats = np.array(all_stats) print sum(all_stats >= 0.05) / float(len(all_stats)) np.savetxt( res_pt_avgstd_folderpath + 'samples_theo_' + str(L) + '.txt', samples_theo) TO_PLOT_ABUND = False if TO_PLOT_ABUND: import my_funcs as mf cumu_fhi = [] for j in range(col): curr_cumu = np.cumsum(samples_theo[:, j]) cumu_fhi.append(curr_cumu) cumu_fhi = np.array(cumu_fhi) PRE_CLASSIFY_CLONES = True avg_par = [] for i in range(row): avg_par.append(data_expr[i, 1:].mean()) avg_par = np.array(avg_par) large_marks_pre = avg_par > 0.012 small_marks_pre = avg_par < 0.0005 # inter_marks_pre = (avg_par >= small_marks_pre) and (avg_par <= large_marks_pre) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) num_abund_clones = cumu_fhi.shape[1] linewidths = np.array([.5] * row) # pre-set to intermediate clones setting linewidths[large_marks_pre] = np.array([1.] * sum(large_marks_pre)) linewidths[small_marks_pre] = np.array([.1] * sum(small_marks_pre)) # [exp(x) for x in avgs_all] #[exp(x) for x in np.linspace(log(1.),log(.1),num_abund_clones)] # print linewidths for j in range(num_abund_clones): plt.plot(mf.months, cumu_fhi[:, j], linewidth=linewidths[j]) # plt.plot(mf.months, cumu_fhi, linewidth=.7) mf.config_plot('$t_j$ (in month)', '$\hat{f}_{i}(t_j)$ (stacked)') mf.use_sci_nota('x', usesci=False) mf.use_sci_nota('y', usesci=False) plt.xlim(mf.months[0], mf.months[-1]) plt.ylim(0, 1) # plt.axis('off') def is_large_clone(data): res = [] row, col = data.shape for i in range(row): res.append( sum(data[i, :] == 0) == 0) # if clone i has some absence return np.array(res) fz_theo_avg, fz_theo_std = get_avgstds(samples_theo) large_mrks = is_large_clone(samples_theo) other_mrks = [not x for x in large_mrks] import my_funcs as mf plt.scatter(np.log(fz_expr_avg), fz_expr_std, c='b', label='experiment') ax = plt.subplot(111) for_ppt = False if for_ppt: curr_label = 'model + sampling' else: curr_label = 'model + \n sampling' # 'simulated \n sampling' plt.scatter(np.log(fz_theo_avg), fz_theo_std, label=curr_label, linewidth=1.5, edgecolors='g', facecolors='none', marker='^', s=120) # plt.scatter(np.log(fz_theo_avg[large_mrks]), fz_theo_std[large_mrks], label='simulated \n sampling',linewidth=1.5, # edgecolors='r',facecolors='none', marker='^', s=120) plt.xlim([-8.5, -2.1]) plt.ylim([-0.005, 0.05]) # plt.ylim([-0.001,0.01]) # # mf.config_plot(r'$\ln y_i$',r'$\sigma_i$',legend_loc=(.65,.8)) if not for_ppt: mf.config_plot('', '', legend_loc=(.65, .8)) else: mf.config_plot(r'ln($y_i$)', r'$\sigma_i$', legend_loc=(.7, .8)) mf.use_sci_nota('x', False) mf.use_sci_nota('y', True) # plt.savefig(res_pt_avgstd_folderpath + 'fig9b.png') #, format='svg', dpi=600
def plot_pt_MSE(use_saved_files=True): L = 24.0 # 23.4 r2 = 2.5 [Mss_EGFP, sample_ratio, months] = rs.get_monkey_parameters(monkey_ID=3) data_expr = rs.get_expr_data(monkey_ID=3) row, col = data_expr.shape fz_expr_avg, fz_expr_std = rs.get_fz_stats(data_expr) if not os.path.exists(res_pt_folderpath): os.mkdir(res_pt_folderpath) if not use_saved_files: all_dists = [] all_avgs = [] all_stds = [] filename = 'simulated_clones/' + '[r2,L]=' + "[%.1f,%.1f]" % (r2, L) print filename mi_data = np.loadtxt(filename) mi_row, mi_col = mi_data.shape sample_days_inds = range(3 * 30, mi_col, 60) sample_big = rs.get_samples(mi_s=mi_data, sample_days_inds=sample_days_inds, sample_ratio=sample_ratio) repeat_num = 200 all_stats = [] for k in range(repeat_num): samples_theo = rs.resample(sample_big, col) all_stats += rs.two_sample_test(samples_theo, data_expr)[:-1] all_stats = np.array(all_stats) print sum(all_stats >= 0.05) / float(len(all_stats)) fz_theo_avg, fz_theo_std = rs.get_fz_stats(samples_theo) np.savetxt(res_pt_folderpath + 'fz_theo_avg.txt', fz_theo_avg) np.savetxt(res_pt_folderpath + 'fz_theo_std.txt', fz_theo_std) else: fz_theo_avg = np.loadtxt(res_pt_folderpath + 'fz_theo_avg.txt') fz_theo_std = np.loadtxt(res_pt_folderpath + 'fz_theo_std.txt') import my_funcs as mf fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.errorbar(range(1, 8), fz_expr_avg[1:], yerr=fz_expr_std[1:], color='k', linewidth=2) eb_theo = plt.errorbar(range(1, 8), fz_theo_avg[1:], yerr=fz_theo_std[1:], color='k', linewidth=2, linestyle='--') eb_theo[-1][0].set_linestyle('--') mf.config_plot(r'$z$', r'$\qquad Y_{z}(L_{\rm e}), ~~~~~~\hat{Y}_{z}$') mf.use_sci_nota('x', usesci=False) mf.use_sci_nota('y', usesci=True) plt.xlim([0.5, 7.5]) plt.ylim([-0.0005, 0.007]) # plt.yticks(np.linspace(0.005,0.025,num=5).tolist()) # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(res_pt_folderpath + 'fig7b.png') #, format='svg', dpi=600
def plot_1D_line(use_saved_files=True): r2 = 2.5 from main_simulations import L_s, res_folderpath [Mss_EGFP, sample_ratio, months] = rs.get_monkey_parameters(monkey_ID=3) change_Mss = False if change_Mss: Mss_EGFP /= 5. sample_ratio *= 5 data_expr = rs.get_expr_data(monkey_ID=3) fz_expr_avg, fz_expr_std = rs.get_fz_stats(data_expr) if not use_saved_files: repeat_num = 200 all_dists = [] all_avgs = [] all_stds = [] for j in range(len(L_s)): L = L_s[j] filename = '[r2,L]=' + "[%.1f,%.1f]" % (r2, L) print filename mi_data = np.loadtxt(res_folderpath + filename) mi_row, mi_col = mi_data.shape sample_days_inds = range(3 * 30, mi_col, 60) sample_big = rs.get_samples(mi_s=mi_data, sample_days_inds=sample_days_inds, sample_ratio=sample_ratio) curr_dists = [] for k in range(repeat_num): samples_theo = rs.resample(sample_big, 8) fz_theo_avg, fz_theo_std = rs.get_fz_stats(samples_theo) curr_dists.append( np.square(rs.my_euclid(fz_theo_avg[1:], fz_expr_avg[1:]))) all_dists.append(curr_dists) curr_dists = np.array(curr_dists) all_avgs.append(curr_dists.mean()) all_stds.append(curr_dists.std()) if not change_Mss: np.savetxt(res_1D_folderpath + 'all_avgs_fix_r2', all_avgs) np.savetxt(res_1D_folderpath + 'all_stds_fix_r2', all_stds) else: np.savetxt(res_1D_folderpath + 'all_avgs_fix_r2', all_avgs) np.savetxt(res_1D_folderpath + 'all_stds_fix_r2', all_stds) else: if not change_Mss: all_avgs = np.loadtxt(res_1D_folderpath + 'all_avgs_fix_r2') all_stds = np.loadtxt(res_1D_folderpath + 'all_stds_fix_r2') else: all_avgs = np.loadtxt(res_1D_folderpath + 'all_avgs_fix_r2') all_stds = np.loadtxt(res_1D_folderpath + 'all_stds_fix_r2') import my_funcs as mf plt.errorbar(L_s[:-4], all_avgs[:-4], yerr=all_stds[:-4], color='k', linewidth=2) mf.config_plot(r'$L_{\rm e}$', 'MSE') mf.use_sci_nota('x', usesci=False) mf.use_sci_nota('y', usesci=True) print L_s[:-4][np.argmin(all_avgs[:-4])] plt.ylim([0, 0.00032]) # plt.ylim([0,0.00025]) # plt.xlim([18.8, 26.2]) # plt.yticks(np.linspace(0.005,0.025,num=5).tolist()) # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(res_1D_folderpath + 'fig7a.png') # , format='svg', dpi=600 # ind_min = np.argmin(all_avgs) avg_min = all_avgs[ind_min] std_min = all_stds[ind_min] L_min = L_s[ind_min] print avg_min, std_min, L_min
fs = fields['fs'] sig_use = sig[:, 1] ## TODO: treated by wfdb dt = 1. / fs seg_len = SEG_LEN_MS / 1000. / (1. / fs) # unit: num of bins #print seg_len TO_PLOT_ORIGIN_SIG = False if TO_PLOT_ORIGIN_SIG and 'Person_01/rec_7' in filename: ts = np.linspace(0, dt * len(sig_use), len(sig_use)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.plot(ts, sig[:, 0]) #my_funcs.config_plot('Time /s', 'Amplitude /mV') plt.plot(ts, sig[:, 1]) my_funcs.config_plot('Time /s', 'Amplitude /mV') print 'filename: ' + filename ## baseline drift handle x = sig[:, 0] my_funcs.write_to_file(x) quit() y = my_funcs.my_butter(x, freqs=0.95, type='high') plt.plot(x, y) ## quit() out = ecg.ecg(signal=sig_use, sampling_rate=fs, show=False)