def t10j_time(set_time=10): # ジョイスティックの位置を正す t10j_start_check() # カウントダウン for cnt in range(3, 0, -1): # led_red() print cnt time.sleep(0.5) # led_off() time.sleep(0.5) start_time = time.time() while True: t10j_map = t10j_map_data() up_down(t10j_map["ry"]) if t10j_map["lx"] == 0: go_back(t10j_map["ly"]) else: spinturn(t10j_map["lx"]) ela_time = time.time() - start_time print ela_time if ela_time >= set_time: stop() break
def t10j(data): while True: data = get_data("all") print "LY LX RY RX" t10j_data = [ data["duty0"], data["duty1"], data["duty2"], data["duty3"] ] print t10j_data t10j_map = [] for val in t10j_data: in_min = 1104 in_max = 1918 out_min = -100 out_max = 100 val = (val - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min if val < -100: val = -100 if val > 100: val = 100 if val <= 10 and val >= -10: val = 0 t10j_map.append(val) print t10j_map # up_down(t10j_map[3]) if t10j_map[1] == 0: # pass go_back(t10j_map[0]) else: # pass spinturn(t10j_map[1]) return 0
def go_yaw(goal): M = 1.00 M1 = 0.00 e = 0.00 e1 = 0.00 e2 = 0.00 Kp = 0.10 Ki = 0.10 Kd = 0.10 now_yaw = get_data("yaw") while (now_yaw - 1 < now_yaw < now_yaw + 1): M1 = M e1 = e e2 = e1 e = goal - now_yaw M = M1 + Kp * (e - e1) + Ki * e + Kd * ((e - e1) - (e1 - e2)) direction = roteto(now_yaw, goal) spinturn(30 * direction) time.sleep(M) stop()
def yaw(val, set_diving=True): while True: if set_diving: diving(set_diving) #up_down(60) gol_val = val # (0 ~ 100) → (-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) now_val = my_map(get_data("yaw")) # (-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) → (0 ~ 200) now_val2 = map_yaw2(now_val) print "gol_val", gol_val print "now_val", now_val # 偏差を調べる dev_val = now_val2 - gol_val if dev_val >= 101: dev_val = -(200 - dev_val) # 目標角度になったら終了 if dev_val <= 2 and dev_val >= -2: # if dev_val <= 0 and dev_val >= 0: print "balance OK !!!" stop_go_back() return 0 # モータの出力を調整(-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) → (-60 ~ 0 ~ 60) dev_val = map_yaw_adjustment(dev_val) spinturn(-dev_val) print "dev_val", -dev_val print "motor_out", -dev_val print
def setLedEntry(): global var var = request.json print # print "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",sorted(var.items()) print "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb", var print if int(var["slider1"]) == 0: go_back(int(var["slider2"])) else: spinturn(int(var["slider1"])) up_down(int(var["slider3"]))
def yaw_rot(set_rot, set_diving=True): set_rot_old = get_data("rot0") while True: if set_diving: diving(set_diving) spinturn(-20) now_rot0 = get_data("rot0") print "rot---------------------------------",now_rot0 - set_rot_old if now_rot0 - set_rot_old >= set_rot: stop() break
def compass(set_angle, set_diving=True): while True: if set_diving: diving(set_diving) # up_down(40) # 180 ~ 0 ~ -180 -> 100 ~ 0 -100 # print map_compass(set_angle) # set_angle = map_compass(set_angle) gol_val = map_compass(set_angle) # print gol_val # (0 ~ 100) → (-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) now_val = my_map(get_data("compass")) # (-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) → (0 ~ 200) now_val2 = map_yaw2(now_val) # print "gol_val", gol_val # print "now_val", now_val # 偏差を調べる dev_val = now_val2 - gol_val if dev_val >= 101: dev_val = -(200 - dev_val) led_blue() # 目標角度になったら終了 if dev_val <= 2 and dev_val >= -2: # if dev_val <= 0 and dev_val >= 0: led_lihtblue() # print "\ndirection OK!!" stop_go_back() return 0 # モータの出力を調整(-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) → (-60 ~ 0 ~ 60) # メカナム用 dev_val = map_yaw_adjustment(dev_val) # if dev_val <= -1 and dev_val >= -40: # dev_val = -35 # if dev_val >= 1 and dev_val <= 40: # dev_val = 35 spinturn(-dev_val) sys.stdout.write("\rdev_val : %d" % -dev_val) sys.stdout.flush()
def yaw(set_angle, set_diving=True): while True: if set_diving: diving(set_diving) gol_val = set_angle # (-180 ~ 0 ~ 180) → (-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) gol_val = map_compass(-set_angle) # (0 ~ 100) → (-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) now_val = my_map(get_data("yaw")) # now_val = my_map(get_data("compass")) # (-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) → (0 ~ 200) now_val2 = map_yaw2(now_val) print "gol_val", gol_val print "now_val", now_val # 偏差を調べる dev_val = now_val2 - gol_val if dev_val >= 101: dev_val = -(200 - dev_val) led_blue() # 目標角度になったら終了 if dev_val <= 2 and dev_val >= -2: # if dev_val <= 0 and dev_val >= 0: led_lihtblue() print "balance OK!!" stop_go_back() return 0 # モータの出力を調整(-100 ~ 0 ~ 100) → (-60 ~ 0 ~ 60) dev_val = map_yaw_adjustment(dev_val) spinturn(-dev_val) print "dev_val", -dev_val print "motor_out", -dev_val print
camera.start() while True: # print("main : " , pad_data) # print('joy_ly : {}, joy_lx: {}, joy_ry : {}'.format(pad_data["joy_ly"],pad_data["joy_lx"],pad_data["joy_ry"])) # val_map(joy_ly) # val_map(joy_lx) # val_map(joy_ry) if (pad_data["joy_ly"] == 0 and pad_data["joy_lx"] == 0): stop() elif (pad_data["joy_ly"] != 0 and pad_data["joy_lx"] == 0): go_back(val_map(pad_data["joy_ly"])) # print("go", val_map(pad_data["joy_ly"])) elif (pad_data["joy_ly"] == 0 and pad_data["joy_lx"] != 0): spinturn(val_map(pad_data["joy_lx"])) # print("spin", val_map(pad_data["joy_lx"])) if (pad_data["joy_ry"] != 0): up_down(val_map2(-pad_data["joy_ry"])) # print("up", val_map(pad_data["joy_ry"])) # print() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt as key: # プログラムを終了するときの処理 print("\n-----------") print(" : ", key) print("-----------\n") is_stop = 1
def move_test(data, set_input_kb=True): m_val = 30 path1 = '/kaiyo/log/input_log/20191003/input_log_20191003_122640.txt' # ティーチング用のログを作る----------------------------------------- if set_input_kb == True: try: os.makedirs('/kaiyo/log/input_log/' + str('%Y%m%d'))) except FileExistsError: pass input_log_file_make = open( '/kaiyo/log/input_log/' + str('%Y%m%d')) + '/input_log_' + str('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')) + '.txt', 'a') # ティーチング用のログを作る----------------------------------------- # ティーチング用のログを読込む--------------------------------------- elif set_input_kb == False: try: with open(path1) as f: # l_strip = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()] # input_log_file_read = ast.literal_eval(l_strip[1]) input_log_file_read = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()] fr_len = len(input_log_file_read) except FileExistsError: print("file_error") pass # ティーチング用のログを読込む--------------------------------------- line_num = 0 start_time = time.time() kb = 'p' print("move_start") while True: try: # print ("input please:") # if(readchar.readchar() != null): # ソケット通信からキー入力が来る予定 if set_input_kb == True: # とりあえずソケットなしでキー入力 kb = readchar.readchar() # ログのから1行ずつ処理 elif set_input_kb == False: # print(line_num) now_line = ast.literal_eval(input_log_file_read[line_num]) # リストがあるなら if line_num + 1 < fr_len: next_line = ast.literal_eval(input_log_file_read[line_num + 1]) if line_num == 0: print("now:", now_line) print("next", next_line) print() # time.sleep(next_line['time']) kb = str(now_line['inputkey']) line_num = line_num + 1 else: print("now:", now_line) print("next", next_line) print() time.sleep(next_line['time'] - now_line['time']) kb = str(now_line['inputkey']) line_num = line_num + 1 # print(type(kb)) # print(type(kb)) # print(kb) # kb = kb.decode() # print(kb) # キー入力のログを残す if set_input_kb == True: # input_log_file_make.write("{'time':" + str('%M:%S.%f')) +", 'inputkey':" + str(kb) + ", 'moterval':" + str(m_val) + "}\n") end_time = time.time() input_log_file_make.write("{'time':" + str(round(end_time - start_time, 2)) + ", 'inputkey':'" + str(kb) + "', 'moterval':" + str(m_val) + "}\n") # モータ出力------------------------ if kb == 'k': #モータ出力の低下 if m_val > 0: m_val = m_val - 5 print(m_val) if kb == 'l': #モータ出力の上昇 if m_val < 65: m_val = m_val + 5 print(m_val) # モータ出力------------------------ # モータ一個ずつ動かす------------------------ if kb == '1': #xlf xlf(m_val) print("xlf:", m_val) if kb == '2': #xrf xrf(-m_val) print("xrf:", m_val) if kb == '3': #xl xlb(m_val) print("xlb:", m_val) if kb == '4': #xr xrb(-m_val) print("xrb:", m_val) if kb == '5': #yl yl(m_val) print("yl:", m_val) if kb == '6': #yr yr(-m_val) print("yr:", m_val) # モータ一個ずつ動かす------------------------ # 航行--------------------------------------- if kb == 'w': #前進 go_back(m_val) print("前進:", m_val) if kb == 'x': #後退 go_back(-m_val) print("後退:", m_val) if kb == 'q': #潜水 up_down(-m_val) print("潜水:", m_val) # if kb == 'f': #潜水 # up_down(depth_MV) # print("潜水:",m_val) if kb == 'e': #上昇 up_down(m_val) print("上昇:", m_val) if kb == 'z': #左傾き roll(m_val) print("左傾き:", m_val) if kb == 'c': #右傾き roll(-m_val) print("右傾き:", m_val) if kb == 'a': #左旋回 spinturn(m_val) print("右旋回:", m_val) if kb == 'd': #右旋回 spinturn(-m_val) print("左旋回:", m_val) # 航行--------------------------------------- # 停止--------------------------------------- if kb == 's': #全停止 stop() print("全停止:") if kb == 'r': #推進用停止 stop_go_back() print("推進用停止:") if kb == 't': #潜水用停止 stop_up_down() print("潜水用停止:") # 停止--------------------------------------- if kb == 'b': #指定時間潜水 up_down(m_val) print("潜水:", m_val) time.sleep(10) stop() if kb == 'p': #終了 # my_exit() stop() print("終了します") break # ティーチングのとき使うかもしれないからリセット kb = None # print(kb) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: stop() # prtin("move:Keyerror") break
def move_test(data, kb, m_val, goal_yaw, yaw_MV, goal_depth, depth_MV, set_yaw, set_depth, old_rot=[0] * 6, set_input_kb=True): # m_val = 30 # CTRL_C = 3 # 大会用のログ path1 = '/kaiyo/log/input_log/read_input_log.txt' # 直前の入力ログ 次回実行時に消える path2 = '/kaiyo/log/input_log/just_before_read_input_log.txt' # ティーチング用のログを作る----------------------------------------- if set_input_kb == True: # 今日の日付でフォルダを作る try: os.makedirs('/kaiyo/log/input_log/' + str('%Y%m%d'))) except FileExistsError: pass # input_log_file_make = open('/kaiyo/log/input_log/'+str('%Y%m%d'))+'/input_log_'+str('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'))+'.txt', 'a') input_log_file_make = open( '/kaiyo/log/input_log/' + str('%Y%m%d')) + '/input_log_.txt', 'a') just_before_input_log_file = open( '/kaiyo/log/input_log/just_before_read_input_log.txt', 'a') # ティーチング用のログを作る----------------------------------------- # ティーチング用のログを読込む--------------------------------------- # elif set_input_kb == False: if set_input_kb == False: try: if kb == '9': path = path1 if kb == '0': path = path2 with open(path) as f: # l_strip = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()] # input_log_file_read = ast.literal_eval(l_strip[1]) input_log_file_read = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()] fr_len = len(input_log_file_read) except FileExistsError: print("file_error") pass else: print("move start") # ティーチング用のログを読込む--------------------------------------- line_num = 0 now_rot = 0 next_rot = 0 data_rot = 0 old_data_rot = 0 s_flg = 0 while True: try: # ログのから1行ずつ処理 if set_input_kb == False: # print(line_num) now_line = ast.literal_eval(input_log_file_read[line_num]) # リストがあるなら # rot4, 5を使っているのはロータリーが4つしか取れなかったから配線を入れ替えたため if line_num + 1 < fr_len: next_line = ast.literal_eval(input_log_file_read[line_num + 1]) next_rot = (next_line["rot0"] + next_line["rot1"] + next_line["rot4"] + next_line["rot5"]) / 4 data_rot = (data["rot0"] + data["rot1"] + data["rot4"] + data["rot5"]) / 4 now_rot = (now_line["rot0"] + now_line["rot1"] + now_line["rot4"] + now_line["rot5"]) / 4 print("line_num", line_num, "next_key:", now_line['input_key'], "kb:", kb, "data:", data_rot, "now:", now_rot, "next:", next_rot, "差:", (old_data_rot - next_rot), "残:", (now_rot - (data_rot - old_data_rot)), "\n") if line_num == 0: line_num = line_num + 1 kb = str(now_line['input_key']) m_val = now_line['m_val'] goal_yaw.value = now_line['goal_yaw'] goal_depth.value = now_line['goal_depth'] set_yaw.value = now_line['set_yaw'] set_depth.value = now_line['set_depth'] old_data_rot = data_rot print("test,test0", set_yaw, set_depth) else: # ロータリが指定回数以上回った か スラスタが回らないコマンドだったら 次の行を読み込む if (((now_rot - (data_rot - old_data_rot)) <= 0) or (kb == 's') or s_flg == 1): # and ((kb != 'A') or (kb != 'D')): s_flg = 0 line_num = line_num + 1 # 各値の更新 kb = str(now_line['input_key']) m_val = now_line['m_val'] goal_yaw.value = now_line['goal_yaw'] goal_depth.value = now_line['goal_depth'] set_yaw.value = now_line['set_yaw'] set_depth.value = now_line['set_depth'] old_data_rot = data_rot print("data_rot", old_data_rot) print("test, test1", set_yaw, set_depth) # キー入力のログを残す if set_input_kb == True: # input_log_file_make.write("{'time':" + str('%M:%S.%f')) +", 'inputkey':" + str(kb) + ", 'moterval':" + str(m_val) + "}\n") # end_time = time.time() # 日付ごとに入力したログ用 input_log_file_make.write( "{'time':" + str(data["time"]) + ", 'input_key':'" + str(kb) + "'" + ", 'm_val':" + str(m_val) + ", 'goal_yaw':" + str(goal_yaw.value) + ", 'goal_depth':" + str(goal_depth.value) + ", 'set_yaw':" + str(set_yaw.value) + ", 'set_depth':" + str(set_depth.value) + ", 'rot0':" + str(data["rot0"] - old_rot[0]) + ", 'rot1':" + str(data["rot1"] - old_rot[1]) + ", 'rot2':" + str(data["rot2"] - old_rot[2]) + ", 'rot3':" + str(data["rot3"] - old_rot[3]) + ", 'rot4':" + str(data["rot4"] - old_rot[4]) + ", 'rot5':" + str(data["rot5"] - old_rot[5]) + "}\n") # 直前の動作用 just_before_input_log_file.write( "{'time':" + str(data["time"]) + ", 'input_key':'" + str(kb) + "'" + ", 'm_val':" + str(m_val) + ", 'goal_yaw':" + str(goal_yaw.value) + ", 'goal_depth':" + str(goal_depth.value) + ", 'set_yaw':" + str(set_yaw.value) + ", 'set_depth':" + str(set_depth.value) + ", 'rot0':" + str(data["rot0"] - old_rot[0]) + ", 'rot1':" + str(data["rot1"] - old_rot[1]) + ", 'rot2':" + str(data["rot2"] - old_rot[2]) + ", 'rot3':" + str(data["rot3"] - old_rot[3]) + ", 'rot4':" + str(data["rot4"] - old_rot[4]) + ", 'rot5':" + str(data["rot5"] - old_rot[5]) + "}\n") old_rot[0] = data["rot0"] old_rot[1] = data["rot1"] old_rot[2] = data["rot2"] old_rot[3] = data["rot3"] old_rot[4] = data["rot4"] old_rot[5] = data["rot5"] # モータ一個ずつ動かす------------------------ if kb == '1': #xlf xlf(m_val) print("xlf:", m_val) if kb == '2': #xrf xrf(-m_val) print("xrf:", m_val) if kb == '3': #xl xlb(m_val) print("xlb:", m_val) if kb == '4': #xr xrb(-m_val) print("xrb:", m_val) if kb == '5': #yl yl(m_val) print("yl:", m_val) if kb == '6': #yr yr(-m_val) print("yr:", m_val) # モータ一個ずつ動かす------------------------ # 航行--------------------------------------- if kb == 'w': #前進 go_back(m_val) print("前進:", m_val) if kb == 'W': #前進 if set_yaw.value == True: set_yaw.value = False stop() print("制御前進:end", set_yaw.value) s_flg = 1 else: set_yaw.value = True print("制御前進:end_key:W", set_yaw.value) # s_flg = 1 if set_yaw.value == True: if (yaw_MV.value >= 0): go_back_each(m_val + yaw_MV.value, m_val - yaw_MV.value, m_val + yaw_MV.value, m_val - yaw_MV.value) elif (yaw_MV.value < 0): go_back_each(m_val + yaw_MV.value, m_val - yaw_MV.value, m_val + yaw_MV.value, m_val - yaw_MV.value) if set_yaw.value == True: if (yaw_MV.value >= 0): go_back_each(m_val + yaw_MV.value, m_val - yaw_MV.value, m_val + yaw_MV.value, m_val - yaw_MV.value) elif (yaw_MV.value < 0): go_back_each(m_val + yaw_MV.value, m_val - yaw_MV.value, m_val + yaw_MV.value, m_val - yaw_MV.value) if kb == 'x': #後退 go_back(-m_val) print("後退:", m_val) if kb == 'q': #潜水 up_down(-m_val) print("潜水:", m_val) if kb == 'X': #制御潜水 if set_depth.value == True: set_depth.value = False stop() print("制御潜水:end") else: set_depth.value = True print("制御潜水:end_key:X") if set_depth.value == True: #前進 print("depth_MV.value:", depth_MV.value) up_down(depth_MV.value) print("制御前進:", m_val) if kb == 'e': #上昇 up_down(m_val) print("上昇:", m_val) if kb == 'z': #左傾き roll(m_val) print("左傾き:", m_val) if kb == 'c': #右傾き roll(-m_val) print("右傾き:", m_val) if kb == 'a': #左旋回 spinturn(m_val) print("右旋回:", m_val) if kb == 'd': #右旋回 spinturn(-m_val) print("左旋回:", m_val) if (kb == 'A') or (kb == 'D'): #180旋回 set_yaw.value = False goal_yaw.value = goal_yaw.value + 180 if goal_yaw.value >= 360: goal_yaw.value = 0 # ある程度旋回させる (180度超えないぐらいがいいと思う) if (kb == 'A'): spin_val = 60 if (kb == 'D'): spin_val = -60 spinturn(spin_val) time.sleep(3.5) # 回転させたときの誤差を修正 while True: try: print("goal", goal_yaw.value, "com:", data["compass"], "yaw", (abs(data["yaw"]) - 10), (abs(data["yaw"])), (abs(data["yaw"] + 10)), "180度旋回:", yaw_MV.value) yaw_val = 10 * yaw_MV.value yaw_val = min(60, yaw_val) # if (yaw_val >= 60): # yaw_val = 60 spinturn(yaw_MV.value) if ((data["yaw"] - 10) < goal_yaw.value < (data["yaw"] + 10)) or \ ((data["yaw"] - 10) > goal_yaw.value > (abs(data["yaw"] + 10))): break time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # Ctrl-cを押したときの処理 print("\n-----------") print("move.py_180trun : ", e) print("-----------\n") # line_num = line_num + 1 s_flg = 1 print("spin_end") stop_go_back() if kb == 'E': #右前 xlf(m_val * 1.3) xrb(-m_val) print("右前:", m_val) if kb == 'Q': #左前 xrf(-m_val * 1.3) xlb(m_val) print("左前:", m_val) if kb == 'C': #右後 xlf(-m_val * 1.3) xrb(m_val) print("右後:", m_val) if kb == 'Z': #左後 xrf(m_val * 1.3) xlb(-m_val) print("左後:", m_val) # 航行--------------------------------------- # 停止--------------------------------------- if kb == 's': #全停止 stop() print("全停止:") if kb == 'g': #推進用停止 stop_go_back() print("推進用停止:") if kb == 'v': #潜水用停止 stop_up_down() print("潜水用停止:") # 停止--------------------------------------- # オプション--------------------------------------- if kb == 'i': #データ表示 print(data) if kb == 'R': #データ表示 old_rot[0] = 0 old_rot[1] = 0 old_rot[2] = 0 old_rot[3] = 0 old_rot[4] = 0 old_rot[5] = 0 while True: try: print("send:reboot") send_data("reboot") time.sleep(1) if data["time"] <= 10.0: # time.sleep(1) print("OK\n Start") break except TimeoutError: print("main:timeout Error!\n") except SyntaxError: # 受信エラー print("main : Reception Error!!\n") # yawの目標値を変更する if kb == 'y': print("g_now:", goal_yaw.value, "y_now", data["yaw"]) in_str = input("goal_yaw.val=") goal_yaw.value = int(in_str) print(goal_yaw.value) if kb == 't': print("now", goal_depth.value) in_str = input("goal_depth.val=") goal_depth.value = float(in_str) print(goal_depth.value) if kb == 'f': #arduinoにコマンド送信 in_str = input("command>>>") send_data(in_str) if kb == 'h': print("'run':'シリアル通信を開始する。', ") print("'stop':'シリアル通信を停止する。', ") print("'reboot':'Arduinoを再起動する。', ") print("'reset xxx':'curまたはrotの値をリセットする。', ") print("'debug on/off':'デバッグモードに移行/通常モードに戻る。', ") print("'time XXXX':'無限ループ時の待機時間をXXXXミリ秒にする。', ") print("'yaw_zero off':'yawの初期リセット値を無効化', ") print("'remove error':'状態を確認し問題なかったらstateをnormalにする', ") print("'puropo on/off':'プロポを有効/無効にする', ") if kb == 'b': #指定時間潜水 up_down(m_val) print("10秒潜水:", m_val) time.sleep(10) stop_up_down() if kb == 'n': #指定時間浮上 up_down(-m_val) print("3秒浮上:", m_val) time.sleep(3) stop_up_down() s_flg = 1 print("3秒浮上終了") if kb == 'p': #終了 # my_exit() stop() print("終了します") return old_rot # オプション--------------------------------------- # 意味なし if set_input_kb == True: if (kb == "w") or (kb == "W") or (kb == "s") or ( kb == "a") or (kb == "A") or (kb == "d") or ( kb == "D") or (kb == "x") or (kb == "X") or (kb == "p"): return old_rot else: return old_rot # break # ティーチングのとき使うかもしれないからリセット if (kb != "W") or (kb != "X") or (kb != 's'): kb = None time.sleep(0.2) # print(kb) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: stop() prtin("move:Keyerror") break
def go_yaw(goal): M = 0.00 M1 = 0.00 e = 0.00 e1 = 0.00 e2 = 0.00 Kp = 0.001 Ki = 0.01 Kd = 0.5 data = get_data("all") now_yaw = data["yaw"] if now_yaw < 0: now_yaw = 360 + now_yaw if goal < 0: goal = 360 + goal if goal == 0: while (not (now_yaw > 359 or now_yaw < 1)): data = get_data("all") now_yaw = data["yaw"] M1 = M e1 = e e2 = e1 if now_yaw < 0: now_yaw = 360 + now_yaw if abs(goal - now_yaw) > 180: e = 360 - abs(goal - now_yaw) else: e = abs(goal - now_yaw) M = M1 + Kp * (e - e1) + Ki * e + Kd * ((e - e1) - (e1 - e2)) print("now_yaw : ", now_yaw) direction = roteto(now_yaw, goal) if M > 30: M = 30 elif M < 10: M = 10 spinturn(M * direction) else: while (not (now_yaw - 1 < goal < now_yaw + 1)): data = get_data("all") now_yaw = data["yaw"] M1 = M e1 = e e2 = e1 if now_yaw < 0: now_yaw = 360 + now_yaw if abs(goal - now_yaw) > 180: e = 360 - abs(goal - now_yaw) else: e = abs(goal - now_yaw) M = M1 + Kp * (e - e1) + Ki * e + Kd * ((e - e1) - (e1 - e2)) direction = roteto(now_yaw, goal) if M > 30: M = 30 elif M < 10: M = 10 spinturn(M * direction) stop()