Example #1
    def layer(input_tensor):

        # extracting params and names for layers
        conv_params = get_conv_params()
        bn_params = get_bn_params()
        conv_name, bn_name, relu_name, sc_name = handle_block_names(
            stage, block)

        x = Conv2D(filters, (1, 1), name=conv_name + '1',
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '1', **bn_params)(x)
        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '1')(x)

        x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1))(x)
        x = GroupConv2D(filters, (3, 3),
                        conv_name + '2',
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '2', **bn_params)(x)
        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '2')(x)

        x = Conv2D(filters * 2, (1, 1), name=conv_name + '3', **conv_params)(x)
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '3', **bn_params)(x)

        shortcut = Conv2D(filters * 2, (1, 1),
        shortcut = BatchNormalization(name=sc_name + '_bn',
        x = Add()([x, shortcut])

        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name)(x)
        return x
Example #2
    def layer(input_tensor):
        # extracting params and names for layers
        conv_params = get_conv_params(padding='same')
        bn_params = get_bn_params()
        conv_name, bn_name, relu_name, sc_name, add_name, attention_name = handle_block_names(
            stage, block)

        x = Conv2D(int(filters) // 2, (1, 1),
                   name=conv_name + '1',
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '1x1_1', **bn_params)(x)
        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '1x1_1')(x)

        x = SK_block_deepwise(filters, stage, block, r=r, L=L)(x)

        x = Conv2D(filters, (1, 1), name=conv_name + '2', **conv_params)(x)
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '1x1_2', **bn_params)(x)

        shortcut = Conv2D(filters, (1, 1), name=sc_name,
        shortcut = BatchNormalization(name=sc_name + '_bn',
        x = Add()([x, shortcut])

        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + 'addout')(x)
        return x
Example #3
    def layer(input_tensor):
        # extracting params and names for layers
        conv_params = get_conv_params(padding='same', use_bias=False)
        conv_params_dilation = get_conv_params(padding='same',
        bn_params = get_bn_params()
        fc_bn_params = get_bn_params(axis=-1)
        conv_name, bn_name, relu_name, sc_name, add_name, attention_name = handle_block_names(
            stage, block)

        x_3 = DepthwiseConv2D((3, 3), padding='same',
                              name=conv_name + '3_3')(input_tensor)
        x_3 = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '3_3', **bn_params)(x_3)
        x_3 = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '3_3')(x_3)

        x_5 = DepthwiseConv2D((5, 5), padding='same',
                              name=conv_name + '5_5')(input_tensor)
        x_5 = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '5_5', **bn_params)(x_5)
        x_5 = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '5_5')(x_5)
        u = Add(name=add_name)([x_3, x_5])

        s = GlobalAveragePooling2D(name=attention_name + 'gap')(u)
        d = max(int(s.shape[-1]) // r, L)
        z = Dense(d, name=attention_name + 'fc1')(s)
        z = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + 'vector', **fc_bn_params)(z)
        z = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + 'vector')(z)
        c = s.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
        z1 = Dense(c * 2, name=attention_name + 'fc2')(z)
        z1 = Reshape([2, -1], name=attention_name + 'reshape1')(z1)
        soft = Softmax(axis=1, name=attention_name + 'softmax')(z1)
        A = Lambda(lambda vector: vector[:, 0, :])(soft)
        A = Reshape([1, 1, -1], name=attention_name + 'reshape_A')(A)
        B = Lambda(lambda vector: vector[:, 1, :])(soft)
        B = Reshape([1, 1, -1], name=attention_name + 'reshape_B')(B)
        x_3 = Lambda(scale_feature)([A, x_3])
        x_5 = Lambda(scale_feature)([B, x_5])
        v = Add()([x_3, x_5])
        return v
Example #4
    def layer(x):
        # extracting params and names for layers
        conv_params = get_conv_params(padding='same')
        bn_params = get_bn_params()
        conv_name, bn_name, relu_name, sc_name, add_name, attention_name = handle_block_names(
            stage, block)

        x = Conv2D(int(filters) // 2, (1, 1),
                   name=conv_name + '1',
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '1x1_1', **bn_params)(x)
        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '1x1_1')(x)

        x = SK_block(filters, stage, block, r=r, L=L)(x)

        x = Conv2D(filters, (1, 1), name=conv_name + '2', **conv_params)(x)
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '1x1_2', **bn_params)(x)
        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '1x1_2')(x)
        return x
Example #5
    def layer(input_tensor):
        conv_params = get_conv_params()
        bn_params = get_bn_params()
        conv_name, bn_name, relu_name, sc_name = handle_block_names(
            stage, block)

        x = Conv2D(filters, (1, 1), name=conv_name + '1',
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '1', **bn_params)(x)
        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '1')(x)

        x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1))(x)
        x = GroupConv2D(filters, (3, 3), conv_params, conv_name + '2')(x)
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '2', **bn_params)(x)
        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '2')(x)

        x = Conv2D(filters * 2, (1, 1), name=conv_name + '3', **conv_params)(x)
        x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '3', **bn_params)(x)

        x = Add()([x, input_tensor])

        x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name)(x)
        return x
Example #6
    def layer(x):
        # extracting params and names for layers
        conv_params = get_conv_params(padding='same')
        bn_params = get_bn_params()
        conv_name, bn_name, relu_name, sc_name, add_name, attention_name = handle_block_names(
            stage, block)
        if x.shape[-1] < filters:
            behind_sknet = True
            behind_sknet = False

        if not behind_sknet:
            x = Conv2D(filters, (1, 1), name=conv_name + '1', **conv_params)(x)
            x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '1x1_1', **bn_params)(x)
            x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '1x1_1')(x)

        x = SK_block(filters, stage, block, r=r, L=L)(x)

        if behind_sknet:
            x = Conv2D(filters, (1, 1), name=conv_name + '1', **conv_params)(x)
            x = BatchNormalization(name=bn_name + '1x1_1', **bn_params)(x)
            x = Activation('relu', name=relu_name + '1x1_1')(x)
        return x
Example #7
def build_mycov(repetitions=(2, 2, 2, 2),

    if input_tensor is None:
        img_input = Input(shape=input_shape, name='data')
        if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor):
            img_input = Input(tensor=input_tensor, shape=input_shape)
            img_input = input_tensor

    # get parameters for model layers
    no_scale_bn_params = get_bn_params(scale=False)
    conv_params = get_conv_params(padding='same')
    init_filters = first_filters

    # resnext bottom
    x = BatchNormalization(name='bn_data', **no_scale_bn_params)(img_input)

    # down
    dw_h_convs = OrderedDict()
    for stage, rep in enumerate(repetitions):
        for block in range(rep):
            filters = init_filters * (2**stage)
            x = SK_change_block(filters, stage, block, behind_sknet=True)(x)
            if block == 1:
                dw_h_convs[stage] = x
                x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), name='pooling' + str(stage + 1))(x)

    filters = init_filters * (2**4)
    x = SK_change_block(filters, 4, 0, behind_sknet=True)(x)
    x = SK_change_block(filters, 4, 1, behind_sknet=True)(x)
    # up
    for stage, rep in enumerate(repetitions):
        stage += 5
        filters = init_filters * (2**(4 - stage + 5 - 1))
        x = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2),
                            strides=(2, 2),
                            name='up' + str(stage + 1),
        x = Concatenate(axis=-1,
                        name='merge' + str(stage + 1) +
                        str(9 - stage))([x, dw_h_convs[8 - stage]])

        for block in range(rep):
            x = SK_change_block(filters, stage, block, behind_sknet=False)(x)

    x = Conv2D(classes, (1, 1),

    # Ensure that the model takes into account any potential predecessors of `input_tensor`.
    if input_tensor is not None:
        inputs = get_source_inputs(input_tensor)
        inputs = img_input

    # Create model
    model = Model(inputs, x)

    return model