def copy_run(src,dst): if not os.path.isdir(dst): os.mkdir(dst) cp(src+'/adapted0.smb',dst+'/adapted0.smb') cp(src+'/batch_slurm',dst+'/batch_slurm') cp(src+'/batch_torque',dst+'/batch_torque') cp(src+'/C1input',dst+'/C1input') cp(src+'/coil.dat',dst+'/coil.dat') cp(src+'/current.dat',dst+'/current.dat') cp(src+'/diiid0.020.smb',dst+'/diiid0.020.smb') cp(src+'/diiid0.02.smd',dst+'/diiid0.02.smd') cp(src+'/diiid0.02.sms',dst+'/diiid0.02.sms') cp(src+'/diiid0.02.txt',dst+'/diiid0.02.txt') cp(src+'/geqdsk',dst+'/geqdsk') cp(src+'/profile_ne',dst+'/profile_ne') cp(src+'/profile_te',dst+'/profile_te') cp(src+'/profile_omega',dst+'/profile_omega') cp(src+'/rmp_coil.dat',dst+'/rmp_coil.dat') cp(src+'/rmp_current.dat',dst+'/rmp_current.dat') cp(src+'/sizefieldParam',dst+'/sizefieldParam') return
def extract_profiles(machine="DIII-D", profile="all"): if machine in ["DIII-D", "NSTX-U"]: profile = "all" print "Extracting all profiles from single file" if len(glob(r"m3dc1_profiles_*.txt")) != 0: mysh.cp(r"m3dc1_profiles_*.txt", "m3dc1_profiles_0.txt") prof = "m3dc1_profiles_0.txt" elif len(glob(r"p*.*")) != 0: mysh.cp(r"p*.*", "p0.0") prof = "p0.0" else: print "Error: EFIT profiles file not found" return # extract profiles using Nate's utility call(["", prof]) if prof == "p0.0": # extact the Carbon toroidal rotation from the p-file with open("p0.0", "r") as fin: iprint = False for line in fin: if not iprint: if "psinorm omeg" in line: iprint = True fout = open("profile_omega.Ctor", "w") else: if "psinorm" not in line: fout.write(line) else: iprint = False fout.close() os.remove(prof) elif machine in ["AUG"]: print "Extracting profile " + profile if profile in ["all", "ne"]: if len(glob(r"neprof_*.asc")) != 0: mysh.cp(r"neprof_*.asc", "neprof_0.asc") prof = "neprof_0.asc" ne = np.loadtxt("neprof_0.asc") ne[:, 0] = ne[:, 0] ** 2 ne[:, 1] = ne[:, 1] * 1e-20 ne = ne[ne[:, 0] <= 1.0] np.savetxt("profile_ne", ne, fmt="%.6e", delimiter=" ") os.remove(prof) if profile in ["all", "te", "Te"]: if len(glob(r"Teprof_*.asc")) != 0: mysh.cp(r"Teprof_*.asc", "Teprof_0.asc") prof = "Teprof_0.asc" Te = np.loadtxt("Teprof_0.asc") Te[:, 0] = Te[:, 0] ** 2 Te[:, 1] = Te[:, 1] * 1e-3 Te = Te[Te[:, 0] <= 1.0] np.savetxt("profile_te", Te, fmt="%.6e", delimiter=" ") os.remove(prof) if profile in ["all", "vt", "vtor"]: if len(glob(r"vtprof_*.asc")) != 0: mysh.cp(r"vtprof_*.asc", "vtprof_0.asc") prof = "vtprof_0.asc" vt = np.loadtxt("vtprof_0.asc") vt[:, 0] = vt[:, 0] ** 2 vt[:, 1] = vt[:, 1] * 1e-3 vt = vt[vt[:, 0] <= 1.0] np.savetxt("profile_omega.Btor", vt, fmt="%.6e", delimiter=" ") os.remove(prof) mysh.cp(r"profile_omega.Btor", "profile_omega") if profile in ["all", "omgeb", "ExB"]: if len(glob(r"omgeb_*.asc")) != 0: mysh.cp(r"omgeb_*.asc", "omgeb_0.asc") prof = "omgeb_0.asc" omgeb = np.loadtxt("omgeb_0.asc") omgeb[:, 0] = omgeb[:, 0] ** 2 omgeb[:, 1] = omgeb[:, 1] * 1e-3 omgeb = omgeb[omgeb[:, 0] <= 1.0] # interpolate profile omega onto Te grid if len(glob(r"profile_te")) != 0: Te = np.loadtxt("profile_te") Pte = Te[:, 0] O = interp1d(omgeb[:, 0], omgeb[:, 1], fill_value="extrapolate") om2 = O(Pte) omgeb = np.transpose(np.array([Pte, om2])) np.savetxt("profile_omega.ExB", omgeb, fmt="%.6e", delimiter=" ") os.remove(prof) mysh.cp(r"profile_omega.ExB", "profile_omega") return
def autoC1(task='all',machine='DIII-D',C1inputs=None, interactive=True, OMFIT=False, calcs=[(0,0,0)]): if task == 'all': task = 'setup' if OMFIT: interactive = False template = os.environ.get('AUTOC1_HOME')+'/templates/'+ machine + '/' if machine is 'DIII-D': rot = 'eb1' elif machine is 'NSTX-U': rot = 'eb1' elif machine is 'AUG': rot = 'eb1' else: rot = 'eb1' C1arch = os.environ.get('M3DC1_ARCH') if C1arch == 'sunfire.r6': submit_batch = ['sbatch','batch_slurm'] elif C1arch == 'saturn': submit_batch = ['qsub','batch_torque'] else: print 'Error: autoC1 does not support M3DC1_ARCH = '+C1arch return if task == 'setup': print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'Setting up equilibrium files in efit/' print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print os.chdir('efit/') if not OMFIT: mysh.cp(r'g*.*','geqdsk') extract_profiles(machine=machine) if machine in ['DIII-D','NSTX-U']: fc = open('current.dat','w') mysh.cp(r'a*.*','a0.0') call(['a2cc', 'a0.0'], stdout=fc) fc.close() os.remove('a0.0') if interactive: next = '-' while next not in ['Y','N']: next = raw_input('>>> Would you like to extend profile_ne and profile_te? (Y/N) ') if next == 'Y': print "Trying: extend_profile('profile_ne',minval=1e-2,psimax=1.1,psimin=0.95,center=0.98,width=0.01,smooth=None)" loop_extprof('profile_ne',minval=1e-2,psimax=1.1,psimin=0.95, center=0.98,width=0.01,smooth=None) os.rename('profile_ne.extpy','profile_ne') print "Trying: extend_profile('profile_te',minval=1e-4,psimax=1.1,psimin=0.95,center=0.98,width=0.01,smooth=None)" loop_extprof('profile_te',minval=1e-4,psimax=1.1,psimin=0.95, center=0.98,width=0.01,smooth=None) os.rename('profile_te.extpy','profile_te') print print 'Using extended profiles' print elif next == 'N': print 'Using default profiles' else: print '*** Improper response ***' os.chdir('..') task = 'efit' print print else: print 'Skipping setup of equilibrium files' print if task == 'efit': print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'Calculating EFIT equilibrium in uni_efit/' print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print if not os.path.isdir('uni_efit/'): sh.copytree(template+'uni_efit/','uni_efit') load_equil('efit/','uni_efit/') os.chdir('uni_efit/') mod_C1input(C1inputs) call(submit_batch) print if machine in ['AUG']: while not os.path.exists('time_000.h5'): sleep(10) call("\idl -e '@get_aug_currents'",shell=True) os.chdir('..') task = 'uni_equil' print print else: print 'Skipping calculation of EFIT equilibrium' print if task == 'uni_equil': print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'Calculating equilibrium with M3D-C1 GS solver in uni_equil/' print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print if not os.path.isdir('uni_equil/'): sh.copytree(template+'uni_equil/','uni_equil') load_equil('efit/','uni_equil/') os.chdir('uni_equil/') mod_C1input(C1inputs) if interactive: while True: min_iter = raw_input('>>> Please enter minimum iteration number: ') try: min_iter = int(min_iter) if min_iter < 1: print '*** min_iter must be greater than or equal to 1 ***' else: break except ValueError: print '*** min_iter must be an integer ***' else: min_iter = 1 iter = 0 for iter in range(1,min_iter): call(submit_batch) print while not os.path.exists('time_000.h5'): sleep(10) print '>>> iter '+str(iter)+' time_000.h5 created' print check_output('grep "Final error in GS solution" C1stdout',shell=True) os.mkdir('iter_'+str(iter)) move_iter('iter_'+str(iter)+'/') next = 'Y' iter += 1 while next != 'N': call(submit_batch) print while not os.path.exists('time_000.h5'): sleep(10) print print '>>> iter '+str(iter)+' time_000.h5 created' print check_output('grep "Final error in GS solution" C1stdout',shell=True) os.mkdir('iter_'+str(iter)) move_iter('iter_'+str(iter)+'/') if interactive: print '>>> Check the equilibrium match for iter_'+str(iter) next = '-' while next not in ['Y','N']: next = raw_input('>>> Would you like to do another iteration? (Y/N) ') if next == 'Y': iter += 1 elif next == 'N': break else: print '*** Improper response ***' else: next = 'N' else: print '>>> Continuing to mesh adaptation' print '>>> Check the equilibrium match for iter_'+str(iter) print print '>>> Stopped equilibrium iteration after ',iter,' iterations' os.chdir('..') if interactive: next = '-' while next not in ['Y','N']: next = raw_input('>>> Would you like to continue onto mesh adaptation? (Y/N) ') if next == 'Y': mysh.cp('uni_equil/iter_'+str(iter)+'/current.dat','uni_equil/current.dat.good') continue elif next == 'N': return else: print '*** Improper response ***' else: f = plt.figure(figsize=(16,5)) gs= gridspec.GridSpec(1,4,width_ratios=[4,5,5,5]) fs = 0.5 ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) C1py.plot_shape(folder=['uni_efit/','uni_equil/iter_1/'], rrange=[1.0,2.5],zrange=[-1.25,1.25], fs=fs,ax=ax,title='Shape') leg = ax.legend(fontsize=24*fs,frameon=True,loc=[0.6,0.85]) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor('white') plts = [('ne',r'$n_e$',plt.subplot(gs[1])), ('te',r'$T_e$',plt.subplot(gs[2])), ('ti',r'$T_i$',plt.subplot(gs[3]))] for field,title,ax in plts: C1py.plot_field(field,filename='uni_equil/iter_1/C1.h5', slice=-1,rrange=[1.0,2.5],zrange=[-1.25,1.25], lcfs=True,range=[-1,1],fs=fs,ax=ax, title=title,palette='coolwarm') f.tight_layout() f.savefig('equil_check.pdf') mysh.cp('uni_equil/iter_'+str(iter)+'/current.dat','uni_equil/current.dat.good') task = 'adapt' print print else: print 'Skipping calculation of equilibrium with M3D-C1 GS solver' print if task == 'adapt': print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'Adapting mesh to equilibrium in rw1_adapt/' print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print if not os.path.isdir('rw1_adapt/'): sh.copytree(template+'rw1_adapt/','rw1_adapt') load_equil('efit/','rw1_adapt/') mysh.cp('uni_equil/current.dat.good', 'rw1_adapt/current.dat') os.chdir('rw1_adapt/') mod_C1input(C1inputs) call(submit_batch) print print '>>> Wait for adapted0.smb to be created' while not os.path.exists('adapted0.smb'): sleep(10) print '>>> Mesh adaptation complete' os.chdir('..') task = 'calculation' print print else: print 'Skipping mesh adaptation' print if interactive: calcs = None else: ncalc = 0 opts = {'0':'exit', '1':'equilibrium', '2':'stability', '3':'response', '4':'examine'} while True: if task == 'calculation': if interactive: print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print print '>>> What kind of calculation would you like to perform?' print '>>> 1) Equilibrium' print '>>> 2) Linear stability' print '>>> 3) Linear 3D response' print '>>> 4) Examine results with IDL' print option = '-' while option not in opts: option = raw_input('>>> Please enter the desired option (1-4, 0 to exit): ') if option not in opts: print '*** Improper response ***' print task = opts[option] else: if ncalc == len(calcs): task = exit else: option, ntor, nflu = calcs[ncalc] task = opts[option] print task + ' calculation' if ntor is not None: print ' n='+ntor if nflu is not None: print ' '+nflu+'-fluid' print if task == 'exit': print 'Exiting' return elif task == 'equilibrium': print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'Calculate equilibrium with adapted mesh' print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print if not os.path.isdir('rw1_equil/'): sh.copytree(template+'rw1_equil/','rw1_equil') load_equil('rw1_adapt/','rw1_equil/') mysh.cp('rw1_adapt/adapted0.smb', 'rw1_equil/adapted0.smb') os.chdir('rw1_equil/') mod_C1input(C1inputs) call(submit_batch) print print '>>> Job m3dc1_equil submitted' if interactive: print '>>> You can do other calculations in the meantime' raw_input('>>> Press <ENTER> twice to start another calculation') raw_input('>>> Press <ENTER> again to proceed') os.chdir('..') print print elif task == 'stability': print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'Calculate linear stability' print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print if interactive: while True: ntor = raw_input('>>> Please enter the desired ntor: ') try: int(ntor) break except ValueError: print '*** ntor must be an integer ***' nflu = '' while nflu not in ['1','2']: nflu = raw_input('>>> How many fluids? (1 or 2) ') if nflu not in ['1','2']: print '*** Improper response ***' print print 'Calculating stability for '+nflu+'F and ntor = ' + ntor ndir = 'n='+ntor+'/' if not os.path.isdir(ndir): os.mkdir(ndir) os.chdir(ndir) stab = rot+'_'+nflu+'f_stab/' if not os.path.isdir(stab): sh.copytree(template+'n=/'+stab,stab) load_equil('../rw1_adapt/',stab) mysh.cp('../rw1_adapt/adapted0.smb', stab+'adapted0.smb') os.chdir(stab) mod_C1input(C1inputs) for line in fileinput.input('C1input',inplace=1): print re.sub(r'ntor = ','ntor = '+ntor,line.rstrip('\n')) call(submit_batch) print print '>>> Job m3dc1_stab submitted' if interactive: print '>>> You can do other calculations in the meantime' raw_input('>>> Press <ENTER> twice to start another calculation') raw_input('>>> Press <ENTER> again to proceed') os.chdir('../..') print print elif task == 'response': print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'Calculate 3D plasma response' print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print if interactive: while True: ntor = raw_input('>>> Please enter the desired ntor: ') try: int(ntor) break except ValueError: print '*** ntor must be an integer ***' nflu = '' while nflu not in ['1','2']: nflu = raw_input('>>> How many fluids? (1 or 2) ') if nflu not in ['1','2']: print '*** Improper response ***' print print 'Calculating '+nflu+'F response for ntor = ' + ntor ndir = 'n='+ntor+'/' if not os.path.isdir(ndir): os.mkdir(ndir) os.chdir(ndir) up = rot+'_'+nflu+'f_iu/' low = rot+'_'+nflu+'f_il/' if not os.path.isdir(up): sh.copytree(template+'n=/'+up,up) load_equil('../rw1_adapt/',up) mysh.cp('../rw1_adapt/adapted0.smb', up+'adapted0.smb') os.chdir(up) mod_C1input(C1inputs) for line in fileinput.input('C1input',inplace=1): print re.sub(r'ntor = ','ntor = '+ntor,line.rstrip('\n')) call(submit_batch) os.chdir('..') if not os.path.isdir(low): sh.copytree(template+'n=/'+low,low) load_equil('../rw1_adapt/',low) mysh.cp('../rw1_adapt/adapted0.smb', low+'adapted0.smb') os.chdir(low) mod_C1input(C1inputs) for line in fileinput.input('C1input',inplace=1): print re.sub(r'ntor = ','ntor = '+ntor,line.rstrip('\n')) call(submit_batch) print print '>>> Jobs m3dc1_iu and m3dc1_il submitted' if interactive: print '>>> You can do other calculations in the meantime' raw_input('>>> Press <ENTER> twice to start another calculation') raw_input('>>> Press <ENTER> again to proceed') os.chdir('../..') print print elif task == 'examine': print '>>> Here are some good things to check:' print '>>> Is the adapted equilbrium a good shape match?' print ">>> Is 'jy' a good match to the EFIT?" print ">>> Does 'ne', 'te', 'ti', or 'p' go negative anywhere?" print if interactive: next = '-' while next not in ['Y','N']: next = raw_input('>>> Would you like to check the quality of the equilibrium? (Y/N) ') if next == 'Y': print 'Launching IDL for checking quality of the equilibrium' print 'Recommend the following commands, but modify as need be' print 'e.g., rw1_equil/ can be replaced by a completed response or stability run in n=2/' print "plot_shape,['uni_efit/','rw1_equil/']+'C1.h5',rrange=[1.0,2.5],zrange=[-1.25,1.25],thick=3,/iso" print "plot_flux_average,'jy',-1,file=['uni_efit/','rw1_equil/']+'C1.h5',/mks,/norm,table=39,thick=3,bins=400,points=400" print "plot_field,'ti',-1,R,Z,file='rw1_equil/C1.h5',/mks,points=400,cutz=0.,/ylog" print call(['idl']) okay = '-' while okay not in ['Y','N']: okay = '>>> Is the equilibrium good enough to continue? (Y/N) ' if okay == 'Y': continue elif okay == 'N': return else: print '*** Improper response ***' elif next == 'N': print 'Continuing, but equilibrium may have problems' else: print '*** Improper response ***' else: print ">>> In non-interactive mode" print ">>> Please launch IDL separately" task = 'calculation' if not interactive: ncalc +=1 return
def load_equil(src,dst): cp(src+'/geqdsk',dst+'/geqdsk') cp(src+'/profile_ne',dst+'/profile_ne') cp(src+'/profile_te',dst+'/profile_te') cp(src+'/profile_omega',dst+'/profile_omega') cp(src+'/profile_vphi',dst+'/profile_vphi') cp(src+'/current.dat',dst+'/current.dat') return