def school_weibo_dict_analysis(schoolname):
	weibo_content_results = pickle.load(open('dict weibo data\\%s_seg_weibo_new.pkl' % (schoolname), 'r'))
	cuted_weibo = []
	meaning_count = 0
	positive_count = 0
	negative_count = 0
	for cell in weibo_content_results:
		if cell[1] == 1:
			meaning_count += 1
	single_weibo_count = []
	for index,weibo in enumerate(cuted_weibo):
		single_weibo_count = []
		for sent in weibo:
			seg_sent = tp.segmentation(sent, 'list')
			i = 0 # word position counter
			a = 0 # sentiment word position
			poscount = 0 # count a positive word
			negcount = 0 # count a negative word
			for word in seg_sent:
				if word in posdict:
					poscount += 1
					for w in seg_sent[a:i]:
						poscount = match(w, poscount)
					a = i + 1
				elif word in negdict:
					negcount += 1
					for w in seg_sent[a:i]:
						negcount = match(w, negcount)
					a = i + 1
				elif word == '!'.decode('utf-8') or word == '!'.decode('utf-8'):
					for w2 in seg_sent[::-1]:
						if w2 in posdict:
							poscount += 2
						elif w2 in negdict:
							negcount += 2
				i += 1
			single_weibo_count.append(transform_to_positive_num(poscount, negcount, 0, 0, 0))
		[pos_count, neg_count] = judge_weibo(single_weibo_count)
		#print index, pos_count, neg_count
		if pos_count > neg_count:
			positive_count += 1
		elif pos_count < neg_count:
			negative_count += 1
			meaning_count += 1
	end_results = [positive_count, negative_count, meaning_count]
	pickle.dump(end_results, open('dict weibo data\\%s_end_results.pkl' % schoolname, 'w'))
	print end_results
	return end_results
def all_weibo_sentence_sentiment_score(schoolname, weiboid=None):
	weibo_content_results = tp.get_one_weibo_data(schoolname, weiboid)
	cuted_weibo = []
	upvotes = []
	forwards = []
	reviews = []
	weiboid = None
	for cell in weibo_content_results:
		weiboid = cell[4]
		print cell[0] #微博内容
		#print cell[1], #点赞数量
		#print cell[2] #转发数量
		#print cell[3] #评论数量
	single_weibo_count = []
	all_weibo_count = []
	for index,weibo in enumerate(cuted_weibo):
		for sent in weibo:
			seg_sent = tp.segmentation(sent, 'list')
			i = 0 # word position counter
			a = 0 # sentiment word position
			poscount = 0 # count a positive word
			negcount = 0 # count a negative word
			for word in seg_sent:
				if word in posdict:
					poscount += 1
					for w in seg_sent[a:i]:
						poscount = match(w, poscount)
					a = i + 1
				elif word in negdict:
					negcount += 1
					for w in seg_sent[a:i]:
						negcount = match(w, negcount)
					a = i + 1
				elif word == '!'.decode('utf-8') or word == '!'.decode('utf-8'):
					for w2 in seg_sent[::-1]:
						if w2 in posdict:
							poscount += 2
						elif w2 in negdict:
							negcount += 2
				i += 1
			single_weibo_count.append(transform_to_positive_num(poscount, negcount, upvotes[index], forwards[index], reviews[index])) #[[s1_score], [s2_score], ...]
		all_weibo_count.append(single_weibo_count) # [[[s11_score], [s12_score], ...], [[s21_score], [s22_score], ...], ...]
		single_weibo_count = []
	return all_weibo_count, weiboid
def single_weibo_sentiment_score(weibo):
	single_weibo_senti_score = []
	cuted_weibo = tp.cut_sentences_2(weibo) # 切分成一个个小句子的list

	for sent in cuted_weibo:
		print '', sent
		seg_sent = tp.segmentation(sent, 'list') # 分词,返回单词列表
		i = 0 # word position counter
		s = 0 # sentiment word position
		poscount = 0 # count a positive word
		negcount = 0 # count a negative word

		for word in seg_sent:
			print '', word
			if word in posdict:
				poscount += 1
				for w in seg_sent[s:i]:
					poscount = match(w, poscount)
				a = i + 1
			elif word in negdict:
				negcount += 1
				for w in seg_sent[s:i]:
					negcount = match(w, negcount)
				a = i + 1
			# Match "!" in the weibo, every "!" has a weight of +2
			elif word == "!".decode('utf-8') or word == "!".decode('utf-8'):
				for w2 in seg_sent[::-1]:
					if w2 in posdict:
						poscount += 2
					elif w2 in negdict:
						negcount += 2
			i += 1
		print 'positive and negative',poscount, negcount
		single_weibo_senti_score.append(transform_to_positive_num(poscount, negcount))
		weibo_sentiment_score = sumup_sentence_sentiment_score(single_weibo_senti_score)
	for i in single_weibo_senti_score:
		print i
	return weibo_sentiment_score