Example #1
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import my_txtutils

# these must match what was saved !

author = "checkpoints/rnn_train_1526692149-432000000"

ncnt = 0
with tf.Session() as sess:
    new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('checkpoints/rnn_train_1526692149-432000000.meta')
    new_saver.restore(sess, author)
    x = my_txtutils.convert_from_alphabet(ord("L"))
    x = np.array([[x]])  # shape [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN] with BATCHSIZE=1 and SEQLEN=1

    # initial values
    y = x
    h = np.zeros([1, INTERNALSIZE * NLAYERS], dtype=np.float32)  # [ BATCHSIZE, INTERNALSIZE * NLAYERS]
    for i in range(1000000000):
        yo, h = sess.run(['Yo:0', 'H:0'], feed_dict={'X:0': y, 'pkeep:0': 1., 'Hin:0': h, 'batchsize:0': 1})

        # If sampling is be done from the topn most likely characters, the generated text
        # is more credible and more "english". If topn is not set, it defaults to the full
        # distribution (ALPHASIZE)

        # Recommended: topn = 10 for intermediate checkpoints, topn=2 or 3 for fully trained checkpoints

        c = my_txtutils.sample_from_probabilities(yo, topn=2)
Example #2
        VALI_SEQLEN = 1*1024  # Sequence length for validation. State will be wrong at the start of each sequence.
        bsize = len(valitext) // VALI_SEQLEN
        txt.print_validation_header(len(codetext), bookranges)
        vali_x, vali_y, _ = next(txt.rnn_minibatch_sequencer(valitext, bsize, VALI_SEQLEN, 1))  # all data in 1 batch
        vali_nullstate = np.zeros([bsize, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS])
        feed_dict = {X: vali_x, Y_: vali_y, Hin: vali_nullstate, pkeep: 1.0,  # no dropout for validation
                     batchsize: bsize}
        ls, acc, smm = sess.run([batchloss, accuracy, summaries], feed_dict=feed_dict)
        txt.print_validation_stats(ls, acc)
        # save validation data for Tensorboard
        validation_writer.add_summary(smm, step)

    # display a short text generated with the current weights and biases (every 150 batches)
    if step // 3 % _50_BATCHES == 0:
        ry = np.array([[txt.convert_from_alphabet(ord("K"))]])
        rh = np.zeros([1, INTERNALSIZE * NLAYERS])
        for k in range(1000):
            ryo, rh = sess.run([Yo, H], feed_dict={X: ry, pkeep: 1.0, Hin: rh, batchsize: 1})
            rc = txt.sample_from_probabilities(ryo, topn=10 if epoch <= 1 else 2)
            print(chr(txt.convert_to_alphabet(rc)), end="")
            ry = np.array([[rc]])

    # save a checkpoint (every 500 batches)
    if step // 10 % _50_BATCHES == 0:
        saved_file = saver.save(sess, 'checkpoints/rnn_train_' + timestamp, global_step=step)
        print("Saved file: " + saved_file)

    # display progress bar
    progress.step(reset=step % _50_BATCHES == 0)
Example #3
	def fit(self, data, epochs=1000, displayFreq=50, genFreq=150, saveFreq=5000, verbosity=2):
		progress = txt.Progress(displayFreq, size=111+2, msg="Training on next "+str(displayFreq)+" batches")
		tfStuff = self.tfStuff
		valitext = data.valitext
		# todo: check if batchSize != data.batchSize or if seqLen != data.seqLen (if so, I think we need to raise an exception?)
		firstEpoch = self.curEpoch
		lastEpoch = firstEpoch + epochs
		isFirstStepInThisFitCall = True
			with tfStuff.graph.as_default():
				#with tf.name_scope(self.scopeName):
				with tf.variable_scope(self.fullName, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
					sess = tfStuff.sess
					# training loop
					for x, y_, epoch, batch in txt.rnn_minibatch_sequencer(data.codetext, self.batchSize, self.seqLen, nb_epochs=epochs, startBatch=self.curBatch, startEpoch=self.curEpoch):
						nSteps = self.step // (self.batchSize*self.seqLen)
						# train on one minibatch
						feed_dict = {tfStuff.X: x, tfStuff.Y_: y_, tfStuff.Hin: tfStuff.istate, tfStuff.lr: self.learningRate, tfStuff.pkeep: self.dropoutPkeep, tfStuff.batchsize: self.batchSize}
						_, y, ostate = sess.run([tfStuff.train_step, tfStuff.Y, tfStuff.H], feed_dict=feed_dict)

						# log training data for Tensorboard display a mini-batch of sequences (every 50 batches)
						if nSteps % displayFreq == 0 or isFirstStepInThisFitCall:
							feed_dict = {tfStuff.X: x, tfStuff.Y_: y_, tfStuff.Hin: tfStuff.istate, tfStuff.pkeep: 1.0, tfStuff.batchsize: self.batchSize}  # no dropout for validation
							y, l, bl, acc, smm = sess.run([tfStuff.Y, tfStuff.seqloss, tfStuff.batchloss, tfStuff.accuracy, tfStuff.summaries], feed_dict=feed_dict)
							txt.print_learning_learned_comparison(x, y, l, data.bookranges, bl, acc, data.epoch_size, self.step, epoch, lastEpoch, verbosity=verbosity)
							self.tbStuff.summary_writer.add_summary(smm, self.step)
						# run a validation step every 50 batches
						# The validation text should be a single sequence but that's too slow (1s per 1024 chars!),
						# so we cut it up and batch the pieces (slightly inaccurate)
						# tested: validating with 5K sequences instead of 1K is only slightly more accurate, but a lot slower.
						if (nSteps % displayFreq == 0 or isFirstStepInThisFitCall) and len(data.valitext) > 0:
							VALI_seqLen = 1*1024  # Sequence length for validation. State will be wrong at the start of each sequence.
							bsize = len(data.valitext) // VALI_seqLen
							if verbosity >= 1: txt.print_validation_header(len(data.codetext), data.bookranges)
							vali_x, vali_y, _, _ = next(txt.rnn_minibatch_sequencer(data.valitext, bsize, VALI_seqLen, 1))  # all data in 1 batch
							vali_nullstate = np.zeros([bsize, self.internalSize * self.nLayers])
							feed_dict = {tfStuff.X: vali_x, tfStuff.Y_: vali_y, tfStuff.Hin: vali_nullstate, tfStuff.pkeep: 1.0,  # no dropout for validation
										 tfStuff.batchsize: bsize}
							ls, acc, smm = sess.run([tfStuff.batchloss, tfStuff.accuracy, tfStuff.summaries], feed_dict=feed_dict)
							if verbosity >= 1: txt.print_validation_stats(ls, acc)
							# save validation data for Tensorboard
							self.tbStuff.validation_writer.add_summary(smm, self.step)

						# display a short text generated with the current weights and biases (every 150 batches)
						if nSteps % genFreq == 0 or isFirstStepInThisFitCall:
							ry = np.array([[txt.convert_from_alphabet(ord("K"))]])
							rh = np.zeros([1, self.internalSize * self.nLayers])
							for k in range(1000):
								ryo, rh = sess.run([tfStuff.Yo, tfStuff.H], feed_dict={tfStuff.X: ry, tfStuff.pkeep: 1.0, tfStuff.Hin: rh, tfStuff.batchsize: 1})
								rc = txt.sample_from_probabilities(ryo, topn=10 if epoch <= 1 else 2)
								print(chr(txt.convert_to_alphabet(rc)), end="")
								ry = np.array([[rc]])
						if isFirstStepInThisFitCall:
							for i in range(nSteps % displayFreq):
							isFirstStepInThisFitCall = False
						# save a checkpoint (every 500 batches)
						if nSteps % saveFreq == 0:

						# display progress bar
						progress.step(reset=nSteps % displayFreq == 0)

						# loop state around
						tfStuff.istate = ostate
						self.step += self.batchSize * self.seqLen
						self.curEpoch = epoch
						self.curBatch = batch
		except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
			print("\npressed ctrl-c, saving")