def apiGetMailingList(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) mailingListID = request.matchdict["id"] mailingLists = {} try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user="******", password="******", host="", database="305") cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) query = "SELECT * FROM MailingLists where id = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(mailingListID)])) for row in cursor: mailingList = {"id": row["id"], "createdBy": row["createdBy"], "name": row["name"]} query = "SELECT C.* from MailingListsMappings LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, firstName, lastName, email FROM Customers) as C ON = MailingListsMappings.customerID and MailingListsMappings.listID = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(mailingList["id"])])) customers = [] for row in cursor: customers.append({"id": row["id"], "name": row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"], "email": row["email"]}) mailingList["customers"] = customers cursor.close() cnx.close() except mysql.connector.Error as err: return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err), status=500) return mailingLists
def employeeDashboard(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) values = { 'currentUser': None, } if('currentUser' in request.session): values["currentUser"] = request.session['currentUser'] return values
def sold(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) postVars = request.POST requiredKeys = ['bidID', 'customerID', 'auctionID', 'itemID'] for key in requiredKeys: if(key not in postVars): raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='305') cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) query = """ INSERT INTO Wins (BidID, Time, CustomerID, AuctionID) VALUES (%s,NOW(),%s, %s); """ cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(postVars['bidID']), str(postVars['customerID']), str(postVars['auctionID'])])) query = """ UPDATE Items SET CopiesSold = CopiesSold + 1, Stock=Stock-1 WHERE ID= %s """ cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(postVars['itemID'])])) query = """ UPDATE Customers SET ItemsSold=ItemsSold+1 WHERE ID = (SELECT SellerID FROM Auctions WHERE ID = %s); """ cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(postVars['auctionID'])])) query = """ UPDATE Customers SET ItemsPurchased=ItemsPurchased+1 WHERE ID = %s """ cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(postVars['customerID'])])) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() except mysql.connector.Error as err: return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err), status=500) raise exc.HTTPOk()
def deleteCustomer(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) query = "DELETE FROM Customers WHERE id= %s" try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='305') cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, tuple([request.matchdict['id']])) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() except mysql.connector.Error as err: return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err)) raise exc.HTTPOk()
def allCustomers(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='305') cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) query = ("SELECT * FROM Customers") cursor.execute(query) items = [] for customer in cursor: items.append({ 'id': customer['id'], 'name': customer['firstName'] + customer['lastName'], 'firstName': customer['firstName'], 'lastName': customer['lastName'], 'address': customer['address'], 'city': customer['city'], 'state': customer['state'], 'zipCode': customer['zipCode'], 'telephone': customer['telephone'], 'email': customer['email'], 'creditCardNumber': customer['creditCardNumber'], 'itemsSold': customer['itemsSold'], 'itemsPurchased': customer['itemsPurchased'], 'rating': str(customer['rating']) }) cursor.close() cnx.close() except mysql.connector.Error as err: return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err), status=500) if(len(items) == 0): raise exc.HTTPNoContent() return items
def apiAddMailingList(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) postVars = request.POST print(postVars) if "name" not in postVars: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user="******", password="******", host="", database="305") cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) query = "INSERT INTO MailingLists(name, createdBy) VALUES(%s, %s)" cursor.execute(query, tuple([postVars["name"], Authorizer.getCurrentUser(request)["id"]])) if "customers[]" in postVars: # postVars.getall('customers[]') query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as id" cursor.execute(query) mailingListID = cursor.fetchone()["id"] print(mailingListID) for customerID in postVars.getall("customers[]"): print(customerID) query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM Customers where id = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(customerID)])) count = cursor.fetchone()["count"] if count != 0: query = "INSERT INTO MailingListsMappings(listID, customerID) VALUES (%s, %s)" cursor.execute(query, tuple([mailingListID, customerID])) else: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() except mysql.connector.Error as err: return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err), status=500) raise exc.HTTPOk()
def mailingList(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) query = """SELECT email, concat(lastName, ' ', firstName) AS name FROM Customers""" mailingList = [] try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user="******", password="******", host="", database="305") cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor: customer = {} for key in row: customer[key] = row[key] mailingList.append(customer) except mysql.connector.Error as err: return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err), status=500) return mailingList
def allEmployees(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='305') cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) query = ("SELECT * FROM Employees") cursor.execute(query) employees = [] for employee in cursor: employees.append({ 'type': employee['type'], 'id': employee['id'], 'name': employee['firstName'] + " " + employee['lastName'], 'firstName' : employee['firstName'], 'lastName' : employee['lastName'], 'address': employee['address'], 'city': employee['city'], 'state': employee['state'], 'zipCode': employee['zipCode'], 'telephone': employee['telephone'], 'startDate': employee['startDate'].isoformat(), 'hourlyRate': str(employee['hourlyRate']), }) cursor.close() cnx.close() except mysql.connector.Error as err: return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err), status=500) if(len(employees) == 0): raise exc.HTTPNoContent() return employees
def apiAuctionWin(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) auctionID = request.matchdict["id"] try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user="******", password="******", host="", database="305") cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) query = "SELECT * from Auctions where id = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auctionID)])) auction = cursor.fetchone() if auction["finished"] == 1: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() elif auction["closingTime"] > cursor.close() cnx.close() raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() query = "UPDATE Auctions SET finished=1 WHERE id = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auctionID)])) # query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count, amount, id, customerID FROM Bids where auctionID = 1 ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 1" query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM Bids where auctionID = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auctionID)])) bid = cursor.fetchone() if bid["count"] == 0: cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() raise exc.HTTPOk() query = "SELECT amount, id, customerID FROM Bids WHERE auctionID = %s ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 1" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auctionID)])) bid = cursor.fetchone() if bid["amount"] < auction["reserve"]: cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() raise exc.HTTPOk() query = "INSERT INTO Wins (bidID, time, customerID, auctionID)\ VALUES (%s, NOW(), %s, %s);" cursor.execute(query, tuple([bid["id"], bid["customerID"], auction["id"]])) query = "UPDATE Items\ SET CopiesSold = CopiesSold + 1, Stock=Stock-1\ WHERE ID=%s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auction["itemID"])])) print("itemUpdated") query = "UPDATE Customers\ SET ItemsSold=ItemsSold+1\ WHERE ID = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auction["sellerID"])])) print("seller") query = "UPDATE Customers\ SET ItemsPurchased=ItemsPurchased+1\ WHERE ID = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(bid["customerID"])])) print("customer") cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() except mysql.connector.Error as err: cursor.close() cnx.close() return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err), status=500) raise exc.HTTPOk()
def apiAuctionsUnapproved(request): Authorizer.authorizeEmployee(request) auctions = [] try: cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user="******", password="******", host="", database="305") cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) query = "SELECT * FROM Auctions where closingTime<NOW() AND finished=0" cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor: auctionInfo = {} for key in row: if isinstance(row[key], datetime): auctionInfo[key] = row[key].isoformat() elif isinstance(row[key], Decimal): auctionInfo[key] = str(row[key]) else: auctionInfo[key] = row[key] auctions.append(auctionInfo) for auction in auctions: print(auction) query = "SELECT * FROM Customers where id = %s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auction["sellerID"])])) customer = cursor.fetchone() print("hii") auction["sellerName"] = customer["firstName"] + " " + customer["lastName"] query = "SELECT name FROM Items where id=%s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auction["itemID"])])) item = cursor.fetchone() print("hiii") auction["itemName"] = item["name"] query = "SELECT url from ItemsImages where itemID=%s" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auction["itemID"])])) # print('hi') imageArray = [] for row in cursor: imageArray.append(row["url"]) auction["itemImage"] = imageArray query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM Bids where auctionID = %s" # print(tuple(str(auction["id"]))) print(auction["id"]) cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auction["id"])])) # print('loop started') bid = cursor.fetchone() if bid["count"] == 0: print("no bids") auction["winner"] = None else: query = "SELECT amount, id, customerID FROM Bids WHERE auctionID = %s ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 1" cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(auction["id"])])) bid = cursor.fetchone() auction["amount"] = str(bid["amount"]) query = "SELECT * FROM Customers where id = %s" print("h") cursor.execute(query, tuple([str(bid["customerID"])])) print("hi") customer = cursor.fetchone() auction["winnerName"] = customer["firstName"] + " " + customer["lastName"] cursor.close() cnx.close() except mysql.connector.Error as err: return Response("Something went wrong: {}".format(err), status=500) return auctions