def test_atlas_pt1000_next_returns_dict(): """ next returns dict(temperature=float) """ with mock.patch('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000.AtlasPT1000Sensor.get_measurement') as mock_measure: # create our object mock_measure.side_effect = [67, 52] # first reading, second reading atlas_pt1000 = AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1) assert == dict(temperature=67.00)
def test_atlas_pt1000_read_logs_unknown_errors(): """ verify that IOErrors are logged """ with LogCapture() as log_cap: # force an Exception to be raised when get_measurement is called with mock.patch('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000.AtlasPT1000Sensor.get_measurement', side_effect=Exception('msg')): AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1).read() expected_logs = ('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000', 'ERROR', 'AtlasPT1000Sensor raised an exception when taking a reading: msg') assert expected_logs in log_cap.actual()
def test_atlas_pt1000__iter__returns_iterator(): """ The iter methods must return an iterator in order to work properly """ with mock.patch('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000.AtlasPT1000Sensor.get_measurement') as mock_measure: # create our object mock_measure.side_effect = [67, 52] # first reading, second reading atlas_pt1000 = AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1) # check __iter__ method return assert isinstance(atlas_pt1000.__iter__(), Iterator)
def test_atlas_pt1000_condition_properties(): """ verify temperature property """ with mock.patch('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000.AtlasPT1000Sensor.get_measurement') as mock_measure: # create our object mock_measure.side_effect = [67, 52] # first reading, second reading atlas_pt1000 = AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1) assert atlas_pt1000._temperature == 0 # initial value assert atlas_pt1000.temperature == 67.00 # first reading with auto update assert atlas_pt1000.temperature == 67.00 # same first reading, not updated yet assert not # update (no errors) assert atlas_pt1000.temperature == 52.00 # next reading
def test_atlas_pt1000_iterates_using_in(): """ Verify that a AtlasPT1000Sensor object can use the 'in' operator """ with mock.patch('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000.AtlasPT1000Sensor.get_measurement') as mock_measure: mock_measure.side_effect = [67, 52, 37, 45] # first reading, second reading atlas_pt1000 = AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1) expected_result_list = [dict(temperature=67.00), dict(temperature=52.00), dict(temperature=37.00), dict(temperature=45.00)] assert expected_result_list == [temp for temp in atlas_pt1000]
def test_atlas_pt1000_read_updates_temp(): """ Verify that AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1).read() gets the average temp """ with mock.patch('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000.AtlasPT1000Sensor.get_measurement') as mock_measure: # create our object mock_measure.side_effect = [67, 52] # first reading, second reading atlas_pt1000 = AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1) # test our read() function assert atlas_pt1000._temperature == 0 # init value assert not # updating the value using our mock_measure side effect has no error assert atlas_pt1000._temperature == 67.0 # first value assert not # updating the value using our mock_measure side effect has no error assert atlas_pt1000._temperature == 52.0 # second value
def return_classes(): sensor_classes = [ AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x00, 1), AM2315Sensor(1), # BME280Sensor(0x00, 1), BMPSensor(1), # DHT11Sensor(pigpio.pi(), 1), # DHT22Sensor(pigpio.pi(), 1), DS18B20Sensor('1'), # HTU21DSensor(1), # K30Sensor(), # RaspberryPiCPUTemp(), # RaspberryPiGPUTemp(), # RaspberryPiCPULoad(), SHT1x7xSensor(1, 2, '5.0'), SHT2xSensor(0x00, 1), TMP006Sensor(0x00, 1), TSL2561Sensor(0x00, 1) ] return sensor_classes
def test_atlas_pt1000_read_returns_1_on_exception(): """ Verify the read() method returns true on error """ with mock.patch('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000.AtlasPT1000Sensor.get_measurement', side_effect=Exception): assert AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1).read()
def test_atlas_pt1000_raises_exception(): """ stops iteration on read() error """ with mock.patch('mycodo.sensors.atlas_pt1000.AtlasPT1000Sensor.get_measurement', side_effect=IOError): with pytest.raises(StopIteration): AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1).next()
def test_atlas_pt1000_special_method_repr(): """ expect a __repr__ format """ assert "<AtlasPT1000Sensor(temperature=0.00)>" in repr(AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1))
def test_atlas_pt1000_special_method_str(): """ expect a __str__ format """ assert "Temperature: 0.00" in str(AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x99, 1))
from mycodo.sensors.base_sensor import AbstractSensor from mycodo.sensors.bmp180 import BMP180Sensor from mycodo.sensors.ds18b20 import DS18B20Sensor from mycodo.sensors.htu21d import HTU21DSensor from mycodo.sensors.raspi import (RaspberryPiCPUTemp, RaspberryPiGPUTemp) from mycodo.sensors.raspi_cpuload import RaspberryPiCPULoad from mycodo.sensors.sht1x_7x import SHT1x7xSensor from mycodo.sensors.sht2x import SHT2xSensor from mycodo.sensors.tmp006 import TMP006Sensor from mycodo.sensors.tsl2561 import TSL2561Sensor # TODO: Find which errors when uncommented # TODO: Need to mock GPIO for Travis CI sensor_classes = [ AtlasPT1000Sensor(0x00, 1), AM2315Sensor(1), # BME280Sensor(0x00, 1), BMP180Sensor(1), # DHT11Sensor(pigpio.pi(), 1), # DHT22Sensor(pigpio.pi(), 1), DS18B20Sensor('1'), HTU21DSensor(1), # K30Sensor(), RaspberryPiCPUTemp(), RaspberryPiGPUTemp(), RaspberryPiCPULoad(), TMP006Sensor(0x00, 1), TSL2561Sensor(0x00, 1), SHT1x7xSensor(1, 2, '5.0'), SHT2xSensor(0x00, 1)
def test_atlas_pt1000_special_method_repr(): """ expect a __repr__ format """ assert "<AtlasPT1000Sensor(temperature=0.00)>" in repr(AtlasPT1000Sensor('I2C', i2c_address=0x99, i2c_bus=1))
def test_atlas_pt1000_special_method_str(): """ expect a __str__ format """ assert "Temperature: 0.00" in str(AtlasPT1000Sensor('I2C', i2c_address=0x99, i2c_bus=1))