def build(self): print("BEFORE") self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() print(self.my_firebase) print("AFTER") if platform == 'ios': self.refresh_token_file = App.get_running_app().user_data_dir + self.refresh_token_file return Builder.load_file("main.kv")#GUI
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.myfirebase = MyFirebase() self.dialog = MDDialog() = "" self.theme_cls.primary_palette = 'Red' self.start_screen = StartScreen(self) self.menu_screen = MenuScreen(self) self.screen_manager = ScreenManager()
class Myapp(MDApp): my_id = 1 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Light" self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "Blue" = ScreenManager() super().__init__(**kwargs) def show_popup(self, mssg): toast("" + mssg) def change_screen(self, screen_name): screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager'] screen_manager.current = screen_name def animate_card(self, widget): anim = Animation(pos_hint={"center_y": 0.6}, duration=0.8) anim.start(widget) def animate_background(self, widget): anim = Animation(size_hint_y=1, duration=0.4) + Animation( size_hint_y=0.5, duration=0.4) anim.start(widget.ids.bx) def build(self): Gui = Builder.load_file("main.kv")"signin_screen")) self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return Gui def on_start(self): try: with open("refresh_token.txt", "r") as f: refresh_token = id_token, local_id = self.my_firebase.exchange_refresh_token( refresh_token) result = requests.get("" + local_id + ".json?auth=" + id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) self.root.ids['screen_manager'].transition = NoTransition() self.change_screen("search_screen") self.root.ids['screen_manager'].transition = CardTransition() except Exception as e: pass
class MainApp(App): def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return GUI def on_start(self): try: with open("refresh_token.txt", 'r') as f: refresh_token = id_token, local_id = self.my_firebase.exchange_refresh_token( refresh_token) self.local_id = local_id self.id_token = id_token # Get database data result = requests.get( "" + local_id + ".json?auth=" + id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) self.change_screen("connected") except Exception: print("EXCEPTION") traceback.print_exc() print("EXCEPTION") pass def change_screen(self, screen_name): screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager'] screen_manager.current = screen_name def connected_change_screen(self, screen_name): screen_manager = self.root.ids['connected'].ids[ 'connected_screen_manager'] screen_manager.current = screen_name
def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return GUI
class MainApp(App): my_friend_id = 1 workout_image = None option_choice = None def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return GUI def update_workout_image(self, filename, widget_id): self.workout_image = filename def on_start(self): # Populate avatar grid avatar_grid = self.root.ids['change_avatar_screen'].ids['avatar_grid'] for root_dir, folders, files in walk("icons/avatars"): for f in files: img = ImageButton(source="icons/avatars/" + f, on_release=partial(self.change_avatar, f)) avatar_grid.add_widget(img) # Populate workout image grid workout_image_grid = self.root.ids['add_workout_screen'].ids[ 'workout_image_grid'] for root_dir, folders, files in walk("icons/workouts"): for f in files: if '.png' in f: img = ImageButton(source="icons/workouts/" + f, on_release=partial( self.update_workout_image, f)) workout_image_grid.add_widget(img) try: # Try to read the persisten signin credentials (refresh token) with open("refresh_token.txt", 'r') as f: refresh_token = # Use refresh token to get a new idToken id_token, local_id = self.my_firebase.exchange_refresh_token( refresh_token) self.local_id = local_id self.id_token = id_token # Get database data result = requests.get("" + local_id + ".json?auth=" + id_token) print("res ok?", result.ok) print(result.json()) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) # Get and update avatar image avatar_image = self.root.ids['avatar_image'] avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/" + data['avatar'] # Get friends list self.friends_list = data['friends'] # Get and update streak label streak_label = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['streak_label'] streak_label.text = str(data['streak']) + " Day Streak!" # Get and update friend id label friend_id_label = self.root.ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'friend_id_label'] friend_id_label.text = "Friend ID: " + str(self.my_friend_id) banner_grid = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['banner_grid'] print("----") print(data['workouts']) workouts = data['workouts'] workout_keys = workouts.keys() for workout_key in workout_keys: workout = workouts[workout_key] # Populate workout grid in home screen W = WorkoutBanner(workout_image=workout['workout_image'], description=workout['description'], type_image=workout['type_image'], number=workout['number'], units=workout['units'], likes=workout['likes']) banner_grid.add_widget(W) self.root.ids['screen_manager'].transition = NoTransition() self.change_screen("home_screen") self.root.ids['screen_manager'].transition = CardTransition() except Exception as e: print(e) pass def add_friend(self, friend_id): # Query database and make sure friend_id exists check_req = requests.get( '"my_friend_id"&equalTo=' + friend_id) data = check_req.json() if data == {}: # If it doesn't, display it doesn't in the message on the add friend screen self.root.ids['add_friend_screen'].ids[ 'add_friend_label'].text = "Invalid friend ID" else: key = data.keys()[0] new_friend_id = data[key]['my_friend_id'] self.root.ids['add_friend_screen'].ids[ 'add_friend_label'].text = "Friend ID %s added successfully." % friend_id # Add friend id to friends list and patch new friends list self.friends_list += ", %s" % friend_id patch_data = '{"friends": "%s"}' % self.friends_list patch_req = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=patch_data) print(patch_req.ok) print(patch_req.json()) # If it does, display "success" # If it does, add to friends list def change_avatar(self, image, widget_id): # Change avatar in the app avatar_image = self.root.ids['avatar_image'] avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/" + image # Change avatar in firebase database my_data = '{"avatar": "%s"}' % image requests.patch("" + str(self.my_friend_id) + ".json", data=my_data) self.change_screen("settings_screen") def add_workout(self): # Get data from all fields in add workout screen workout_ids = self.root.ids['add_workout_screen'].ids # Already have workout image in self.workout_image variable description_input = workout_ids['description_input'].text # Already have option choice in self.option_choice quantity_input = workout_ids['quantity_input'].text units_input = workout_ids['units_input'].text month_input = workout_ids['month_input'].text day_input = workout_ids['day_input'].text year_input = workout_ids['year_input'].text # Make sure fields aren't garbage if self.workout_image == None: print("come back to this") return # They are allowed to leave no description if self.option_choice == None: workout_ids['time_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) workout_ids['distance_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) workout_ids['sets_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_quantity = float(quantity_input) except: workout_ids['quantity_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return if units_input == "": workout_ids['units_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_month = int(month_input) except: workout_ids['month_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_day = int(day_input) except: workout_ids['day_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_year = int(year_input) except: workout_ids['year_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return # If all data is ok, send the data to firebase real-time database workout_payload = { "workout_image": self.workout_image, "description": description_input, "likes": 0, "number": float(quantity_input), "type_image": self.option_choice, "units": units_input, "date": month_input + "/" + day_input + "/20" + year_input } workout_request = "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=json.dumps(workout_payload)) print(workout_request.json()) def change_screen(self, screen_name): # Get the screen manager from the kv file screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager'] screen_manager.current = screen_name
class MyApp(App): refresh_token_file = "refresh_token.txt" wapik = "AIzaSyBvGJKPt0u1NGMku6SqBQwKCcD87QSG23w" def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return sm def on_start(self): try: with open(self.refresh_token_file, 'r') as f: refresh_Token = id_Token, local_Id = self.my_firebase.exchange_refresh_token( refresh_Token) self.local_id = local_Id self.id_token = id_Token result = requests.get( '' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) cashMoney = data['recycled'] self.cashMoney = cashMoney cashMoney = float(cashMoney) cashMoney = '${:,.2f}'.format(cashMoney) status = data['status'] self.status = status n = data['nickname'] self.username = n self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["recycle_label"].text = str( cashMoney) self.root.ids['soul_screen'].ids['status'].text = status self.updateDetails() self.root.current = "soul_screen" except: pass def opensite(self): '') def check_popup(self, title, text): show = P2() popupWindow = Popup(title=title, content=show, size_hint=(.8, .4)) def status_popup(self, title, text): #have two different popups, 1 for stats, 1 for making sure if you wanna resetbin show = P1() popupWindow = Popup(title=title, content=show, size_hint=(.8, .4)) def init_status(self, stats): self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids['status'].text = stats def check_status(self, cashMoney, stats): if (cashMoney > 10.0 and cashMoney < 20.0 and stats != "Lancer"): newStatus = "Lancer" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 20.0 and cashMoney < 40.0 and stats != "Gallant"): newStatus = "Gallant" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 40.0 and cashMoney < 60.0): if (stats != "Keeper"): newStatus = "Keeper" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 60.0 and cashMoney < 80.0): if (stats != "Protector"): newStatus = "Protector" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 80.0 and cashMoney < 100.0 and stats != "Defender"): newStatus = "Defender" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 100.0 and cashMoney < 140.0 and stats != "Warder"): newStatus = "Warder" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 140.0 and cashMoney < 200.0 and stats != "Guardian"): newStatus = "Guardian" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 200.0 and cashMoney < 300.0 and stats != "Chevaliar"): newStatus = "Chevaliar" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 300.0 and cashMoney < 500.0 and stats != "Justiciar"): newStatus = "Justiciar" statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus if (cashMoney > 500.0 and stats != "Paladin"): newStatus = "Paladin" text = "Your status has updated!" self.status_popup(newStatus, text) statsPatch = '{"status": "%s"}' % newStatus requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=statsPatch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["status"].text = newStatus def smallCount(self, num): result = requests.get('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) cash_M = data["recycled"] total_recycled = data["total_recycled"] stats = data["status"] smallB = data["smallBottles"] csmallB = data["csmallBottles"] small_B = int(smallB) + int(num) csmall_B = int(csmallB) + int(num) num = int(num) cM = float(cash_M) + (num * .05) t_cM = float(total_recycled) + (num * .05) cashMoney_arg = t_cM cashMoneyPatch = '{"recycled": "%s"}' % str(cM) t_cashMoneyPatch = '{"total_recycled": "%s"}' % str(t_cM) smallB_Patch = '{"smallBottles": "%s"}' % str(small_B) csmallB_Patch = '{"csmallBottles": "%s"}' % str(csmall_B) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=cashMoneyPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=t_cashMoneyPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=smallB_Patch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=csmallB_Patch) cM = float(cM) cM = '${:,.2f}'.format(cM) self.check_status(cashMoney_arg, stats) self.updateDetails() sHintText = self.root.ids["entry_screen"].ids["small_input"].text if (sHintText != ""): self.root.ids["entry_screen"].ids["small_input"].text = '' self.root.current = "soul_screen" def bigCount(self, num): result = requests.get('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) cash_M = data["recycled"] total_recycled = data["total_recycled"] stats = data["status"] bigB = data["bigBottles"] cbigB = data["cbigBottles"] #increment # of big bottles, and curr money, total money big_B = int(bigB) + int(num) cbig_B = int(cbigB) + int(num) num = int(num) cM = float(cash_M) + (num * .10) t_cM = float(total_recycled) + (num * .10) #check total recycled for leveling cashMoney_arg = t_cM cashMoneyPatch = '{"recycled": "%s"}' % str(cM) t_cashMoneyPatch = '{"total_recycled": "%s"}' % str(t_cM) bigB_Patch = '{"bigBottles": "%s"}' % str(big_B) cbigB_Patch = '{"cbigBottles": "%s"}' % str(cbig_B) #update total money, current bin money, and # of big bottles requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=cashMoneyPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=t_cashMoneyPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=bigB_Patch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=cbigB_Patch) #convert to dollar format cM = float(cM) cM = '${:,.2f}'.format(cM) #check if user has levelled up self.check_status(cashMoney_arg, stats) #update details_screen self.updateDetails() #clear entry screen, return home bHintText = self.root.ids["entry_screen"].ids["big_input"].text if (bHintText != ""): self.root.ids["entry_screen"].ids["big_input"].text = '' self.root.current = "soul_screen" def subSmallCount(self, num): result = requests.get('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) cash_M = data["recycled"] total_recycled = data["total_recycled"] stats = data["status"] smallB = data["smallBottles"] csmallB = data["csmallBottles"] small_B = int(smallB) - int(num) csmall_B = int(csmallB) - int(num) num = int(num) cM = float(cash_M) - (num * .05) t_cM = float(total_recycled) - (num * .05) if (cM < 0): print(cM) msg = "Invalid Submission" self.root.ids["undo_screen"].ids["errormsg"].text = msg else: cashMoney_arg = t_cM cashMoneyPatch = '{"recycled": "%s"}' % str(cM) t_cashMoneyPatch = '{"total_recycled": "%s"}' % str(t_cM) smallB_Patch = '{"smallBottles": "%s"}' % str(small_B) csmallB_Patch = '{"csmallBottles": "%s"}' % str(csmall_B) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=cashMoneyPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=t_cashMoneyPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=smallB_Patch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=csmallB_Patch) cM = float(cM) cM = '${:,.2f}'.format(cM) print(cM) self.check_status(cashMoney_arg, stats) #updates money/recycling labels self.updateDetails() sHintText = self.root.ids["undo_screen"].ids["small_input"].text if (sHintText != ""): self.root.ids["undo_screen"].ids["small_input"].text = '' self.root.current = "soul_screen" def subBigCount(self, num): result = requests.get('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) cash_M = data["recycled"] total_recycled = data["total_recycled"] stats = data["status"] bigB = data["bigBottles"] cbigB = data["cbigBottles"] #increment # of big bottles, and curr money, total money big_B = int(bigB) - int(num) cbig_B = int(cbigB) - int(num) num = int(num) cM = float(cash_M) - (num * .10) t_cM = float(total_recycled) - (num * .10) if (cM < 0): msg = "Invalid Submission" self.root.ids["undo_screen"].ids["errormsg"].text = msg else: #check total recycled for leveling cashMoney_arg = t_cM cashMoneyPatch = '{"recycled": "%s"}' % str(cM) t_cashMoneyPatch = '{"total_recycled": "%s"}' % str(t_cM) bigB_Patch = '{"bigBottles": "%s"}' % str(big_B) cbigB_Patch = '{"cbigBottles": "%s"}' % str(cbig_B) #update total money, current bin money, and # of big bottles requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=cashMoneyPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=t_cashMoneyPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=bigB_Patch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=cbigB_Patch) cM = float(cM) cM = '${:,.2f}'.format(cM) #check and update user status self.check_status(cashMoney_arg, stats) #update score/money self.updateDetails() #clear entry screen, return home bHintText = self.root.ids["undo_screen"].ids["big_input"].text if (bHintText != ""): self.root.ids["undo_screen"].ids["big_input"].text = '' self.root.current = "soul_screen" def resetBin(self): res = 0 put = '$0.00' binResetPatch = '{"recycled": "%s"}' % str(res) c_sb_Patch = '{"csmallBottles": "%s"}' % str(res) c_bb_Patch = '{"cbigBottles": "%s"}' % str(res) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=binResetPatch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=c_sb_Patch) requests.patch('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=c_bb_Patch) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["recycle_label"].text = put self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["currentsmallBottles"].text = str( res) self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["currentbigBottles"].text = str( res) self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["currentMoney"].text = put pass def enterAmount(self, amount): pass def updateDetails(self): result = requests.get('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) sB = data["smallBottles"] bB = data["bigBottles"] cSB = data["csmallBottles"] cBB = data["cbigBottles"] totalCash = data["total_recycled"] currentCash = data["recycled"] totalCash = float(totalCash) cM = '${:,.2f}'.format(totalCash) currentCash = float(currentCash) cCM = '${:,.2f}'.format(currentCash) self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["currentsmallBottles"].text = str( cSB) self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["currentbigBottles"].text = str( cBB) self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["currentMoney"].text = str(cCM) self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["smallBottles"].text = str(sB) self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["bigBottles"].text = str(bB) self.root.ids["details_screen"].ids["totalMoney"].text = str(cM) self.root.ids["soul_screen"].ids["recycle_label"].text = str(cCM) self.root.ids["undo_screen"].ids["errormsg"].text = "" pass def setNickname(self, u_name): they_name = str(u_name) print(they_name) result = requests.get('' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) nam = data["nickname"] print(nam, " is the current nickname") namePatch = '{"nickname": "%s"}' % they_name print(namePatch) name_req = requests.patch( '' + self.local_id + '.json?auth=' + self.id_token, data=namePatch) print(name_req.ok) print(json.loads(name_req.content.decode())) def sign_out(self): with open(self.refresh_token_file, 'w') as f: f.write("") self.root.current = "login_screen" self.root.ids.login_screen.ids.username.text = "" self.root.ids.login_screen.ids.pwd.text = "" self.root.ids.soul_screen.ids.recycle_label.text = "" self.root.ids.soul_screen.ids.status.text = "" self.root.ids.details_screen.ids.bigBottles.text = "" self.root.ids.details_screen.ids.smallBottles.text = "" self.root.ids.details_screen.ids.totalMoney.text = ""
def build(self): Gui = Builder.load_file("main.kv")"signin_screen")) self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return Gui
class MainApp(App): my_friend_id = "" workout_image = None option_choice = None workout_image_widget = "" previous_workout_image_widget = None friends_list = "" refresh_token_file = "refresh_token.txt" nicknames = DictProperty( ) # Dictionary of nicknames for each friend id in friends list their_friend_id = "" # Make it so we know which friend's workout screen has been loaded for app.set_friend_nickname my_firebase = None # Reference to class in def build(self): print("BEFORE") self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() print(self.my_firebase) print("AFTER") if platform == 'ios': self.refresh_token_file = App.get_running_app( ).user_data_dir + self.refresh_token_file return Builder.load_file("main.kv") #GUI def set_friend_nickname(self, nickname, *args): # Make sure they entered something if nickname == "": return # Set the nickname print("YO", self.their_friend_id, type(self.their_friend_id)) print(self.nicknames) self.nicknames[int(self.their_friend_id)] = nickname # Update firebase print(self.nicknames) print(json.dumps(self.nicknames)) workout_request = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=json.dumps(self.nicknames)) print(workout_request.content) # Update the nickname in the friend_workout_screen their_friend_id_label = self.root.ids.friend_workout_screen.ids.friend_workout_screen_friend_id their_friend_id_label.text = "[u]" + nickname + "[/u]" # Update the nickname in the friend workout banner # Go through each widget in the friends list grid for w in self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'].walk(): if w.__class__ == FriendBanner: if w.friend_id == self.their_friend_id: w.update_friend_label_text(their_friend_id_label.text) def update_workout_image(self, filename, widget_id): self.previous_workout_image_widget = self.workout_image_widget self.workout_image = filename self.workout_image_widget = widget_id # Clear the indication that the previous image was selected if self.previous_workout_image_widget: self.previous_workout_image_widget.canvas.before.clear() # Make sure the text color of the label above the scrollview is white (incase it was red from them earlier) select_workout_image_label = self.root.ids.add_workout_screen.ids.select_workout_image_label select_workout_image_label.color = (1, 1, 1, 1) # Indicate which image has been selected with self.workout_image_widget.canvas.before: Color(rgb=(kivy.utils.get_color_from_hex("#6C5B7B"))) RoundedRectangle(size=self.workout_image_widget.size, pos=self.workout_image_widget.pos, radius=[ 5, ]) def on_start(self): # Display the ads if platform == 'ios': from pyobjus import autoclass self.banner_ad = autoclass('adSwitch').alloc().init() # Choose the correct time icon to show based on the current hour of day now = hour = now.hour if hour <= 6: self.root.ids['time_indicator1'].opacity = 1 elif hour <= 12: self.root.ids['time_indicator2'].opacity = 1 elif hour <= 18: self.root.ids['time_indicator3'].opacity = 1 else: self.root.ids['time_indicator4'].opacity = 1 # Set the current day, month, and year in the add workout section day, month, year =, now.month, now.year self.root.ids.add_workout_screen.ids.month_input.text = str(month) self.root.ids.add_workout_screen.ids.day_input.text = str(day) self.root.ids.add_workout_screen.ids.year_input.text = str(year) # Populate avatar grid avatar_grid = self.root.ids['change_avatar_screen'].ids['avatar_grid'] for root_dir, folders, files in walk("icons/avatars"): for f in files: img = ImageButtonSelectable(source="icons/avatars/" + f, on_release=partial( self.change_avatar, f)) avatar_grid.add_widget(img) # Populate workout image grid workout_image_grid = self.root.ids['add_workout_screen'].ids[ 'workout_image_grid'] for root_dir, folders, files in walk("icons/workouts"): for f in files: if '.png' in f: img = ImageButton(source="icons/workouts/" + f, on_release=partial( self.update_workout_image, f)) workout_image_grid.add_widget(img) try: # Try to read the persistent signin credentials (refresh token) with open(self.refresh_token_file, 'r') as f: refresh_token = # Use refresh token to get a new idToken id_token, local_id = self.my_firebase.exchange_refresh_token( refresh_token) self.local_id = local_id self.id_token = id_token # Get database data print("LOCAL ID IS", local_id) print("" + local_id + ".json?auth=" + id_token) result = requests.get("" + local_id + ".json?auth=" + id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) print("id token is", id_token) print(result.ok) print("DATA IS", data) self.my_friend_id = data['my_friend_id'] friend_id_label = self.root.ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'friend_id_label'] friend_id_label.text = "Friend ID: " + str(self.my_friend_id) # Get and update avatar image avatar_image = self.root.ids['avatar_image'] avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/" + data['avatar'] # Get friends list self.friends_list = data['friends'] # Get nicknames try: print(data['nicknames']) for i, friend_id in enumerate(self.friends_list.split(",")): if friend_id: print(i, friend_id) self.nicknames[friend_id] = data['nicknames'][i] except: self.nicknames = data.get('nicknames', {}) # Populate friends list grid friends_list_array = self.friends_list.split(",") for friend_id in friends_list_array: friend_id = friend_id.replace(" ", "") if friend_id == "": continue try: nicknames = list(self.friends_list.keys()) except: nicknames = self.nicknames if friend_id in nicknames: friend_id_text = "[u]" + self.nicknames[friend_id] + "[/u]" else: friend_id_text = "[u]Friend ID: " + friend_id + "[/u]" friend_banner = FriendBanner(friend_id=friend_id, friend_id_text=friend_id_text) self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'].add_widget(friend_banner) # Get and update streak label streak_label = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['streak_label'] #streak_label.text = str(data['streak']) + " Day Streak" # Thisis updated if there are workouts # Set the images in the add_workout_screen banner_grid = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['banner_grid'] workouts = data['workouts'] if workouts != "": workout_keys = list(workouts.keys()) streak = helperfunctions.count_workout_streak(workouts) if str(streak) == 0: streak_label.text = "0 Day Streak. Go workout!" else: streak_label.text = str(streak) + " Day Streak!" # Sort workouts by date then reverse (we want youngest dates at the start) workout_keys.sort(key=lambda value: datetime.strptime( workouts[value]['date'], "%m/%d/%Y")) workout_keys = workout_keys[::-1] for workout_key in workout_keys: workout = workouts[workout_key] # Populate workout grid in home screen W = WorkoutBanner(workout_image=workout['workout_image'], description=workout['description'], type_image=workout['type_image'], number=workout['number'], units=workout['units'], likes=workout['likes'], date=workout['date']) banner_grid.add_widget(W) self.change_screen("home_screen", "None") except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() pass def set_friend_id(self, my_friend_id): self.my_friend_id = my_friend_id friend_id_label = self.root.ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'friend_id_label'] friend_id_label.text = "Friend ID: " + str(self.my_friend_id) def add_friend(self, friend_id): friend_id = friend_id.replace("\n", "") # Make sure friend id was a number otherwise it's invalid try: int_friend_id = int(friend_id) except: # Friend id had some letters in it when it should just be a number self.root.ids['add_friend_screen'].ids[ 'add_friend_label'].text = "Friend ID should be a number." return # Make sure they aren't adding themselves if friend_id == self.my_friend_id: self.root.ids['add_friend_screen'].ids[ 'add_friend_label'].text = "You can't add yourself as a friend." return # Make sure this is not someone already in their friends list if friend_id in self.friends_list.split(","): self.root.ids['add_friend_screen'].ids[ 'add_friend_label'].text = "This user is already in your friend's list." return # Query database and make sure friend_id exists check_req = requests.get( '"my_friend_id"&equalTo=' + friend_id) data = check_req.json() if data == {}: # If it doesn't, display it doesn't in the message on the add friend screen self.root.ids['add_friend_screen'].ids[ 'add_friend_label'].text = "Invalid friend ID" else: # Requested friend ID exists key = list(data.keys())[0] #new_friend_id = data[key]['my_friend_id'] # Add friend id to friends list and patch new friends list self.friends_list += ",%s" % friend_id patch_data = '{"friends": "%s"}' % self.friends_list patch_req = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=patch_data) # Add new friend banner in friends list screen if friend_id in self.nicknames.keys(): friend_id_text = "[u]" + self.nicknames[friend_id] + "[/u]" else: friend_id_text = "[u]Friend ID: " + friend_id + "[/u]" friend_banner = FriendBanner(friend_id=friend_id, friend_id_text=friend_id_text) self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'].add_widget(friend_banner) # Inform them they added a friend successfully self.root.ids['add_friend_screen'].ids[ 'add_friend_label'].text = "Friend ID %s added successfully." % friend_id print(self.nicknames) def sign_out_user(self): # User wants to log out with open(self.refresh_token_file, 'w') as f: f.write("") self.change_screen("login_screen", direction='down', mode='push') # Need to set the avatar to the default image avatar_image = self.root.ids['avatar_image'] avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/man.png" add_friend_screen = self.root.ids.add_friend_screen add_friend_screen.ids.add_friend_label.text = "" add_friend_screen.ids.add_friend_input.text = "" # Clear home screen self.root.ids.home_screen.ids.streak_label.text = "0 Day Streak. Go workout!" # Clear login screen self.root.ids.login_screen.ids.login_email.text = "" self.root.ids.login_screen.ids.login_password.text = "" # Clear workout screen workout_screen = self.root.ids.add_workout_screen workout_screen.ids.description_input.text = "" workout_screen.ids.time_label.color = (0, 0, 0, 1) workout_screen.ids.distance_label.color = (0, 0, 0, 1) workout_screen.ids.sets_label.color = (0, 0, 0, 1) workout_screen.ids.quantity_input.text = "" workout_screen.ids.quantity_input.background_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) workout_screen.ids.units_input.text = "" workout_screen.ids.units_input.background_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) now = day, month, year =, now.month, now.year workout_screen.ids.month_input.text = str(month) workout_screen.ids.month_input.background_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) workout_screen.ids.day_input.text = str(day) workout_screen.ids.day_input.background_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) workout_screen.ids.year_input.text = str(year) workout_screen.ids.year_input.background_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) self.workout_image = None self.option_choice = None # Clear the indication that the previous image was selected if self.workout_image_widget: self.workout_image_widget.canvas.before.clear() # Make sure the text color of the label above the scrollview is white (incase it was red from them earlier) select_workout_image_label = workout_screen.ids.select_workout_image_label select_workout_image_label.color = (1, 1, 1, 1) # Need to clear widgets from previous user's friends list friends_list_grid = self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'] for w in friends_list_grid.walk(): if w.__class__ == FriendBanner: friends_list_grid.remove_widget(w) # Need to clear widgets from previous user's workout grid workout_banner = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['banner_grid'] for w in workout_banner.walk(): if w.__class__ == WorkoutBanner: workout_banner.remove_widget(w) # Need to clear widgets from previous user's friend's workout grid friend_banner_grid = self.root.ids['friend_workout_screen'].ids[ 'friend_banner_grid'] for w in friend_banner_grid.walk(): if w.__class__ == WorkoutBanner: friend_banner_grid.remove_widget(w) def change_avatar(self, image, widget_id): # Change avatar in the app avatar_image = self.root.ids['avatar_image'] avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/" + image # Change avatar in firebase database my_data = '{"avatar": "%s"}' % image requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=my_data) self.change_screen("settings_screen", direction='left', mode='pop') def add_workout(self): # Get data from all fields in add workout screen workout_ids = self.root.ids['add_workout_screen'].ids workout_image_grid = self.root.ids['add_workout_screen'].ids[ 'workout_image_grid'] select_workout_image_label = self.root.ids.add_workout_screen.ids.select_workout_image_label # Already have workout image in self.workout_image variable description_input = workout_ids['description_input'].text.replace( "\n", "") # Already have option choice in self.option_choice quantity_input = workout_ids['quantity_input'].text.replace("\n", "") units_input = workout_ids['units_input'].text.replace("\n", "") month_input = workout_ids['month_input'].text.replace("\n", "") day_input = workout_ids['day_input'].text.replace("\n", "") year_input = workout_ids['year_input'].text.replace("\n", "") # Make sure fields aren't garbage if self.workout_image == None: select_workout_image_label.color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return # They are allowed to leave no description if self.option_choice == None: workout_ids['time_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) workout_ids['distance_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) workout_ids['sets_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_quantity = float(quantity_input) except: workout_ids['quantity_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return if units_input == "": workout_ids['units_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_month = int(month_input) if int_month > 12: workout_ids['month_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return except: workout_ids['month_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_day = int(day_input) if int_day > 31: workout_ids['day_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return except: workout_ids['day_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: if len(year_input) == 2: year_input = '20' + year_input int_year = int(year_input) except: workout_ids['year_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return # If all data is ok, send the data to firebase real-time database workout_payload = { "workout_image": self.workout_image, "description": description_input, "likes": 0, "number": float(quantity_input), "type_image": self.option_choice, "units": units_input, "date": month_input + "/" + day_input + "/" + year_input } workout_request = "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=json.dumps(workout_payload)) # Add the workout to the banner grid in the home screen banner_grid = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['banner_grid'] W = WorkoutBanner(workout_image=self.workout_image, description=description_input, type_image=self.option_choice, number=float(quantity_input), units=units_input, likes="0", date=month_input + "/" + day_input + "/" + year_input) banner_grid.add_widget(W, index=len(banner_grid.children)) # Check if the new workout has made their streak increase streak_label = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['streak_label'] result = requests.get("" + self.local_id + ".json?auth=" + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) workouts = data['workouts'] streak = helperfunctions.count_workout_streak(workouts) if str(streak) == "0": streak_label.text = str(streak) + " Day Streak. Go workout!" else: streak_label.text = str(streak) + " Day Streak!" # Go back to the home screen self.change_screen("home_screen", direction="backwards") def remove_friend(self, friend_id_to_remove, *args): # Remove the friend id from the friends list variable self.friends_list = self.friends_list.replace( ",%s" % friend_id_to_remove, "") # Update the firebase database with the new (truncated) friends list patch_data = '{"friends": "%s"}' % self.friends_list patch_req = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=patch_data) # Remove the friend banner friends_list_grid = self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'] for w in friends_list_grid.walk(): if w.__class__ == FriendBanner: if w.friend_id == friend_id_to_remove: friends_list_grid.remove_widget(w) # Reload the friends list screen def load_friend_workout_screen(self, friend_id, widget): # Initialize friend streak label to 0 friend_streak_label = self.root.ids['friend_workout_screen'].ids[ 'friend_streak_label'] friend_streak_label.text = "0 Day Streak" # Make it so we know which friend's workout screen has been loaded for app.set_friend_nickname self.their_friend_id = friend_id # Get their workouts by using their friend id to query the database friend_data_req = requests.get( '"my_friend_id"&equalTo=' + friend_id) friend_data = friend_data_req.json() workouts = list(friend_data.values())[0]['workouts'] friend_banner_grid = self.root.ids['friend_workout_screen'].ids[ 'friend_banner_grid'] # Remove each widget in the friend_banner_grid for w in friend_banner_grid.walk(): if w.__class__ == WorkoutBanner: friend_banner_grid.remove_widget(w) # Populate their avatar image friend_avatar_image = self.root.ids.friend_workout_screen.ids.friend_workout_screen_image friend_avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/" + list( friend_data.values())[0]['avatar'] # Populate their friend ID and nickname print("Need to populate nickname") their_friend_id_label = self.root.ids.friend_workout_screen.ids.friend_workout_screen_friend_id try: nicknames = list(self.nicknames.keys()) except: nicknames = self.nicknames if friend_id in nicknames: their_friend_id_label.text = "[u]" + self.nicknames[ friend_id] + "[/u]" else: their_friend_id_label.text = "[u]Nickname[/u]" # Populate the friend_workout_screen # Loop through each key in the workouts dictionary # for the value for that key, create a workout banner # add the workout banner to the scrollview if workouts == {} or workouts == "": # Change to the friend_workout_screen self.change_screen("friend_workout_screen") return workout_keys = list(workouts.keys()) workout_keys.sort(key=lambda value: datetime.strptime( workouts[value]['date'], "%m/%d/%Y")) workout_keys = workout_keys[::-1] for workout_key in workout_keys: workout = workouts[workout_key] W = WorkoutBanner(workout_image=workout['workout_image'], description=workout['description'], type_image=workout['type_image'], number=workout['number'], units=workout['units'], likes=workout['likes'], date=workout['date'], likeable=True, workout_key=workout_key) friend_banner_grid.add_widget(W) # Populate the streak label friend_streak_label.text = helperfunctions.count_workout_streak( workouts) + " Day Streak" # Change to the friend_workout_screen self.change_screen("friend_workout_screen") def change_screen(self, screen_name, direction='forward', mode=""): # Get the screen manager from the kv file screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager'] #print(direction, mode) # If going backward, change the transition. Else make it the default # Forward/backward between pages made more sense to me than left/right if direction == 'forward': mode = "push" direction = 'left' elif direction == 'backwards': direction = 'right' mode = 'pop' elif direction == "None": screen_manager.transition = NoTransition() screen_manager.current = screen_name return screen_manager.transition = CardTransition(direction=direction, mode=mode) screen_manager.current = screen_name
class MainApp(App): user_id = 1 category_image = None category_image_widget = '' previous_category_image_widget = None refresh_token_file = "refresh_token.txt" def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return GUI def on_start(self): try: self.get_data() # populate add expense category srollview self.add_expense_icons() # initial screen load of expenses by month on startup self.expense_by_month() #logged in self.on_log_in("connected", NoTransition()) except Exception: print("EXCEPTION") traceback.print_exc() print("EXCEPTION") pass def get_data(self): with open("refresh_token.txt", 'r') as f: refresh_token = id_token, local_id = self.my_firebase.exchange_refresh_token( refresh_token) self.local_id = local_id self.id_token = id_token # Get database data result = requests.get("" + local_id + ".json?auth=" + id_token) = json.loads(result.content.decode()) # get expenses self.expenses =['expenses'] # get and update user name # add budget to settings screen user_name = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['main_header'] user_name.text =[ 'displayname'] + '\'s Expenses' # for adding user name to banner self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'display_id'].hint_text =['displayname'] self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'budget_id'].hint_text = '$' + str(['budget']) # get color scheme self.back_col =['colorscheme']['background_color'] self.bann_col =['colorscheme']['banner_color'] self.dock_col =['colorscheme']['dock_color'] self.util_col =['colorscheme']['utility_color'] # set color scheme self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'background_color_id'].col = self.back_col self.root.ids['connected'].ids['expense_screen'].ids[ 'background_color_id'].col = self.back_col self.root.ids['connected'].ids['category_screen'].ids[ 'background_color_id'].col = self.back_col self.root.ids['connected'].ids['add_expense_screen'].ids[ 'background_color_id'].col = self.back_col self.root.ids['connected'].ids['banner_color_id'].col = self.bann_col self.root.ids['connected'].ids['dock_color_id'].col = self.dock_col # set color scheme in settings screen self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'background_color_hint_id'].hint_text = self.back_col self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'dock_color_hint_id'].hint_text = self.dock_col self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'banner_color_hint_id'].hint_text = self.bann_col self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'utility_color_hint_id'].hint_text = self.util_col def update_color_scheme(self): back_col = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'background_color_hint_id'] dock_col = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'dock_color_hint_id'] bann_col = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'banner_color_hint_id'] util_col = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'utility_color_hint_id'] background_color = back_col.hint_text dock_color = dock_col.hint_text banner_color = bann_col.hint_text utility_color = util_col.hint_text if len(back_col.text) == 6: background_color = back_col.text.upper() if len(dock_col.text) == 6: dock_color = dock_col.text.upper() if len(bann_col.text) == 6: banner_color = bann_col.text.upper() if len(util_col.text) == 6: utility_color = util_col.text.upper() patch_data = '{"colorscheme": {"background_color": "%s", "banner_color": "%s", "dock_color": "%s", "utility_color": "%s"}}' % ( background_color, banner_color, dock_color, utility_color) patch_req = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=patch_data) back_col.hint_text = background_color dock_col.hint_text = dock_color bann_col.hint_text = banner_color util_col.hint_text = utility_color back_col.text = '' dock_col.text = '' bann_col.text = '' util_col.text = '' self.on_start() def update_budget(self, *args): targetbudget = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'budget_id'] if targetbudget.text != "": patch_data = '{"budget": %s}' % int(targetbudget.text) patch_req = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=patch_data) targetbudget.hint_text = '$' + targetbudget.text else: targetbudget.text = '0' patch_data = '{"budget": %s}' % int(targetbudget.text) patch_req = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=patch_data) targetbudget.hint_text = '$0' targetbudget.text = '' def update_display_name(self, *args): change_name = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'display_id'] if change_name.text != "": patch_data = '{"displayname": "%s"}' % change_name.text patch_req = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=patch_data) user_name = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['main_header'] user_name.text = change_name.text + '\'s Expenses' change_name.hint_text = change_name.text change_name.text = '' def expense_by_month(self): result = requests.get("" + self.local_id + ".json?auth=" + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) expense_months = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['expense_screen'].ids[ 'expense_months'] if len(expense_months.slides): expense_months.index = 0 expense_months.clear_widgets() months = data['expenses'] if months != "": for month in months: N = ExpenseByMonth(month, data) expense_months.add_widget(N) expense_months.load_slide(N) def expense_by_category(self): result = requests.get("" + self.local_id + ".json?auth=" + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) expense_category = self.root.ids['connected'].ids[ 'category_screen'].ids['expense_categories'] if len(expense_category.slides): expense_category.index = 0 expense_category.clear_widgets() months = data['expenses'] if months != "": for month in months: N = ExpenseByCategory(month, data) expense_category.add_widget(N) expense_category.load_slide(N) def add_expense_icons(self): category_image_grid = self.root.ids['connected'].ids[ 'add_expense_screen'].ids['add_category_grid'] for root_dir, folders, files in walk("icons/expenses"): for f in files: if 'dark' not in f: img = ImageButton(source="icons/expenses/" + f, id=f[:-4] + '_id', on_release=partial( self.button_pressed, f)) category_image_grid.add_widget(img) def add_expense(self): today = months = [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] days = [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 ] years = [ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 ] # get date of expense occurance expense_ids = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['add_expense_screen'].ids price_input = expense_ids['add_price_id'].text month_input = expense_ids['month_input_id'].text day_input = expense_ids['day_input_id'].text year_input = expense_ids['year_input_id'].text if self.category_image == None: select_category_image_label = self.root.ids[ 'connected'].ids.add_expense_screen.ids.select_category_image_label select_category_image_label.color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return # if price not integer return error if price_input == "": expense_ids['add_price_id'].background_color = (.8, 0, 0, 1) return try: float_price = float(price_input) except: expense_ids['add_price_id'].background_color = (.8, 0, 0, 1) return if month_input != '': try: int_month = int(month_input) except: expense_ids['month_input_id'].background_color = (.8, 0, 0, 1) return else: month_input = str(today.month).zfill(2) if day_input != '': try: int_day = int(day_input) except: expense_ids['day_input_id'].background_color = (.8, 0, 0, 1) return else: day_input = str( if year_input != '': try: int_year = int(year_input) except: expense_ids['year_input_id'].background_color = (.8, 0, 0, 1) return else: year_input = str(today.year)[2:] #check if valid month/date/year and zill(2) if int(month_input) not in months: expense_ids['month_input_id'].background_color = (.8, 0, 0, 1) return else: month_input = month_input.zfill(2) if int(day_input) not in days: expense_ids['day_input_id'].background_color = (.8, 0, 0, 1) return else: day_input = day_input.zfill(2) if int(year_input) not in years: expense_ids['year_input_id'].background_color = (.8, 0, 0, 1) return month = '20' + year_input + '-' + month_input # add expense to firebase price_post = float(price_input) date_post = int('20' + year_input + month_input + day_input) expense_payload = { "category": self.category_image, "price": price_post, "date": date_post } expense_request = "" % (self.local_id, month, self.id_token), data=json.dumps(expense_payload)) #clear data self.root.ids['connected'].ids['add_expense_screen'].ids[ 'add_price_id'].text = '' self.root.ids['connected'].ids['add_expense_screen'].ids[ 'month_input_id'].text = '' self.root.ids['connected'].ids['add_expense_screen'].ids[ 'day_input_id'].text = '' self.root.ids['connected'].ids['add_expense_screen'].ids[ 'year_input_id'].text = '' self.root.ids['connected'].ids['add_expense_screen'].ids[ 'add_expense_id'].text = 'Expense Added' self.category_image_widget.canvas.before.clear() self.category_image = None def change_screen(self, screen_name, screen_transition): # Get the screen manager from the kv file screen_manager = self.root.ids['connected'].ids['screen_manager'] screen_manager.transition = screen_transition screen_manager.current = screen_name def on_log_in(self, screen_name, screen_transition): screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager'] screen_manager.transition = screen_transition screen_manager.current = screen_name def clear_expense(self): self.root.ids['connected'].ids['add_expense_screen'].ids[ 'add_expense_id'].text = '' def button_pressed(self, button_name, widget_id): self.previous_category_image_widget = self.category_image_widget self.category_image = button_name[:-4].title() self.category_image_widget = widget_id if self.previous_category_image_widget: self.previous_category_image_widget.canvas.before.clear() select_category_image_label = self.root.ids.connected.ids.add_expense_screen.ids.select_category_image_label select_category_image_label.color = (1, 1, 1, 1) with self.category_image_widget.canvas.before: Color(rgb=(kivy.utils.get_color_from_hex("#6C5B7B"))) RoundedRectangle(size=self.category_image_widget.size, pos=self.category_image_widget.pos, radius=[ 15, ]) def log_out(self): with open(self.refresh_token_file, 'w') as f: f.write("") self.on_log_in("login_screen", SlideTransition(direction='down', duration=.15)) self.root.ids.login_screen.ids.login_email.text = "" self.root.ids.login_screen.ids.login_password.text = ""
class MainApp(App): refresh_token_file = "refresh_token.txt" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return GUI def on_start(self): # Populate change avatar grid avatar_grid = self.root.ids['change_avatar_screen'].ids['avatar_grid'] for root_dir, folders, png in walk("resources/avatars"): for p in png: img = ImageButton(source="resources/avatars/" + p, on_release=partial(self.change_avatar, p)) avatar_grid.add_widget(img) # Get available drivers database all_data_request = requests.get( f'') drivers = json.loads(all_data_request.content.decode()) # Available Drivers # Get and update available drivers banner available_driver_banner = self.root.ids["main_passenger"].ids[ "banner_grid"] for driver in drivers: current = drivers[driver] banner = DriversBanner(name=current['name'], last_name=current['last_name'], leave_hour=current['leave_hour'], desde=current['from'], to=current['to'], cel=current['cel'], plate=current['plate'], avatar=current['avatar']) available_driver_banner.add_widget(banner) # Get available passenger database available_passenger_request = requests.get( f'') passengers = json.loads(available_passenger_request.content.decode()) # Available Passenger # Get and update available passenger banner available_passenger_banner = self.root.ids["driver_screen"].ids[ "passenger_available_grid"] for passenger in passengers: current = passengers[passenger] banner = PassengerBanner(name=current['name'], last_name=current['last_name'], leave_hour=current['hour'], desde=current['from'], to=current['to'], cel=current['cel'], avatar=current['avatar']) available_passenger_banner.add_widget(banner) try: # Try to read the persisten signing credentials (refresh token) with open("refresh_token.txt", 'r') as f: refresh_token = # Use refresh token to get a new idToken self.id_token, self.local_id = self.my_firebase.exchange_refresh_token( refresh_token) # Get database data result = requests.get( f'{self.local_id}.json?auth={self.id_token}' ) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) # Feature of User self.user_name = data["name"] self.last_name = data["last_name"] = data["email"] self.cel = data["cel"] self.avatar = data["avatar"] self.plate = data["plate"] # Get and update account settings account_settings_id = self.root.ids["account_settings"].ids avatar_setting = account_settings_id["avatar_setting"] avatar_setting.source = f'resources/avatars/{self.avatar}' name_setting = account_settings_id["name"] name_setting.text = f'{self.user_name} {self.last_name}\n' \ f'{}' cel_settings = account_settings_id["cel"] cel_settings.text = str(self.cel) # pass_settings = self.root.ids["account_settings"].ids["password"] self.root.ids["screen_manager"].transition = NoTransition() self.change_screen("main_passenger") self.root.ids["screen_manager"].transition = CardTransition() except: pass def change_avatar(self, image, widget_id): # Change avatar in the app avatar_setting = self.root.ids["account_settings"].ids[ "avatar_setting"] avatar_setting.source = f'resources/avatars/{image}' # Change avatar in firebase database my_data = '{"avatar": "%s" }' % image requests.patch( f'{self.local_id}.json?auth={self.id_token}', data=my_data) self.change_screen("account_settings") def add_request(self): # Get all data of fields of add_request Screen requests_ids = self.root.ids["add_request"].ids desde_input = requests_ids["desde"].text para_input = requests_ids["para"].text hora_input = requests_ids["hora"].text n_passenger_input = requests_ids["n_passenger"].text # Make sure fields aren't garbage if desde_input == "": requests_ids["desde"].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return if para_input == "": requests_ids["para"].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return if hora_input == "": requests_ids["hora"].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_n_passenger = int(n_passenger_input) except: requests_ids["n_passenger"].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return # If all data is ok, send data to firebase real-time database request_payload = { "n_pasajeros": n_passenger_input, "avatar": self.avatar, "cel": self.cel, "from": desde_input, "last_name": self.last_name, "hour": hora_input, "name": self.user_name, "to": para_input } request_request = "", data=json.dumps(request_payload)) def add_available_driver(self): # Get all data of fields of add_request Screen requests_ids = self.root.ids["add_available_driver"].ids desde_input = requests_ids["desde"].text para_input = requests_ids["para"].text hora_input = requests_ids["hora"].text available_seats = requests_ids["available_seats"].text # Make sure fields aren't garbage if desde_input == "": requests_ids["desde"].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return if para_input == "": requests_ids["para"].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return if hora_input == "": requests_ids["hora"].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return try: int_available_seats = int(available_seats) except: requests_ids["available_seats"].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return # If all data is ok, send data to firebase real-time database request_payload = { "available_seats": available_seats, "avatar": self.avatar, "cel": self.cel, "from": desde_input, "last_name": self.last_name, "leave_hour": hora_input, "name": self.user_name, "to": para_input, "plate": self.plate } request_request = "", data=json.dumps(request_payload)) def sign_out_user(self): # User wants to log out with open(self.refresh_token_file, "w") as f: f.write("") self.change_screen("login_screen", direction='down', mode='push') # Need to set the avatar to the default image avatar_setting = self.root.ids["account_settings"].ids[ "avatar_setting"] avatar_setting.source = "resources/avatars/man.png" # Need to clear widgets from previous user's drivers available driver_available_banner = self.root.ids['main_passenger'].ids[ 'banner_grid'] passenger_available_banner = self.root.ids['driver_screen'].ids[ 'passenger_available_grid'] for w in driver_available_banner.walk(): if w.__class__ == DriversBanner: driver_available_banner.remove_widget(w) # Need to clear widgets from previous user's friend's passenger available passenger_available_banner = self.root.ids['driver_screen'].ids[ 'passenger_available_grid'] for w in passenger_available_banner.walk(): if w.__class__ == PassengerBanner: passenger_available_banner.remove_widget(w) def load_info_driver_available(self, widget): # Get available drivers database info_driver_request = requests.get( f'' ) info_driver = json.loads(info_driver_request.content.decode()) # Available Drivers # Get and update available drivers banner available_driver_banner = self.root.ids["info_trip"].ids[ "driver_banner"] banner = InfoDriversBanner(name=info_driver['name'], last_name=info_driver['last_name'], leave_hour=info_driver['leave_hour'], desde=info_driver['from'], to=info_driver['to'], cel=info_driver['cel'], plate=info_driver['plate'], avatar=info_driver['avatar']) available_driver_banner.add_widget(banner) self.change_screen("info_trip") def change_screen(self, screen_name, direction='forward', mode=""): # Get the screen manager from the kv file screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager'] # print(direction, mode) # If going backward, change the transition. Else make it the default # Forward/backward between pages made more sense to me than left/right if direction == 'forward': mode = "push" direction = 'left' elif direction == 'backwards': direction = 'right' mode = 'pop' elif direction == "None": screen_manager.transition = NoTransition() screen_manager.current = screen_name return screen_manager.transition = CardTransition(direction=direction, mode=mode) screen_manager.current = screen_name
class MainApp(App): my_friend_id = "" popupWindow = Popup() popup_message = "" status_popup = "" workout_image = None workout_image_widget = "" option_choice = None nicknames = DictProperty() their_friend_id = "" def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() return GUI def set_friend_nickname(self, nickname, *args): # Make sure they entered something if nickname == "": return # Set the nickname print("YO", self.their_friend_id, type(self.their_friend_id)) print(self.nicknames) self.nicknames[int(self.their_friend_id)] = nickname # Update firebase print(self.nicknames) print(json.dumps(self.nicknames)) workout_request = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=json.dumps(self.nicknames)) print(workout_request.content) # Update the nickname in the friend_workout_screen their_friend_id_label = self.root.ids.friend_workout_screen.ids.friend_workout_screen_friend_id their_friend_id_label.text = "[u]" + nickname + "[/u]" # Update the nickname in the friend workout banner # Go through each widget in the friends list grid for w in self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'].walk(): if w.__class__ == FriendBanner: if w.friend_id == self.their_friend_id: w.update_friend_label_text(their_friend_id_label.text) def on_start(self): # Choose the correct time icon to show based on the current hour of day now = hour = now.hour if hour <= 6: self.root.ids['time_indicator1'].opacity = 1 elif hour <= 12: self.root.ids['time_indicator2'].opacity = 1 elif hour <= 18: self.root.ids['time_indicator3'].opacity = 1 else: self.root.ids['time_indicator4'].opacity = 1 # Set the current day, month, and year in the add workout section day, month, year =, now.month, now.year self.root.ids.add_workout_screen.ids.month_input.text = str(month) self.root.ids.add_workout_screen.ids.day_input.text = str(day) self.root.ids.add_workout_screen.ids.year_input.text = str(year) # Populate avatar grid avatar_grid = self.root.ids['change_avatar_screen'].ids['avatar_grid'] for root_dir, folders, files in walk("icons/avatars"): for f in files: img = ImageButton(source="icons/avatars/" + f, on_release=partial(self.change_avatar, f)) avatar_grid.add_widget(img) # Populate workout image grid workout_image_grid = self.root.ids['add_workout_screen'].ids[ 'workout_image_grid'] for root_dir, folders, files in walk("icons/workouts"): for f in files: img = ImageButton(source="icons/workouts/" + f, on_release=partial(self.update_workout_image, f)) workout_image_grid.add_widget(img) try: # Try to read the persisten signin credentials (refresh token) with open("refresh_token.txt", "r") as f: refresh_token = # use refresh_token to get a new idToken self.id_token, self.local_id = self.my_firebase.exchange_refresh_token( refresh_token) # Get database data result = requests.get("" + self.local_id + ".json?auth=" + self.id_token) data = json.loads(result.content.decode()) # Update avatar image avatar_image = self.root.ids['avatar_image'] avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/" + data['avatar'] # Update streak label label_streak = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['streak_label'] # Friend List self.friends_list = data['friends'] # Get nicknames try: print(data['nicknames']) for i, friend_id in enumerate(self.friends_list.split(",")): if friend_id: print(i, friend_id) self.nicknames[friend_id] = data['nicknames'][i] except: self.nicknames = data.get('nicknames', {}) # Populate friends list grid friends_list_array = self.friends_list.split(",") for friend_id in friends_list_array: friend_id = friend_id.replace(" ", "") if friend_id == "": continue try: nicknames = list(self.friends_list.keys()) except: nicknames = self.nicknames if friend_id in nicknames: friend_id_text = "[u]" + self.nicknames[friend_id] + "[/u]" else: friend_id_text = "[u]Friend ID: " + friend_id + "[/u]" friend_banner = FriendBanner(friend_id=friend_id, friend_id_text=friend_id_text) self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'].add_widget(friend_banner) # Update id label self.my_friend_id = data['my_friend_id'] friend_id_label = self.root.ids['settings_screen'].ids[ 'friend_id_label'] friend_id_label.text = "ID: " + str(data['my_friend_id']) # Get data workouts banner_grid = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['banner_grid'] workouts = data['workouts'] if workouts != "": workout_keys = list(workouts.keys()) streak = helperfunctions.count_workout_streak(workouts) if str(streak) == "0": label_streak.text = "[b]0 Hari berturut-turut, latihan sekarang![/b]" else: label_streak.text = "[b]" + str( streak) + " Hari berturut-turut[/b]" # Sort workouts by date then reverse (we want youngest dates at the start) workout_keys.sort(key=lambda value: datetime.strptime( workouts[value]['date'], "%m/%d/%Y")) workout_keys = workout_keys[::-1] for workout_key in workout_keys: workout = workouts[workout_key] # Populate workout grid in home screen W = WorkoutsBanner(workout_image=workout['workout_image'], description=workout['description'], type_image=workout['type_image'], number=float(workout['number']), units=workout['units'], likes=workout['likes'], date=workout['date']) banner_grid.add_widget(W) self.change_screen("home_screen", "none") except Exception as e: print(e) pass def add_friend(self, friend_id): friend_id = friend_id.replace("\n", "") # Make sure friend id was a number otherwise it's invalid try: int_friend_id = int(friend_id) except: # Friend id had some letters in it when it should just be a number self.show_popup("ID harus berupa angka", "number_only") return # Make sure they aren't adding themselves if friend_id == self.my_friend_id: self.show_popup( "Maaf, anda tidak dapat menambahkan ID anda sendiri", "own_id") return # Make sure this is not someone already in their friends list if friend_id in self.friends_list.split(","): self.show_popup("Teman dengan ID " + friend_id + " sudah ada", "duplicated") return # Query database and make sure friend_id exists check_req = requests.get( '"my_friend_id"&equalTo="' + friend_id + '"') data = check_req.json() if data == {}: # If it doesn't, display it doesn't in the message on the add friend screen self.show_popup("ID teman tidak ditemukan", "not_found") else: # Requested friend ID exists key = list(data.keys())[0] # new_friend_id = data[key]['my_friend_id'] # Add friend id to friends list and patch new friends list self.friends_list += ",%s" % friend_id patch_data = '{"friends": "%s"}' % self.friends_list patch_req = requests.patch( "" + self.local_id + ".json?auth=" + self.id_token, data=patch_data) if patch_req.ok == True: self.show_popup( "Teman dengan ID " + friend_id + " berhasil ditambahkan", "friend_added") self.root.ids['add_friend_screen'].ids[ 'add_friend_input'].text = "" else: self.show_popup("Maaf, ada kesalahan pada sistem", "error_adding") # Add new friend banner in friends list screen if friend_id in self.nicknames.keys(): friend_id_text = "[u]" + self.nicknames[friend_id] + "[/u]" else: friend_id_text = "[u]Friend ID: " + friend_id + "[/u]" friend_banner = FriendBanner(friend_id=friend_id, friend_id_text=friend_id_text) self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'].add_widget(friend_banner) def change_avatar(self, image, widget_id): # Change avatar in app avatar_image = self.root.ids['avatar_image'] avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/" + image # Change avatar in firebase my_avatar = '{"avatar": "%s"}' % image change_avatar_req = requests.patch( "" + self.local_id + ".json?auth=" + self.id_token, data=my_avatar) if change_avatar_req.ok == True: self.show_popup("Foto profil berhasil di ganti", "avatar_changed") else: self.show_popup("Maaf, ada kesalahan pada sistem", "error_change_avatar") def update_workout_image(self, filename, widget_id): self.workout_image = filename def add_workout(self): # Get data from all fields in add workout screen workout_ids = self.root.ids['add_workout_screen'].ids description_input = workout_ids['description_input'].text quantity_input = workout_ids['quantity_input'].text units_input = workout_ids['units_input'].text day_input = workout_ids['day_input'].text month_input = workout_ids['month_input'].text year_input = workout_ids['year_input'].text if self.workout_image == None: self.show_popup("Silahkan pilih gambar latihan!", "workout_image_none") elif self.option_choice == None: self.show_popup("Silahkan pilih jenis perhitungan!", "no_option_choice") workout_ids['time_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) workout_ids['distance_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) workout_ids['sets_label'].color = (1, 0, 0, 1) elif quantity_input == "": self.show_popup("Silahkan isi jumlah!", "quantity_none") workout_ids['quantity_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) elif quantity_input != "": try: int_quantity = float(quantity_input) if units_input == "": self.show_popup("Silahkan isi satuan!", "units_none") workout_ids['units_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) elif day_input == "": self.show_popup("Silahkan isi hari!", "day_none") workout_ids['day_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) elif day_input != "": try: int_day = int(day_input) if month_input == "": self.show_popup("Silahkan isi bulan!", "month_none") workout_ids['month_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) elif month_input != "": try: int_month = int(month_input) if year_input == "": self.show_popup("Silahkan isi tahun!", "year_none") workout_ids[ 'year_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) elif year_input != "": try: int_year = int(year_input) workout_payload = { "workout_image": self.workout_image, "description": description_input, "likes": 0, "number": int_quantity, "type_image": self.option_choice, "units": units_input, "date": month_input + "/" + day_input + "/" + year_input } workout_request = "" + self.local_id + "/workouts.json?auth=" + self.id_token, data=json.dumps(workout_payload)) # Add the workout to the banner grid in the home screen banner_grid = self.root.ids[ 'home_screen'].ids['banner_grid'] W = WorkoutsBanner( workout_image=self.workout_image, description=description_input, type_image=self.option_choice, number=float(quantity_input), units=units_input, likes="0", date=month_input + "/" + day_input + "/" + year_input) banner_grid.add_widget( W, index=len(banner_grid.children)) # Check if the new workout has made their streak increase streak_label = self.root.ids[ 'home_screen'].ids['streak_label'] result = requests.get( "" + self.local_id + ".json?auth=" + self.id_token) data = json.loads( result.content.decode()) workouts = data['workouts'] streak = helperfunctions.count_workout_streak( workouts) if str(streak) == "0": streak_label.text = "[b]0 Hari berturut-turut, latihan sekarang![/b]" else: streak_label.text = "[b]" + str( streak ) + " Hari berturut-turut[/b]" self.show_popup( "Berhasil menambah data latihan", "workout_added") except: self.show_popup( "Tahun harus berupa angka!", "year_not_int") workout_ids[ 'year_input'].background_color = ( 1, 0, 0, 1) return except: self.show_popup("Bulan harus berupa angka!", "month_not_int") workout_ids['month_input'].background_color = ( 1, 0, 0, 1) return except: self.show_popup("Hari harus berupa angka!", "day_not_int") workout_ids['day_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return except: self.show_popup("Jumlah harus berupa angka!", "quantity_not_int") workout_ids['quantity_input'].background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) return def remove_friend(self, friend_id_to_remove, *args): # Remove the friend id from the friends list variable self.friends_list = self.friends_list.replace( ",%s" % friend_id_to_remove, "") # Update the firebase database with the new (truncated) friends list patch_data = '{"friends": "%s"}' % self.friends_list patch_req = requests.patch( "" % (self.local_id, self.id_token), data=patch_data) # Remove the friend banner friends_list_grid = self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'] for w in friends_list_grid.walk(): if w.__class__ == FriendBanner: if w.friend_id == friend_id_to_remove: friends_list_grid.remove_widget(w) # Reload the friends list screen self.show_popup("Teman berhasil di hapus", "deleted_friend") def load_friend_workout_screen(self, friend_id, widget): # Initialize friend streak label to 0 friend_streak_label = self.root.ids['friend_workout_screen'].ids[ 'friend_streak_label'] friend_streak_label.text = "0 Hari Berturut-turut" # Make it so we know which friend's workout screen has been loaded for app.set_friend_nickname self.their_friend_id = friend_id # Get their workouts by using their friend id to query the database friend_data_req = requests.get( '"my_friend_id"&equalTo="' + friend_id + '"') friend_data = friend_data_req.json() workouts = list(friend_data.values())[0]['workouts'] friend_banner_grid = self.root.ids['friend_workout_screen'].ids[ 'friend_banner_grid'] # Remove each widget in the friend_banner_grid for w in friend_banner_grid.walk(): if w.__class__ == WorkoutsBanner: friend_banner_grid.remove_widget(w) # Populate their avatar image friend_avatar_image = self.root.ids.friend_workout_screen.ids.friend_workout_screen_image friend_avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/" + list( friend_data.values())[0]['avatar'] # Populate their friend ID and nickname print("Need to populate nickname") their_friend_id_label = self.root.ids.friend_workout_screen.ids.friend_workout_screen_friend_id try: nicknames = list(self.nicknames.keys()) except: nicknames = self.nicknames if friend_id in nicknames: their_friend_id_label.text = "[u]" + self.nicknames[ friend_id] + "[/u]" else: their_friend_id_label.text = "[u]Nama Panggilan[/u]" # Populate the friend_workout_screen # Loop through each key in the workouts dictionary # for the value for that key, create a workout banner # add the workout banner to the scrollview if workouts == {} or workouts == "": # Change to the friend_workout_screen self.change_screen("friend_workout_screen", "slide") return workout_keys = list(workouts.keys()) workout_keys.sort(key=lambda value: datetime.strptime( workouts[value]['date'], "%m/%d/%Y")) workout_keys = workout_keys[::-1] for workout_key in workout_keys: workout = workouts[workout_key] W = WorkoutsBanner(workout_image=workout['workout_image'], description=workout['description'], type_image=workout['type_image'], number=workout['number'], units=workout['units'], likes=workout['likes'], date=workout['date'], likeable=True, workout_key=workout_key) friend_banner_grid.add_widget(W) # Populate the streak label friend_streak_label.text = helperfunctions.count_workout_streak( workouts) + " Hari Berturut-turut" # Change to the friend_workout_screen self.change_screen("friend_workout_screen", "slide") def change_screen(self, screen_name, transition): screen_manager = self.root.ids['screen_manager'] # Transition if transition == "wipe": screen_manager.transition = WipeTransition() elif transition == "swap": screen_manager.transition = SwapTransition() elif transition == "slide": screen_manager.transition = SlideTransition() elif transition == "none": screen_manager.transition = NoTransition() elif transition == "card": screen_manager.transition = CardTransition() screen_manager.current = screen_name def show_popup(self, message, status): self.popup_message = message show = Popups() self.status_popup = status self.popupWindow = Popup(title="Perhatian !", content=show, size_hint=(None, None), size=(200, 200), auto_dismiss=False) self.popup_message = "" def dismiss_popup(self): if self.status_popup == "registered": self.popupWindow.dismiss() self.change_screen("login_screen", "wipe") self.root.ids["login_screen"].ids["login_email"].text = "" self.root.ids["login_screen"].ids["login_password"].text = "" self.root.ids["register_screen"].ids["register_email"].text = "" self.root.ids["register_screen"].ids["register_password"].text = "" elif self.status_popup == "avatar_changed": self.popupWindow.dismiss() self.change_screen("settings_screen", "swap") self.root.ids["login_screen"].ids["login_email"].text = "" self.root.ids["login_screen"].ids["login_password"].text = "" self.root.ids["register_screen"].ids["register_email"].text = "" self.root.ids["register_screen"].ids["register_password"].text = "" elif self.status_popup == "workout_added": self.popupWindow.dismiss() self.change_screen("home_screen", "card") self.root.ids["login_screen"].ids["login_email"].text = "" self.root.ids["login_screen"].ids["login_password"].text = "" self.root.ids["register_screen"].ids["register_email"].text = "" self.root.ids["register_screen"].ids["register_password"].text = "" else: self.popupWindow.dismiss() self.status_popup = "" def logout(self): # User wants to log out with open("refresh_token.txt", 'w') as f: f.write("") self.change_screen("login_screen", "slide") # Need to set the avatar to the default image avatar_image = self.root.ids['avatar_image'] avatar_image.source = "icons/avatars/man.png" add_friend_screen = self.root.ids.add_friend_screen add_friend_screen.ids.add_friend_input.text = "" # Clear home screen self.root.ids.home_screen.ids.streak_label.text = "0 Hari berturut-turut, latihan sekarang!" # Clear login screen self.root.ids.login_screen.ids.login_email.text = "" self.root.ids.login_screen.ids.login_password.text = "" self.workout_image = None self.option_choice = None # Clear the indication that the previous image was selected if self.workout_image_widget: self.workout_image_widget.canvas.before.clear() # Need to clear widgets from previous user's friends list friends_list_grid = self.root.ids['friends_list_screen'].ids[ 'friends_list_grid'] for w in friends_list_grid.walk(): if w.__class__ == FriendBanner: friends_list_grid.remove_widget(w) # Need to clear widgets from previous user's workout grid workout_banner = self.root.ids['home_screen'].ids['banner_grid'] for w in workout_banner.walk(): if w.__class__ == WorkoutsBanner: workout_banner.remove_widget(w) # Need to clear widgets from previous user's friend's workout grid friend_banner_grid = self.root.ids['friend_workout_screen'].ids[ 'friend_banner_grid'] for w in friend_banner_grid.walk(): if w.__class__ == WorkoutsBanner: friend_banner_grid.remove_widget(w)
def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "Orange" return ScreenManagement()
class MainApp(MDApp): date = '' def build(self): self.my_firebase = MyFirebase() self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "Orange" return ScreenManagement() def signed_in(self): #get data from database data = self.my_firebase.get_database_data(self.local_id) print(data) #populate fridge data in list screen layout = self.root.ids['list_screen'].ids['list_layout'] for key in data: name = data[key]['name'] exp_date = data[key]['expiration date'] extra_notes = data[key]['notes'] quantity = data[key]['quantity'] I = ItemList(name=name, exp_date=exp_date, extra_notes=extra_notes, quantity=quantity) # creates card layout.add_widget(I) # date picker for items def show_datepicker(self): min_date = picker = MDDatePicker(callback=self.get_date, min_date=min_date) def get_date(self, date): = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') print( self.root.ids['user_input_screen'].ids['expiry_date'].text = # gets information from adding items def update_database(self): self.root.ids['user_input_screen'].ids[ 'expiry_date'].text = "Expiration Date: " + grocery_item = self.root.ids['user_input_screen'].ids[ "grocery_item"].text notes = self.root.ids['user_input_screen'].ids["extra_notes"].text quantity = self.root.ids['user_input_screen'].ids["quantity"].text if grocery_item == '' or notes == '' or quantity == '': self.root.ids['user_input_screen'].ids[ 'invalid_items'].text = "Please fill out all fields." else: update_items = { 'name': grocery_item, 'notes': notes, 'quantity': quantity, 'expiration date': } self.my_firebase.db.collection(self.local_id).add(update_items) layout = self.root.ids['list_screen'].ids['list_layout'] I = ItemList(name=grocery_item,, extra_notes=notes, quantity=quantity) # creates card layout.add_widget(I) self.root.current = 'list_screen'