Example #1
    def test():
        PC_src_sel.next = PC_JAL_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_DX + jal_offset)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_JALR_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(rs1_data + jalr_offset)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_BRANCH_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_DX + imm_b)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_REPLAY
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == PC_IF

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_HANDLER
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == handler_PC

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_EPC
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == epc

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_PLUS_FOUR
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_IF + 4)[XPR_LEN:]
Example #2
    def write_process1():
        if state_m == bp_states_m.WRITE1:
            index_r                           = random[26:20]
            #btb_line[index_r][64:63].next     = Signal(True)  #Set Valid Bit
            #btb_line[index_r][61:32].next     = tag_pc[32:2]  #Store tag
            if BPio.valid_jump:
                btb_line[index_r].next        = concat(True,True,modbv(tag_pc[32:2])[30:],modbv(BPio.pc_id_brjmp[32:2])[30:],modbv(Consts.ST)[2:])
                # btb_line[index_r][63:62].next = Signal(True)              #Set Unconditional Bit
                # btb_line[index_r][2:0].next   = Consts.ST                 #As a jump it'll always be ST
                # BPio.current_state.next       = Consts.ST                 #Send our current state to Cpath
                # btb_line[index_r][32:2].next  = BPio.pc_id_brjmp[32:2]    #Store jump address in BTB

            elif BPio.valid_branch:
                btb_line[index_r].next        = concat(True,False,modbv(tag_pc[32:2])[30:],modbv(BPio.pc_id_brjmp[32:2])[30:],modbv(Consts.WN)[2:])
                #btb_line[index_r][63:62].next = Signal(False)           #Clear unconditional bit
                #btb_line[index_r][2:0].next   = Consts.WN               #It will be initialized in WN
                #BPio.current_state.next       = Consts.WN               #Send our current state to Cpath
                #btb_line[index_r][32:2].next  = BPio.pc_id_brjmp[32:2]  #Store Branch address in BTB
            else:   #Corresponding to JALR
                #btb_line[index_r][63:62]      = Signal(True)            #Set Unconditional bit
                #btb_line[index_r][2:0]        = Consts.ST               #As an indirect jump it'll always be taken
                #BPio.current_state.next       = Consts.ST               #Send our current state to Cpath
                #btb_line[index_r][32:2]       = BPio.pc_id_jalr[32:2]   #Store jump address in BTB  
                btb_line[index_r].next        = concat(True,True,modbv(tag_pc[32:2])[30:],modbv(BPio.pc_id_jalr[32:2])[30:],modbv(Consts.ST)[2:])


            final_write1.next      = True
Example #3
def Test():
    depth = 4
    width = 4
    dout = Signal(modbv(0)[width:])
    din = Signal(modbv(0)[width:])
    full = Signal(bool(0))
    empty = Signal(bool(0))
    push = Signal(bool(0))
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    stack = Stack(dout, din, full, empty, push, clk, width=width, depth=depth)
    def stimulus():
        push.next = 1
        for k in range(16):
            din.next = k + 1
            push.next = k < 8
            yield delay(10)
            clk.next = 1
            yield delay(10)
            clk.next = 0
            print(dout, din, full, empty, push, sep='\t')
    return instances()
Example #4
def test_register_file():

    clock, write_enable = [Signal(False) for _ in range(2)]
    read_addr1, read_addr2, write_addr = [Signal(modbv(0)[REG_ADDR_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(3)]
    read_data1, read_data2, write_data = [Signal(modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:]) for _ in range(3)]

    reg_file_inst = register_file(clock, read_addr1, read_data1, read_addr2, read_data2, write_enable, write_addr, write_data)

    rand_value = randint(1, (1 << XPR_LEN) - 1)
    rand_addr = randint(1, (1 << REG_ADDR_WIDTH) - 1)

    def drive_clock():
        clock.next = not clock

    def test():
        write_enable.next = True
        yield clock.posedge
        write_data.next = rand_value
        write_addr.next = rand_addr
        yield clock.posedge
        read_addr1.next = rand_addr
        read_addr2.next = rand_addr
        yield clock.posedge
        assert rand_value == read_data1 == read_data2

    return test, reg_file_inst, drive_clock
Example #5
def led_dance(
  # ~~~[Ports]~~~
  clock,             # input : system sync clock
  reset,             # input : reset (level determined by RST_LEVEL)
  leds,              # output : to IO ports drive LEDs

  # ~~~[Parameters]~~~
  led_rate=33e-3,    # strobe change rate of 333ms
    gens = []

    cnt_max = int(clock.frequency * led_rate)
    clk_cnt = Signal(intbv(1, min=0, max=cnt_max))
    rled = Signal(modbv(0)[len(leds):])

    # assign the port LED to the internal register led
    gas = assign(leds, rled)

    # @todo: create a module to select a rate strobe,
    #    the module will return a signal that is from
    #    an existing rate or a generator and signal
    mb = len(leds)-1
    d = modbv(0)[len(leds):]

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def rtl():
        if clk_cnt == 0:
            d[:] = (rled ^ 0x81) << 1
            rled.next = concat(d, rled[mb])
        clk_cnt.next = clk_cnt + 1

    gens += (gas, rtl,)
    return gas, rtl
Example #6
def fifo_async(clock_write, clock_read, fifobus, reset, size=128):
    The following is a general purpose, platform independent 
    asynchronous FIFO (dual clock domains).

    Cross-clock boundary FIFO, based on:
    "Simulation and Synthesis Techniques for Asynchronous FIFO Design"

    Typically in the "rhea" package the FIFOBus interface is used to
    interface with the FIFOs
    # @todo: use the clock_write and clock_read from the FIFOBus
    # @todo: interface, make this interface compliant with the
    # @todo: fifos: fifo_async(reset, clock, fifobus)

    # for simplification the memory size is forced to a power of 
    # two - full address range, ptr (mem indexes) will wrap
    asz = int(ceil(log(size, 2)))
    fbus = fifobus   # alias
    # an extra bit is used to determine full vs. empty (see paper)
    waddr = Signal(modbv(0)[asz:])
    raddr = Signal(modbv(0)[asz:])
    wptr = Signal(modbv(0)[asz+1:])
    rptr = Signal(modbv(0)[asz+1:])
    wq2_rptr = Signal(intbv(0)[asz+1:])
    rq2_wptr = Signal(intbv(0)[asz+1:])

    wfull = Signal(bool(0))
    rempty = Signal(bool(1))

    # sync'd resets, the input reset is more than likely sync'd to one
    # of the clock domains, sync both regardless ...
    wrst = ResetSignal(reset.active, active=reset.active, async=reset.async)
Example #7
def UIntToFloat(
    # Calculating unbiased and biased exponent.
    unbiased_exponent = Signal(modbv(0)[exponent_width:])
    biased_exponent = Signal(modbv(0)[exponent_width:])
    nz_flag = Signal(bool(0))
    unbiased_exponent_calculator = PriorityEncoder(
            unbiased_exponent, nz_flag, uint_input)
    def biased_exponent_calculator():
        biased_exponent.next = unbiased_exponent + exponent_bias
    # Calculating fraction part. 
    fraction = Signal(modbv(0)[fraction_width:])
    fraction_calculator = UIntToFraction(
            fraction, uint_input, unbiased_exponent)
    float_sig = ConcatSignal(bool(0), biased_exponent, fraction)
    def make_output():
        if uint_input == 0:
            float_output.next = 0
            float_output.next = float_sig
    return instances()
Example #8
def Test():
    # IEEE754 Single
    INT_WIDTH = 6
    float_sig = Signal(modbv(0)[(1+EXPONENT_WIDTH+FRACTION_WIDTH):])
    int_sig = Signal(modbv(0)[INT_WIDTH:])
    convertor = IntToFloat(
    def stimulus():
        print('input', 'output', sep='\t')
        for k in range(-2**(INT_WIDTH-1), 2**(INT_WIDTH-1)):
            int_sig.next = k
            yield delay(10)
            int_val = int(int_sig)
            if k < 0:
                int_val = ~int_val + 1
                int_val &= 2**INT_WIDTH - 1
                int_val = -int_val
            print(int_val, uint_to_float(int(float_sig))[0], sep='\t')
    return instances()
Example #9
 def __init__(self):
     Initializes the IO ports.
     self.wa = Signal(modbv(0)[5:])
     self.we = Signal(False)
     self.wd = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
Example #10
def IntToFloat(
    INT_WIDTH = len(int_input)
    FLOAT_WIDTH = len(float_output)
    sign = Signal(bool(0))
    sign_getter = SignGetter(sign, int_input)
    abs_int = Signal(modbv(0)[INT_WIDTH:])           
    abs_calculator = Abs(abs_int, int_input)
    abs_float = Signal(modbv(0)[(1+exponent_width+fraction_width):])         
    float_calculator = UIntToFloat(
            abs_float, abs_int, 
            exponent_width, fraction_width, exponent_bias)
    signed_float = ConcatSignal(sign, abs_float(FLOAT_WIDTH-1, 0))
    def make_output():
        float_output.next = signed_float
    return instances()
Example #11
 def assignments_0():
     sign_a.next = io.input1[31] if (io.cmd[0] or io.cmd[2]) else modbv(0)[1:]
     sign_b.next = io.input2[31] if io.cmd[0] else modbv(0)[1:]
     partial_sum.next = concat(modbv(0)[15:], result_mid_1) + concat(result_hh_1[32:], result_ll_1[32:16])
     io.output.next = -result_mult if sign_result3 else result_mult
     io.ready.next = active3
     io.active.next = active0 | active1 | active2 | active3
Example #12
 def rtl():
     b30_20.next = (
         if sel == Consts.IMM_U
         else concat(sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign)
     b19_12.next = (
         if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_UJ)
         else concat(sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign)
     b11.next = (
         if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_Z)
         else (instruction[20] if sel == Consts.IMM_UJ else (instruction[7] if sel == Consts.IMM_SB else sign))
     b10_5.next = modbv(0)[6:] if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_Z) else instruction[31:25]
     b4_1.next = (
         if sel == Consts.IMM_U
         else (
             if (sel == Consts.IMM_S or sel == Consts.IMM_SB)
             else (instruction[20:16] if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else instruction[25:21])
     b0.next = (
         if sel == Consts.IMM_S
         else (instruction[20] if sel == Consts.IMM_I else (instruction[15] if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else False))
Example #13
 def state_machine():
     if state == s_idle:
         if req_valid:
             result.next = 0
             a.next = abs_in_1
             b.next = concat(abs_in_2, modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:]) >> 1
             if op == MD_OP_REM:
                 negate_output.next = sign_in_1
                 negate_output.next = sign_in_1 ^ sign_in_2
             out_sel.next = req_out_sel
             op.next = req_op
             counter.next = XPR_LEN - 1
     elif state == s_compute:
         counter.next = counter + 1
         b.next = b >> 1
         if op == MD_OP_MUL:
             if a[counter]:
                 result.next = result + b
             b.next = b + 1
             if a_geq:
                 a.next = a - b
                 result.next = modbv(1 << counter)[DOUBLE_XPR_LEN:] | result
     elif state == s_setup_output:
         result.next = concat(modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:], final_result)
Example #14
 def accessor():
     if state == state_t.READY:
         coeff_ram_blk.next = True
         if enable and in_valid:
             delay_line_i_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, n)
             delay_line_i_ram_din.next = in_i
             delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = False
             delay_line_i_ram_wen.next = False
             delay_line_q_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, n)
             delay_line_q_ram_din.next = in_q
             delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = False
             delay_line_q_ram_wen.next = False
             delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = True
             delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = True
     elif state == state_t.WAIT1 or state == state_t.WAIT2 or state == state_t.RUN:
         delay_line_i_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, modbv(n - k, min=0, max=2**7-1))
         delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = False
         delay_line_i_ram_wen.next = True
         delay_line_q_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0,
                 modbv(n - k, min=0, max=2**7-1))
         delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = False
         delay_line_q_ram_wen.next = True
         coeff_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, k)
         coeff_ram_blk.next = False
         coeff_ram_wen.next = True
         delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = True
         delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = True
         coeff_ram_blk.next = True
Example #15
def led_dance(clock, reset, leds, led_rate=33e-3):
    """An interesting LED pattern

        clock: system clock
        reset: system reset
        leds: LED bits

        led_rate: the rate to blink, in seconds
    cnt_max = int(clock.frequency * led_rate)
    clk_cnt = Signal(intbv(1, min=0, max=cnt_max))
    rled = Signal(modbv(0)[len(leds):])

    # assign the port LED to the internal register led
    assign(leds, rled)

    # @todo: create a module to select a rate strobe,
    #    the module will return a signal that is from
    #    an existing rate or a generator and signal
    mb = len(leds)-1
    d = modbv(0)[len(leds):]

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh():
        if clk_cnt == 0:
            d[:] = (rled ^ 0x81) << 1
            rled.next = concat(d, rled[mb])
        clk_cnt.next = clk_cnt + 1

    return myhdl.instances()
Example #16
 def __init__(self):
     self.input1    = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.input2    = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.function  = Signal(modbv(0)[ALUOp.SZ_OP:])
     self.stall     = Signal(False)
     self.kill      = Signal(False)
     self.output    = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.req_stall = Signal(False)
Example #17
def convert():
    shifted = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
    data = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
    num = Signal(modbv(0)[5:])
    direction = Signal(bool(0))
    inst = MultShifter(shifted=shifted, data=data, direction=direction, num=num)
Example #18
def IMMGen(sel, instruction, imm):
    Generate the immediate values.

    :param sel:         Select the type of instruction/immediate
    :param instruction: Current instruction
    :param imm:         A 32-bit immediate value
    sign = Signal(False)
    b30_20 = Signal(modbv(0)[11:])
    b19_12 = Signal(modbv(0)[8:])
    b11 = Signal(False)
    b10_5 = Signal(modbv(0)[6:])
    b4_1 = Signal(modbv(0)[4:])
    b0 = Signal(False)

    def _sign():
        sign.next = False if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else instruction[31]

    def rtl():
        b30_20.next = (
            if sel == Consts.IMM_U
            else concat(sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign)
        b19_12.next = (
            if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_UJ)
            else concat(sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign)
        b11.next = (
            if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_Z)
            else (instruction[20] if sel == Consts.IMM_UJ else (instruction[7] if sel == Consts.IMM_SB else sign))
        b10_5.next = modbv(0)[6:] if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_Z) else instruction[31:25]
        b4_1.next = (
            if sel == Consts.IMM_U
            else (
                if (sel == Consts.IMM_S or sel == Consts.IMM_SB)
                else (instruction[20:16] if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else instruction[25:21])
        b0.next = (
            if sel == Consts.IMM_S
            else (instruction[20] if sel == Consts.IMM_I else (instruction[15] if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else False))

    def imm_concat():
        imm.next = concat(sign, b30_20, b19_12, b11, b10_5, b4_1, b0)

    return instances()
Example #19
def MultShifter(
    WIDTH = len(data)
    MAX_SHIFT = 2**len(num)
    line_in_bits  = [Signal(bool(0)) for k in range(WIDTH)]    
    def line_in_conn():
        for k in range(WIDTH):
            line_in_bits[k].next = data[k]
    line_in_origin   = ConcatSignal(*reversed(line_in_bits))
    line_in_reversed = ConcatSignal(*line_in_bits)
    line_in = Signal(modbv(0)[WIDTH:])
    def line_in_mux():
        if direction==LEFT:
            line_in.next = line_in_origin
            line_in.next = line_in_reversed
    line_out = Signal(modbv(0)[WIDTH:])
    line_out_bits = [Signal(bool(0)) for k in range(WIDTH)]
    def line_out_conn():
        for k in range(WIDTH):
            line_out_bits[k].next = line_out[k]
    line_out_origin   = ConcatSignal(*reversed(line_out_bits))
    line_out_reversed = ConcatSignal(*line_out_bits)    
    def shifted_mux():
        if direction==LEFT:
            shifted.next = line_out_origin
            shifted.next = line_out_reversed
    m = Signal(modbv(0)[WIDTH:])
    def num_to_pow():
        temp = modbv(0)[WIDTH:]
        for k in range(WIDTH):
            if k == num:
                temp[k] = 1
        m.next = temp
    def shift():
        if num > WIDTH - 1:
            line_out.next = 0
            line_out.next = line_in * m
    return instances()
Example #20
 def __init__(self):
     self.dividend  = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.divisor   = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.divs      = Signal(False)
     self.divu      = Signal(False)
     self.active    = Signal(False)
     self.ready     = Signal(False)
     self.quotient  = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.remainder = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
Example #21
 def __init__(self):
     self.input1 = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.input2 = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.cmd = Signal(modbv(0)[MultiplierOP.SZ_OP :])
     self.enable = Signal(False)
     self.stall = Signal(False)
     self.kill = Signal(False)
     self.output = Signal(modbv(0)[64:])
     self.active = Signal(False)
     self.ready = Signal(False)
Example #22
def convert_to_verilog(args):
    clk          = Signal(False)
    rst          = Signal(False)
    imem_addr_o  = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
    imem_dat_o   = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
    imem_sel_o   = Signal(modbv(0)[4:])
    imem_cyc_o   = Signal(False)
    imem_we_o    = Signal(False)
    imem_stb_o   = Signal(False)
    imem_dat_i   = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
    imem_ack_i   = Signal(False)
    imem_err_i   = Signal(False)
    dmem_addr_o  = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
    dmem_dat_o   = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
    dmem_sel_o   = Signal(modbv(0)[4:])
    dmem_cyc_o   = Signal(False)
    dmem_we_o    = Signal(False)
    dmem_stb_o   = Signal(False)
    dmem_dat_i   = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
    dmem_ack_i   = Signal(False)
    dmem_err_i   = Signal(False)
    toHost       = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])

    toVerilog(CoreHDL, clk, rst, toHost, imem_addr_o, imem_dat_o, imem_sel_o, imem_cyc_o, imem_we_o,
              imem_stb_o, imem_dat_i, imem_ack_i, imem_err_i, dmem_addr_o, dmem_dat_o, dmem_sel_o,
              dmem_cyc_o, dmem_we_o, dmem_stb_o, dmem_dat_i, dmem_ack_i, dmem_err_i)
Example #23
 def __init__(self,
     Initializes the IO ports.
     self.clk    = Signal(False)
     self.addr   = Signal(modbv(0)[A_WIDTH:])
     self.data_i = Signal(modbv(0)[D_WIDTH:])
     self.data_o = Signal(modbv(0)[D_WIDTH:])
     self.we     = Signal(False)
Example #24
def to_verilog():
    ib_a = Signal(modbv(0)[4:])
    ib_d = Signal(modbv(0)[8:])
    db_a = Signal(modbv(0)[4:])
    db_rw = Signal(bool(0))
    db_dr = Signal(modbv(0)[8:])
    db_dw = Signal(modbv(0)[8:])
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    sc19 = SC19(ib_a, ib_d, db_a, db_rw, db_dr, db_dw, clk)
Example #25
 def tag_flush_port_assign():
     for i in range(WAYS):
         tfp_clk[i].next    = clk_i
         tfp_addr[i].next   = flush_addr
         tfp_data_i[i].next = modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]
         tfp_we[i].next     = flush_we
     # connect to the LRU memory
     tag_lru_flush_port.clk.next    = clk_i
     tag_lru_flush_port.addr.next   = flush_addr
     tag_lru_flush_port.data_i.next = modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:]
     tag_lru_flush_port.we.next     = flush_we
Example #26
        def flush_next_state():
            n_flush_we.next   = False
            n_flush_addr.next = flush_addr

            if state == dc_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    n_flush_addr.next = modbv(-1)[SET_WIDTH:]
            elif state == dc_states.FLUSH1:
                n_flush_we.next = True
            elif state == dc_states.FLUSH2:
                n_flush_we.next = False
                n_flush_addr.next = flush_addr - modbv(1)[SET_WIDTH:]
Example #27
 def __init__(self):
     Initializes the IO ports.
     self.addr  = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.dat_o = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.dat_i = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])
     self.sel   = Signal(modbv(0)[4:])
     self.cyc   = Signal(False)
     self.we    = Signal(False)
     self.stb   = Signal(False)
     self.ack   = Signal(False)
     self.err   = Signal(False)
Example #28
def test():
    in_ = Signal(modbv()[4:])
    out = Signal(modbv()[7:])
    segctrl = Decoder(out, in_)
    def stimulus():
        for x in range(16):
            in_.next = x
            print(out, in_)
            yield delay(10)
    return segctrl, stimulus
Example #29
def convert_test(target):
    depth = 4
    width = 4
    dout = Signal(modbv(0)[width:])
    din = Signal(modbv(0)[width:])
    full = Signal(bool(0))
    empty = Signal(bool(0))
    push = Signal(bool(0))
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    stack = Stack(dout, din, full, empty, push, clk, width=width, depth=depth)
Example #30
def test_convert(hdl, clk_freq):
    rx = Signal(bool(0))
    tx = Signal(bool(0))
    rx_finish = Signal(bool(0))
    tx_occupy = Signal(bool(0))
    tx_start = Signal(bool(1))
    rx_reg = Signal(modbv(0)[8:])
    tx_reg = Signal(modbv(0b01010101)[8:])
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    rst = Signal(bool(0))
    baud_rate = 9600
    inst = UART(rx, tx, rx_finish, tx_occupy, tx_start, rx_reg, tx_reg, clk, rst, baud_rate=baud_rate, clk_freq=clk_freq)
Example #31
def RegisterFile(clk, portA, portB, writePort):
    The Register File (RF) module.
    32 32-bit registers, with the register 0 hardwired to zero.

    :param clk:       System clock
    :param portA:     IO bundle (read port)
    :param portB:     IO bundle (read port)
    :param writePort: IO bundle (write port)
    _registers = [Signal(modbv(0)[32:]) for ii in range(0, 32)]

    def read():
        Asynchronous read operation.
        portA.rd.next = _registers[portA.ra] if portA.ra != 0 else 0
        portB.rd.next = _registers[portB.ra] if portB.ra != 0 else 0

    def write():
        Synchronous write operation.

        If the write address is zero, do nothing.
        if writePort.wa != 0 and writePort.we == 1:
            _registers[writePort.wa].next = writePort.wd

    return read, write
def Encrypt_StateUpdate128_1bit(clk, rst, state, plaintextbit, ks, ca, cb, ciphertextbit):
    state0 = Signal(modbv(0)[292:])
    FBK128_inst = FBK128(state, ca, cb, ks, f)
    def logic():
        state0[292:290].next = state[292:290]
        state0[289:231].next = state[289:231]
        state0[230:194].next = state[230:194]
        state0[193:155].next = state[193:155]
        state0[154:108].next = state[154:108]
        state0[107: 62].next = state[107: 62]
        state0[ 61:  0].next = state[ 61:  0]
        state0[289].next = state[289] ^ state[235] ^ state[230]
        state0[230].next = state[230] ^ state[196] ^ state[193]
        state0[193].next = state[193] ^ state[160] ^ state[154]
        state0[154].next = state[154] ^ state[111] ^ state[107]
        state0[107].next = state[107] ^ state[ 66] ^ state[ 61]
        state0[ 61].next = state[ 61] ^ state[ 23] ^ state[  0]
    @always_seq(clk.posedge, reset = rst)
    def stateUpdate():
        state[292:].next = state0[293:1]
        state[292] = f ^ plaintextbit
        ciphertextbit = ks ^ plaintextbit
    return instances()
Example #33
def icestick(clock, led, pmod, uart_tx, uart_rx):
    """ Lattice Icestick example

    glbl = Global(clock, None)
    gticks = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # get interfaces to the UART fifos
    fbustx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=8)
    fbusrx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=8)

    # get the UART comm from PC
    guart = uartlite(glbl, fbustx, fbusrx, uart_tx, uart_rx)

    def beh_loopback():
        fbusrx.rd.next = not fbusrx.empty
        fbustx.wr.next = not fbusrx.empty
        fbustx.wdata.next = fbusrx.rdata

    lcnt = Signal(modbv(0, min=0, max=4))

    def beh_led_count():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            lcnt.next = lcnt + 1
        led.next = (1 << lcnt)

    # system to test/interface

    # other stuff

    return instances()
Example #34
def Oscillator(z, state, clock: Signal, output_freq: int, reset,
               sampling_freq: int):

    count = Signal(modbv(0, min=0, max=2**24))
    inc = Signal(intbv(0, min=0, max=2**24))

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def output():
        count.next = count + inc
        addr = count[24:12]
        if state == osc_state.SINE:
            z.next = sine[addr]
        elif state == osc_state.SQUARE:
            z.next = square[addr]
        elif state == osc_state.TRIANGLE:
            z.next = triangle[addr]
        elif state == osc_state.SAWTOOTH:
            z.next = sawtooth[addr]
        elif state == osc_state.PWM:
        elif state == osc_state.NOISE:

    def increment():
        inc_val = intbv(int(n_samps * output_freq * 2**12 / sampling_freq),
        inc.val = inc_val

    return output
Example #35
def Test():
    code = Signal(modbv(0)[2:])
    valid = Signal(bool(0))
    in_ = Signal(modbv(0)[4:])

    encoder = PriorityEncoder(code, valid, in_)

    def stimulus():
        for k in range(16):
            in_.next = k
            yield delay(10)
            print(code, valid, f'{int(in_):04b}', sep='\t')

    return instances()
Example #36
    def src_a_mux_output():
        alu_src_a.next = modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:]

        if src_a_sel == SRC_A_RS1:
            alu_src_a.next = PC_DX
        elif src_a_sel == SRC_A_PC:
            alu_src_a.next = rs1_data
Example #37
 def decomp_proc():
     """ verilator lint_off WIDTH """
     shift[0].next = binary_i
     for i in range(NBIT):
         thousand = shift[i][NBIT + 16:NBIT + 12] + 3
         hundred = shift[i][NBIT + 12:NBIT + 8] + 3
         ten = shift[i][NBIT + 8:NBIT + 4] + 3
         one = shift[i][NBIT + 4:NBIT] + 3
         shift[i + 1].next = hdl.concat(
             shift[i][NBIT + 16:NBIT + 12] if
             shift[i][NBIT + 16:NBIT + 12] < 5 else hdl.modbv(thousand)[4:],
             shift[i][NBIT + 12:NBIT + 8] if shift[i][NBIT + 12:NBIT + 8] <
             5 else hdl.modbv(hundred)[4:], shift[i][NBIT + 8:NBIT + 4]
             if shift[i][NBIT + 8:NBIT + 4] < 5 else hdl.modbv(ten)[4:],
             shift[i][NBIT + 4:NBIT] if shift[i][NBIT + 4:NBIT] < 5 else
             hdl.modbv(one)[4:], shift[i][NBIT:]) << 1
     """ verilator lint_on WIDTH """
    def generate_inputs():
        for a in range(16):
            for b in range(16):
                # Asignar valores a los puertos de entrada
                A.next = a
                B.next = b

                for op in range(16):
                    OP.next = op  # asignar operación
                    yield hdl.delay(
                    )  # esperar una unidad de tiempo para que ejecute el simulador. fs

                    if op == 0:
                        assert result == hdl.modbv(
                            A + B)[4:], "Error ADD. A = {0}, B = {1}".format(
                                hex(A), hex(B))
                    elif op == 1:
                        assert result == hdl.modbv(
                            A - B)[4:], "Error SUB. A = {0}, B = {1}".format(
                                hex(A), hex(B))
                    elif op == 2:
                        assert result == A & B, "Error AND. A = {0}, B = {1}".format(
                            hex(A), hex(B))
                    elif op == 3:
                        assert result == A | B, "Error OR. A = {0}, B = {1}".format(
                            hex(A), hex(B))
                    elif op == 4:
                        assert result == A ^ B, "Error XOR. A = {0}, B = {1}".format(
                            hex(A), hex(B))
                    elif op == 5:
                        assert result == A, "Error A"
                    elif op == 6:
                        assert result == B, "Error B"
                    elif op == 7:
                        assert result == hdl.modbv(-A)[4:], "Error -A"
                    elif op == 8:
                        assert result == hdl.modbv(-B)[4:], "Error -B"
                    elif op == 9:
                        assert result == ~A, "Error ~A"
                    elif op == 10:
                        assert result == ~B, "Error ~B"
                        assert result == 0, "Error UNDEFINED OP: salida no es 0."
                        assert invalid == 1, "Error UNDEFINED OP: invalid output no detectada."
        raise hdl.StopSimulation
Example #39
    def test():
        op.next = ALU_OP_ADD
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == modbv(val1 + val2)[XPR_LEN:]

        op.next = ALU_OP_SLL
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == modbv(val1 << shamt)[XPR_LEN:]

        op.next = ALU_OP_XOR
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == modbv(val1 ^ shamt)[XPR_LEN:]

        op.next = ALU_OP_OR
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == modbv(val1 | shamt)[XPR_LEN:]

        op.next = ALU_OP_AND
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == modbv(val1 & shamt)[XPR_LEN:]

        op.next = ALU_OP_SRL
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == modbv(in1.val >> shamt)[XPR_LEN:]

        op.next = ALU_OP_SEQ
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == (val1 == val2)

        op.next = ALU_OP_SNE
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == (val1 != val2)

        op.next = ALU_OP_SUB
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == modbv(val1 - val2)[XPR_LEN:]

        op.next = ALU_OP_SRA
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == modbv(val1 >> shamt)[XPR_LEN:]

        op.next = ALU_OP_SLT
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == (val1 < val2)

        op.next = ALU_OP_SGE
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == (val1 >= val2)

        op.next = ALU_OP_SLTU
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == (in1.val < in2.val)

        op.next = ALU_OP_SGEU
        yield delay(10)
        assert out == (in1.val >= in2.val)
def convert_gray_inc_reg(hdl, width=8):
    graycnt = Signal(modbv(0)[width:])
    enable = Signal(bool())
    clock = Signal(bool())
    reset = ResetSignal(0, active=0, isasync=True)

    inst = gray_inc_reg(graycnt, enable, clock, reset, width)
Example #41
 def __init__(self, pins, iostandard):
     self.pins = Pins(pins)
     self.iostandard = IOStandard(iostandard)
     npins = len(self.pins)
     if npins > 1:
Example #42
def fifo_mem_wrapper(clock, reset, datain, div, dataout, dorq):
    write_addr = Signal(modbv(0)[8:0])
    read_addr = Signal(modbv(0)[8:0])
    wad = Signal(intbv(0)[8:0])

    mem_inst = fifo_mem(clock, div, datain, write_addr, clock, dorq, dataout,
                        read_addr, wad)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_addr():
        if div:
            write_addr.next = write_addr + 1

        if dorq:
            read_addr.next = read_addr + 1

    return myhdl.instances()
Example #43
def test_pc_mux():

    PC_src_sel = Signal(modbv(0)[PC_SRC_SEL_WIDTH:])
    inst_DX = Signal(modbv(randint(0, (1 << INST_WIDTH) - 1))[INST_WIDTH:])
    rs1_data, PC_IF, PC_DX, handler_PC, epc = [Signal(modbv(randint(0, (1 << XPR_LEN) - 1))[XPR_LEN:]) for _ in range(5)]
    PC_PIF = Signal(modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:])

    pc_mux_inst = PC_mux(PC_src_sel, inst_DX, rs1_data, PC_IF, PC_DX, handler_PC, epc, PC_PIF)

    imm_b = concat(*[inst_DX[31] for _ in range(20)], inst_DX[7], inst_DX[31:25], inst_DX[12:8], False)
    jal_offset = concat(*[inst_DX[31] for _ in range(12)], inst_DX[20:12], inst_DX[20],
                        inst_DX[31:25], inst_DX[25:21], False)
    jalr_offset = concat(*[inst_DX[31] for _ in range(21)], inst_DX[31:21], False)

    def test():
        PC_src_sel.next = PC_JAL_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_DX + jal_offset)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_JALR_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(rs1_data + jalr_offset)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_BRANCH_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_DX + imm_b)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_REPLAY
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == PC_IF

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_HANDLER
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == handler_PC

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_EPC
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == epc

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_PLUS_FOUR
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_IF + 4)[XPR_LEN:]

    return pc_mux_inst, test
def gray_inc(graycnt, enable, clock, reset, width):
    bincnt = Signal(modbv(0)[width:])
    inc_0 = inc(bincnt, enable, clock, reset)
    bin2gray_0 = bin2gray(B=bincnt, G=graycnt)
    return inc_0, bin2gray_0
Example #45
class CSRCMD:
    CSR commands.

    The CSR_READ command is for those cases when the 'rs1' field is zero.
    SZ_CMD = 3
    CSR_IDLE = 0
    CSR_READ = 4
    CSR_WRITE = 5
    CSR_SET = 6
    CSR_CLEAR = 7
    _CSR_IDLE = modbv(0)[SZ_CMD:]
    _CSR_READ = modbv(4)[SZ_CMD:]
    _CSR_WRITE = modbv(5)[SZ_CMD:]
    _CSR_SET = modbv(6)[SZ_CMD:]
    _CSR_CLEAR = modbv(7)[SZ_CMD:]
Example #46
    def _priv_stack():
        The priviledge mode stack.

        - At reset: machine mode.
        - Exception: shift stack to the left, enter machine mode.
        - Eret: shift stack to the right. Set next mode to User leve.
        if rst:
            priv_stack.next = 0b000110
        elif wen_internal & (rw.addr == CSRAddressMap.CSR_ADDR_MSTATUS):
            priv_stack.next = wdata_aux[6:0]
        elif exc_io.exception:
            # All exceptions to machine mode
            priv_stack.next = concat(priv_stack[3:0], modbv(0b11)[2:], False)
        elif exc_io.eret:
            priv_stack.next = concat(modbv(0)[2:], True, priv_stack[6:3])
Example #47
def CalcStack(data_out,

    if posedge:
        edge = clk.posedge
        edge = clk.negedge

    mem = [Signal(intbv(0)[width:]) for i in range(depth)]
    pointer = Signal(modbv(0, min=0, max=depth))

    @always_seq(edge, reset=None)
    def operate():
        # print('mem:', mem)
        if op == STACK_OP.PUSH:
            if not full:
                if pointer == depth - 1:
                    full.next = 1
                if empty:
                    empty.next = 0
                mem[pointer].next = data_in
                pointer.next = pointer + 1
                op_success.next = 1
                op_success.next = 0
        elif op == STACK_OP.POP:
            if not empty:
                if pointer == 1:
                    empty.next = 1
                if full:
                    full.next = 0
                data_out.next = mem[pointer - 1]
                pointer.next = pointer - 1
                op_success.next = 1
                op_success.next = 0
        elif op == STACK_OP.UADD:
            if pointer >= 2 or full:
                mem[pointer - 2].next = mem[pointer - 2] + mem[pointer - 1]
                pointer.next = pointer - 1
                op_success.next = 1
                op_success.next = 0
        elif op == STACK_OP.IDLE:

    return instances()
def test_hasti_bridge():
    haddr, core_mem_addr = [
        Signal(modbv(0)[HASTI_ADDR_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(2)
    hsize, core_mem_size = [
        Signal(modbv(0)[HASTI_SIZE_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(2)
    hwrite, hmastlock, hready, core_mem_wn, core_mem_wen, core_mem_en, core_mem_wait, core_badmem_e = [
        Signal(False) for _ in range(8)
    hburst = Signal(modbv(0)[HASTI_BURST_WIDTH:])
    hprot = Signal(modbv(0)[HASTI_PROT_WIDTH:])
    htrans = Signal(modbv(0)[HASTI_TRANS_WIDTH:])
    hwdata, hrdata, core_mem_wdata_delayed, core_mem_rdata = [
        Signal(modbv(0)[HASTI_BUS_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(4)
    hresp = Signal(modbv(0)[HASTI_RESP_WIDTH:])

    hasti_bridge_inst = hasti_bridge(haddr, hwrite, hsize, hburst, hmastlock,
                                     hprot, htrans, hwdata, core_mem_rdata,
                                     core_mem_wait, core_badmem_e, hrdata,
                                     hready, hresp, core_mem_en, core_mem_wen,
                                     core_mem_size, core_mem_addr,
Example #49
def tb_pwm():
    length = 4

    we = Signal(bool(0))
    bus_in = Signal(modbv(0)[length:])
    bus_out = Signal(modbv(0)[length:])

    output = Signal(bool(0))

    cnt_enable = Signal(bool(1))
    clock = Signal(bool(0))
    reset = ResetSignal(0, active=1, isasync=False)

    clk_driver = ClkDriver(clock)

    pwm_inst = pwm(we, bus_in, bus_out, output, cnt_enable, clock, reset,

    we_temp = Signal(bool(0))

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def seq():
        we.next = not we and we_temp

    def stimulus():
        i = 0
        k = 2**length
        #print k
        reset.next = True
        yield delay(40)
        reset.next = False
        yield delay(40)
        while i < k:
            #print i

            bus_in.next = i
            we_temp.next = True

            yield delay(40)
            we_temp.next = False
            yield delay(20 * k * 4)
            i = i + 1

    return instances()
Example #50
 def modOrInt(min, max, mod):
     if mod:
         return modbv(0 if default_value is None else default_value,
         return intbv(0 if default_value is None else default_value,
Example #51
def convert_int_to_float(target):
    INT_WIDTH = 6    

    float_sig = Signal(modbv(0)[(1+EXPONENT_WIDTH+FRACTION_WIDTH):])
    int_sig = Signal(modbv(0)[INT_WIDTH:])
    convertor = IntToFloat(
Example #52
 def assignments():
     final_fetch.next = (refill_addr[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:] == modbv(
         -1)[BLOCK_WIDTH -
             2:]) and mem_wbm.ack_i and mem_wbm.stb_o and mem_wbm.cyc_o
     lru_select.next = lru_pre
     current_lru.next = lru_out
     access_lru.next = ~miss_w
     busy.next = state != ic_states.IDLE
     final_flush.next = flush_addr == 0
Example #53
def createModbv(init, width):
    Wrapper to create unsigned bit vectors.

    - init:  Initial value.
    - width: Signal width.
    assert width >= 1, "Invalid width = {0}".format(width)
    return hdl.modbv(init)[width:]
Example #54
 def update_addr_fsm():
     if rst_i:
         dc_update_addr.next  = 0
         if state == dc_states.READ or state == dc_states.WRITE:
             if miss and not dirty:
                 dc_update_addr.next = concat(cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH], modbv(0)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:])
             elif miss and dirty:
                 dc_update_addr.next = concat(tag_entry, cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:2])
         elif state == dc_states.FLUSH2:
             if dirty:
                 dc_update_addr.next = concat(tag_entry, modbv(0)[WAY_WIDTH - 2:])
         elif state == dc_states.EVICTING or state == dc_states.FETCH or state == dc_states.FLUSH3:
             if final_access:
                 dc_update_addr.next = concat(cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH], modbv(0)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:])
             elif mem_wbm.ack_i and mem_wbm.stb_o:
                 dc_update_addr.next = dc_update_addr + modbv(1)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:]
             dc_update_addr.next = 0
Example #55
def testbench_qr():

    a, b, c, d = [Signal(modbv(0, min=0, max=2**32)) for _ in range(4)]
    ao, bo, co, do = [Signal(modbv(0, min=0, max=2**32)) for _ in range(4)]

    q1 = core.q_round(a, b, c, d, ao, bo, co, do)

    def stimulus():
        for _ in range(100):
            calc = [random.randrange(2**32) for _ in range(4)]
            a.next, b.next, c.next, d.next = calc
            quarter_round(calc, 0, 1, 2, 3)
            yield delay(10)
            print('Result: ' + ('%08X' * 4) % (a, b, c, d))
            print('Should: ' + ('%08X' * 4) % tuple(calc))
            assert (calc == [ao, bo, co, do])

    return q1, stimulus
Example #56
        def _custom_source(output, clock):
            counter = modbv(0, min=0, max=mod_max)
            reset = ResetSignal(bool(0), active=1, async=False)

            @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
            def custom():
                counter[:] = counter + 1
                output.next = counter

            return custom
Example #57
def IMMGen(sel,
    Generate the immediate values.

    :param sel:         Select the type of instruction/immediate
    :param instruction: Current instruction
    :param imm:         A 32-bit immediate value
    sign   = Signal(False)
    b30_20 = Signal(modbv(0)[11:])
    b19_12 = Signal(modbv(0)[8:])
    b11    = Signal(False)
    b10_5  = Signal(modbv(0)[6:])
    b4_1   = Signal(modbv(0)[4:])
    b0     = Signal(False)

    def _sign():
        sign.next     = False if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else instruction[31]

    def rtl():
        b30_20.next   = instruction[31:20] if sel == Consts.IMM_U else concat(sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign)
        b19_12.next   = instruction[20:12] if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_UJ) else concat(sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign)
        b11.next      = (False if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_Z) else
                         (instruction[20] if sel == Consts.IMM_UJ else
                          (instruction[7] if sel == Consts.IMM_SB else sign)))
        b10_5.next    = modbv(0)[6:] if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_Z) else instruction[31:25]
        b4_1.next     = (modbv(0)[4:] if sel == Consts.IMM_U else
                         (instruction[12:8] if (sel == Consts.IMM_S or sel == Consts.IMM_SB) else
                          (instruction[20:16] if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else instruction[25:21])))
        b0.next       = (instruction[7] if sel == Consts.IMM_S else
                         (instruction[20] if sel == Consts.IMM_I else
                          (instruction[15] if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else False)))

    def imm_concat():
        imm.next = concat(sign, b30_20, b19_12, b11, b10_5, b4_1, b0)

    return instances()
Example #58
 def rtl():
     if io.function == ALUOp.OP_ADD:
         io.output.next = io.input1 + io.input2
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_SLL:
         io.output.next = io.input1 << io.input2[5:0]
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_XOR:
         io.output.next = io.input1 ^ io.input2
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_SRL:
         io.output.next = io.input1 >> io.input2[5:0]
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_OR:
         io.output.next = io.input1 | io.input2
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_AND:
         io.output.next = io.input1 & io.input2
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_SUB:
         io.output.next = io.input1 - io.input2
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_SRA:
         io.output.next = io.input1.signed() >> io.input2[5:0]
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_SLT:
         io.output.next = concat(
             io.input1.signed() < io.input2.signed())
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_SLTU:
         io.output.next = concat(modbv(0)[31:], io.input1 < io.input2)
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_MUL:
         io.output.next = mult_l
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_MULH:
         io.output.next = mult_h
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_MULHSU:
         io.output.next = mult_h
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_MULHU:
         io.output.next = mult_h
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_DIV:
         io.output.next = quotient
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_DIVU:
         io.output.next = quotient
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_REM:
         io.output.next = remainder
     elif io.function == ALUOp.OP_REMU:
         io.output.next = remainder
         io.output.next = 0
Example #59
def Test(direction):
    rx = Signal(bool(0))
    tx = Signal(bool(1))
    rx_finish = Signal(bool(0))
    tx_occupy = Signal(bool(0))
    tx_start = Signal(bool(1))
    rx_reg = Signal(modbv(0)[8:])
    tx_reg = Signal(modbv(0b11010100)[8:])
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    rst = Signal(bool(0))
    baud_rate = 9600
    factor = 16
    clk_freq = 9600*factor  
    inst = UART(rx, tx, rx_finish, tx_occupy, tx_start, rx_reg, tx_reg, clk, rst, baud_rate=baud_rate, clk_freq=clk_freq)  
    if direction == 'tx':
        def stimulus():
            rx.next = 1            
            for k in range(1000):
                yield delay(10)
                clk.next = not clk    
        def stimulus():
            rx.next = 1
            for k in range(factor):
                clk.next = not clk
                yield delay(10)
                clk.next = not clk
                yield delay(10)

            for k in range(200):
                if k % factor == 0:
                    rx.next = not rx
                clk.next = not clk
                yield delay(10)
                clk.next = not clk
                yield delay(10)
    return instances()        
Example #60
def clock_divider(clk, clk_out, in_freq=50*10**6, out_freq=1):
    max_count = int(in_freq / (out_freq*2))
    count = Signal(modbv(0, min=0, max=2**ceil(log2(max_count))))

    def logic():
        count.next = count + 1
        if count.next > max_count:
            count.next = 0
            clk_out.next = not clk_out

    return logic