Example #1
def EulerDiscretization(x0, cdt, cdw, coeff_dt, y1, coeff_dw, y2, T, ndiv,
    num = 1
    dt = T / ndiv
    dim_x = x0.shape[0]
    x = np.zeros((dim_x, ndiv + 1))
    x[:, 0] = x0

    mynormal = nl.NormalDistribution("Polar-Marsaglia",
                                     rndom.randint(10, 10 * ndiv))
    mynormal.generateNormalDistribution(ndiv * dim_z)
    ndist = mynormal.getRdmNumbers()
    sqrt_t = math.sqrt(dt)
    done = object()
    z = np.zeros(dim_z)
    n = next(ndist, done)
    while (n is not done):
        k = 0
        while (k < dim_z) and (n is not done):
            z[k] = n
            k = k + 1
            n = next(ndist, done)

        x[:, num] = x[:, num - 1] + coeff_dt(
            x[:, num - 1], y1, dt * num, cdt) * dt + coeff_dw(
                x[:, num - 1], y2, dt * num, z, cdw) * sqrt_t
        num = num + 1
    return x
Example #2
def mc_stockprice(S0, r, sigma, T, nsims):
    normal = nl.NormalDistribution()
    for i in range(1, T + 1):
        z = normal.getRdmNumbers()
        const_drift = (r - sigma * sigma / 2.0) * i
        const_sigt = sigma * math.sqrt(i)
        l_payoff = list(
            mc_norm_payoff_variancered(const_drift, const_sigt, 0, z))
        yield S0 * (np.mean(l_payoff))
Example #3
def mc_stockpath(S0, r, sigma, T, ndiv, seed=14):
    ndiv = (int)(ndiv)
    normal = nl.NormalDistribution("Polar-Marsaglia", seed)

    dt = T / ndiv
    const_drift = (r - sigma * sigma / 2.0) * dt
    const_sigt = sigma * math.sqrt(dt)
    z = normal.getRdmNumbers()
    return mc_calc_exp(const_drift, const_sigt, z, S0)
Example #4
def mc_callprice(S0, X, r, sigma, T):
    nldist = nl.NormalDistribution("Polar-Marsaglia")
    nsim = 1000
    z = nldist.getRdmNumbers()
    const_x_s = X / S0
    disc = math.exp(-r * T)
    const_drift = (r - sigma * sigma / 2.0) * T
    const_sigt = sigma * math.sqrt(T)
    l_payoff = list(mc_norm_payoff(const_drift, const_sigt, const_x_s, z))
    return disc * S0 * (np.mean(l_payoff)), (disc * S0 *
                                             np.std(l_payoff, ddof=1) /
Example #5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

### Question 5

(a) Generate 5,000 Uniformly distributed random numbers on [0,1].
n = 5000
lgm2 = rndgen.LGMRandomGenerator(14)

(b) Generate 5,000 Normally distributed random numbers with mean 0 and variance 1, by Box- Muller Method.
boxmullernormal = nl.NormalDistribution("Box-Muller")
nrm1 = list(boxmullernormal.getRdmNumbers())

bins = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)
plt.hist(nrm1, bins, alpha=0.5)
plt.title("Histogram of Normal distribution : Box-Muller Method")
plt.xlabel("Random Number")

(c) Compute the empirical mean and the standard deviation of the sequence of numbers generated above of part (b).
#print('Q5.  b) Mean %f' % nrm1.mean())
#print('     c) Std Deviation %f' % nrm1.std())
Example #6
 def __init__(self, p=-0.7):
     self.__p = p
     self.__normal = nl.NormalDistribution("Polar-Marsaglia")
Example #7
import BlackScholesOptionPrice as bs
## Question 4

a) Estimate the price c of a European Call option on the stock following geometric brownian motion

nsim = 10000
sigma = 0.2
r = 0.04
S0 = 88
T = 5
X = 100

nldist = nl.NormalDistribution("Polar-Marsaglia")
z = nldist.getRdmNumbers()

mc_call = mc.mc_callprice(S0, X, r, sigma, T,  z, False)
print('Q4. a) European Call Option Price by MC Simulation = %f with std dev = %f' % (mc_call[0], mc_call[1]))

Compute the exact value of the option c by the Black-Scholes formula. Now use variance reduction techniques (whichever you want)
to estimate the price in part (a) again. Did the accuracy improve? Comment.
bsCallPrice = bs.EuropeanCallPrice(S0, X, r, sigma, T)
print('Q4. b) Black Scholes Price = %f' % bsCallPrice)

# We generate only half random numbers. nsim = nsim/2
nldist = nl.NormalDistribution("Polar-Marsaglia")
Example #8
    done = object()
    z1 = next(n1, done)
    z2 = next(n2, done)
    while (z1 is not done) and (z2 is not done):
        yield (1 + math.exp(-0.08 * t + sqr_t * (z1 / 3 + 3 * z2 / 4)))
        z1 = next(n1, done)
        z2 = next(n1, done)

start_time2 = timeit.default_timer()

T = 3
sqrt_t = math.sqrt(T)
nsims = 10000

normal1 = nl.NormalDistribution("Polar-Marsaglia", 14)
normal2 = nl.NormalDistribution("Polar-Marsaglia", 18)
n1 = normal1.getRdmNumbers()
n2 = normal2.getRdmNumbers()

res = wp.mycuberoot(np.asarray(list(myMC(n1, n2, T, sqrt_t))))
res_mean = np.mean(res)
res_var = np.var(res, ddof=1)
elapsed2 = timeit.default_timer() - start_time2

    '     b) Expected value of the function E[(1+Y)^(1/3)] = %f with var =%f     ****[%f sec]'
    % (res_mean, res_var, elapsed2))