Example #1
def build_class_with_annotated_fields(api: 'TypeChecker', base: Type, fields: 'OrderedDict[str, Type]',
                                      name: str) -> Instance:
    """Build an Instance with `name` that contains the specified `fields` as attributes and extends `base`."""
    # Credit: This code is largely copied/modified from TypeChecker.intersect_instance_callable and
    # NamedTupleAnalyzer.build_namedtuple_typeinfo
    from mypy.checker import gen_unique_name

    cur_module = cast(MypyFile, api.scope.stack[0])
    gen_name = gen_unique_name(name, cur_module.names)

    cdef = ClassDef(name, Block([]))
    cdef.fullname = cur_module.fullname() + '.' + gen_name
    info = TypeInfo(SymbolTable(), cdef, cur_module.fullname())
    cdef.info = info
    info.bases = [base]

    def add_field(var: Var, is_initialized_in_class: bool = False,
                  is_property: bool = False) -> None:
        var.info = info
        var.is_initialized_in_class = is_initialized_in_class
        var.is_property = is_property
        var._fullname = '%s.%s' % (info.fullname(), var.name())
        info.names[var.name()] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, var)

    vars = [Var(item, typ) for item, typ in fields.items()]
    for var in vars:
        add_field(var, is_property=True)


    cur_module.names[gen_name] = SymbolTableNode(GDEF, info, plugin_generated=True)
    return Instance(info, [])
Example #2
def add_new_class_for_module(
    module: MypyFile,
    name: str,
    bases: List[Instance],
    fields: Optional[Dict[str, MypyType]] = None,
    no_serialize: bool = False,
) -> TypeInfo:
    new_class_unique_name = checker.gen_unique_name(name, module.names)

    # make new class expression
    classdef = ClassDef(new_class_unique_name, Block([]))
    classdef.fullname = module.fullname + "." + new_class_unique_name

    # make new TypeInfo
    new_typeinfo = TypeInfo(SymbolTable(), classdef, module.fullname)
    new_typeinfo.bases = bases

    # add fields
    if fields:
        for field_name, field_type in fields.items():
            var = Var(field_name, type=field_type)
            var.info = new_typeinfo
            var._fullname = new_typeinfo.fullname + "." + field_name
            new_typeinfo.names[field_name] = SymbolTableNode(
                MDEF, var, plugin_generated=True, no_serialize=no_serialize)

    classdef.info = new_typeinfo
    module.names[new_class_unique_name] = SymbolTableNode(
        GDEF, new_typeinfo, plugin_generated=True, no_serialize=no_serialize)
    return new_typeinfo
Example #3
def add_new_class_for_module(module: MypyFile, name: str,
                             bases: List[Instance],
                             fields: 'OrderedDict[str, MypyType]') -> TypeInfo:
    new_class_unique_name = checker.gen_unique_name(name, module.names)

    # make new class expression
    classdef = ClassDef(new_class_unique_name, Block([]))
    classdef.fullname = module.fullname() + '.' + new_class_unique_name

    # make new TypeInfo
    new_typeinfo = TypeInfo(SymbolTable(), classdef, module.fullname())
    new_typeinfo.bases = bases

    def add_field_to_new_typeinfo(var: Var,
                                  is_initialized_in_class: bool = False,
                                  is_property: bool = False) -> None:
        var.info = new_typeinfo
        var.is_initialized_in_class = is_initialized_in_class
        var.is_property = is_property
        var._fullname = new_typeinfo.fullname() + '.' + var.name()
        new_typeinfo.names[var.name()] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, var)

    # add fields
    var_items = [Var(item, typ) for item, typ in fields.items()]
    for var_item in var_items:
        add_field_to_new_typeinfo(var_item, is_property=True)

    classdef.info = new_typeinfo
    module.names[new_class_unique_name] = SymbolTableNode(
        GDEF, new_typeinfo, plugin_generated=True)
    return new_typeinfo