Example #1
def transform_tuple_expr(builder: IRBuilder, expr: TupleExpr) -> Value:
    if any(isinstance(item, StarExpr) for item in expr.items):
        # create a tuple of unknown length
        return _visit_tuple_display(builder, expr)

    # create a tuple of fixed length (RTuple)
    tuple_type = builder.node_type(expr)
    # When handling NamedTuple et. al we might not have proper type info,
    # so make some up if we need it.
    types = (tuple_type.types if isinstance(tuple_type, RTuple) else
             [object_rprimitive] * len(expr.items))

    items = []
    for item_expr, item_type in zip(expr.items, types):
        reg = builder.accept(item_expr)
        items.append(builder.coerce(reg, item_type, item_expr.line))
    return builder.add(TupleSet(items, expr.line))
Example #2
def emit_yield(builder: IRBuilder, val: Value, line: int) -> Value:
    retval = builder.coerce(val, builder.ret_types[-1], line)

    cls = builder.fn_info.generator_class
    # Create a new block for the instructions immediately following the yield expression, and
    # set the next label so that the next time '__next__' is called on the generator object,
    # the function continues at the new block.
    next_block = BasicBlock()
    next_label = len(cls.continuation_blocks)
    builder.assign(cls.next_label_target, builder.add(LoadInt(next_label)), line)

    add_raise_exception_blocks_to_generator_class(builder, line)

    assert cls.send_arg_reg is not None
    return cls.send_arg_reg
Example #3
def gen_glue_ne_method(builder: IRBuilder, cls: ClassIR, line: int) -> FuncIR:
    """Generate a "__ne__" method from a "__eq__" method. """

    rt_args = (RuntimeArg("self", RInstance(cls)), RuntimeArg("rhs", object_rprimitive))

    # The environment operates on Vars, so we make some up
    fake_vars = [(Var(arg.name), arg.type) for arg in rt_args]
    args = [
                var, type, is_arg=True
        for var, type in fake_vars
    ]  # type: List[Value]
    builder.ret_types[-1] = object_rprimitive

    # If __eq__ returns NotImplemented, then __ne__ should also
    not_implemented_block, regular_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
    eqval = builder.add(MethodCall(args[0], '__eq__', [args[1]], line))
    not_implemented = builder.add(LoadAddress(not_implemented_op.type,
                                              not_implemented_op.src, line))
        builder.translate_is_op(eqval, not_implemented, 'is', line),

    retval = builder.coerce(
        builder.unary_op(eqval, 'not', line), object_rprimitive, line


    blocks, env, ret_type, _ = builder.leave()
    return FuncIR(
        FuncDecl('__ne__', cls.name, builder.module_name,
                 FuncSignature(rt_args, ret_type)),
        blocks, env)
Example #4
def calculate_arg_defaults(builder: IRBuilder, fn_info: FuncInfo,
                           env: Environment,
                           func_reg: Optional[Value]) -> None:
    """Calculate default argument values and store them.

    They are stored in statics for top level functions and in
    the function objects for nested functions (while constants are
    still stored computed on demand).
    fitem = fn_info.fitem
    for arg in fitem.arguments:
        # Constant values don't get stored but just recomputed
        if arg.initializer and not is_constant(arg.initializer):
            value = builder.coerce(builder.accept(arg.initializer),
                                   env.lookup(arg.variable).type, arg.line)
            if not fn_info.is_nested:
                name = fitem.fullname + '.' + arg.variable.name
                builder.add(InitStatic(value, name, builder.module_name))
                assert func_reg is not None
                    SetAttr(func_reg, arg.variable.name, value, arg.line))
Example #5
def gen_glue_ne_method(builder: IRBuilder, cls: ClassIR, line: int) -> None:
    """Generate a "__ne__" method from a "__eq__" method. """
    with builder.enter_method(cls, '__ne__', object_rprimitive):
        rhs_arg = builder.add_argument('rhs', object_rprimitive)

        # If __eq__ returns NotImplemented, then __ne__ should also
        not_implemented_block, regular_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
        eqval = builder.add(
            MethodCall(builder.self(), '__eq__', [rhs_arg], line))
        not_implemented = builder.add(
            LoadAddress(not_implemented_op.type, not_implemented_op.src, line))
            Branch(builder.translate_is_op(eqval, not_implemented, 'is', line),
                   not_implemented_block, regular_block, Branch.BOOL))

        retval = builder.coerce(builder.unary_op(eqval, 'not', line),
                                object_rprimitive, line)

Example #6
def translate_sum_call(builder: IRBuilder, expr: CallExpr,
                       callee: RefExpr) -> Optional[Value]:
    # specialized implementation is used if:
    # - only one or two arguments given (if not, sum() has been given invalid arguments)
    # - first argument is a Generator (there is no benefit to optimizing the performance of eg.
    #   sum([1, 2, 3]), so non-Generator Iterables are not handled)
    if not (len(expr.args) in (1, 2) and expr.arg_kinds[0] == ARG_POS
            and isinstance(expr.args[0], GeneratorExpr)):
        return None

    # handle 'start' argument, if given
    if len(expr.args) == 2:
        # ensure call to sum() was properly constructed
        if not expr.arg_kinds[1] in (ARG_POS, ARG_NAMED):
            return None
        start_expr = expr.args[1]
        start_expr = IntExpr(0)

    gen_expr = expr.args[0]
    target_type = builder.node_type(expr)
    retval = Register(target_type)
                   builder.coerce(builder.accept(start_expr), target_type, -1),

    def gen_inner_stmts() -> None:
        call_expr = builder.accept(gen_expr.left_expr)
        builder.assign(retval, builder.binary_op(retval, call_expr, '+', -1),

    loop_params = list(
        zip(gen_expr.indices, gen_expr.sequences, gen_expr.condlists))
    comprehension_helper(builder, loop_params, gen_inner_stmts, gen_expr.line)

    return retval
Example #7
def gen_glue_method(
    builder: IRBuilder,
    sig: FuncSignature,
    target: FuncIR,
    cls: ClassIR,
    base: ClassIR,
    line: int,
    do_pycall: bool,
) -> FuncIR:
    """Generate glue methods that mediate between different method types in subclasses.

    For example, if we have:

    class A:
        def f(builder: IRBuilder, x: int) -> object: ...

    then it is totally permissible to have a subclass

    class B(A):
        def f(builder: IRBuilder, x: object) -> int: ...

    since '(object) -> int' is a subtype of '(int) -> object' by the usual
    contra/co-variant function subtyping rules.

    The trickiness here is that int and object have different
    runtime representations in mypyc, so A.f and B.f have
    different signatures at the native C level. To deal with this,
    we need to generate glue methods that mediate between the
    different versions by coercing the arguments and return

    If do_pycall is True, then make the call using the C API
    instead of a native call.
    builder.ret_types[-1] = sig.ret_type

    rt_args = list(sig.args)
    if target.decl.kind == FUNC_NORMAL:
        rt_args[0] = RuntimeArg(sig.args[0].name, RInstance(cls))

    # The environment operates on Vars, so we make some up
    fake_vars = [(Var(arg.name), arg.type) for arg in rt_args]
    args = [
        builder.read(builder.environment.add_local_reg(var, type, is_arg=True),
                     line) for var, type in fake_vars
    arg_names = [arg.name for arg in rt_args]
    arg_kinds = [concrete_arg_kind(arg.kind) for arg in rt_args]

    if do_pycall:
        retval = builder.builder.py_method_call(args[0], target.name, args[1:],
                                                line, arg_kinds[1:],
        retval = builder.builder.call(target.decl, args, arg_kinds, arg_names,
    retval = builder.coerce(retval, sig.ret_type, line)

    blocks, env, ret_type, _ = builder.leave()
    return FuncIR(
        FuncDecl(target.name + '__' + base.name + '_glue', cls.name,
                 builder.module_name, FuncSignature(rt_args, ret_type),
                 target.decl.kind), blocks, env)
Example #8
def translate_cast_expr(builder: IRBuilder, expr: CastExpr) -> Value:
    src = builder.accept(expr.expr)
    target_type = builder.type_to_rtype(expr.type)
    return builder.coerce(src, target_type, expr.line)
Example #9
def generate_attr_defaults(builder: IRBuilder, cdef: ClassDef) -> None:
    """Generate an initialization method for default attr values (from class vars)."""
    cls = builder.mapper.type_to_ir[cdef.info]
    if cls.builtin_base:

    # Pull out all assignments in classes in the mro so we can initialize them
    # TODO: Support nested statements
    default_assignments = []
    for info in reversed(cdef.info.mro):
        if info not in builder.mapper.type_to_ir:
        for stmt in info.defn.defs.body:
            if (isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt)
                    and isinstance(stmt.lvalues[0], NameExpr)
                    and not is_class_var(stmt.lvalues[0])
                    and not isinstance(stmt.rvalue, TempNode)):
                if stmt.lvalues[0].name == '__slots__':

                # Skip type annotated assignments in dataclasses
                if is_dataclass(cdef) and stmt.type:


    if not default_assignments:

    builder.ret_types[-1] = bool_rprimitive

    rt_args = (RuntimeArg(SELF_NAME, RInstance(cls)), )
    self_var = builder.read(add_self_to_env(builder.environment, cls), -1)

    for stmt in default_assignments:
        lvalue = stmt.lvalues[0]
        assert isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr)
        if not stmt.is_final_def and not is_constant(stmt.rvalue):
            builder.warning('Unsupported default attribute value',

        # If the attribute is initialized to None and type isn't optional,
        # don't initialize it to anything.
        attr_type = cls.attr_type(lvalue.name)
        if isinstance(stmt.rvalue,
                      RefExpr) and stmt.rvalue.fullname == 'builtins.None':
            if (not is_optional_type(attr_type)
                    and not is_object_rprimitive(attr_type)
                    and not is_none_rprimitive(attr_type)):
        val = builder.coerce(builder.accept(stmt.rvalue), attr_type, stmt.line)
        builder.add(SetAttr(self_var, lvalue.name, val, -1))


    blocks, env, ret_type, _ = builder.leave()
    ir = FuncIR(
        FuncDecl('__mypyc_defaults_setup', cls.name, builder.module_name,
                 FuncSignature(rt_args, ret_type)), blocks, env)
    cls.methods[ir.name] = ir
Example #10
def gen_glue_method(
    builder: IRBuilder,
    sig: FuncSignature,
    target: FuncIR,
    cls: ClassIR,
    base: ClassIR,
    line: int,
    do_pycall: bool,
) -> FuncIR:
    """Generate glue methods that mediate between different method types in subclasses.

    For example, if we have:

    class A:
        def f(builder: IRBuilder, x: int) -> object: ...

    then it is totally permissible to have a subclass

    class B(A):
        def f(builder: IRBuilder, x: object) -> int: ...

    since '(object) -> int' is a subtype of '(int) -> object' by the usual
    contra/co-variant function subtyping rules.

    The trickiness here is that int and object have different
    runtime representations in mypyc, so A.f and B.f have
    different signatures at the native C level. To deal with this,
    we need to generate glue methods that mediate between the
    different versions by coercing the arguments and return

    If do_pycall is True, then make the call using the C API
    instead of a native call.
    builder.ret_types[-1] = sig.ret_type

    rt_args = list(sig.args)
    if target.decl.kind == FUNC_NORMAL:
        rt_args[0] = RuntimeArg(sig.args[0].name, RInstance(cls))

    arg_info = get_args(builder, rt_args, line)
    args, arg_kinds, arg_names = arg_info.args, arg_info.arg_kinds, arg_info.arg_names

    # We can do a passthrough *args/**kwargs with a native call, but if the
    # args need to get distributed out to arguments, we just let python handle it
    if (any(kind.is_star() for kind in arg_kinds)
            and any(not arg.kind.is_star() for arg in target.decl.sig.args)):
        do_pycall = True

    if do_pycall:
        if target.decl.kind == FUNC_STATICMETHOD:
            # FIXME: this won't work if we can do interpreted subclasses
            first = builder.builder.get_native_type(cls)
            st = 0
            first = args[0]
            st = 1
        retval = builder.builder.py_method_call(first, target.name, args[st:],
                                                line, arg_kinds[st:],
        retval = builder.builder.call(target.decl, args, arg_kinds, arg_names,
    retval = builder.coerce(retval, sig.ret_type, line)

    arg_regs, _, blocks, ret_type, _ = builder.leave()
    return FuncIR(
        FuncDecl(target.name + '__' + base.name + '_glue', cls.name,
                 builder.module_name, FuncSignature(rt_args, ret_type),
                 target.decl.kind), arg_regs, blocks)