Example #1
    def validate_patch(cls, patchdata):
        CORRECT_CONTENTS = open(cls.NEW_FILE).read()
        the_patch = patch.fromstring(patchdata)

        # the_patch.hunks now contains a list of lists.

        # For each file that appears in the patch file, there is a
        # list of hunks (patch changesets) that apply to that file.

        # If patch.fromstring() indicates that the patch affects zero files,
        # then the_patch.hunks will be a zero-length list.
        if not the_patch.hunks:
            raise IncorrectPatch, 'The file resulting from patching does not have the correct contents. \
        Make sure you are including the diff headers (those --- and +++ and @@ lines; You might want to look at the "Medium" hint.)'

        # If it affects more than one file, then that would be a
        # mistake as well.
        if len(the_patch.hunks) > 1:
            raise IncorrectPatch, 'The patch affects more than one file.'

        # So now we can grab just the relevant hunks.
        hunks = the_patch.hunks[0]

        # Is the diff reversed?
        text_when_patch_applied_in_reverse = SingleFilePatch.apply_patch(
            the_patch, hunks, cls.NEW_FILE)
        if text_when_patch_applied_in_reverse == open(cls.OLD_FILE).read():
            raise IncorrectPatch, 'It looks like the order of files passed to diff was flipped. \
        To generate a diff representing the changes you made to originalfile.txt \
        to get to modifiedfile.txt, do "diff -u originalfile.txt modifiedfile.txt".'

        # Check that it will apply correctly to the file.
        # if not the_patch._match_file_hunks(cls.OLD_FILE, the_patch.hunks[0]):
        #   raise IncorrectPatch, 'The patch will not apply correctly to the original file.'

        resulting_contents = SingleFilePatch.apply_patch(
            the_patch, hunks, cls.OLD_FILE)
        # Are the results just totally perfect?
        if resulting_contents == CORRECT_CONTENTS:
            # Sweet! Success.
            return True

        # Okay, at this point, we know the resulting contents are not good.

        # Maybe the problem is that the user accidentally removed
        # line-ending whitespace from the patch file. We detect that
        # by seeing if \n\n appears in the patch file.
        if '\n\n' in patchdata or '\r\n\r\n' in patchdata:
            raise IncorrectPatch, 'You seem to have removed the space (" ") characters at the end of some lines. Those are essential to the patch format. If you are a Windows user, check the hints on how to copy and paste from the terminal.'

        # Otherwise, we give a generic error message.
        raise IncorrectPatch, 'The file resulting from patching does not have the correct contents.'
Example #2
    def validate_patch(cls, patchdata):
        the_patch = patch.fromstring(patchdata)

        # Strip one level of directories from the left of the filenames.
        for i, filename in enumerate(the_patch.source):
            the_patch.source[i] = cls.strip_filename_one_path_level(filename)
        for i, filename in enumerate(the_patch.target):
            the_patch.target[i] = cls.strip_filename_one_path_level(filename)

        # Go through the files and check that ones that should be mentioned in
        # the patch are so mentioned.
        path_to_mission_files = os.path.join(
            get_mission_data_path('diffpatch'), cls.ORIG_DIR)
        for filename in os.listdir(path_to_mission_files):
            old_style_filename = filename
            full_filename = os.path.join(path_to_mission_files, filename)
            if not os.path.isfile(full_filename):

            old_contents = open(full_filename).read()
            new_contents = old_contents
            for old, new in cls.SUBSTITUTIONS:
                new_contents = new_contents.replace(old, new)
            if old_contents == new_contents:

            # So it's a file that the patch should modify.
                index = the_patch.source.index(filename)
            except ValueError:
                # A file the user was supposed to modify was not included in
                # the patch.
                # We did rename a bunch of the files a little while ago.
                # Maybe we can process their submission anyway by looking for
                # the old filename in the patch header.
                old_style_filename = DiffRecursiveMission.name_new2old(
                    index = the_patch.source.index(old_style_filename)
                except ValueError:
                    raise IncorrectPatch, 'Patch does not modify file "%s", which it should modify.' % filename

            if (the_patch.target[index] != filename and
                    the_patch.target[index] != old_style_filename):
                raise IncorrectPatch, 'Patch headers for file "%s" have inconsistent filenames.' % filename

            hunks = the_patch.hunks[index]
            del the_patch.source[index]
            del the_patch.target[index]
            del the_patch.hunks[index]
            del the_patch.hunkends[index]

            # Check that it will apply correctly to the file.
            if not the_patch._match_file_hunks(full_filename, hunks):

                # Check for reverse patch by seeing if there is "-firstSubstitute" and "+firstOriginal" in the diff.
                # (If they did everything perfectly and reversed the patch, there will be two lines following these conditions)
                if patchdata.find('-' + cls.SUBSTITUTIONS[1][1]) != -1 and patchdata.find('+' + cls.SUBSTITUTIONS[1][0]) != -1:
                    raise IncorrectPatch, 'You submitted a patch that would revert the correct changes back to the originals.  You may have mixed the parameters for diff, or performed a reverse patch.'
                    raise IncorrectPatch, 'The modifications to "%s" will not apply correctly to the original file.' % filename

            # Check for BOM issues.  Likely a Windows-only issue, and only when using a text editor that
            # includes UTF-8 BOM markers when saving files.
            if '\xef\xbb\xbf' in ''.join(the_patch.patch_stream(StringIO(old_contents), hunks)):
                raise IncorrectPatch, 'It appears the text editor you used to modify "%s" leaves UTF-8 BOM characters.  Try an editor like Notepad++ or something similar.' % filename

            # Check that the resulting file matches what is expected.
            if ''.join(the_patch.patch_stream(StringIO(old_contents), hunks)) != new_contents:
                raise IncorrectPatch, 'The modifications to "%s" do not result in the correct contents. Make sure you replaced "Aubergine", too!' % filename

        if len(the_patch.source) != 0:
            raise IncorrectPatch, 'The patch modifies files that it should not modify: %s' % ', '.join(