def test_columnnames_unicode(self): """Table names should unicode objects in cursor.description""" exp = [('ham', 8, None, None, None, None, 0, 129)] cursor = self.cnx.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT 1 as 'ham'") cursor.fetchall() self.assertEqual(exp, cursor.description)
def test_rawfetchall(self): cursor = self.cnx.cursor(raw=True) cursor.execute("SELECT 1") try: cursor.fetchall() except errors.InterfaceError:"fetchall() raises although result is available")
def deleterequest(cnx, cursor, id, placeid, which, results): if which == 0: while 1: featid = input("Please input the feature id from the above list you would like to update:\n") isafeat = 0 for result in results: if result[4] == featid: isafeat = 1 if isafeat: break else: print("Not a valid feature id from the results. Try again") delete = ("INSERT INTO change_requests " "(userid, featureid, changetype, streetid) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)") cursor.execute(delete, (id, featid, "delete", placeid)) cnx.commit() print("Change request submitted") elif which == 1: while 1: featid = "Please input the feature id from the above list you would like to update:" isafeat = 0 for result in results: if result[2] == featid: isafeat = 1 if isafeat: break else: print("Not a valid feature id from the results. Try again") delete = ("INSERT INTO change_requests " "(userid, featureid, changetype, intersectionid) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)") cursor.execute(delete, (id, featid, "delete", placeid)) cnx.commit() print("Change request submitted")
def get_book(): """ Connect to MySQL database """ conn = None try: conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='db', port='3306', database='bookflix', user='******', password='******') category = request.values.get('category') category_type = request.values.get('category_type') sql_select_booking_query = """Select * from book where genre = %s""" cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_booking_query, (category_type, )) record = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() except Error as e: print(e) finally: if conn is not None and conn.is_connected(): conn.close() return json.dumps(record)
def login_db_con() -> 'html': u_id = request.form["user_id"] u_pw = request.form["user_pw"] dbconfig = { 'host': 'localhost', 'user': '******', 'password': '', 'database': 'member_db' } conn = mysql.connector.connect(**dbconfig) cursor = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT * FROM login_t WHERE id=%s and pw=%s" cursor.execute(SQL, (u_id, u_pw)) alldata = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() info = '' if (len(alldata) >= 1): if u_id == 'admin': return redirect('/admin/') print("logged in...") session.clear() session["user_id"] = u_id return redirect('/') else: print("who are you...") return render_template("admin_login.html", info='다시입력해주세요.')
def list_category(): """ Connect to MySQL database """ category_no = 0 conn = None try: conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='db', port='3306', database='bookflix', user='******', password='******') category = request.values.get('category') cursor = conn.cursor() if category == "read": category_no = 1 elif category == "started": category_no = 2 elif category == "liked": category_no = 3 elif category == "disliked": category_no = 4 print(category_no) sql_list_query = "Select title, author_name from user_client natural join book where list_id = %s" cursor.execute(sql_list_query, (category_no, )) record = cursor.fetchall() except Error as e: print(e) finally: if conn is not None and conn.is_connected(): conn.close() return json.dumps(record)
def delete_book(): """ Connect to MySQL database """ conn = None try: conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='db', port='3306', database='bookflix', user='******', password='******') book_id = request.values.get('book_id') sql_select_booking_query = "Select * from book where book_id = %s" cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_booking_query, (book_id, )) exits = cursor.fetchone() if exits != "": sql_Delete_query = "Delete from book where book_id = %s" cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_Delete_query, (book_id, )) conn.commit() except Error as e: print(e) finally: if conn is not None and conn.is_connected(): conn.close() return ""
def update(self, book): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = "update books set title = %s, author = %s, price = %s where ISBN = %s" values = [book['title'], book['author'], book['price'], book['ISBN']] cursor.execute(sql, values) self.db.commit() return book
def create(self, book): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = "insert into books (ISBN, title, author, price) values (%s,%s,%s,%s)" values = [book['ISBN'], book['title'], book['author'], book['price']] cursor.execute(sql, values) self.db.commit() return cursor.lastrowid
def findById(self, ISBN): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = 'select * from books where ISBN = %s' values = [ISBN] cursor.execute(sql, values) result = cursor.fetchone() return self.convertToDict(result)
def findById(self, id): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = "select * from coffeeconsumers where id = %s" values = [id] cursor.execute(sql, values) result = cursor.fetchone() return self.convertToDict(result)
def open(): querry = "select * from users where name = %s " try: cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(querry, (request.form["username"],)) result = cursor.fetchall() logTime = logUserId = result[0][0] cursor.close() if len(result) > 0: if currentlyLocked[0] == True: currentlyLocked[0] = False logAction = "Opened the lock" logDbAction(logUserId, logAction, logTime) return "opend" else: logAction = "Tried to open already open lock" logDbAction(logUserId, logAction, logTime) return "Aleady Open" else: logAction = "tried to open the lock but denied due to invalid credentials" logDbAction(logUserId, logAction, logTime) return "denied" except Exception, err: print Exception, err
def test_columnnames_unicode(self): """Table names should unicode objects in cursor.description""" exp = [("ham", 8, None, None, None, None, 0, 129)] cursor = self.cnx.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT 1 as 'ham'") cursor.fetchall() self.assertEqual(exp, cursor.description)
def create(self, values): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = "insert into dvds (title, director, price) values (%s,%s,%s)" cursor.execute(sql, values) self.db.commit() return cursor.lastrowid
def get(self): db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password="******", database='project') disease = request.args.get("disease") print("disease names are = %s" % (disease)) query = """ select sName from symptoms where sId in ( select ds.sId from diseaseSymptoms ds,disease d where ds.dId = d.dId and dName = "%s" ); """ cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query % (disease)) symptoms = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() result = [] for i in symptoms: result.append(i[0]) return result
def delete(self, ClientID): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = 'delete from clients where ClientID = %s' values = [ClientID] cursor.execute(sql, values) return {}
def get(self): db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password="******", database='project') symptoms = request.args.get("symptoms") symptoms = symptoms.split(",") symptoms = ",".join(map(str, symptoms)) print("disease are {}".format(symptoms)) cursor = db.cursor() query = """ select dName,count(*) as frequency from disease d,diseaseSymptoms ds,symptoms s where d.dId = ds.dId and ds.sId = s.sId and sName in (%s) group by dName order by frequency desc; """ cursor.execute(query % (symptoms)) record = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() print(record) return record
def get(self, table): db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password="******", database='project') data = [] #query = 'select {0} from {1} where {0} like "{2}%"' # this will fetch all data from given table query = 'select distinct {0} from {1}' val = request.args.get("query") if (table == "disease"): query = query.format("dName", table) elif (table == "symptoms"): query = query.format("sName", table) elif (table == "medicine"): query = query.format("mName", table) elif (table == "chemicals"): query = query.format("cName", table) else: return {"message": "an error in query parameter"}, 400 cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query) except: print("error ocuured while executing sql") cursor.close() return {"message": "error occured"}, 500 result = cursor.fetchall() for i in result: data.append(i[0]) db.close() return data
def get(self): db = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password="******", database='project') query = """ select mName,modeOfAdministration from medicine where mId in ( select similar from similarMedicine where mId in ( select s.mId from medicine m,similarMedicine s where m.mId = s.similar and m.mName = "%s" ) ); """ name = request.args.get("medicine") cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query % (name)) result = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return result
def read (): db = mysql.connector.connect( # host="localhost", # user="******", # password="", # database = "mydatabase" host="", user="******", password="******", database="a001ta7fuectz1bw" ) cursor = db.cursor() ## defining the Query query = "SELECT link FROM links" ## getting records from the table cursor.execute(query) ## fetching all records from the 'cursor' object records = cursor.fetchall() ## Showing the data links = [] for record in records: links.append(record[0]) return links
def update(self,table,data,params={},join='AND',commit=True,lock=True): # 更新数据 try : fields,values = self.__contact_fields(data) if params : where ,whereValues = self.__contact_where(params) values.extend(whereValues) if whereValues else values sqlWhere= ' WHERE '+where if where else '' cursor = self.__getCursor() if commit : self.begin() if lock : sqlSelect="SELECT %s From `%s` %s for update" % (','.join(tuple(list(params.keys()))),table,sqlWhere) cursor.execute(sqlSelect,tuple(whereValues)) # 加行锁 sqlUpdate = "UPDATE `%s` SET %s "% (table,fields) + sqlWhere self.__display_Debug_IO(sqlUpdate,tuple(values)) #DEBUG cursor.execute(sqlUpdate,tuple(values)) if commit : self.commit() return cursor.rowcount except Exception as err: try : raise BaseError(705,err._full_msg) except : raise BaseError(705,err.args)
def tableDemonstracoesContaveis(): try: db = mysql.connector.connect( host='localhost', user='******', passwd='Teste3pswd!', auth_plugin='mysql_native_password', database='teste3' ) # o ideal seria por a senha em outro arquivo, mas tudo bem cursor = db.cursor() with db: createquery = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Demonstracoes_Contaveis( id int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, DATA date, REG_ANS int(10), CD_CONTA_CONTABIL int, DESCRICAO varchar(60), VL_SALDO_FINAL float(9,2)) """ datequery = '''SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATA, "%d/%m/%Y") FROM Demonstracoes_Contaveis''' cursor.execute(createquery) cursor.execute(datequery) except mysql.connector.Error as e: print(e)
def deposit(request): time1 = time2 = str(time1) today = time2[0:19] currentBalance = getData(int(request.session.get('user_id', None))) context = { "message": "Connectez - vous s.v.p ", "error": False, "data": "" } cursor = connection.cursor() amount = int(currentBalance['account_amount']) + 500 # Update the Amount cursor.execute( """ UPDATE account SET account_amount=%s WHERE account_user_id=%s """, (amount, request.session.get('user_id', None))) # Update the Transactions cursor.execute( """ INSERT INTO `mytransaction` SET mytransaction_user_id=%s, mytransaction_type=%s, mytransaction_amount=%s, mytransaction_description=%s, mytransaction_date=%s ,montant_restant=%s,mytransaction_montant_depot=%s """, (request.session.get('user_id', None), "Credit", "500", "Vous avez fait un depot de 500", today, amount, 500)) messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, "Ton Compte a ete credite de 500/-") return redirect('/users/dashboard')
def get_query_list_to_replicate(last_update): dct_data_list = {} lst_replications = [] time_stamp = '' cursor = None insert_sql = None try: select_sql = 'select `id`,`table`,`schema`,`query`,`type`,`time_stamp` from maticagent_replicate.replication_data where id > \''+str(last_update)+'\' order by `schema`, `table` ' print select_sql cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(select_sql + "limit 10") for row in cursor: insert_sql = row['query'] schema = row['schema'] table = row['table'] dct_repliction = {} dct_repliction['schema'] = schema dct_repliction['table'] = table dct_repliction['query'] = insert_sql lst_replications.append(dct_repliction) last_update = row['id'] time_stamp = row['time_stamp'] dct_data_list['queries'] =lst_replications dct_data_list['last_update'] = last_update dct_data_list['time_stamp'] = time_stamp except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(err) cursor.close(); return dct_data_list
def link_aadhar_card(request): userId = request.session.get('user_id', None) userDetails = user.objects.get(user_id=userId) cursor = connection.cursor() context = {"fn": "update", "userdetails": userDetails} currentUserDetails = user.objects.get(user_id=userId) context[ 'sub_heading'] = "Update Details of " + currentUserDetails.user_name # Message according Users Role # if (request.method == "POST"): try: cursor.execute( """ UPDATE users_user SET user_aadhar=%s WHERE user_id=%s """, (request.POST['user_aadhar'], userId)) except Exception, e: return HttpResponse('Something went wrong. Error Message : ' + str(e)) context["userdetails"] = user.objects.get(user_id=userId) messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, "Your Aadhar Card Updated Successfully !!!") return render(request, 'aadhar.html', context)
def list_books(): """ Connect to MySQL database """ conn = None try: conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='db', port='3306', database='bookflix', user='******', password='******') print("DA") sql_list_query = "Select * from book" cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_list_query) record = cursor.fetchall() print("DA") print(record) except Error as e: print(e) finally: if conn is not None and conn.is_connected(): conn.close() return json.dumps(record)
def delete(self, ISBN): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = 'delete from books where ISBN = %s' values = [ISBN] cursor.execute(sql, values) return {}
def demonstracoes_to_sql(): try: db = mysql.connector.connect( host='localhost', user='******', passwd='Teste3pswd!', auth_plugin='mysql_native_password', database='teste3' ) # o ideal seria por a senha em outro arquivo, mas tudo bem cursor = db.cursor() for nn in range(19, 21): nn = str(nn) for i in range(1, 5): i = str(i) file = f'csvs_teste3/{i}T20{nn}.csv' with db: with open(file, newline='') as file: csv_data = csv.reader(file, delimiter=';', strict=True) skip = True try: for row in csv_data: if skip: skip = False continue query = f"INSERT INTO teste3.Demonstracoes_Contaveis(DATA, REG_ANS, CD_CONTA_CONTABIL, DESCRICAO, VL_SALDO_FINAL) VALUES({row[0]},{row[1]},{row[2]},{row[3]},{row[4]})", cursor.execute(query) except Exception: print('demonstracoes_to_sql() Error') except mysql.connector.Error as e: print(e)
def count(self,table,params={},join='AND'): # 根据条件统计行数 try : sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s' % table if params : where ,whereValues = self.__contact_where(params) sqlWhere= ' WHERE '+where if where else '' sql+=sqlWhere #sql = self.__joinWhere(sql,params,join) cursor = self.__getCursor() self.__display_Debug_IO(sql,tuple(whereValues)) #DEBUG if self.DataName=='ORACLE': cursor.execute(sql % tuple(whereValues)) else : cursor.execute(sql,tuple(whereValues)) #cursor.execute(sql,tuple(params.values())) result = cursor.fetchone(); return result[0] if result else 0 #except: # raise BaseError(707) except Exception as err: try : raise BaseError(707,err._full_msg) except : raise BaseError(707)
def create(self): """ Description Function To insert value in database table stocks data """ try: print('Enter your name:') name = input() print('Enter your address:') address = input() print(e) cursor = self.db.cursor() val = (name, address) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO " + self.__table_name + " (stockname, stockprice) VALUES (%s, %s)", val) self.db.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "record inserted.") except ValueError as e: print(e)
def update(self): """ Description Function To update value in database table stocks data """ try: print("Enter id") id = input() print('Edit name:') name = input() print('Edit price:') price = input() cursor = self.db.cursor() val = (name, price, id) cursor.execute( "update " + self.__table_name + " set stockname=%s, stockprice=%s where stockid=%s", val) self.db.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "record update.") except ValueError as e: print(e)
def findByID(self, eeID): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = "select * from employees where eeID = %s" values = [eeID] cursor.execute(sql, values) result = cursor.fetchone() return self.convertToDict(result)
def findById(self, codenr): # Find a whiskey by entered the codenr cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = 'select * from whiskey where codenr = %s' values = [ codenr ] cursor.execute(sql, values) result = cursor.fetchone() return self.convertToDict(result)
def delete(self, codenr): # Delete whiskey with selected codenr cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = 'delete from whiskey where codenr = %s' values = [codenr] cursor.execute(sql, values) return {}
def insert(self, id, name, location, state, distance, max_group_size, type, season): #query mysql to insert into table query = ( "INSERT INTO tour " "(tid, name, location, state, distance, maxGroupSize, type, season)" "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)") args = (id, name, location, state, distance, max_group_size, type, season) try: self.db = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', database='adventure', password="******") cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(query, args) if cursor.lastrowid: print('last insert id', cursor.lastrowid) else: print("The following was added to the table: ") print(args) self.db.commit() self.addTour(self.db, cursor) except mysql.connector.Error as error: print("\n" + "There was an error") print(error) print('\n' + "Please type valid input" + "\n") self.usrInputForInsert()
def count(self, table, params={}, join='AND'): # 根据条件统计行数 try: sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%s`' % table if params: where, whereValues = self.__contact_where(params) sqlWhere = ' WHERE ' + where if where else '' sql += sqlWhere #sql = self.__joinWhere(sql,params,join) cursor = self.__getCursor() self.__display_Debug_IO(sql, tuple(whereValues)) #DEBUG cursor.execute(sql, tuple(whereValues)) #cursor.execute(sql,tuple(params.values())) result = cursor.fetchone() return result[0] if result else 0 #except: # raise BaseError(707) except Exception as err: try: raise BaseError(707, err._full_msg) except: raise BaseError(707)
def lock(): querry = ("select * from users where name = %s ") try: cursor=cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(querry, (request.form['username'],)) result = cursor.fetchall() logTime = logUserId = result[0][0] cursor.close() if len(result) > 0: if currentlyLocked[0] == True: logAction = "Attempted to lock already locked lock" logDbAction(logUserId,logAction,logTime) return "Already Locked" else: logAction = "Locked the lock" logDbAction(logUserId,logAction,logTime) currentlyLocked[0] = True return "locked" else: logAction = "tried to lock the lock but denied due to invalid credentials" logDbAction(logUserId,logAction,logTime) return 'denied' cursor.close except Exception, err: print Exception,err
def update_replicated_database(dct_element_map): dct_update_status = {} row_count = 0 rows_processed = 0 cmd_id = dct_element_map['CID'] lst_replications = dct_element_map['replications'] for dct_replication in lst_replications: table = dct_replication['table'] schema = dct_replication['schema'] cursor = None lst_queries = dct_replication[schema+'.'+table] try: query = prepare_query(lst_queries,schema); cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) # cnx.commit() rows_processed+=1 except mysql.connector.Error as err: print err log_error_to_table(str(err)+'for query - '+query) cursor.close() row_count+=1 dct_update_status['row_count'] = row_count dct_update_status['rows_processed'] = rows_processed dct_update_status['cmd_id'] = cmd_id return dct_update_status
def log_error_to_table(err): sql = 'insert into '+mysql_server_controller_schema+'.client_errors (cmd,error,time_stamp) values (\''+element_map['CID']+'\',\''+err.replace('\'','|')+'\',now())' try: cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) cnx.commit() except mysql.connector.Error as err: print err return
def logDbAction(userid,logAction,logTime): cursor = cnx.cursor() insert = (userid,logAction,logTime) querry = ("insert into logs (userid, action, time) VALUES (%s,%s, %s)") cursor.execute(querry, insert) result = cursor.fetchall print(cursor.statement + " " + str(cursor.rowcount)) cursor.close cnx.commit()
def create_command_id(): command_id = 'CMD_' sql = 'select count(*)+1 as count ,date_format(now(),\'%Y_%m_%d_%H_%i_%s\') as c_time from queue_messages' cursor = cnx.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(sql) for row in cursor: command_id = command_id + str(row['c_time'])+'_'+str(row['count']) print ('Command ID - '+command_id) return command_id
def _test_execute_cleanup(self, connection, tbl="myconnpy_cursor"): stmt_drop = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s""" % (tbl) try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(stmt_drop) except (StandardError), e:"Failed cleaning up test table; %s" % e)
def countBySql(self,sql,params = {},join = 'AND'): # 自定义sql 统计影响行数 try: cursor = self.__getCursor() sql = self.__joinWhere(sql,params,join) cursor.execute(sql,tuple(params.values())) result = cursor.fetchone(); return result[0] if result else 0 except: raise BaseError(707)
def _test_execute_cleanup(self,db,tbl="myconnpy_cursor"): stmt_drop = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s""" % (tbl) try: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(stmt_drop) except (Exception) as e:"Failed cleaning up test table; %s" % e) cursor.close()
def _test_callproc_cleanup(self, connection): sp_names = ('myconnpy_sp_1', 'myconnpy_sp_2', 'myconnpy_sp_3') stmt_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS %s" try: cursor = connection.cursor() for sp_name in sp_names: cursor.execute(stmt_drop % sp_name) except errors.Error, e:"Failed cleaning up test stored routine; %s" % e)
def _test_execute_setup(self,db,tbl="myconnpy_cursor",engine="MyISAM"): self._test_execute_cleanup(db,tbl) stmt_create = """CREATE TABLE %s (col1 INT, col2 VARCHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY (col1)) ENGINE=%s""" % (tbl,engine) try: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(stmt_create) except (StandardError), e:"Failed setting up test table; %s" % e)
def _test_callproc_cleanup(self,db,prc="myconnpy_callproc"): sp_names = ('myconnpy_sp_1','myconnpy_sp_2') stmt_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS %s" try: cursor = db.cursor() for sp_name in sp_names: cursor.execute(stmt_drop % sp_name) except errors.Error as e:"Failed cleaning up test stored routine; %s" % e) cursor.close()
def view_sales_spec_year(self): ## get sql screen = self._Menu_Node__tree._Menu_Tree__screen screen.output("Enter Year") while True: screen.update() ans = screen.input() if not ans.isdecimal(): continue year = int(ans) break cursor.execute(sql, (year, )) interface.table.table(cursor, screen)
def _test_callproc_cleanup(self, connection): sp_names = ('myconnpy_sp_1', 'myconnpy_sp_2', 'myconnpy_sp_3') stmt_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS {procname}" try: cursor = connection.cursor() for sp_name in sp_names: cursor.execute(stmt_drop.format(procname=sp_name)) except errors.Error as err:"Failed cleaning up test stored routine; {0}".format(err)) cursor.close()
def get_last_update_row_id(): last_update_row_id = 0 try: select_sql = 'select row_id from maticagent_replicate.replication_controller where id in (select max(id) from maticagent_replicate.replication_controller)' print select_sql cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(select_sql) for row in cursor: last_update_row_id = row[0] except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(err) cursor.close(); return last_update_row_id
def newrequest(cnx, cursor, id, placeid, which): if which == 0: start = input('If there is a start address, input it. Otherwise press enter\n') end = input('If there is an end address, input it. Otherwise press enter\n') desc = input('Please input the bike feature description:\n') if start.isdigit(): if end.isdigit(): new = ("INSERT INTO change_requests " "(userid, changetype, streetid, startaddress, endaddress, description) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)") cursor.execute(new, (id, "new", placeid, start, end, desc)) else: new = ("INSERT INTO change_requests " "(userid, changetype, streetid, startaddress,description) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)") cursor.execute(new, (id, "new", placeid, start, desc)) cnx.commit() else: new = ("INSERT INTO change_requests " "(userid, changetype, streetid, description) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)") cursor.execute(new, (id, "new", placeid, desc)) cnx.commit() print("Change request submitted") elif which == 1: desc = input('Please input the bike feature description:\n') new = ("INSERT INTO change_requests " "(userid, changetype, intersectionid, description) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)") cursor.execute(new, (id, "new", placeid, desc)) cnx.commit() print("Change request submitted")
def _test_callproc_setup(self, connection): self._test_callproc_cleanup(connection) stmt_create1 = ( "CREATE PROCEDURE myconnpy_sp_1" "(IN pFac1 INT, IN pFac2 INT, OUT pProd INT) " "BEGIN SET pProd := pFac1 * pFac2; END;") stmt_create2 = ( "CREATE PROCEDURE myconnpy_sp_2" "(IN pFac1 INT, IN pFac2 INT, OUT pProd INT) " "BEGIN SELECT 'abc'; SELECT 'def'; SET pProd := pFac1 * pFac2; END;" ) stmt_create3 = ( "CREATE PROCEDURE myconnpy_sp_3" "(IN pStr1 VARCHAR(20), IN pStr2 VARCHAR(20), " "OUT pConCat VARCHAR(100)) " "BEGIN SET pConCat := CONCAT(pStr1, pStr2); END;") stmt_create4 = ( "CREATE PROCEDURE myconnpy_sp_4" "(IN pStr1 VARCHAR(20), INOUT pStr2 VARCHAR(20), " "OUT pConCat VARCHAR(100)) " "BEGIN SET pConCat := CONCAT(pStr1, pStr2); END;") try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(stmt_create1) cursor.execute(stmt_create2) cursor.execute(stmt_create3) cursor.execute(stmt_create4) except errors.Error as err:"Failed setting up test stored routine; {0}".format(err)) cursor.close()
def deleteByAttr(self,table,params={},join='AND'): # 删除数据 try : fields = ','.join(k+'=%s' for k in params.keys()) sql = "DELETE FROM `%s` "% table sql = self.__joinWhere(sql,params,join) cursor = self.__getCursor() cursor.execute(sql,tuple(params.values())) self.__conn.commit() return cursor.rowcount #except: # raise BaseError(704) except Exception as err: raise BaseError(704,err._full_msg)
def update_status(dct_update_status): sql = "%s%s" % ('insert into '+mysql_server_controller_schema+'.client_status (row_recieved,successfully_processed,time_stamp, status_sent,CMD_ID)', ' values (\''+str(dct_update_status['row_count'])+'\',\''+str(dct_update_status['rows_processed'])+'\',now(),\'P\',\''+element_map['CID']+'\')') print sql; try: cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) cnx.commit() except mysql.connector.Error as err: print err cid = element_map['CID'] update_origin_server(cid) return 0
def view_sales_spec_month(self): ## get sql screen = self._Menu_Node__tree._Menu_Tree__screen screen.output("Enter Month and Year, Seperated By '/'") while True: screen.update() ans = screen.input().split("/") if len(ans) != 2: continue if not ans[0].isdecimal(): continue if not ans[1].isdecimal(): continue if int(ans[0]) > 12: continue month, year = int(ans[0]), int(ans[1]) break cursor.execute(sql, (month, year)) interface.table.table(cursor, screen)
def findBySql(self,sql,params = {},limit = 0,join = 'AND',lock=False): """ 自定义sql语句查找 limit = 是否需要返回多少行 params = dict(field=value) join = 'AND | OR' """ try : cursor = self.__getCursor() sql = self.__joinWhere(sql,params,join) cursor.execute(sql,tuple(params.values())) rows = cursor.fetchmany(size=limit) if limit > 0 else cursor.fetchall() result = [dict(zip(cursor.column_names,row)) for row in rows] if rows else None return result except: raise BaseError(706)
def _execute(self, cursor, query, parameters, kwparameters): try: return cursor.execute(query, kwparameters or parameters) except mysql.connector.errors.OperationalError: logging.error("Error connecting to MySQL on %s", self.close() raise
def __query(self,table,criteria,all=False,isDict=True,join='AND'): ''' table : 表名 criteria : 查询条件dict all : 是否返回所有数据,默认为False只返回一条数据,当为真是返回所有数据 isDict : 返回格式是否为字典,默认为True ,即字典否则为数组 ''' try : if all is not True: criteria['limit'] = 1 # 只输出一条 sql,params = self.__contact_sql(table,criteria,join) #拼sql及params ''' # 当Where为多个查询条件时,拼查询条件 key 的 valuse 值 if 'where' in criteria and 'dict' in str(type(criteria['where'])) : params = criteria['where'] #params = tuple(params.values()) where ,whereValues = self.__contact_where(params) sql+= ' WHERE '+where if where else '' params=tuple(whereValues) else : params = None ''' #__contact_where(params,join='AND') cursor = self.__getCursor() self.__display_Debug_IO(sql,params) #DEBUG #if self.DataName=="ORACLE": #sql="select * from(select * from(select t.*,row_number() over(order by %s) as rownumber from(%s) t) p where p.rownumber>%s) where rownum<=%s" % () #pass cursor.execute(sql,params if params else ()) rows = cursor.fetchall() if all else cursor.fetchone() if isDict : result = [dict(zip(cursor.column_names,row)) for row in rows] if all else dict(zip(cursor.column_names,rows)) if rows else {} else : result = [row for row in rows] if all else rows if rows else [] return result except Exception as err: try : raise BaseError(706,err._full_msg) except : raise BaseError(706)
def adduser(): try: insert = (request.form['username'],request.form['type']) cursor = cnx.cursor() querry = ("insert into users (name, type) VALUES (%s,%s)") cursor.execute(querry, insert) result = cursor.fetchall logTime = logUserId = result[0][0] print(cursor.statement + " " + str(cursor.rowcount)) cursor.close() cnx.commit() logAction = "User " + insert[0] + "added with type " + insert[1] logDbAction(logUserId,logAction,logTime) return "successful" except Exception, err: print Exception,err