Example #1
def _setup_replication(shard_id, source_group_id, destn_group_id, split_value,
                                        prune_limit, cmd):
    """Setup replication between the source and the destination groups and
    ensure that they are in sync.

    :param shard_id: The shard ID of the shard that needs to be moved.
    :param source_group_id: The group_id of the source shard.
    :param destn_group_id: The ID of the group to which the shard needs to
                           be moved.
    :param split_value: Indicates the value at which the range for the
                        particular shard will be split. Will be set only
                        for shard split operations.
    :param prune_limit: The number of DELETEs that should be
                        done in one batch.
    :param cmd: Indicates the type of re-sharding operation
    source_group = Group.fetch(source_group_id)
    if source_group is None:
        raise _errors.ShardingError(_services_sharding.SHARD_GROUP_NOT_FOUND %
                                    (source_group_id, ))

    destination_group = Group.fetch(destn_group_id)
    if destination_group is None:
        raise _errors.ShardingError(_services_sharding.SHARD_GROUP_NOT_FOUND %
                                    (destn_group_id, ))

    master = MySQLServer.fetch(source_group.master)
    if master is None:
        raise _errors.ShardingError(

    slave = MySQLServer.fetch(destination_group.master)
    if slave is None:
        raise _errors.ShardingError(

    #Stop and reset any slave that  might be running on the slave server.
    _utils.set_offline_mode(slave, True) ### TODO: if forced offline_mode
    _replication.stop_slave(slave, wait=True)
    _replication.reset_slave(slave, clean=True)

    #Change the master to the shard group master.
    _replication.switch_master(slave, master, master.repl_user, master.repl_pass)

    #Start the slave so that syncing of the data begins
    _replication.start_slave(slave, wait=True)
    _utils.set_offline_mode(slave, False) ### TODO: if forced offline_mode

    #Setup sync between the source and the destination groups.
Example #2
def switch_master(slave, master):
    """Make slave point to master.

    :param slave: Slave.
    :param master: Master.
    _replication.stop_slave(slave, wait=True)
    _replication.switch_master(slave, master, master.user, master.passwd)
    slave.read_only = True
    _replication.start_slave(slave, wait=True)
Example #3
def switch_master(slave, master):
    """Make slave point to master.

    :param slave: Slave.
    :param master: Master.
    _replication.stop_slave(slave, wait=True)
    _replication.switch_master(slave, master, master.user, master.passwd)
    slave.read_only = True
    _replication.start_slave(slave, wait=True)
Example #4
    def configure_instances(self, topology, user, passwd):
        """Configure a replication topology using the MySQL Instances
        previously registerd.

        :param topology: Topology to be configured.
        :param user: MySQL Instances' user.
        :param passwd: MySQL Instances' password.

        This method can be used as follows::

          import tests.utils as _test_utils

          topology = {1 : [{2 : []}, {3 : []}]}
          instances = _test_utils.MySQLInstances()
          user = instances.user
          passwd = instances.passwd
          instances.configure_instances(topology, user, passwd)

        Each instance in the topology is represented as a dictionary whose
        keys are references to addresses that will be retrieved through
        the :meth:`get_address` method and values are a list of slaves.

        So after calling :meth:`configure_instances` method, one can get a
        reference to an object, MySQLServer, through the :meth:`get_instance`
        for number in topology.keys():
            master_address = self.get_address(number)

            master_uuid = _server.MySQLServer.discover_uuid(
            master = _server.MySQLServer(
                _uuid.UUID(master_uuid), master_address, user, passwd)
            master.read_only = False
            self.__instances[number] = master
            for slave_topology in topology[number]:
                slave = self.configure_instances(slave_topology, user, passwd)
                slave.read_only = True
                _replication.switch_master(slave, master, user, passwd)
                _replication.start_slave(slave, wait=True)
            return master
Example #5
    def configure_instances(self, topology, user, passwd):
        """Configure a replication topology using the MySQL Instances
        previously registerd.

        :param topology: Topology to be configured.
        :param user: MySQL Instances' user.
        :param passwd: MySQL Instances' password.

        This method can be used as follows::

          import tests.utils as _test_utils

          topology = {1 : [{2 : []}, {3 : []}]}
          instances = _test_utils.MySQLInstances()
          user = instances.user
          passwd = instances.passwd
          instances.configure_instances(topology, user, passwd)

        Each instance in the topology is represented as a dictionary whose
        keys are references to addresses that will be retrieved through
        the :meth:`get_address` method and values are a list of slaves.

        So after calling :meth:`configure_instances` method, one can get a
        reference to an object, MySQLServer, through the :meth:`get_instance`
        for number in topology.keys():
            master_address = self.get_address(number)

            master_uuid = _server.MySQLServer.discover_uuid(
            master = _server.MySQLServer(uuid.UUID(master_uuid),
                                         master_address, user, passwd)
            master.read_only = False
            self.__instances[number] = master
            for slave_topology in topology[number]:
                slave = self.configure_instances(slave_topology, user, passwd)
                slave.read_only = True
                _replication.switch_master(slave, master, user, passwd)
                _replication.start_slave(slave, wait=True)
            return master
Example #6
    def test_promote_to(self):
        # Create topology: M1 ---> S2, M1 ---> S3
        instances = tests.utils.MySQLInstances()
        user = instances.user
        passwd = instances.passwd
        instances.configure_instances({0: [{1: []}, {2: []}]}, user, passwd)
        master = instances.get_instance(0)
        slave_1 = instances.get_instance(1)
        slave_2 = instances.get_instance(2)

        # Try to use a group that does not exist.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id", str(slave_1.uuid))
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)

        # Try to use a slave that does not exist with the group.
        self.proxy.group.create("group_id", "")
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id", str(slave_1.uuid))
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)

        # Try to use a server that is already a master.
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", master.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_1.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_2.address)
        group = _server.Group.fetch("group_id")
        tests.utils.configure_decoupled_master(group, slave_1)

        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id", str(slave_1.uuid))
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)

        # Try to use a slave whose replication is not properly configured.
        tests.utils.configure_decoupled_master(group, master)
        _repl.stop_slave(slave_1, wait=True)
        _repl.reset_slave(slave_1, clean=True)
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id", str(slave_1.uuid))
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)

        # Try to use a slave whose replication is not properly running.
        _repl.switch_master(slave_1, master, user, passwd)
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id", str(slave_1.uuid))
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)

        # Start the slave.
        _repl.start_slave(slave_1, wait=True)

        # Look up servers.
        expected = tests.utils.make_servers_lookup_result([
                str(master.uuid), master.address, _server.MySQLServer.PRIMARY,
                str(slave_1.uuid), slave_1.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
                str(slave_2.uuid), slave_2.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        self.check_xmlrpc_result(servers, expected)

        # Do the promote.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id", str(slave_1.uuid))

        # Look up servers.
        expected = tests.utils.make_servers_lookup_result([
                str(master.uuid), master.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
                str(slave_1.uuid), slave_1.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.PRIMARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_WRITE,
                str(slave_2.uuid), slave_2.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        self.check_xmlrpc_result(servers, expected)

        # Do the promote.
        # Note that it is using HOST:PORT instead of UUID.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id", master.address)

        # Look up servers.
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        expected = tests.utils.make_servers_lookup_result([
                str(master.uuid), master.address, _server.MySQLServer.PRIMARY,
                str(slave_1.uuid), slave_1.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
                str(slave_2.uuid), slave_2.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
        self.check_xmlrpc_result(servers, expected)
Example #7
    def test_promote(self):
        # Create topology: M1 ---> S2, M1 ---> S3, M1 ---> S4
        instances = tests.utils.MySQLInstances()
        user = instances.user
        passwd = instances.passwd
        instances.configure_instances({0: [{
            1: []
        }, {
            2: []
        }, {
            3: []
        }]}, user, passwd)
        master = instances.get_instance(0)
        slave_1 = instances.get_instance(1)
        slave_2 = instances.get_instance(2)
        slave_3 = instances.get_instance(3)

        # Try to use a group that does not exist.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)

        # Try to use a group without candidates.
        self.proxy.group.create("group_id", "")
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)

        # Try to use a group with an invalid candidate (simulating that a
        # server went down).
        invalid_server = _server.MySQLServer(
            "unknown_host:32274", user, passwd)
        group = _server.Group.fetch("group_id")
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)

        # Configure master, an invalid candidate and make a slave point to
        # a different master.
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", master.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_1.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_2.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_3.address)
        tests.utils.configure_decoupled_master(group, master)
        invalid_server = _server.MySQLServer(
            "unknown_host:32274", user, passwd)
        group = _server.Group.fetch("group_id")
        _repl.stop_slave(slave_3, wait=True)
        _repl.switch_master(slave_3, slave_2, user, passwd)

        # Look up servers.
        expected = [
                str(master.uuid), master.address, _server.MySQLServer.PRIMARY,
                str(slave_1.uuid), slave_1.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
                str(slave_2.uuid), slave_2.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
                str(slave_3.uuid), slave_3.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
                str(invalid_server.uuid), invalid_server.address,
                _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY, _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
        expected = tests.utils.make_servers_lookup_result(expected)
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        self.check_xmlrpc_result(servers, expected)

        # Do the promote.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")

        # Look up servers.
        # servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        # self.check_xmlrpc_result(servers, expected)

        # Do the promote without a current master.
        tests.utils.configure_decoupled_master(group, None)
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
def setup_group_replication(group_master_id,  group_slave_id):
    """Sets up replication between the masters of the two groups and
    updates the references to the groups in each other.

    :param group_master_id: The group whose master will act as the master
                                             in the replication setup.
    :param group_slave_id: The group whose master will act as the slave in the
                                      replication setup.
    group_master = Group.fetch(group_master_id)
    group_slave = Group.fetch(group_slave_id)

    if group_master is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (GROUP_REPLICATION_GROUP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR % (group_master_id, ))

    if group_slave is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (GROUP_REPLICATION_GROUP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR % (group_slave_id, ))

    if group_master.master is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \

    if group_slave.master is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \

    #Master is the master of the Global Group. We replicate from here to
    #the masters of all the shard Groups.
    master = MySQLServer.fetch(group_master.master)
    if master is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (group_master.master, ))

    #Get the master of the shard Group.
    slave = MySQLServer.fetch(group_slave.master)
    if slave is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (group_slave.master, ))

    if not server_running(master):
        #The server is already down. We cannot connect to it to setup
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (GROUP_MASTER_NOT_RUNNING % (group_master.group_id, ))

    except _errors.DatabaseError as error: 
        #Server is not accessible, unable to connect to the server.
        raise _errors.GroupError(
            GROUP_REPLICATION_SERVER_ERROR %  (group_slave.master, error)

    if not server_running(slave):
        #The server is already down. We cannot connect to it to setup
        raise _errors.GroupError \
            (GROUP_MASTER_NOT_RUNNING % (group_slave.group_id, ))

    except _errors.DatabaseError as error:
        raise _errors.GroupError(
            GROUP_REPLICATION_SERVER_ERROR %  (group_master.master, error)

    _replication.stop_slave(slave, wait=True)

    #clear references to old masters in the slave
    _replication.reset_slave(slave,  clean=True)

    _replication.switch_master(slave, master, master.user, master.passwd)

    _replication.start_slave(slave, wait=True)

    except _errors.DatabaseError:
        #If there is an error while adding a reference to
        #the slave group or a master group, it means that
        #the slave group was already added and the error
        #is happening because the group was already registered.
        #Ignore this error.
    def test_promote_to(self):
        # Create topology: M1 ---> S2, M1 ---> S3
        instances = tests.utils.MySQLInstances()
        user = instances.user
        passwd = instances.passwd
        instances.configure_instances({0 : [{1 : []}, {2 : []}]}, user, passwd)
        master = instances.get_instance(0)
        slave_1 = instances.get_instance(1)
        slave_2 = instances.get_instance(2)

        # Try to use a group that does not exist.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote(
            "group_id", str(slave_1.uuid)
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.ERROR)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Tried to execute action (_define_ha_operation).")

        # Try to use a slave that does not exist with the group.
        self.proxy.group.create("group_id", "")
        status = self.proxy.group.promote(
            "group_id", str(slave_1.uuid)
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.ERROR)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Tried to execute action (_check_candidate_fail).")

        # Try to use a server that is already a master.
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", master.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_1.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_2.address)
        group = _server.Group.fetch("group_id")
        tests.utils.configure_decoupled_master(group, slave_1)

        status = self.proxy.group.promote(
            "group_id", str(slave_1.uuid)
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.ERROR)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Tried to execute action (_check_candidate_switch).")

        # Try to use a slave whose replication is not properly configured.
        tests.utils.configure_decoupled_master(group, master)
        _repl.stop_slave(slave_1, wait=True)
        _repl.reset_slave(slave_1, clean=True)
        status = self.proxy.group.promote(
            "group_id", str(slave_1.uuid)
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.ERROR)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Tried to execute action (_check_candidate_switch).")

        # Try to use a slave whose replication is not properly running.
        _repl.switch_master(slave_1, master, user, passwd)
        status = self.proxy.group.promote(
            "group_id", str(slave_1.uuid)
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.ERROR)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Tried to execute action (_check_candidate_switch).")

        # Start the slave.
        _repl.start_slave(slave_1, wait=True)

        # Look up servers.
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        self.assertEqual(servers[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(servers[1], "")
        retrieved = servers[2]
        expected = \
            [{"server_uuid" : str(master.uuid), "address" : master.address,
             "status" :_server.MySQLServer.PRIMARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_WRITE,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_1.uuid), "address" : slave_1.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_2.uuid), "address" : slave_2.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT}]
        self.assertEqual(retrieved, expected)

        # Do the promote.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote(
            "group_id", str(slave_1.uuid)
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.SUCCESS)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Executed action (_change_to_candidate).")

        # Look up servers.
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        self.assertEqual(servers[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(servers[1], "")
        retrieved = servers[2]
        expected = \
            [{"server_uuid" : str(master.uuid), "address" : master.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_1.uuid), "address" : slave_1.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.PRIMARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_WRITE,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_2.uuid), "address" : slave_2.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT}]
        self.assertEqual(retrieved, expected)

        # Do the promote.
        # Note that it is using HOST:PORT instead of UUID.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote(
            "group_id", master.address
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.SUCCESS)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Executed action (_change_to_candidate).")

        # Look up servers.
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        self.assertEqual(servers[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(servers[1], "")
        retrieved = servers[2]
        expected = \
            [{"server_uuid" : str(master.uuid), "address" : master.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.PRIMARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_WRITE,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_1.uuid), "address" : slave_1.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_2.uuid), "address" : slave_2.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT}]
        self.assertEqual(retrieved, expected)
    def test_promote(self):
        # Create topology: M1 ---> S2, M1 ---> S3, M1 ---> S4
        instances = tests.utils.MySQLInstances()
        user = instances.user
        passwd = instances.passwd
        instances.configure_instances({0 : [{1 : []}, {2 : []}, {3 : []}]},
                                      user, passwd)
        master = instances.get_instance(0)
        slave_1 = instances.get_instance(1)
        slave_2 = instances.get_instance(2)
        slave_3 = instances.get_instance(3)

        # Try to use a group that does not exist.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.ERROR)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Tried to execute action (_define_ha_operation).")

        # Try to use a group without candidates.
        self.proxy.group.create("group_id", "")
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.ERROR)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Tried to execute action (_find_candidate_fail).")

        # Try to use a group with an invalid candidate (simulating that a
        # server went down).
        invalid_server = _server.MySQLServer(
        group = _server.Group.fetch("group_id")
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.ERROR)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Tried to execute action (_find_candidate_fail).")

        # Configure master, an invalid candidate and make a slave point to
        # a different master.
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", master.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_1.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_2.address)
        self.proxy.group.add("group_id", slave_3.address)
        tests.utils.configure_decoupled_master(group, master)
        invalid_server = _server.MySQLServer(
            "unknown_host:32274", user, passwd
        group = _server.Group.fetch("group_id")
        _repl.stop_slave(slave_3, wait=True)
        _repl.switch_master(slave_3, slave_2, user, passwd)

        # Look up servers.
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        self.assertEqual(servers[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(servers[1], "")
        retrieved = servers[2]

        expected = \
            [{"server_uuid" : str(master.uuid), "address" : master.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.PRIMARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_WRITE,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_1.uuid), "address" : slave_1.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_2.uuid), "address" : slave_2.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(slave_3.uuid), "address" : slave_3.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT},
             {"server_uuid" : str(invalid_server.uuid),
             "address" : invalid_server.address,
             "status" : _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
             "mode" : _server.MySQLServer.READ_ONLY,
             "weight" : _server.MySQLServer.DEFAULT_WEIGHT}]
        self.assertEqual(expected, retrieved)

        # Do the promote.
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.SUCCESS)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Executed action (_change_to_candidate).")

        # Look up servers.
        servers = self.proxy.group.lookup_servers("group_id")
        self.assertEqual(servers[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(servers[1], "")
        retrieved = servers[2]
        self.assertNotEqual(expected, retrieved)

        # Do the promote without a current master.
        tests.utils.configure_decoupled_master(group, None)
        status = self.proxy.group.promote("group_id")
        self.assertStatus(status, _executor.Job.SUCCESS)
        self.assertEqual(status[1][-1]["state"], _executor.Job.COMPLETE)
                         "Executed action (_change_to_candidate).")
Example #11
    def test_update_only(self):
        """Test the update_only parameter while adding a slave.
        # Prepare group and servers
        self.proxy.group.create("group", "Testing group...")
        address_1 = tests.utils.MySQLInstances().get_address(0)
        address_2 = tests.utils.MySQLInstances().get_address(1)
        address_3 = tests.utils.MySQLInstances().get_address(2)
        user = tests.utils.MySQLInstances().user
        passwd = tests.utils.MySQLInstances().passwd

        status = self.proxy.server.lookup_uuid(address_1)
        uuid_1 = self.check_xmlrpc_get_uuid(status, False)
        server_1 = _server.MySQLServer(_uuid.UUID(uuid_1), address_1, user,

        status = self.proxy.server.lookup_uuid(address_2)
        uuid_2 = self.check_xmlrpc_get_uuid(status, False)
        server_2 = _server.MySQLServer(_uuid.UUID(uuid_2), address_2, user,

        status = self.proxy.server.lookup_uuid(address_3)
        uuid_3 = self.check_xmlrpc_get_uuid(status, False)
        server_3 = _server.MySQLServer(_uuid.UUID(uuid_3), address_3, user,

        # Add a server and check that replication is not configured. Since
        # there is no master configured, it does not matter whether the
        # update_only parameter is set or not.
        self.proxy.group.add("group", address_1, 5, True)
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            'status': _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
            'is_not_configured': True,

        self.proxy.group.remove("group", uuid_1)
        self.proxy.group.add("group", address_1, 5, False)
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
            "is_not_configured": True,

        # Try to make the previous server a master, i.e. --update-only = False.
        status = self.proxy.server.set_status(uuid_1,
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, True)

        # Try to make the previous server a master, i.e. --update-only = True.
        status = self.proxy.server.set_status(uuid_1,
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, True)
        self.proxy.group.promote("group", uuid_1)

        # Add a slave but notice that it is not properly configured, i.e.
        # --update-only = True.
        self.proxy.group.add("group", address_2, 5, True)
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,
            "is_not_configured": True,

        # Properly configure the previous slave.
        _replication.start_slave(server_2, wait=True)
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,

        # Add a slave but notice that it is properly configured, i.e.
        # --update-only = False.
        self.proxy.group.add("group", address_3)
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.SECONDARY,

        # Stop replication, set slave's status to faulty and add it
        # back as a spare, --update-only = False. Note that it is
        # properly configured.
        _replication.stop_slave(server_3, wait=True)
        server_3.status = _server.MySQLServer.FAULTY
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            'status': _server.MySQLServer.FAULTY,
            "io_not_running": True,
            "sql_not_running": True,
        status = self.proxy.server.set_status(uuid_3,
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.SPARE,

        # Stop replication, set slave's status to faulty and add it
        # back as a spare, --update-only = True. Note that it is not
        # properly configured.
        _replication.stop_slave(server_3, wait=True)
        server_3.status = _server.MySQLServer.FAULTY
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.FAULTY,
            "io_not_running": True,
            "sql_not_running": True,
        status = self.proxy.server.set_status(uuid_3,
                                              _server.MySQLServer.SPARE, True)
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.SPARE,
            "io_not_running": True,
            "sql_not_running": True,

        # Try to set slave's status to faulty, i.e. --update-only = False.
        status = self.proxy.server.set_status(uuid_3,
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, True)
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.SPARE,
            "io_not_running": True,
            "sql_not_running": True,

        # Try to set slave's status to faulty, i.e. --update-only = True.
        status = self.proxy.server.set_status(uuid_3,
                                              _server.MySQLServer.FAULTY, True)
        self.check_xmlrpc_command_result(status, has_error=True)
        status = self.proxy.group.health("group")
        self.check_xmlrpc_simple(status, {
            "status": _server.MySQLServer.SPARE,
            "io_not_running": True,
            "sql_not_running": True,
def setup_group_replication(group_master_id, group_slave_id):
    """Sets up replication between the masters of the two groups and
    updates the references to the groups in each other.

    :param group_master_id: The group whose master will act as the master
                                             in the replication setup.
    :param group_slave_id: The group whose master will act as the slave in the
                                      replication setup.
    group_master = Group.fetch(group_master_id)
    group_slave = Group.fetch(group_slave_id)

    if group_master is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (GROUP_REPLICATION_GROUP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR % (group_master_id, ))

    if group_slave is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (GROUP_REPLICATION_GROUP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR % (group_slave_id, ))

    if group_master.master is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \

    if group_slave.master is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \

    #Master is the master of the Global Group. We replicate from here to
    #the masters of all the shard Groups.
    master = MySQLServer.fetch(group_master.master)
    if master is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (group_master.master, ))

    #Get the master of the shard Group.
    slave = MySQLServer.fetch(group_slave.master)
    if slave is None:
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (group_slave.master, ))

    if not server_running(master):
        #The server is already down. We cannot connect to it to setup
        raise _errors.GroupError \
        (GROUP_MASTER_NOT_RUNNING % (group_master.group_id, ))

    except _errors.DatabaseError as error:
        #Server is not accessible, unable to connect to the server.
        raise _errors.GroupError(GROUP_REPLICATION_SERVER_ERROR %
                                 (group_slave.master, error))

    if not server_running(slave):
        #The server is already down. We cannot connect to it to setup
        raise _errors.GroupError \
            (GROUP_MASTER_NOT_RUNNING % (group_slave.group_id, ))

    except _errors.DatabaseError as error:
        raise _errors.GroupError(GROUP_REPLICATION_SERVER_ERROR %
                                 (group_master.master, error))

    _replication.stop_slave(slave, wait=True)

    #clear references to old masters in the slave
    _replication.reset_slave(slave, clean=True)

    _replication.switch_master(slave, master, master.user, master.passwd)

    _replication.start_slave(slave, wait=True)

    except _errors.DatabaseError:
        #If there is an error while adding a reference to
        #the slave group or a master group, it means that
        #the slave group was already added and the error
        #is happening because the group was already registered.
        #Ignore this error.
Example #13
def _setup_move_sync(shard_id, source_group_id, destn_group_id, split_value,
    """Setup replication between the source and the destination groups and
    ensure that they are in sync.

    :param shard_id: The shard ID of the shard that needs to be moved.
    :param source_group_id: The group_id of the source shard.
    :param destn_group_id: The ID of the group to which the shard needs to
                           be moved.
    :param split_value: Indicates the value at which the range for the
                        particular shard will be split. Will be set only
                        for shard split operations.
    :param cmd: Indicates the type of re-sharding operation
    source_group = Group.fetch(source_group_id)
    if source_group is None:
        raise _errors.ShardingError(_services_sharding.SHARD_GROUP_NOT_FOUND %
                                    (source_group_id, ))

    destination_group = Group.fetch(destn_group_id)
    if destination_group is None:
        raise _errors.ShardingError(_services_sharding.SHARD_GROUP_NOT_FOUND %
                                    (destination_group_id, ))

    master = MySQLServer.fetch(source_group.master)
    if master is None:
        raise _errors.ShardingError(

    slave = MySQLServer.fetch(destination_group.master)
    if slave is None:
        raise _errors.ShardingError(

    #Stop and reset any slave that  might be running on the slave server.
    _replication.stop_slave(slave, wait=True)
    _replication.reset_slave(slave, clean=True)

    #Change the master to the shard group master.
    _replication.switch_master(slave,  master,  master. user,  master.passwd)

    #Start the slave so that syncing of the data begins
    _replication.start_slave(slave, wait=True)

    #Synchronize until the slave catches up with the master.
    _replication.synchronize_with_read_only(slave, master)

    #Reset replication once the syncing is done.
    _replication.stop_slave(slave, wait=True)
    _replication.reset_slave(slave, clean=True)

    #Trigger changing the mappings for the shard that was copied