def findByTitleDate(self,title,created_at): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('joke') tbname = 'joke' n.query("select id from %s where title = '%s' and created_at= '%s'" %(tbname,title,created_at)) return n.fetchAll()
def findById(self,v): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('joke') tbname = 'joke' n.query("select, j.title,j.content,j.view_count,j.created_at,j.category_id,c.title ctitle from %s j left join category c on j.category_id=c.category_id where = %s" %(tbname,v)) return n.fetchAll()
def findByTitle(self,v): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('joke') tbname = 'joke' n.query("select name from %s where title = %s" %(tbname,v)) return n.fetchAll()
def prev_next(self,type,joke,order): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('joke') tbname = 'joke' # 按日期 if type=="prev" and order=="date": sql = "select * from {0} where content!='' and id> {1} and created_at>='{2}'".format(tbname,joke['id'],joke['created_at']) orders = " order by created_at asc,id asc limit 1" if type=="next" and order=="date": sql = "select * from {0} where content!='' and id< {1} and created_at<='{2}'".format(tbname,joke['id'],joke['created_at']) orders = " order by created_at desc,id desc limit 1" #按分类 if type=="prev" and order=="cate": sql = "select * from {0} where content!='' and id> {1} and created_at>='{2}' and category_id={3}".format(tbname,joke['id'],joke['created_at'],joke['category_id']) orders = " order by created_at asc,id asc limit 1" if type=="next" and order=="cate": sql = "select * from {0} where content!='' and id< {1} and created_at<='{2}' and category_id={3}".format(tbname,joke['id'],joke['created_at'],joke['category_id']) orders = " order by created_at desc,id desc limit 1" print "".join([sql,orders]) n.query("".join([sql,orders])) joke = n.fetchRow() return joke
def list(self,page, limit, cid,menu): n = MySQL() currRow = (int(page)-1)*int(limit) n.selectDb('joke') tbname = 'joke' print "currRow:"+str(currRow) conditions = (tbname,) sqlCount = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS() c" sql = "select, j.title,j.view_count,j.created_at,c.title ctitle from %s j left join category c on j.category_id=c.category_id where 1=1 and j.content!='' " if(cid): print "cid:"+cid sql += " AND j.category_id = %s" conditions = conditions + (cid ,) print "conditions:"+str(conditions) conditions = conditions+(currRow,limit) if(menu=="latest"): sql += " order by j.created_at desc, desc " elif(menu=="hot"): sql += " order by j.view_count desc, desc " sql += " limit %s,%s" print "conditions:"+str(conditions) sql = sql % conditions print sql n.query(sql) ret = n.fetchAll() n.query(sqlCount) # totalCount = n.fetchAll() totalCount = self.findCount(cid) print "totalCount:" print totalCount print len(ret) return ret,totalCount
def findAll(self): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('images') tbname = 'similar_images' n.query("select name,features from similar_images") return n.fetchAll()
def findByName(self,name): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('images') tbname = 'similar_images' n.query("select name,features from similar_images where name='"+name+"'") return n.fetchRow()
def addViewCount(self,id): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('joke') tbname = 'joke' sql = "update {0} set view_count = view_count+1".format(tbname) n.query(sql) # n.update(tbname, { 'view_count': "view_count+1"}, "id='"+id+"'") n.commit()
def findAll(self): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('joke') tbname = 'joke' # n.query("select name from %s where updated_at <'2016-06-27 00:00:00'" %(tbname) ) # n.query("select name from %s where is_face!=1 " %(tbname) ) n.query("select * from %s " %(tbname) ) return n.fetchAll()
def arrange(dbconfig): db = MySQL(dbconfig) sql = "select * from cinema_movie_info_tab" db.query(sql) list = [] results = db.fetchAllRows() for row in results: print row list.append(row) return list
def findCount(sefl,cid): n = MySQL() n.selectDb('joke') tbname = 'joke' conditions = (tbname,) sqlCount = "SELECT count(id) c from %s where content!=''" if(cid): sqlCount += " AND category_id = %s" conditions = conditions+(cid ,) sqlCount = sqlCount % conditions n.query(sqlCount) totalCount = n.fetchAll() return totalCount[0]['c']
def insert_data(data): n=MySQL() sql = "select id from urls_crawled where url='"+data['url']+"';" result = n.query(sql) if result == 0: try: n.insert('urls_crawled',data) except: return 200 n.commit()
def login(): data = request.json if not data: return jsonify({'error': 'JSON expected'}), 400 if 'username' not in data: return jsonify({'error': 'missing key \'username\''}), 400 if 'password' not in data: return jsonify({'error': 'missing key \'password\''}), 400 try: db = MySQL(*db_data) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Database Error') usr = db.query('SELECT password FROM itrago WHERE username = "******"'.format(data["username"])) if usr is not None and usr.get("password") == hashlib.sha1(data['password'].encode()).hexdigest(): return jsonify({'msg': msg}), 200 else: return jsonify({'error': 'wrong credentials'}), 400
def login(): data = request.json if not data: return jsonify({'error': 'JSON expected'}), 400 if 'username' not in data: return jsonify({'error': 'missing key \'username\''}), 400 if 'password' not in data: return jsonify({'error': 'missing key \'password\''}), 400 try: db = MySQL(*db_data) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Database Error') usr = db.query('SELECT password FROM itrago WHERE username = "******"'.format( data["username"])) if usr is not None and usr.get("password") == hashlib.sha1( data['password'].encode()).hexdigest(): return jsonify({'msg': msg}), 200 else: return jsonify({'error': 'wrong credentials'}), 400
logDir = "./log/" sqlData="/tmp/data" execNum = 0 dbconfig = {'host':dbconf.g_resultDBHost, 'port':dbconf.g_resultDBPort, 'user':dbconf.g_resultDBUser, 'passwd':dbconf.g_resultDBPwd, 'db':dbconf.g_resultDBName, 'charset':'utf8'} db = MySQL(dbconfig) #sql1 = "select tried_num from import_status_record where cid = '%s' and curr_sql_file like '%s';"%(cLists[0],'%'+sqlDate+'%') #execNum=db.query(sql1) #sql = "select count(*) from available_CIDs;" sql2 = "select * from available_CIDs;" cidsNum = db.query(sql2) if __name__ == "__main__": try: #saveout = sys.stdout #saveerr = sys.stderr #f = open("log/import_record"+time.strftime("%m%d_%H%M%S"),"w") #sys.stdout = f #sys.stderr = f #os.system('./ ' + "config") start = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") work_manager = WorkManager(cidsNum,4) work_manager.wait_allcomplete() end = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print "threads start times: ",start
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'lib') from mysql import MySQL import ConfigParser import logging config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'config/config.cfg') db_config = config._sections['db'] db_config.pop('__name__') a = MySQL(**db_config) # sql = "show tables" sql = "insert into url (post_id, url, status) values ('11', '', '0')" a.query(sql) a.commit() # aa = a.get_all(sql) # print aa
conn = MySQL() conn.selectDb('twitter3') #本地主机 #myhost = "" myhost = "" myuser = "******" mypw = "" myconn=MySQL(myhost,myuser,mypw) myconn.selectDb('twitter') #获取popularity相关数据 #retweet数目和favorite数目 sql_get_stauts="select distinct * from statusUpdate2 order by 'updatetime' desc" results_1=conn.query(sql_get_stauts) print u"查询条数:"+str(results_1) res_status_1 = conn.fetchAll() for row in res_status_1: status_id_1=row['status_id'] retweet_1=row['retweet_count'] favorite_1=row['favorite_count'] print "status:"+status_id_1 print "retweet:"+retweet_1 print "favorite:"+favorite_1 sql_check_1="select * from popularity where status_id='%s'"%(status_id_1) check_1=myconn.query(sql_check_1) res_1=myconn.fetchAll() for i in res_1: myretweet_1=i['retweet'] myfavorite_1=i['favorite']