def onFocus(self, controlId): log.debug('onFocus') if not self.initialized: return log.debug('lastfocusid = %s' % controlId) self.lastFocusId = controlId try: control = self.getControl(controlId) if toolkit.isButton(control): matches = filter(lambda c: c.control == control, self.gridCells) if matches: self.renderProgramInfo(matches[0].program) except TypeError, te: if 'Non-Existent Control' in str(te): log.warn('onFocus: ' + str(te)) else: raise
def render(self): value = if toolkit.isButton(self.widget): if self.type == str: self.widget.setLabel(label=self.widget.getLabel(), label2=value) elif self.type == int: self.widget.setLabel(label=self.widget.getLabel(), label2=str(value)) elif self.type == Seconds: self.widget.setLabel(label=self.widget.getLabel(), label2='%s seconds' % value) elif self.type == NegativeSeconds: self.widget.setLabel(label=self.widget.getLabel(), label2='%s seconds' % str(int(value) * -1)) else: raise Exception('Dont know how to handle type %s in render()' % self.type) elif toolkit.isRadioButton(self.widget): if self.type == bool: self.widget.setSelected( in ('True', 'true', '1')) else: raise Exception('Dont know how to handle type %s in render()' % self.type) else: raise Exception('Unknown widget in render(): %s with id %s' % (type(self.widget), self.widget.getId()))