Example #1
def findAll(pat):
    """find all and may format according to fmt string"""
    s = "\n".join(vim.current.range)
    m = re.findall(pat , s, re.MULTILINE)
    if m:
        if isinstance(m[0], str):
            s = "\n".join(m)
            pat = vim.eval(r"inputdialog('input format pattern: ')")
            def fmt(pat,x):
                if pat:
                    if isinstance(x, str): return pat.format(x)
                    return pat.format(*x)
                else: return str(x)
            s = "\n".join(fmt(pat, l) for l in m)

        myutil.preview(s, '[python-output]')
Example #2
def interactiveScriptAnywhere(output, isExec=None):
    use input range as script input.
    @param output str: output place
        "output" : output
        "replace" : replace in current buf
        "append" : append after range
        "preview" : open in a preview window
        other: open a buffer named [other] and append there
    @param isExec: if is exec statement, default True when line > 1
    r = vim.current.range
    instr = "\n".join(r).lstrip()
    # range = buffer[range.start:range.end]
    m = re.match('\s*[!?]', instr)
    if m:
        special = instr[m.end()-1]
        if special == '!':
            instr = instr[m.end():]
            global interactiveShell
            if interactiveShell is None:
                from os import path
                if path.exists('/usr/local/bin/fish'): interactiveShell = '/usr/local/bin/fish'
                else: interactiveShell = 'sh'
            # TODO: sh to exe cmd has some problem
            # for example: ag -g abc
            # fine in nvim, has problem in macvim
            out, _ = subprocess.Popen([interactiveShell, '-c', instr], shell=False, stdin=None,
                                      stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \
            out = StringIO(myutil.ToUnicode(out))
        elif special == '?':
            instr = "help(%s)"%(instr[m.end():])
            out = captureOutput(interactivePython, instr,'single')
        if isExec is None: isExec = len(r) > 1
        out = captureOutput(interactivePython, instr,\
                'exec' if isExec else 'single')
    if output == 'replace':
        vim.current.range[:] = [l.rstrip("\r\n") for l in out]
    elif output == 'append':
        r = vim.current.range
        r.append([l.rstrip("\r\n") for l in out], r.end)
    elif output == "output" or not output:
        s = out.read()
        # save in register, pyeval not use local scope in python
        vim.v0 = s
        vim.eval(r"setreg(v:register, PYEVAL('vim.v0'))")
        del vim.v0
    elif output == 'preview':
        name = "[python-preview]"
        myutil.preview(out.read(), name)
        name = "[%s]"%output
        lastWin = vim.current.window;
        win = myutil.openOrReuseBuffer(name)

        win.cursor = (len(win.buffer),1) # move to last
        win.buffer.append([l.rstrip("\r\n") for l in out])
        vim.command(r'exe "norm! \<down>z\<CR>"')
        vim.current.window = lastWin
