def people_list(request): """ Lists all users of the site - public view """ # get init values try: page = int(request.GET.get("page", "1")) except ValueError: page = 1 # note: users with private only fragments here are listed @todo better query qset = ( User.objects.exclude(created_fragment=None) .exclude(userprofile__defaultPrivate=True) .distinct() .order_by("-date_joined") ) # qset = [u for u in qset if u.profile.get_fragments(onlypublic=True, count=True)] # present data paginator = Paginator(qset, 30) try: page_object = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): # If page request is out of range, deliver last page of results. page_object = page_object.extrastuff = paginator_helper(page, paginator.num_pages) page_object.totcount = paginator.count template_name = BOOTSTRAP + "pages/people_list.html" # finally... context = {"page_object": page_object} return render_to_response(template_name, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def search_quotes(request, username, favorites=False, clipboard=False): """ February 24, 2015: removed collection and added group_var View that performs a search based on the query string, or returns the whole list of snippets. searchdict = main list of AND constraints July 31, 2014: first version April 8, 2015: updated and removed <url_encode> """ PAGINATION_SET = 50 # get init values searchdict = {} qset = Fragment.objects.filter() quickEditForm = None searchval = request.GET.get('q', "") exactmatch = request.GET.get('exact', "") group_var = request.GET.get('g', "") sourcefacet_var = request.GET.get('d', "") # tag = request.GET.get('tag', None) subject = request.GET.get('subject', None) view_var = request.GET.get('v', 'list') # March 28, 2014: not used sort_var = request.GET.get('sort', 'created') if sort_var not in ['alpha', 'modified', 'created']: sort_var = 'created' # default sort value sorting = {'alpha' : ["text", "-updated_at"], 'modified': ["-updated_at", "text"], 'created': ["-created_at", "text"]} [sort_var] if group_var not in ['all', 'last-week', 'last-month', 'no-collection', 'no-title']: group_var = 'all' try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: page = 1 person = get_object_or_404(User, username=username) context = {'person' : person} # initialize context if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated() and person.username == request.user.username: context['mykoncepts'] = True searchdict['created_by'] = request.user usertags = [ for s in Subject.subjectsListPerUser(request.user)] if usertags: context['usertags'] = usertags if favorites: searchdict['favorite'] = True context.update({'page_flag' : "favorites" }) # context['page_flag'] = "favorites", # x dynamic top menu elif clipboard: searchdict['clipboard'] = True context.update({'page_flag' : "clipboard" }) else: context.update({'page_flag' : "searchquotes" }) else: context['mykoncepts'] = False raise Http404 try: sourcefacet_var = int(sourcefacet_var) source = Document.objects.get(pk=sourcefacet_var, created_by=request.user) quickEditForm = _prePopulateEditDocumentForm(source) except: sourcefacet_var, source = None, None # printdebug(tag) if subject: try: subject = Subject.objects.get(pk=int(subject), created_by=person) subjects_tree = subject.get_descendants(include_self=True) if len(subjects_tree) > 1: context.update({ 'tree_inheritance' : True, }) except: subjects_tree = None subject = None if subject: # GENERATE A BIG OR QUERY FOR THE SUBJECT TREE # searchdict['subjects__id'] = # previusly.. searchval = "" # Turn list of values into one big Q objects query = reduce(lambda q,value: q|Q(, subjects_tree, Q()) qset = qset.filter(query) if searchval: if exactmatch: _searchval = ' ' + searchval + ' ' qset = qset.filter(text__icontains=_searchval) print "searchval is", searchval else: # fuzzy multi_search_val = [x.strip() for x in searchval.split(" ") if x] for x in multi_search_val: qset = qset.filter(text__icontains=x) if sourcefacet_var: searchdict['source__id'] = sourcefacet_var # already casted to a number else: # COLLECTIONS if group_var == 'all': pass # no need for other filters elif group_var == 'last-week': today = searchdict['created_at__gte'] = today - timedelta(days=7) elif group_var == 'last-month': today = searchdict['created_at__gte'] = today - timedelta(days=30) elif group_var == 'no-title': searchdict['title'] = None elif group_var == 'no-collection': searchdict['intfrag'] = None # qset = Fragment.objects.filter(**searchdict).distinct().order_by(*sorting) data = qset.filter(**searchdict).distinct().order_by(*sorting) # 2015-03-29: sources facet only if keyword is passed if searchval: # if a facet filter is available, remove it before recalc the facets if sourcefacet_var: # note: this was previously added searchdict.pop("source__id") # sourcesfacet = Fragment.objects.filter(**searchdict).order_by('source__title').values_list('source__title', 'source').distinct() sourcesfacet = qset.filter(**searchdict).order_by('source__title').values_list('source__title', 'source').distinct() # transform sourcefacet_var from id to a tuple for x in sourcesfacet: if x[1] == sourcefacet_var: sourcefacet_var = x break else: sourcesfacet = [] # set up pagination and prepare for specific viz paginator = Paginator(data, PAGINATION_SET) try: page_object = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): # If page request is out of range, deliver last page of results. page_object = page_object.extrastuff = paginator_helper(page, paginator.num_pages) page_object.totcount = paginator.count if view_var == "list": template_name = BOOTSTRAP + 'pages/search_quotes.html' else: template_name = BOOTSTRAP + 'pages/search_quotes_viewbysource.html' # finally... context.update({ 'page_object' : page_object, 'searchval' : searchval, 'exactmatch' : exactmatch, 'sort_var' : sort_var, 'view_var' : view_var, 'subject' : subject, 'active_group' : group_var, 'sourcesfacet' : sourcesfacet, 'active_sourcefacet' : sourcefacet_var, 'active_source' : source, 'form' : quickEditForm , # for document }) return render_to_response(template_name, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def search_document(request, username): """ View that performs a search based on the query string, or returns the whole list of Documents. searchdict = main list of AND constraints April 2, 2014: currenlty you can search only for your own documents February 24, 2015: added groups and reactivated view """ PAGINATION_SET = 50 # get init values searchdict = {} qset = Document.objects.filter() searchval = request.GET.get('q', None) group_var = request.GET.get('g', "") # view_var = request.GET.get('v', 'list') sort_var = request.GET.get('sort', 'created') if sort_var not in ['alpha', 'modified', 'created']: sort_var = 'created' if group_var not in ['all', 'last-week', 'last-month']: group_var = 'all' sorting = {'alpha' : ["title", "-updated_at"], 'modified': ["-updated_at", "title"], 'created': ["-created_at", "title"]} [sort_var] try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: page = 1 person = get_object_or_404(User, username=username) context = {'person' : person} # initialize context if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated() and person.username == request.user.username: context['mykoncepts'] = True searchdict['created_by'] = request.user else: context['mykoncepts'] = False raise Http404 if searchval: multi_search_val = [x.strip() for x in searchval.split(" ") if x] for x in multi_search_val: qset = qset.filter(searchindex__icontains=x) # searchdict['searchindex__icontains'] = url_encode_search(x) else: # GROUPS if group_var == 'all': pass # no need for other filters elif group_var == 'last-week': today = searchdict['created_at__gte'] = today - timedelta(days=7) elif group_var == 'last-month': today = searchdict['created_at__gte'] = today - timedelta(days=30) # print searchdict qset = qset.filter(**searchdict).distinct().order_by(*sorting) # set up pagination and prepare for specific viz paginator = Paginator(qset, PAGINATION_SET) try: page_object = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): # If page request is out of range, deliver last page of results. page_object = page_object.extrastuff = paginator_helper(page, paginator.num_pages) page_object.totcount = paginator.count template_name = BOOTSTRAP + 'pages/search_documents.html' # finally... context.update({ 'page_object' : page_object, 'searchval' : searchval, 'sort_var' : sort_var, 'active_group' : group_var, 'page_flag' : "searchdocs", # x dynamic top menu }) return render_to_response(template_name, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def get_document(request, username, source_name): """ View that returns a document with all of its interpretations/koncepts December 27, 2015: if the document is not owned by the user, it is not shown August 27, 2014: removed the Intfrags and tried to use only Koncept list - no pagination anymore temporarily, nor sorting December 29, 2014: added mechanism to make this work via IDs only eg '617-mind-a-brief-introduction-fundamentals-of-philosophy-searle-john-r' is reduced to 617. """ d1, quickEditForm, qset, relatedDocuments, koncepts = None, None, None, None, None nodes, edges = [], [] searchdict = {} PAGINATION_SET = 50 MAX_RELATED_ITEMS = 7 # try to extract the number ID try: pos = source_name.find("-") if pos > 0: source_id = int(source_name[:pos]) else: source_id = int(source_name) except: raise Http404 person = get_object_or_404(User, username=username) context = {'person' : person} # initialize context if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated() and person.username == request.user.username: context['mykoncepts'] = True usertags = [ for s in Subject.subjectsListPerUser(request.user)] if usertags: context['usertags'] = usertags else: context['mykoncepts'] = False try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: page = 1 sort_snippets = request.GET.get('sort', 'words') if sort_snippets not in ['words', 'order',]: sort_snippets = 'words' # default # compose search dictionary: if context['mykoncepts']: searchdict['created_by'] = request.user # searchdict['name_url'] = url_encode(source_name) searchdict['id'] = source_id else: searchdict['created_by'] = person # searchdict['name_url'] = url_encode(source_name) searchdict['id'] = source_id try: d1 = Document.objects.filter(**searchdict).distinct()[0] except: # return HttpResponseRedirect('/search/source/%s' % url_encode(source_name)) #always fallback to search raise Http404 # get the objects to be displayed if context['mykoncepts']: quickEditForm = _prePopulateEditDocumentForm(d1) #temp: June 23, 2014 snippets = Fragment.objects.filter(source=d1, created_by=person) if sort_snippets == "words": snippets_overview = sorted(snippets, key=lambda x: len(x.text.split())) else: snippets_overview = snippets if False: nodes, edges = getSourceQuotesGraph(d1) else: snippets = Fragment.objects.filter(source=d1, created_by=person, isprivate=False) snippets_overview = snippets # if the document has no public intfrags, then it is hidden if not snippets: raise Http404 if False: # set up pagination == August 27, 2014: Removed paginator = Paginator(qset, PAGINATION_SET) try: page_object = except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): # If page request is out of range, deliver last page of results. page_object = page_object.extrastuff = paginator_helper(page, paginator.num_pages) page_object.totcount = paginator.count # printdebug(context['mykoncepts']) # finally... context.update({ 'd1' : d1, 'page_flag' : 'document_detail', # 'page_object' : page_object, 'sort_snippets_var' : sort_snippets, 'form' : quickEditForm , 'person' : person, 'snippets': snippets, 'snippets_overview': snippets_overview, # 'recentDocuments' : recentDocuments, 'relatedDocuments' : relatedDocuments, 'koncepts' :koncepts, # 'nodes': simplejson.dumps(nodes), # 'edges': simplejson.dumps(edges), }) return render_to_response(BOOTSTRAP + 'pages/document_detail.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))