Example #1
def get_table(key):
    m = hashlib.md5()
    s = m.digest()
    a, b = struct.unpack('<QQ', s)
    table = maketrans(b'', b'')
    table = [table[i:i + 1] for i in range(len(table))]
    for i in range(1, 1024):
        table.sort(key=lambda x: int(a % (ord(x) + i)))
    return table
Example #2
def parse_name(data, offset):
    p = offset
    labels = []
    l = common.ord(data[p])
    while l > 0:
        if (l & (128 + 64)) == (128 + 64):
            # pointer
            pointer = struct.unpack('!H', data[p:p + 2])[0]
            pointer &= 0x3FFF
            r = parse_name(data, pointer)
            p += 2
            # pointer is the end
            return p - offset, b'.'.join(labels)
            labels.append(data[p + 1:p + 1 + l])
            p += 1 + l
        l = common.ord(data[p])
    return p - offset + 1, b'.'.join(labels)
Example #3
 def _check_auth_method(self, data):
     # VER, NMETHODS, and at least 1 METHODS
     if len(data) < 3:
         logging.warning('method selection header too short')
         raise BadSocksHeader
     socks_version = common.ord(data[0])
     nmethods = common.ord(data[1])
     if socks_version != 5:
         logging.warning('unsupported SOCKS protocol version ' +
         raise BadSocksHeader
     if nmethods < 1 or len(data) != nmethods + 2:
         logging.warning('NMETHODS and number of METHODS mismatch')
         raise BadSocksHeader
     noauth_exist = False
     for method in data[2:]:
         if common.ord(method) == METHOD_NOAUTH:
             noauth_exist = True
     if not noauth_exist:
         logging.warning('none of SOCKS METHOD\'s '
                         'requested by client is supported')
         raise NoAcceptableMethods
Example #4
 def _ota_chunk_data_gen(self, key, iv, data):
     data = common.chr(common.ord(data[0]) | ADDRTYPE_AUTH) + data[1:]
     key = iv + key
     return data + onetimeauth_gen(data, key)
Example #5
    def _handle_server(self):
        server = self._server_socket
        data, r_addr = server.recvfrom(BUF_SIZE)
        key = None
        iv = None
        if not data:
            logging.debug('UDP handle_server: data is empty')
        if self._stat_callback:
            self._stat_callback(self._listen_port, len(data))
        if self._is_local:
            frag = common.ord(data[2])
            if frag != 0:
                logging.warn('UDP drop a message since frag is not 0')
                data = data[3:]
            data, key, iv = encrypt.dencrypt_all(self._password, self._method,
            # decrypt data
            if not data:
                logging.debug('UDP handle_server: data is empty after decrypt')
        header_result = parse_header(data)
        if header_result is None:
        addrtype, dest_addr, dest_port, header_length = header_result

        if self._is_local:
            server_addr, server_port = self._get_a_server()
            server_addr, server_port = dest_addr, dest_port
            # spec https://mzshadows.org/en/spec/one-time-auth.html
            self._ota_enable_session = addrtype & ADDRTYPE_AUTH
            if self._ota_enable and not self._ota_enable_session:
                logging.warn('client one time auth is required')
            if self._ota_enable_session:
                if len(data) < header_length + ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES:
                    logging.warn('UDP one time auth header is too short')
                _hash = data[-ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES:]
                data = data[:-ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES]
                _key = iv + key
                if onetimeauth_verify(_hash, data, _key) is False:
                    logging.warn('UDP one time auth fail')
        addrs = self._dns_cache.get(server_addr, None)
        if addrs is None:
            addrs = socket.getaddrinfo(server_addr, server_port, 0,
                                       socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.SOL_UDP)
            if not addrs:
                # drop
                self._dns_cache[server_addr] = addrs

        af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = addrs[0]
        key = client_key(r_addr, af)
        client = self._cache.get(key, None)
        if not client:
            # TODO async getaddrinfo
            if self._forbidden_iplist:
                if common.to_str(sa[0]) in self._forbidden_iplist:
                    logging.debug('IP %s is in forbidden list, drop' %
                    # drop
            client = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
            self._cache[key] = client
            self._client_fd_to_server_addr[client.fileno()] = r_addr

            self._eventloop.add(client, eventloop.POLL_IN, self)

        if self._is_local:
            key, iv, m = encrypt.gen_key_iv(self._password, self._method)
            # spec https://mzshadows.org/en/spec/one-time-auth.html
            if self._ota_enable_session:
                data = self._ota_chunk_data_gen(key, iv, data)
            data = encrypt.encrypt_all_m(key, iv, m, self._method, data)
            if not data:
            data = data[header_length:]
        if not data:
            client.sendto(data, (server_addr, server_port))
        except IOError as e:
            err = eventloop.errno_from_exception(e)
            if err in (errno.EINPROGRESS, errno.EAGAIN):
Example #6
def test_table_result():
    from mzshadows.common import ord
    target1 = [[
        60, 53, 84, 138, 217, 94, 88, 23, 39, 242, 219, 35, 12, 157, 165, 181,
        255, 143, 83, 247, 162, 16, 31, 209, 190, 171, 115, 65, 38, 41, 21,
        245, 236, 46, 121, 62, 166, 233, 44, 154, 153, 145, 230, 49, 128, 216,
        173, 29, 241, 119, 64, 229, 194, 103, 131, 110, 26, 197, 218, 59, 204,
        56, 27, 34, 141, 221, 149, 239, 192, 195, 24, 155, 170, 183, 11, 254,
        213, 37, 137, 226, 75, 203, 55, 19, 72, 248, 22, 129, 33, 175, 178, 10,
        198, 71, 77, 36, 113, 167, 48, 2, 117, 140, 142, 66, 199, 232, 243, 32,
        123, 54, 51, 82, 57, 177, 87, 251, 150, 196, 133, 5, 253, 130, 8, 184,
        14, 152, 231, 3, 186, 159, 76, 89, 228, 205, 156, 96, 163, 146, 18, 91,
        132, 85, 80, 109, 172, 176, 105, 13, 50, 235, 127, 0, 189, 95, 98, 136,
        250, 200, 108, 179, 211, 214, 106, 168, 78, 79, 74, 210, 30, 73, 201,
        151, 208, 114, 101, 174, 92, 52, 120, 240, 15, 169, 220, 182, 81, 224,
        43, 185, 40, 99, 180, 17, 212, 158, 42, 90, 9, 191, 45, 6, 25, 4, 222,
        67, 126, 1, 116, 124, 206, 69, 61, 7, 68, 97, 202, 63, 244, 20, 28, 58,
        93, 134, 104, 144, 227, 147, 102, 118, 135, 148, 47, 238, 86, 112, 122,
        70, 107, 215, 100, 139, 223, 225, 164, 237, 111, 125, 207, 160, 187,
        246, 234, 161, 188, 193, 249, 252
                   151, 205, 99, 127, 201, 119, 199, 211, 122, 196, 91, 74, 12,
                   147, 124, 180, 21, 191, 138, 83, 217, 30, 86, 7, 70, 200,
                   56, 62, 218, 47, 168, 22, 107, 88, 63, 11, 95, 77, 28, 8,
                   188, 29, 194, 186, 38, 198, 33, 230, 98, 43, 148, 110, 177,
                   1, 109, 82, 61, 112, 219, 59, 0, 210, 35, 215, 50, 27, 103,
                   203, 212, 209, 235, 93, 84, 169, 166, 80, 130, 94, 164, 165,
                   142, 184, 111, 18, 2, 141, 232, 114, 6, 131, 195, 139, 176,
                   220, 5, 153, 135, 213, 154, 189, 238, 174, 226, 53, 222,
                   146, 162, 236, 158, 143, 55, 244, 233, 96, 173, 26, 206,
                   100, 227, 49, 178, 34, 234, 108, 207, 245, 204, 150, 44, 87,
                   121, 54, 140, 118, 221, 228, 155, 78, 3, 239, 101, 64, 102,
                   17, 223, 41, 137, 225, 229, 66, 116, 171, 125, 40, 39, 71,
                   134, 13, 193, 129, 247, 251, 20, 136, 242, 14, 36, 97, 163,
                   181, 72, 25, 144, 46, 175, 89, 145, 113, 90, 159, 190, 15,
                   183, 73, 123, 187, 128, 248, 252, 152, 24, 197, 68, 253, 52,
                   69, 117, 57, 92, 104, 157, 170, 214, 81, 60, 133, 208, 246,
                   172, 23, 167, 160, 192, 76, 161, 237, 45, 4, 58, 10, 182,
                   65, 202, 240, 185, 241, 79, 224, 132, 51, 42, 126, 105, 37,
                   250, 149, 32, 243, 231, 67, 179, 48, 9, 106, 216, 31, 249,
                   19, 85, 254, 156, 115, 255, 120, 75, 16

    target2 = [[
        124, 30, 170, 247, 27, 127, 224, 59, 13, 22, 196, 76, 72, 154, 32, 209,
        4, 2, 131, 62, 101, 51, 230, 9, 166, 11, 99, 80, 208, 112, 36, 248, 81,
        102, 130, 88, 218, 38, 168, 15, 241, 228, 167, 117, 158, 41, 10, 180,
        194, 50, 204, 243, 246, 251, 29, 198, 219, 210, 195, 21, 54, 91, 203,
        221, 70, 57, 183, 17, 147, 49, 133, 65, 77, 55, 202, 122, 162, 169,
        188, 200, 190, 125, 63, 244, 96, 31, 107, 106, 74, 143, 116, 148, 78,
        46, 1, 137, 150, 110, 181, 56, 95, 139, 58, 3, 231, 66, 165, 142, 242,
        43, 192, 157, 89, 175, 109, 220, 128, 0, 178, 42, 255, 20, 214, 185,
        83, 160, 253, 7, 23, 92, 111, 153, 26, 226, 33, 176, 144, 18, 216, 212,
        28, 151, 71, 206, 222, 182, 8, 174, 205, 201, 152, 240, 155, 108, 223,
        104, 239, 98, 164, 211, 184, 34, 193, 14, 114, 187, 40, 254, 12, 67,
        93, 217, 6, 94, 16, 19, 82, 86, 245, 24, 197, 134, 132, 138, 229, 121,
        5, 235, 238, 85, 47, 103, 113, 179, 69, 250, 45, 135, 156, 25, 61, 75,
        44, 146, 189, 84, 207, 172, 119, 53, 123, 186, 120, 171, 68, 227, 145,
        136, 100, 90, 48, 79, 159, 149, 39, 213, 236, 126, 52, 60, 225, 199,
        105, 73, 233, 252, 118, 215, 35, 115, 64, 37, 97, 129, 161, 177, 87,
        237, 141, 173, 191, 163, 140, 234, 232, 249
                   117, 94, 17, 103, 16, 186, 172, 127, 146, 23, 46, 25, 168,
                   8, 163, 39, 174, 67, 137, 175, 121, 59, 9, 128, 179, 199,
                   132, 4, 140, 54, 1, 85, 14, 134, 161, 238, 30, 241, 37, 224,
                   166, 45, 119, 109, 202, 196, 93, 190, 220, 69, 49, 21, 228,
                   209, 60, 73, 99, 65, 102, 7, 229, 200, 19, 82, 240, 71, 105,
                   169, 214, 194, 64, 142, 12, 233, 88, 201, 11, 72, 92, 221,
                   27, 32, 176, 124, 205, 189, 177, 246, 35, 112, 219, 61, 129,
                   170, 173, 100, 84, 242, 157, 26, 218, 20, 33, 191, 155, 232,
                   87, 86, 153, 114, 97, 130, 29, 192, 164, 239, 90, 43, 236,
                   208, 212, 185, 75, 210, 0, 81, 227, 5, 116, 243, 34, 18,
                   182, 70, 181, 197, 217, 95, 183, 101, 252, 248, 107, 89,
                   136, 216, 203, 68, 91, 223, 96, 141, 150, 131, 13, 152, 198,
                   111, 44, 222, 125, 244, 76, 251, 158, 106, 24, 42, 38, 77,
                   2, 213, 207, 249, 147, 113, 135, 245, 118, 193, 47, 98, 145,
                   66, 160, 123, 211, 165, 78, 204, 80, 250, 110, 162, 48, 58,
                   10, 180, 55, 231, 79, 149, 74, 62, 50, 148, 143, 206, 28,
                   15, 57, 159, 139, 225, 122, 237, 138, 171, 36, 56, 115, 63,
                   144, 154, 6, 230, 133, 215, 41, 184, 22, 104, 254, 234, 253,
                   187, 226, 247, 188, 156, 151, 40, 108, 51, 83, 178, 52, 3,
                   31, 255, 195, 53, 235, 126, 167, 120

    encrypt_table = b''.join(get_table(b'foobar!'))
    decrypt_table = maketrans(encrypt_table, maketrans(b'', b''))

    for i in range(0, 256):
        assert (target1[0][i] == ord(encrypt_table[i]))
        assert (target1[1][i] == ord(decrypt_table[i]))

    encrypt_table = b''.join(get_table(b'barfoo!'))
    decrypt_table = maketrans(encrypt_table, maketrans(b'', b''))

    for i in range(0, 256):
        assert (target2[0][i] == ord(encrypt_table[i]))
        assert (target2[1][i] == ord(decrypt_table[i]))
Example #7
 def _handle_stage_addr(self, data):
         if self._is_local:
             cmd = common.ord(data[1])
             if cmd == CMD_UDP_ASSOCIATE:
                 logging.debug('UDP associate')
                 if self._local_sock.family == socket.AF_INET6:
                     header = b'\x05\x00\x00\x04'
                     header = b'\x05\x00\x00\x01'
                 addr, port = self._local_sock.getsockname()[:2]
                 addr_to_send = socket.inet_pton(self._local_sock.family,
                 port_to_send = struct.pack('>H', port)
                 self._write_to_sock(header + addr_to_send + port_to_send,
                 self._stage = STAGE_UDP_ASSOC
                 # just wait for the client to disconnect
             elif cmd == CMD_CONNECT:
                 # just trim VER CMD RSV
                 data = data[3:]
                 logging.error('unknown command %d', cmd)
         header_result = parse_header(data)
         if header_result is None:
             raise Exception('can not parse header')
         addrtype, remote_addr, remote_port, header_length = header_result
         logging.info('connecting %s:%d from %s:%d' %
                      (common.to_str(remote_addr), remote_port,
                       self._client_address[0], self._client_address[1]))
         if self._is_local is False:
             # spec https://mzshadows.org/en/spec/one-time-auth.html
             self._ota_enable_session = addrtype & ADDRTYPE_AUTH
             if self._ota_enable and not self._ota_enable_session:
                 logging.warn('client one time auth is required')
             if self._ota_enable_session:
                 if len(data) < header_length + ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES:
                     logging.warn('one time auth header is too short')
                     return None
                 offset = header_length + ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES
                 _hash = data[header_length: offset]
                 _data = data[:header_length]
                 key = self._encryptor.decipher_iv + self._encryptor.key
                 if onetimeauth_verify(_hash, _data, key) is False:
                     logging.warn('one time auth fail')
                 header_length += ONETIMEAUTH_BYTES
         self._remote_address = (common.to_str(remote_addr), remote_port)
         # pause reading
         self._update_stream(STREAM_UP, WAIT_STATUS_WRITING)
         self._stage = STAGE_DNS
         if self._is_local:
             # forward address to remote
             # spec https://mzshadows.org/en/spec/one-time-auth.html
             # ATYP & 0x10 == 1, then OTA is enabled.
             if self._ota_enable_session:
                 data = common.chr(addrtype | ADDRTYPE_AUTH) + data[1:]
                 key = self._encryptor.cipher_iv + self._encryptor.key
                 data += onetimeauth_gen(data, key)
             data_to_send = self._encryptor.encrypt(data)
             # notice here may go into _handle_dns_resolved directly
             if self._ota_enable_session:
                 data = data[header_length:]
             elif len(data) > header_length:
             # notice here may go into _handle_dns_resolved directly
     except Exception as e:
         if self._config['verbose']: