Example #1
    def _update(self, portal):
        portal_properties = portal.getPropertiesTool()
        global_subobjects = set(portal.adt_meta_types)
        all_nyfolders = ofs_walk(portal, [INyFolder], [IFolder])
        patched = 0
        customized = 0

        for nyfolder in all_nyfolders:
            if global_subobjects != set(nyfolder.folder_meta_types):
                # subobjects are different, they were prev. modified
                # keep the folder_meta_types list as it is
                customized += 1
                # same with global, mark it with `Uses default` (None)
                fmt = FolderMetaTypes(nyfolder)
                patched += 1

        self.log.info(("%d folders now use default subobjects setting, "
                       "%d folders have subobject customizations") %
                      (patched, customized))
        if not add_admin_entry(self, portal,
                               ("""<li tal:condition="canPublish"><a """
                                """tal:attributes="href string:${site_url}/"""
                                """admin_folder_subobjects_html" title"""
                                """="Portal comments" i18n:attributes="title" """
                                """i18n:translate="">Folder subobjects</a></li>"""),
            self.log.error("MANUAL action: Insert link html in admin portlet")
            return False
            return True
        return True
Example #2
    def test_walk_basic(self):
        from naaya.core.zope2util import ofs_walk
        fol = Folder('fol').__of__(Folder('root'))

        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol)), [])

        item = SimpleItem('item')
        fol._setObject('item', item)
        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol)), [item])

        fol2 = Folder('fol2')
        fol._setObject('fol2', fol2)
        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol)), [item, fol2])

        item2 = SimpleItem('item2')
        fol2._setObject('item2', item2)
        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol)), [item, fol2, item2])
    def test_walk_basic(self):
        from naaya.core.zope2util import ofs_walk
        fol = Folder('fol').__of__(Folder('root'))

        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol)), [])

        item = SimpleItem('item')
        fol._setObject('item', item)
        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol)), [item])

        fol2 = Folder('fol2')
        fol._setObject('fol2', fol2)
        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol)), [item, fol2])

        item2 = SimpleItem('item2')
        fol2._setObject('item2', item2)
        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol)), [item, fol2, item2])
Example #4
    def test_always_traverse_root(self):
        from naaya.core.zope2util import ofs_walk
        fol = Folder('fol').__of__(Folder('root'))
        fol2 = Folder('fol2')
        item = SimpleItem('item')
        item2 = SimpleItem('item2')
        fol._setObject('item', item)
        fol._setObject('fol2', fol2)
        fol2._setObject('item2', item2)

        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol, containers=[])), [item, fol2])
    def test_always_traverse_root(self):
        from naaya.core.zope2util import ofs_walk
        fol = Folder('fol').__of__(Folder('root'))
        fol2 = Folder('fol2')
        item = SimpleItem('item')
        item2 = SimpleItem('item2')
        fol._setObject('item', item)
        fol._setObject('fol2', fol2)
        fol2._setObject('item2', item2)

        self.assertEqual(list(ofs_walk(fol, containers=[])), [item, fol2])
Example #6
    def _update(self, portal):
        all_objects = itertools.chain([portal], ofs_walk(portal))

        # this class is not used anymore:
        no_trans = 0
        for obj in all_objects:
            # Part 0: if broken, report it
            if isinstance(obj, BrokenClass):
                self.log.error(("Object %r is broken! Unable to clean local"
                                " properties, if any ") % obj)

            # Part 1: normalize representation of local properties
            _local_properties = getattr(obj, '_local_properties', None)
            if _local_properties is not None:
                for (property, trans) in _local_properties.items():
                    delete_keys = set()
                    for (lang, translation) in trans.items():
                        if not lang and translation[0]:
                            en_trans = obj.getLocalProperty(property, 'en')
                            if not en_trans:
                                obj.set_localpropvalue(property, 'en',
                                    "Moved to 'En' translation for empty lang %s - %s: '%s'"
                                    % (obj.absolute_url(), property,
                                    "Removed translation for empty lang %s - %s: '%s', Keeping: '%s' for En"
                                    % (obj.absolute_url(), property,
                                       translation[0], en_trans))
                        if not translation[0]:
                    if len(delete_keys):
                        no_trans += len(delete_keys)
                        obj._p_changed = 1
                    for key in delete_keys:
                        del trans[key]

        self.log.debug('%d empty translations removed' % no_trans)

        return True
    def test_restrict_traversal(self):
        from naaya.core.zope2util import ofs_walk
        fol = Folder('fol').__of__(Folder('root'))
        fol2 = Folder('fol2')
        item = SimpleItem('item')
        item2 = SimpleItem('item2')
        fol._setObject('item', item)
        fol._setObject('fol2', fol2)
        fol2._setObject('item2', item2)
        class IMyContainer(interface.Interface): pass
        class IMyCont2(interface.Interface): pass

        # we call with 2 interfaces to make sure "OR" logic is applied
        walk = lambda: list(ofs_walk(fol, containers=[IMyContainer, IMyCont2]))

        self.assertEqual(walk(), [item, fol2])

        interface.alsoProvides(fol2, IMyContainer)
        self.assertEqual(walk(), [item, fol2, item2])
    def _update(self, portal):
        portal_properties = portal.getPropertiesTool()
        global_subobjects = set(portal.adt_meta_types)
        all_nyfolders = ofs_walk(portal, [INyFolder], [IFolder])
        patched = 0
        customized = 0

        for nyfolder in all_nyfolders:
            if global_subobjects != set(nyfolder.folder_meta_types):
                # subobjects are different, they were prev. modified
                # keep the folder_meta_types list as it is
                customized += 1
                # same with global, mark it with `Uses default` (None)
                fmt = FolderMetaTypes(nyfolder)
                patched += 1

            ("%d folders now use default subobjects setting, " "%d folders have subobject customizations")
            % (patched, customized)
        if not add_admin_entry(
                """<li tal:condition="canPublish"><a """
                """tal:attributes="href string:${site_url}/"""
                """admin_folder_subobjects_html" title"""
                """="Portal comments" i18n:attributes="title" """
                """i18n:translate="">Folder subobjects</a></li>"""
            self.log.error("MANUAL action: Insert link html in admin portlet")
            return False
            return True
        return True
Example #9
    def _update(self, portal):
        all_objects = itertools.chain([portal], ofs_walk(portal))

        # this class is not used anymore:
        no_trans = 0
        for obj in all_objects:
            # Part 0: if broken, report it
            if isinstance(obj, BrokenClass):
                self.log.error(("Object %r is broken! Unable to clean local"
                                " properties, if any ") % obj)

            # Part 1: normalize representation of local properties
            _local_properties = getattr(obj, '_local_properties', None)
            if _local_properties is not None:
                for (property, trans) in _local_properties.items():
                    delete_keys = set()
                    for (lang, translation) in trans.items():
                        if not lang and translation[0]:
                            en_trans =  obj.getLocalProperty(property, 'en')
                            if not en_trans:
                                obj.set_localpropvalue(property, 'en', translation[0])
                                self.log.info("Moved to 'En' translation for empty lang %s - %s: '%s'"
                                              % (obj.absolute_url(), property, translation[0]))
                                self.log.info("Removed translation for empty lang %s - %s: '%s', Keeping: '%s' for En"
                                              % (obj.absolute_url(), property, translation[0], en_trans))
                        if not translation[0]:
                    if len(delete_keys):
                        no_trans += len(delete_keys)
                        obj._p_changed = 1
                    for key in delete_keys:
                        del trans[key]

        self.log.debug('%d empty translations removed' % no_trans)

        return True
Example #10
    def test_restrict_traversal(self):
        from naaya.core.zope2util import ofs_walk
        fol = Folder('fol').__of__(Folder('root'))
        fol2 = Folder('fol2')
        item = SimpleItem('item')
        item2 = SimpleItem('item2')
        fol._setObject('item', item)
        fol._setObject('fol2', fol2)
        fol2._setObject('item2', item2)

        class IMyContainer(interface.Interface):

        class IMyCont2(interface.Interface):

        # we call with 2 interfaces to make sure "OR" logic is applied
        walk = lambda: list(ofs_walk(fol, containers=[IMyContainer, IMyCont2]))

        self.assertEqual(walk(), [item, fol2])

        interface.alsoProvides(fol2, IMyContainer)
        self.assertEqual(walk(), [item, fol2, item2])
Example #11
    def _update(self, portal):
        Summary of update:
         * test for portal_i18n existance, if true, skip portal
         * get languages and default language
         * create portal_i18n, place it in portal
         * copy message translations
         * fix localized properties
         * delete Localizer and portal_translations

        #if Localizer is None:
        #    self.log.error('Migration unavailable when edw-localizer'
        #                   ' not installed')
        #    return False

        if isinstance(portal.getPortalI18n(), NaayaI18n):
                "Portal already uses naaya.i18n, skipping i18n init")
            localizer = None
                "Creating portal_i18n and copying message catalog data")
            localizer = portal._getOb('Localizer', None)
            portal_trans = portal._getOb('portal_translations')
            if localizer is None:
                self.log.error("Localizer not found")
                return False
            if portal_trans is None:
                self.log.error("Portal Translations not found")
                return False

            languages = [(x, localizer.get_language_name(x))
                         for x in localizer.get_languages()]
            def_lang = localizer.get_default_language()
            self.log.debug('Found languages: %r, default: %s', languages,

            manage_addNaayaI18n(portal, languages)

            message_cat = portal.getPortalI18n().get_message_catalog()
            (msg_cnt, trans_cnt) = (0, 0)
            for (msgid, trans) in portal_trans._messages.items():
                if isinstance(msgid, str):
                    msgid = force_to_unicode(msgid)
                # one call to gettext, to add 'en' identical translation, if missing
                message_cat.gettext(msgid, def_lang)
                msg_cnt += 1
                for lang in trans:
                    found = message_cat.gettext(msgid, lang, '')
                    if lang != 'note':
                        trans_cnt += 1
                        if isinstance(trans[lang], unicode):
                            translation = trans[lang]
                        elif isinstance(trans[lang], str):
                            translation = force_to_unicode(trans[lang])
                            self.log.error(("Unacceptable type '%s' found for "
                                            "translation") % type(trans[lang]))
                            self.log.error("Migration cancelled")
                            return False
                        if translation != found:
                            message_cat.edit_message(msgid, lang, translation)

            self.log.debug('%d iterated, a total of %d translation mappings.' %
                           (msg_cnt, trans_cnt))
            self.log.debug('Message Catalog now counts %d entries (msgid-s).' %

            # Clean up and delete localizer
            localizer.manage_beforeDelete(localizer, portal)
            self.log.debug('Localizer and Portal translations removed')

        # Fix local properties:
        # * remove translations with None-index (instead of language code)
        # * add existent properties in _local_properties_metadata
        # * remove blank/emptystring translations
        # Clean up any LocalAttribute-s on instances, if attribute not
        # present in class and superclasses or present but is LocalAttribute

        # key: class, value: attrs on class that are not LocalAttribute
        # their overrides need to be kept
        lookup_cache = {}

        localprops_del_cnt = 0
        localprops_keep_cnt = 0
        total_cnt = 0
        all_objects = itertools.chain([portal], ofs_walk(portal))

        # this class is not used anymore:

        for obj in all_objects:
            # Part 0.0: remove unused contenttype classes on sites:
            if INySite.providedBy(obj):
                if '_contenttypes_tool__contenttype_dictionary' in obj.__dict__:
                    del obj.__dict__[
                    obj._p_changed = 1

            # Part 0.1: if broken, report it
            #         if other localizer in NySite child, skip it
            if isinstance(obj, BrokenClass):
                self.log.error(("Object %r is broken! Unable to fix local"
                                " properties, if any ") % obj)
            if isinstance(obj, Localizer) and obj != localizer:

            # Part 1: delete unnecessary LocalAttributes on instances
            if obj.__dict__.get('_languages') is not None:
                del obj._languages
            if obj.__dict__.get('_default_language') is not None:
                del obj._default_language
            for (key, value) in obj.__dict__.items():
                if isinstance(value, LocalAttribute):
                    if not requires_localproperty(obj, key):
                        self.log.debug("Deleting LocalAttribute: %r.%s", obj,
                        delattr(obj, key)
                        localprops_del_cnt += 1
                        self.log.debug("Keeping LocalAttribute: %r.%s", obj,
                        setattr(obj, key, NewLocalAttribute(key))
                        localprops_keep_cnt += 1

            # Part 2: normalize representation of local properties
            _local_properties = getattr(obj, '_local_properties', None)
            if _local_properties is not None:
                for (property, trans) in _local_properties.items():
                    if property not in obj._local_properties_metadata:
                        obj.set_localproperty(property, 'string')
                    delete_keys = set()
                    for (lang, translation) in trans.items():
                        if not translation[0]:
                    if len(delete_keys):
                        for key in delete_keys:
                            del trans[key]
                        obj._p_changed = 1

        self.log.debug("%d LocalAttribute-s deleted from OFS" %
        self.log.debug("%d LocalAttribute-s kept in OFS" % localprops_keep_cnt)
        self.log.debug('Migration is complete!')

        return True
Example #12
def walk_backup(index_file, open_backup_file, get_date, actor):
    folders_info = {'root_path': '',
                    'known_folders': {'': None}}

    gen_existing = ofs_walk(actor.context, [INyFolder], [INyFolder])
    for folder in gen_existing:
        rel_path = relative_object_path(folder, actor.context)
        folders_info['known_folders'][rel_path] = None

    def remove_root_path(path):
        assert path.startswith(folders_info['root_path'])
        result = path[len(folders_info['root_path']):]
        if result.startswith('/'):
            result = result[1:]
        return result

    def handle_folder(line):
        title = line['TITLE']
        description = line['ABSTRACT']
        userid = parse_userid(line['OWNER'])
        folder_zip_path =  line['FILENAME'][:-1].encode('utf-8')

        # for zope replace starting underscores
        folder_zope_path = sanitize_folder_path(folder_zip_path)

        # use get_date as a backup
            date = parse_date(line['CREATED'])
        except ValueError:
            date = get_date(folder_zip_path)

        if '/' in folder_zope_path:
            parent_path, folder_id = folder_zope_path.rsplit('/', 1)
            parent_path = ''
            folder_id = folder_zope_path

        if len(folders_info['known_folders']) == 1:
            assert folders_info['root_path'] == ''
            if parent_path:
                folders_info['root_path'] = parent_path
                folders_info['root_path'] = ''

        parent_path = remove_root_path(parent_path)
        folder_zope_path = remove_root_path(folder_zope_path)

        assert parent_path in folders_info['known_folders']

        if folder_zope_path in folders_info['known_folders']:
            assert line['CREATED'] == folders_info['known_folders'][folder_zope_path]['CREATED']
            assert line['OWNER'] == folders_info['known_folders'][folder_zope_path]['OWNER']
        folders_info['known_folders'][folder_zope_path] = line

        actor.folder_entry(parent_path, folder_id,
                           title, description, date, userid)

    def handle_file(line):
        title = line['TITLE']
        description = line['ABSTRACT']
        userid = parse_userid(line['OWNER'])
        keywords = line['KEYWORDS']
        reference = line.get('REFERENCE', '')
        status = line['STATUS']
        doc_zip_path = line['FILENAME']

        # for zope replace starting underscores
        doc_zope_path = sanitize_folder_path(doc_zip_path)

        # use get_date as a backup
            date = parse_date(line['UPLOADDATE'])
        except ValueError:
            date = get_date(doc_zip_path)

        doc_split_path = doc_zope_path.split('/')
        doc_filename = doc_split_path[-1].encode('utf-8')
        doc_langver = doc_split_path[-2]
        doc_dpl_name = str(doc_split_path[-3])

        parent_path = '/'.join(doc_split_path[:-3]).encode('utf-8')
        parent_path = remove_root_path(parent_path)
        assert parent_path in folders_info['known_folders']

        doc_id = doc_dpl_name[:-len('.dpl')]
        doc_id = sanitize_id(doc_id)

        full_path = parent_path+'/'+doc_id
        if not doc_langver.startswith('EN_'):
            actor.warn('non-english content: %r at %r' %
                       (doc_langver, full_path))

        if line['RANKING'] != 'Public':
            actor.warn('ranking is %r for %r' %
                       (str(line['RANKING']), full_path))

        if description.lower() == 'n/a':
            description = ''
        if status.lower() == 'n/a':
            status = ''
        if reference.lower() == 'n/a':
            reference = ''

        if status not in ('Draft', ''):
            description = ( ("<p>Status: %s</p>\n" % status)
                            + description)

        if reference:
            description = ( ("<p>Reference: %s</p>\n" % reference)
                            + description)

        doc_data_file = open_backup_file(doc_zip_path.encode('latin-1'))

        if doc_filename.endswith('.url'):
            url = doc_data_file.read().strip()
            if '\n' in url:
                matched = re.search(r'URL=(.*)', url)
                if matched:
                    url = matched.groups()[0].strip()
            assert url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://') or url.startswith('ftp://'), "bad url: %r" % url
            actor.url_entry(parent_path, doc_id,
                            doc_filename, url,
                            title, description, keywords, date, userid)
            actor.document_entry(parent_path, doc_id,
                                 doc_filename, doc_data_file,
                                 title, description, keywords, date, userid)

    for line in read_index(index_file, actor.warn):
        filename = line['FILENAME']
        if filename.endswith('/'):
Example #13
def walk_backup(index_file, open_backup_file, get_date, actor):
    folders_info = {'root_path': '',
                    'known_folders': {'': None}}

    gen_existing = ofs_walk(actor.context, [INyFolder], [INyFolder])
    for folder in gen_existing:
        rel_path = relative_object_path(folder, actor.context)
        folders_info['known_folders'][rel_path] = None

    def remove_root_path(path):
        assert path.startswith(folders_info['root_path'])
        result = path[len(folders_info['root_path']):]
        if result.startswith('/'):
            result = result[1:]
        return result

    def handle_folder(line):
        title = line.get('TITLE', line['Title'])
        description = line.get('ABSTRACT', line['Abstract'])
        userid = parse_userid(line.get('OWNER', line['Owner']))
        filename = line.get('FILENAME', line['Filename'])
        folder_zip_path = filename[:-1].encode('utf-8')

        # for zope replace starting underscores
        folder_zope_path = sanitize_folder_path(folder_zip_path)

        # use get_date as a backup
            date = parse_date(line.get('CREATED', line['Created']))
        except ValueError:
            date = get_date(folder_zip_path)

        if '/' in folder_zope_path:
            parent_path, folder_id = folder_zope_path.rsplit('/', 1)
            parent_path = ''
            folder_id = folder_zope_path

        if len(folders_info['known_folders']) == 1:
            assert folders_info['root_path'] == ''
            if parent_path:
                folders_info['root_path'] = parent_path
                folders_info['root_path'] = ''

        parent_path = remove_root_path(parent_path)
        folder_zope_path = remove_root_path(folder_zope_path)

        assert parent_path in folders_info['known_folders']

        if folder_zope_path in folders_info['known_folders']:
            created = line.get('CREATED', line['Created'])
            owner = line.get('OWNER', line['Owner'])
            folder_info = folders_info['known_folders'][folder_zope_path]
            assert created == folder_info.get('CREATED',
            assert owner == folder_info.get('OWNER', folder_info['Owner'])
        folders_info['known_folders'][folder_zope_path] = line

        actor.folder_entry(parent_path, folder_id,
                           title, description, date, userid)

    def handle_file(line):
        title = line.get('TITLE', line['Title'])
        description = line.get('ABSTRACT', line['Abstract'])
        userid = parse_userid(line.get('OWNER', line['Owner']))
        keywords = line.get('KEYWORDS', line['Keywords'])
        reference = line.get('REFERENCE', line.get('Reference', ''))
        status = line.get('STATUS', line['Status'])
        doc_zip_path = line.get('FILENAME', line['Filename'])

        # for zope replace starting underscores
        doc_zope_path = sanitize_folder_path(doc_zip_path)

        # use get_date as a backup
            date = parse_date(line.get('UPLOADDATE', line['Uploaddate']))
        except ValueError:
            date = get_date(doc_zip_path)

        doc_split_path = doc_zope_path.split('/')
        doc_filename = doc_split_path[-1].encode('utf-8')
        doc_langver = doc_split_path[-2]
        doc_dpl_name = str(doc_split_path[-3])

        parent_path = '/'.join(doc_split_path[:-3]).encode('utf-8')
        parent_path = remove_root_path(parent_path)
        assert parent_path in folders_info['known_folders']

        doc_id = doc_dpl_name[:-len('.dpl')]
        doc_id = sanitize_id(doc_id)

        full_path = parent_path+'/'+doc_id
        if not doc_langver.startswith('EN_'):
            actor.warn('non-english content: %r at %r' %
                       (doc_langver, full_path))

        ranking = line.get('RANKING', line['Ranking'])
        if ranking != 'Public':
            actor.warn('ranking is %r for %r' %
                       (str(ranking), full_path))

        if description.lower() == 'n/a':
            description = ''
        if status.lower() == 'n/a':
            status = ''
        if reference.lower() == 'n/a':
            reference = ''

        if status not in ('Draft', ''):
            description = (("<p>Status: %s</p>\n" % status)
                           + description)

        if reference:
            description = (("<p>Reference: %s</p>\n" % reference)
                           + description)

        doc_data_file = open_backup_file(doc_zip_path.encode('latin-1'))

        if doc_filename.endswith('.url'):
            url = doc_data_file.read().strip()
            if '\n' in url:
                matched = re.search(r'URL=(.*)', url)
                if matched:
                    url = matched.groups()[0].strip()
            assert (url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://') or
                    url.startswith('ftp://'), "bad url: %r" % url)
            actor.url_entry(parent_path, doc_id,
                            doc_filename, url,
                            title, description, keywords, date, userid)
            actor.document_entry(parent_path, doc_id,
                                 doc_filename, doc_data_file,
                                 title, description, keywords, date, userid)

    for line in read_index(index_file, actor.warn):
        filename = line.get('FILENAME', line['Filename'])
        if filename.endswith('/'):
Example #14
    def _update(self, portal):
        Summary of update:
         * test for portal_i18n existance, if true, skip portal
         * get languages and default language
         * create portal_i18n, place it in portal
         * copy message translations
         * fix localized properties
         * delete Localizer and portal_translations

        #if Localizer is None:
        #    self.log.error('Migration unavailable when edw-localizer'
        #                   ' not installed')
        #    return False

        if isinstance(portal.getPortalI18n(), NaayaI18n):
            self.log.debug("Portal already uses naaya.i18n, skipping i18n init")
            localizer = None
            self.log.debug("Creating portal_i18n and copying message catalog data")
            localizer = portal._getOb('Localizer', None)
            portal_trans = portal._getOb('portal_translations')
            if localizer is None:
                self.log.error("Localizer not found")
                return False
            if portal_trans is None:
                self.log.error("Portal Translations not found")
                return False
            languages = [ (x, localizer.get_language_name(x)) for
                          x in localizer.get_languages() ]
            def_lang = localizer.get_default_language()
            self.log.debug('Found languages: %r, default: %s', languages, def_lang)
            manage_addNaayaI18n(portal, languages)
            message_cat = portal.getPortalI18n().get_message_catalog()
            (msg_cnt, trans_cnt) = (0, 0)
            for (msgid, trans) in portal_trans._messages.items():
                if isinstance(msgid, str):
                    msgid = force_to_unicode(msgid)
                # one call to gettext, to add 'en' identical translation, if missing
                message_cat.gettext(msgid, def_lang)
                msg_cnt += 1
                for lang in trans:
                    found = message_cat.gettext(msgid, lang, '')
                    if lang != 'note':
                        trans_cnt += 1
                        if isinstance(trans[lang], unicode):
                            translation = trans[lang]
                        elif isinstance(trans[lang], str):
                            translation = force_to_unicode(trans[lang])
                            self.log.error(("Unacceptable type '%s' found for "
                                            "translation") % type(trans[lang]))
                            self.log.error("Migration cancelled")
                            return False
                        if translation != found:
                            message_cat.edit_message(msgid, lang, translation)
            self.log.debug('%d iterated, a total of %d translation mappings.'
                           % (msg_cnt, trans_cnt))
            self.log.debug('Message Catalog now counts %d entries (msgid-s).'
                           % len(message_cat._messages.keys()))

            # Clean up and delete localizer
            localizer.manage_beforeDelete(localizer, portal)
            self.log.debug('Localizer and Portal translations removed')

        # Fix local properties:
        # * remove translations with None-index (instead of language code)
        # * add existent properties in _local_properties_metadata
        # * remove blank/emptystring translations
        # Clean up any LocalAttribute-s on instances, if attribute not
        # present in class and superclasses or present but is LocalAttribute

        # key: class, value: attrs on class that are not LocalAttribute
        # their overrides need to be kept
        lookup_cache = {}

        localprops_del_cnt = 0
        localprops_keep_cnt = 0
        total_cnt = 0
        all_objects = itertools.chain([portal], ofs_walk(portal))

        # this class is not used anymore:

        for obj in all_objects:
            # Part 0.0: remove unused contenttype classes on sites:
            if INySite.providedBy(obj):
                if '_contenttypes_tool__contenttype_dictionary' in obj.__dict__:
                    del obj.__dict__['_contenttypes_tool__contenttype_dictionary']
                    obj._p_changed = 1

            # Part 0.1: if broken, report it
            #         if other localizer in NySite child, skip it
            if isinstance(obj, BrokenClass):
                self.log.error(("Object %r is broken! Unable to fix local"
                                " properties, if any ") % obj)
            if isinstance(obj, Localizer) and obj != localizer:

            # Part 1: delete unnecessary LocalAttributes on instances
            if obj.__dict__.get('_languages') is not None:
                del obj._languages
            if obj.__dict__.get('_default_language') is not None:
                del obj._default_language
            for (key, value) in obj.__dict__.items():
                if isinstance(value, LocalAttribute):
                    if not requires_localproperty(obj, key):
                        self.log.debug("Deleting LocalAttribute: %r.%s", obj, key)
                        delattr(obj, key)
                        localprops_del_cnt += 1
                        self.log.debug("Keeping LocalAttribute: %r.%s", obj, key)
                        setattr(obj, key, NewLocalAttribute(key))
                        localprops_keep_cnt += 1

            # Part 2: normalize representation of local properties
            _local_properties = getattr(obj, '_local_properties', None)
            if _local_properties is not None:
                for (property, trans) in _local_properties.items():
                    if property not in obj._local_properties_metadata:
                        obj.set_localproperty(property, 'string')
                    delete_keys = set()
                    for (lang, translation) in trans.items():
                        if not translation[0]:
                    if len(delete_keys):
                        for key in delete_keys:
                            del trans[key]
                        obj._p_changed = 1

        self.log.debug("%d LocalAttribute-s deleted from OFS" % localprops_del_cnt)
        self.log.debug("%d LocalAttribute-s kept in OFS" % localprops_keep_cnt)
        self.log.debug('Migration is complete!')

        return True