def __init__(self, conf, tasksconf, dataconf, modelconf, evaluatorconf, expdir, init_filename, server, task_index): ''' NnetTrainer constructor, creates the training graph Args: conf: the trainer config taskconf: the config file for each task dataconf: the data configuration as a ConfigParser modelconf: the neural net model configuration evaluatorconf: the evaluator configuration for evaluating if None no evaluation will be done expdir: directory where the summaries will be written init_filename: filename of the network that should be used to initialize the model. Put to None if no network is available/wanted. server: optional server to be used for distributed training task_index: optional index of the worker task in the cluster ''' self.expdir = expdir self.server = server self.conf = conf self.tasksconf = tasksconf self.task_index = task_index self.init_filename = init_filename self.batch_size = int(conf['batch_size']) cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec(server.server_def.cluster) #create the graph self.graph = tf.Graph() #3 model types for multi task: single one to one; single one to many; multiple one to one #single one to one: the whole model is shared for all tasks, only loss function can be different #single one to many: each task has a separate output so only part of the network is shared, eg evrything but the output layer #multiple one to one: each task has its own network. Possibly the outputs are combined in a loss function #create the model modelfile = os.path.join(expdir, 'model', 'model.pkl') with open(modelfile, 'wb') as fid: self.model = model_factory.factory( modelconf.get('model', 'architecture'))(conf=modelconf) pickle.dump(self.model, fid) evaltype = evaluatorconf.get('evaluator', 'evaluator') #get the database configurations input_dataconfs = dict() target_dataconfs = dict() loss_computers = dict() nr_input_sections = dict() if evaltype != 'None': evaluators = dict() for task in self.conf['tasks'].split(' '): taskconf = self.tasksconf[task] #get the database configurations input_names = modelconf.get('io', 'inputs').split(' ') if input_names == ['']: input_names = [] input_sections = [taskconf[i].split(' ') for i in input_names] nr_input_sections[task] = len(input_sections) task_input_dataconfs = [] for sectionset in input_sections: task_input_dataconfs.append([]) for section in sectionset: task_input_dataconfs[-1].append( dict(dataconf.items(section))) input_dataconfs[task] = task_input_dataconfs output_names = taskconf['targets'].split(' ') if output_names == ['']: output_names = [] target_sections = [taskconf[o].split(' ') for o in output_names] task_target_dataconfs = [] for sectionset in target_sections: task_target_dataconfs.append([]) for section in sectionset: task_target_dataconfs[-1].append( dict(dataconf.items(section))) target_dataconfs[task] = task_target_dataconfs #create the loss computer loss_computer = loss_computer_factory.factory( taskconf['loss_type'])(self.batch_size) loss_computers[task] = loss_computer if evaltype != 'None': evaluator = evaluator_factory.factory(evaltype)( conf=evaluatorconf, dataconf=dataconf, model=self.model, task=task) evaluators[task] = evaluator if 'local' in cluster.as_dict(): num_replicas = 1 device = tf.DeviceSpec(job='local') else: #distributed training num_replicas = len(cluster.as_dict()['worker']) num_servers = len(cluster.as_dict()['ps']) ps_strategy = num_tasks=num_servers, device = tf.train.replica_device_setter(ps_tasks=num_servers, ps_strategy=ps_strategy) chief_ps = tf.DeviceSpec(job='ps', task=0) self.is_chief = task_index == 0 #define the placeholders in the graph with self.graph.as_default(): #create a local num_steps variable self.num_steps = tf.get_variable( name='num_steps', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) #a variable to hold the amount of steps already taken self.global_step = tf.get_variable( name='global_step', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) should_terminate = tf.get_variable( name='should_terminate', shape=[], dtype=tf.bool, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(False), trainable=False) self.terminate = should_terminate.assign(True).op #create a check if training should continue self.should_stop = tf.logical_or( tf.greater_equal(self.global_step, self.num_steps), should_terminate) with tf.device(device): data_queues = dict() num_steps = [] done_ops = [] for task in self.conf['tasks'].split(' '): #check if running in distributed model if 'local' in cluster.as_dict(): #get the filenames data_queue_elements, _ = input_pipeline.get_filenames( input_dataconfs[task] + target_dataconfs[task]) #create the data queue and queue runners (inputs get shuffled! I already did this so set to False) data_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer( string_tensor=data_queue_elements, shuffle=False, seed=None, capacity=self.batch_size * 2, shared_name='data_queue_' + task) data_queues[task] = data_queue #compute the number of steps if int(conf['numbatches_to_aggregate']) == 0: task_num_steps = (int(conf['num_epochs']) * len(data_queue_elements) / self.batch_size) else: task_num_steps = ( int(conf['num_epochs']) * len(data_queue_elements) / (self.batch_size * int(conf['numbatches_to_aggregate']))) #set the number of steps num_steps.append(task_num_steps) done_ops.append(tf.no_op()) else: with tf.device(chief_ps): #get the data queue data_queue = tf.FIFOQueue( capacity=self.batch_size * (num_replicas + 1), shared_name='data_queue_' + task, name='data_queue_' + task, dtypes=[tf.string], shapes=[[]]) data_queues[task] = data_queue #get the number of steps from the parameter server num_steps_queue = tf.FIFOQueue( capacity=num_replicas, dtypes=[tf.int32], shared_name='num_steps_queue', name='num_steps_queue', shapes=[[]]) #set the number of steps task_num_steps = num_steps_queue.dequeue() #get the done queues for i in range(num_servers): with tf.device('job:ps/task:%d' % i): done_queue = tf.FIFOQueue( capacity=num_replicas, dtypes=[tf.bool], shapes=[[]], shared_name='done_queue%d' % i, name='done_queue%d' % i) done_ops.append(done_queue.enqueue(True)) self.set_num_steps = self.num_steps.assign(min(num_steps)).op self.done =*done_ops) #training part with tf.variable_scope('train'): #a variable to scale the learning rate (used to reduce the #learning rate in case validation performance drops) learning_rate_fact = tf.get_variable( name='learning_rate_fact', shape=[], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.0), trainable=False) #compute the learning rate with exponential decay and scale #with the learning rate factor self.learning_rate = (tf.train.exponential_decay( learning_rate=float(conf['initial_learning_rate']), global_step=self.global_step, decay_steps=self.num_steps, decay_rate=float(conf['learning_rate_decay'])) * learning_rate_fact) #create the optimizer optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate) self.total_loss = tf.get_variable( name='total_loss', shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) self.reset_loss = self.total_loss.assign(0.0) loss = [] for task in self.conf['tasks'].split(' '): with tf.variable_scope(task): #create the input pipeline data, seq_length = input_pipeline.input_pipeline( data_queue=data_queues[task], batch_size=self.batch_size, numbuckets=int(conf['numbuckets']), dataconfs=input_dataconfs[task] + target_dataconfs[task]) inputs = { input_names[i]: d for i, d in enumerate( data[:nr_input_sections[task]]) } seq_length = { input_names[i]: d for i, d in enumerate( seq_length[:nr_input_sections[task]]) } targets = { output_names[i]: d for i, d in enumerate( data[nr_input_sections[task]:]) } #target_seq_length = { #output_names[i]: d #for i, d in enumerate(seq_length[nr_input_sections[task]:])} #compute the training outputs of the model logits = self.model(inputs=inputs, input_seq_length=seq_length, is_training=True) #TODO: The proper way to exploit data paralellism is via the #SyncReplicasOptimizer defined below. However for some reason it hangs #and I have not yet found a solution for it. For the moment the gradients #are accumulated in a way that does not allow data paralellism and there # is no advantage on having multiple workers. (We also accumulate the loss) #create an optimizer that aggregates gradients #if int(conf['numbatches_to_aggregate']) > 0: #optimizer = tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer( #opt=optimizer, #replicas_to_aggregate=int( #conf['numbatches_to_aggregate'])#, ##total_num_replicas=num_replicas #) #compute the loss task_loss = loss_computers[task](targets, logits, seq_length) #append the task loss to the global loss loss.append(task_loss) #accumulate losses from tasks with tf.variable_scope('accumulate_loss_from_tasks'): loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) #accumulate losses from batches self.acc_loss = self.total_loss.assign_add(loss) ##compute the gradients #grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss) #with tf.variable_scope('clip'): #clip_value = float(conf['clip_grad_value']) ##clip the gradients #grads_and_vars = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -clip_value, clip_value), var) #for grad, var in grads_and_vars] self.params = tf.trainable_variables() grads = [ tf.get_variable(, param.get_shape().as_list(), initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) for param in self.params ] self.reset_grad = tf.variables_initializer(grads) #compute the gradients minibatch_grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients( loss) with tf.variable_scope('clip'): clip_value = float(conf['clip_grad_value']) #clip the gradients minibatch_grads_and_vars = [ (tf.clip_by_value(grad, -clip_value, clip_value), var) for grad, var in minibatch_grads_and_vars ] (minibatchgrads, minibatchvars) = zip(*minibatch_grads_and_vars) #update gradients by accumulating them self.update_gradients = [ grad.assign_add(batchgrad) for batchgrad, grad in zip(minibatchgrads, grads) ] #opperation to apply the gradients grads_and_vars = list(zip(grads, minibatchvars)) apply_gradients_op = optimizer.apply_gradients( grads_and_vars=grads_and_vars, global_step=self.global_step, name='apply_gradients') #all remaining operations with the UPDATE_OPS GraphKeys update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) #create an operation to update the gradients, the batch_loss #and do all other update ops self.update_op =*([apply_gradients_op] + update_ops), name='update') if evaltype != 'None': #validation part with tf.variable_scope('validate'): #create a variable to hold the validation loss self.validation_loss = tf.get_variable( name='validation_loss', shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) #create a variable to save the last step where the model #was validated validated_step = tf.get_variable( name='validated_step', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer( -int(conf['valid_frequency'])), trainable=False) #a check if validation is due self.should_validate = tf.greater_equal( self.global_step - validated_step, int(conf['valid_frequency'])) val_batch_loss = [] valbatches = [] for task in self.conf['tasks'].split(' '): with tf.variable_scope(task): task_val_batch_loss, task_valbatches, _, _ = evaluators[ task].evaluate() val_batch_loss.append(task_val_batch_loss) valbatches.append(task_valbatches) val_batch_loss = tf.reduce_mean(val_batch_loss) self.valbatches = min(valbatches) self.update_loss = self.validation_loss.assign( self.validation_loss + val_batch_loss #/self.valbatches ).op #update the learning rate factor self.half_lr = learning_rate_fact.assign( learning_rate_fact / 2).op #create an operation to updated the validated step self.update_validated_step = validated_step.assign( self.global_step).op #variable to hold the best validation loss so far self.best_validation = tf.get_variable( name='best_validation', shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.79e+308), trainable=False) #op to update the best velidation loss self.update_best = self.best_validation.assign( self.validation_loss).op #a variable that holds the amount of workers at the #validation point waiting_workers = tf.get_variable( name='waiting_workers', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) #an operation to signal a waiting worker self.waiting = waiting_workers.assign_add(1).op #an operation to set the waiting workers to zero self.reset_waiting = waiting_workers.initializer #an operation to check if all workers are waiting self.all_waiting = tf.equal(waiting_workers, num_replicas - 1) tf.summary.scalar('validation loss', self.validation_loss) else: self.update_loss = None tf.summary.scalar('learning rate', self.learning_rate) #create a histogram for all trainable parameters for param in tf.trainable_variables(): tf.summary.histogram(, param) #create the scaffold self.scaffold = tf.train.Scaffold()
def __init__(self, conf, tasksconf, dataconf, modelconf, evaluatorconf, expdir, init_filename, server, task_index): ''' MultiTaskTrainer constructor, creates the training graph Args: conf: the trainer config taskconf: the config file for each task dataconf: the data configuration as a ConfigParser modelconf: the neural net model configuration evaluatorconf: the evaluator configuration for evaluating if None no evaluation will be done expdir: directory where the summaries will be written init_filename: filename of the network that should be used to initialize the model. Put to None if no network is available/wanted. server: optional server to be used for distributed training task_index: optional index of the worker task in the cluster ''' self.expdir = expdir self.server = server self.conf = conf self.tasksconf = tasksconf self.task_index = task_index self.init_filename = init_filename self.batch_size = int(conf['batch_size']) cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec(server.server_def.cluster) #create the graph self.graph = tf.Graph() #create the model modelfile = os.path.join(expdir, 'model', 'model.pkl') model_names = modelconf.get('hyper', 'model_names').split(' ') self.models = dict() with open(modelfile, 'wb') as fid: for model_name in model_names: self.models[model_name] = model_factory.factory( modelconf.get(model_name, 'architecture'))(conf=dict( modelconf.items(model_name)), name=model_name) pickle.dump(self.models, fid) evaltype = evaluatorconf.get('evaluator', 'evaluator') #define a trainer per traintask self.task_trainers = [] for task in self.conf['tasks'].split(' '): taskconf = self.tasksconf[task] task_trainer = task_trainer_script.TaskTrainer( task, conf, taskconf, self.models, modelconf, dataconf, evaluatorconf, self.batch_size) self.task_trainers.append(task_trainer) if 'local' in cluster.as_dict(): num_replicas = 1 device = tf.DeviceSpec(job='local') else: #distributed training num_replicas = len(cluster.as_dict()['worker']) num_servers = len(cluster.as_dict()['ps']) ps_strategy = num_tasks=num_servers, device = tf.train.replica_device_setter(ps_tasks=num_servers, ps_strategy=ps_strategy) chief_ps = tf.DeviceSpec(job='ps', task=0) self.is_chief = task_index == 0 #define the placeholders in the graph with self.graph.as_default(): #create a local num_steps variable self.num_steps = tf.get_variable( name='num_steps', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) #a variable to hold the amount of steps already taken self.global_step = tf.get_variable( name='global_step', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) should_terminate = tf.get_variable( name='should_terminate', shape=[], dtype=tf.bool, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(False), trainable=False) self.terminate = should_terminate.assign(True).op #create a check if training should continue self.should_stop = tf.logical_or( tf.greater_equal(self.global_step, self.num_steps), should_terminate) with tf.device(device): num_steps = [] done_ops = [] #set the dataqueues for each trainer for task_trainer in self.task_trainers: task_num_steps, task_done_ops = task_trainer.set_dataqueues( cluster) num_steps.append(task_num_steps) done_ops += task_done_ops self.set_num_steps = self.num_steps.assign(min(num_steps)).op self.done =*done_ops) #training part with tf.variable_scope('train'): #a variable to scale the learning rate (used to reduce the #learning rate in case validation performance drops) learning_rate_fact = tf.get_variable( name='learning_rate_fact', shape=[], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.0), trainable=False) #compute the learning rate with exponential decay and scale #with the learning rate factor self.learning_rate = (tf.train.exponential_decay( learning_rate=float(conf['initial_learning_rate']), global_step=self.global_step, decay_steps=self.num_steps, decay_rate=float(conf['learning_rate_decay'])) * learning_rate_fact) #For each task, set the task specific training ops for task_trainer in self.task_trainers: task_trainer.train(self.learning_rate) #Group ops over tasks self.process_minibatch = *([ task_trainer.process_minibatch for task_trainer in self.task_trainers ]), name='process_minibatch_all_tasks') self.reset_grad_loss_norm = *([ task_trainer.reset_grad_loss_norm for task_trainer in self.task_trainers ]), name='reset_grad_loss_norm_all_tasks') tmp = [] # should'nt this be task_trainer instead of task? # for task in self.task_trainers: for task_trainer in self.task_trainers: tmp += task_trainer.normalize_gradients self.normalize_gradients = *(tmp), name='normalize_gradients_all_tasks') #accumulate losses from tasks with tf.variable_scope('accumulate_losses_from_tasks'): self.loss_all_tasks = [ task_trainer.normalized_loss for task_trainer in self.task_trainers ] self.total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.loss_all_tasks, name='acc_loss') tmp = [] for task_trainer in self.task_trainers: tmp.append(task_trainer.apply_gradients) #all remaining operations with the UPDATE_OPS GraphKeys update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) #an op to increment the global step global_step_inc = self.global_step.assign_add(1) #create an operation to update the gradients, the batch_loss #and do all other update ops #self.update_op = #*(tmp + update_ops + [global_step_inc]), #name='update') self.other_update_op =*(update_ops + [global_step_inc]), name='other_update') if evaltype != 'None': #validation part with tf.variable_scope('validate'): #create a variable to save the last step where the model #was validated validated_step = tf.get_variable( name='validated_step', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer( -int(conf['valid_frequency'])), trainable=False) #a check if validation is due self.should_validate = tf.greater_equal( self.global_step - validated_step, int(conf['valid_frequency'])) #For each task, if requested, set the task specific validation ops #The number of validation batches is the minimum number of validation #batches over all tasks. tasks_excluded_for_val = ['None'] if evaluatorconf.has_option('evaluator', 'tasks_excluded_for_val'): tasks_excluded_for_val = evaluatorconf.get( 'evaluator', 'tasks_excluded_for_val').split(' ') self.val_task_trainers = [ task_trainer for task_trainer in self.task_trainers if task_trainer.task_name not in tasks_excluded_for_val ] valbatches = [] for task_trainer in self.val_task_trainers: valbatches.append( task_trainer.evaluate_evaluator()) self.valbatches = min(valbatches) #Group ops over tasks self.process_val_batch =*([ task_trainer.process_val_batch for task_trainer in self.val_task_trainers ])) self.reset_val_loss_norm =*([ task_trainer.reset_val_loss_norm for task_trainer in self.val_task_trainers ])) self.val_loss_all_tasks = [] for task_trainer in self.val_task_trainers: self.val_loss_all_tasks.append( task_trainer.val_loss_normalized) self.validation_loss = tf.reduce_mean( self.val_loss_all_tasks) #update the learning rate factor self.half_lr = learning_rate_fact.assign( learning_rate_fact / 2).op #create an operation to updated the validated step self.update_validated_step = validated_step.assign( self.global_step).op #variable to hold the best validation loss so far self.best_validation_all_tasks = [ tf.get_variable( name='best_validation_task_%i' % ind, shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.79e+308), trainable=False) for ind in range(len(self.val_task_trainers)) ] #op to update the best validation loss self.update_best_all_tasks = \ [best_val_task.assign(self.val_loss_all_tasks[ind]) for ind,best_val_task in enumerate(self.best_validation_all_tasks)] #a variable that holds the amount of workers at the #validation point waiting_workers = tf.get_variable( name='waiting_workers', shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) #an operation to signal a waiting worker self.waiting = waiting_workers.assign_add(1).op #an operation to set the waiting workers to zero self.reset_waiting = waiting_workers.initializer #an operation to check if all workers are waiting self.all_waiting = tf.equal(waiting_workers, num_replicas - 1) tf.summary.scalar('validation loss', self.validation_loss) else: self.process_val_batch = None tf.summary.scalar('learning rate', self.learning_rate) #create a histogram for all trainable parameters for param in tf.trainable_variables(): tf.summary.histogram(, param) #create the scaffold self.scaffold = tf.train.Scaffold()