Example #1
def check_blanks(packet):
    Parses rules for when each field should be blank and then checks them
    pattern = re.compile(r"Blank if Question \d+ (\w+) (ne|=) (\d+)")
    warnings = []

    for form in packet:
        # Find all fields that:
        #   1) have blanking rules; and
        #   2) aren't blank.
        for field in [
                f for f in form.fields.itervalues()
                if f.blanks and not empty(f)

            for rule in field.blanks:
                r = blanks.convert_rule_to_python(field.name, rule)
                if r(packet):
                        "'%s' is '%s' with length '%s', but should be blank: '%s'."
                        % (field.name, field.value, len(field.value), rule))
                    # "'%s' is '%s' with length '%s', but should be blank: '%s'. Test form: '%s'" %
                    # (field.name, field.value, len(field.value), rule, form.form_name))

    return warnings
Example #2
def check_blanks(packet: uds3_packet.Packet, options: argparse.Namespace) \
        -> typing.List:
    Parses rules for when each field should be blank and then checks them
    warnings = []

    for form in packet:
        # Find all fields that:
        #   1) have blanking rules; and
        #   2) aren't blank.
        for field in [
                f for f in form.fields.values() if f.blanks and not empty(f)

            for rule in field.blanks:
                if not options.lbd and not options.ftld and not options.csf:
                    r = blanks_uds3.convert_rule_to_python(field.name, rule)
                    if r(packet):
                            "'%s' is '%s' with length '%s', but should be"
                            " blank: '%s'." %
                            (field.name, field.value, len(field.value), rule))

                if options.lbd:
                    t = blanks_lbd.convert_rule_to_python(field.name, rule)
                    if t(packet):
                            "'%s' is '%s' with length '%s', but should be"
                            " blank: '%s'." %
                            (field.name, field.value, len(field.value), rule))

                if options.ftld:
                    s = blanks_ftld.convert_rule_to_python(field.name, rule)
                    if s(packet):
                            "'%s' is '%s' with length '%s', but should be"
                            " blank: '%s'." %
                            (field.name, field.value, len(field.value), rule))

                if options.csf:
                    q = blanks_csf.convert_rule_to_python(field.name, rule)
                    if q(packet):
                            "'%s' is '%s' with length '%s', but should be"
                            " blank: '%s'." %
                            (field.name, field.value, len(field.value), rule))
    return warnings
def check_blanks(packet):
    Parses rules for when each field should be blank and then checks them
    pattern = re.compile(r"Blank if Question \d+ (\w+) (ne|=) (\d+)")
    warnings = []

    for form in packet:
        # Find all fields that:
        #   1) have blanking rules; and
        #   2) aren't blank.
        for field in form.fields.itervalues():
            # Ad-hoc warning from __init__.py in nacc\uds3 statement "len(value) != end-start+1:"
            value = field.value
            start, end = field.position
            start -= 1
            end -= 1
            if len(value) != end-start+1:
                warnings.append("Data error [Must Fix!!]: Length of field {} with value {} is not valid. {} != {}".format(field.name, value, len(value), end-start+1))
            ## This part is to see which forms have been processed, but the output.txt has that too
            #for rule in field.blanks:
            #    print("form processed: '%s' " % (form.form_name))
        for field in [f for f in form.fields.itervalues()
                      if f.blanks and not empty(f)]:

            for rule in field.blanks:
                r = blanks.convert_rule_to_python(field.name, rule)
                if r(packet):
                        "'%s' is '%s' with length '%s', but should be blank: '%s'." %
                        (field.name, field.value, len(field.value), rule))
                        # "'%s' is '%s' with length '%s', but should be blank: '%s'. Test form: '%s'" %
                        # (field.name, field.value, len(field.value), rule, form.form_name))

    return warnings