Example #1
File: test.py Project: sasg/nagctl
    def test_scheduleCheck_none(self):
        """scheduleCheck: do not generate any commands"""

        nagctl.conf["host"] = "worker0"
        nagctl.conf["service"] = "queue1"
        commands = nagctl.scheduleCheck(["schedule", "check", "3600"], "all")

        expected = []
        self.assertEqual(commands, expected)
Example #2
	def test_scheduleCheck_none(self):
		"""scheduleCheck: do not generate any commands"""

		nagctl.conf["host"] = "worker0"
		nagctl.conf["service"] = "queue1"
		commands = nagctl.scheduleCheck(["schedule", "check", "3600"], "all")

		expected = []
		self.assertEqual(commands, expected)
Example #3
	def test_scheduleCheck_service(self):
		"""scheduleCheck: generate commands to schedule service check"""

		import re

		nagctl.conf["service"] = "load"
		commands = nagctl.scheduleCheck(["schedule", "check", "3600"], "service")
		for i in range (0, len(commands)):
			commands[i] = commands[i].split(";")
			# Check if timestamp is an integer.
			self.assertTrue(re.match("^\d+$", commands[i][-1]))
			# Remove timestamp from command list before comparing commands.
			commands[i] = commands[i][:-1]

		expected = [["SCHEDULE_SVC_CHECK", "worker0", "load"], ["SCHEDULE_SVC_CHECK", "worker1", "load"], ["SCHEDULE_SVC_CHECK", "database", "load"]]
		self.assertEqual(commands, expected)
Example #4
File: test.py Project: sasg/nagctl
    def test_scheduleCheck_host(self):
        """scheduleCheck: generate commands to schedule host check"""

        import re

        nagctl.conf["host"] = "database"
        commands = nagctl.scheduleCheck(["schedule", "check", "3600"], "host")
        for i in range(0, len(commands)):
            commands[i] = commands[i].split(";")
            # Check if timestamp is an integer.
            self.assertTrue(re.match("^\d+$", commands[i][-1]))
            # Remove timestamp from command list before comparing commands.
            commands[i] = commands[i][:-1]

        expected = [["SCHEDULE_HOST_CHECK", "database"]]
        self.assertEqual(commands, expected)