Example #1
    def GET(self, release_id):
        """:returns: JSONized component data for release and releated plugins.

        :http: * 200 (OK)
               * 404 (release not found in db)
        release = self.get_object_or_404(Release, release_id)
        return Release.get_all_components(release)
Example #2
    def GET(self, release_id):
        """:returns: JSONized component data for release and related plugins.

        :http: * 200 (OK)
               * 404 (release not found in db)
        release = self.get_object_or_404(Release, release_id)
        components = Release.get_all_components(release)

        return [ComponentSerializer.serialize(c) for c in components]
Example #3
    def GET(self, release_id):
        """:returns: JSONized component data for release and releated plugins.

        :http: * 200 (OK)
               * 404 (release not found in db)
        release = self.get_object_or_404(Release, release_id)
        components = Release.get_all_components(release)

        return [ComponentSerializer.serialize(c) for c in components]
Example #4
    def get_cluster_attributes_by_components(cls, components, release_id):
        """Enable cluster attributes by given components

        :param components: list of component names
        :type components: list of strings
        :param release_id: Release model id
        :type release_id: str
        :returns: dict -- objects with enabled attributes for cluster

        def _update_attributes_dict_by_binds_exp(bind_exp, value):
            """Update cluster and attributes data with bound values

            :param bind_exp: path to specific attribute for model in format
                             model:some.attribute.value. Model can be
            :type bind_exp: str
            :param value: value for specific attribute
            :type value: bool|str|int
            :returns: None
            model, attr_expr = bind_exp.split(':')
            if model not in ('settings', 'cluster'):

            path_items = attr_expr.split('.')
            path_items.insert(0, model)
            attributes = cluster_attributes
            for i in six.moves.range(0, len(path_items) - 1):
                attributes = attributes.setdefault(path_items[i], {})
            attributes[path_items[-1]] = value

        release = Release.get_by_uid(release_id)
        cluster_attributes = {}
        for component in Release.get_all_components(release):
            if component['name'] in components:
                for bind_item in component.get('bind', []):
                    if isinstance(bind_item, six.string_types):
                        _update_attributes_dict_by_binds_exp(bind_item, True)
                    elif isinstance(bind_item, list):
        return {
            'editable': cluster_attributes.get('settings', {}),
            'cluster': cluster_attributes.get('cluster', {})
Example #5
    def get_cluster_attributes_by_components(cls, components, release_id):
        """Enable cluster attributes by given components

        :param components: list of component names
        :type components: list of strings
        :param release_id: Release model id
        :type release_id: str
        :returns: dict -- objects with enabled attributes for cluster

        def _update_attributes_dict_by_binds_exp(bind_exp, value):
            """Update cluster and attributes data with bound values

            :param bind_exp: path to specific attribute for model in format
                             model:some.attribute.value. Model can be
            :type bind_exp: str
            :param value: value for specific attribute
            :type value: bool|str|int
            :returns: None
            model, attr_expr = bind_exp.split(':')
            if model not in ('settings', 'cluster'):

            path_items = attr_expr.split('.')
            path_items.insert(0, model)
            attributes = cluster_attributes
            for i in six.moves.range(0, len(path_items) - 1):
                attributes = attributes.setdefault(path_items[i], {})
            attributes[path_items[-1]] = value

        release = Release.get_by_uid(release_id)
        cluster_attributes = {}
        for component in Release.get_all_components(release):
            if component['name'] in components:
                for bind_item in component.get('bind', []):
                    if isinstance(bind_item, six.string_types):
                        _update_attributes_dict_by_binds_exp(bind_item, True)
                    elif isinstance(bind_item, list):
        return {
            'editable': cluster_attributes.get('settings', {}),
            'cluster': cluster_attributes.get('cluster', {})