Example #1
def sync_namelists(namelist_wps, namelist_input):
    """ Synchronises the domain definition sections between 
    namelist.wps and namelist.input"""
    wps = nl.read_namelist(namelist_wps)
    inp = nl.read_namelist(namelist_input)

    # Sync all the settings which need to be synced
    for setting in ["max_dom", "e_we", "e_sn", "i_parent_start", "j_parent_start", "parent_grid_ratio"]:
        val = wps.settings[setting]
        inp.update(setting, val)
Example #2
def sync_namelists(namelist_wps, namelist_input):
    """ Synchronises the domain definition sections between 
    namelist.wps and namelist.input"""
    wps = nl.read_namelist(namelist_wps)
    inp = nl.read_namelist(namelist_input)
    # Sync all the settings which need to be synced
    for setting in ['max_dom', 'e_we', 'e_sn', 'i_parent_start', 'j_parent_start', 'parent_grid_ratio']:
        val = wps.settings[setting]
        inp.update(setting, val)
Example #3
def main():
    """Reads a rsl file from WRF and works out timing information
    from that """

    args = sys.argv[1:]

    print('*** Computing timing information ***')
    rsl_file = args[0]

    if len(args) > 1:
        namelist = nl.read_namelist(args[1])
        timestep = namelist.settings['time_step'][0]
        timestep = None

    f = open(rsl_file, 'r')
    lines = f.read().split('\n')

    # get timings on outer domain
    main_times = [
        float(l.split()[8]) for l in lines
        if re.search("^Timing for main: time .* 1:", l)
    total = sum(main_times)
    steps = len(main_times)
    time_per_step = (total / steps)
    x_real = timestep / time_per_step if timestep else None

    m, s = divmod(total, 60)
    h, m = divmod(m, 60)

    print('\n*** TIMING INFORMATION ***')
    print('\t %d outer timesteps' % steps)
    print('\t %0.3f elapsed seconds' % total)
    print('\t %d:%02d:%02d' % (h, m, s))
    print('\t %0.3f elapsed seconds' % total)
    print('\t %0.3f seconds per timestep' % time_per_step)
    if timestep:
        print('\t %0.3f times real time' % x_real)
    print('*** END TIMING INFORMATION ***\n')
Example #4
def main():
    """Reads a rsl file from WRF and works out timing information
    from that """

    args = sys.argv[1:]
    print('*** Computing timing information ***')
    rsl_file = args[0]
    if len(args)>1:
        namelist = nl.read_namelist(args[1])
        timestep = namelist.settings['time_step'][0]
    f              = open(rsl_file, 'r')
    lines          = f.read().split('\n')
    # get timings on outer domain
    main_times  = [float(l.split()[8]) for l in lines if re.search("^Timing for main: time .* 1:", l)]
    total       = sum(main_times)
    steps       = len(main_times)
    time_per_step = (total/steps)
    x_real       = timestep / time_per_step if timestep else None
    m, s = divmod(total, 60)
    h, m = divmod(m, 60)
    print('\n*** TIMING INFORMATION ***')
    print('\t %d outer timesteps' % steps)
    print('\t %0.3f elapsed seconds' % total)
    print('\t %d:%02d:%02d' % (h, m, s))
    print('\t %0.3f elapsed seconds' % total)
    print('\t %0.3f seconds per timestep' % time_per_step )
    if timestep:
        print('\t %0.3f times real time' %x_real)
    print('*** END TIMING INFORMATION ***\n')