Example #1
class BaseEnv():
    The intention of this class is to hold environment variables which might be
    global to the tool, it's menus, and the command executed within.
    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name
        self.logger = Logger(name=name, level=INFO)
        handler = StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
        self._config_namespaces = Namespace()
        self.menu_cache = []
        self.completer_context = None
        self.base_dir = base_dir or os.path.expanduser('~/.simplecli')
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):
            if not os.path.isdir(self.base_dir):
                raise ValueError('base dir provided is not a dir:"{0}'
        self.simplecli_config_file = os.path.join(self.base_dir,
                                                  str(name) + '.config')
        self.simplecli_config = None

    def _setup_stdio(self):
        def _get_stdio(name):
            if hasattr(sys, name):
                return getattr(sys, name)
                return open(name, 'wa')
        if self.simplecli_config.default_input:
            self.default_input = _get_stdio(self.simplecli_config.default_input)
            self.default_input = sys.stdin
        if self.simplecli_config.default_output:
            self.default_output = _get_stdio(self.simplecli_config.default_output)
            self.default_output = sys.stdout
        if self.simplecli_config.default_error:
            self.default_error = _get_stdio(self.simplecli_config.default_error)
            self.default_error = sys.stderr

    def init_simplecli_config(self):
        simplecli = Config(config_file_path=self.simplecli_config_file,
        simplecli.debug = False
        simplecli.history_file = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'history')
        simplecli.page_break = True
        simplecli.plugin_dir = None

        simplecli.default_input = 'stdin' # ie stdin
        simplecli.default_output = 'stdout' # ie stdout or stderr
        simplecli.default_error = 'stderr' # ie stderr
        simplecli.prompt_method = None # define this method as a global way to
                                       # construct menu prompts
        simplecli.path_delimeter = ">" # Used for constructing the default
                                       # prompt and displayed path string(s)
        # Assign to local var for easy access as well
        self.simplecli_config = simplecli

    def add_namespace(self, name):
        Adds a blank configuration namespace using 'name' to the
        local _config_namespaces list.
        Raises ValueError if the name already exists
        Returns the new namespace object
        if getattr(self._config_namespaces, name, None):
            raise ValueError('Config Namespace already exists for:"{0}"'
        newnamespace = Namespace()
        setattr(self._config_namespaces, name, newnamespace)
        return newnamespace

    def get_namespace(self, name, create=False):
        Will retrieve an existing namespace object of 'name' if found.
        If not found and 'create == True' then a new namespace obj will be
        created, added to self._config_namespaces and returned.

        if isinstance(name, basestring):
            name = [name]
        if not isinstance(name, list):
            raise ValueError('Bad value passed for "name" to get_namespace, got:"{0}/{1}"'
                             .format(name, type(name)))
        context = self._config_namespaces
        for n in name:
            last = context
            context = getattr(context, n, None)
            if not context and create:
                context = Namespace()
                setattr(last, n, context)
        return context

    def get_config_for_namespace(self, item_name, namespace_path=None):
        Attempts to get a config object from the specified namespace
        :param item_name: string, name of Config to fetch
        :param namespace_path: string, or list of strings representing the heirarchy/location
                                of the namespace to fetch config from
        returns Config obj
        if namespace_path is None:
            namespace_path = ['main']
        if not isinstance(namespace_path, list):
            namespace_path = [namespace_path]
        context = self._config_namespaces
        for ns in namespace_path:
            context = getattr(context, ns, None)
            if not context:
                raise ValueError('Namespace:"{0}" does not exist within path:{1}'
                                 .format(ns, ".".join(str(x) for x in namespace_path)))
        return context

    def add_config_to_namespace(self,
        Attempts to add a config object to the specified namespace
        :param namespace_name: string, name of namespace to fetch config from
        :param config: Config() obj to add to namespace named 'namespace_name'
        :param force: boolean, will replace existing config block in namespace
        :param create: bollean, will create namespace if it does not exist
        assert  isinstance(namespace_name, str)
        context = self.get_namespace(namespace_name, create=create)
        assert config.name, 'block_name was not populated'
        if getattr(context, config.name, None) and not force:
            raise AttributeError('Base env already has config at context:'
                                 '"{0}", name:"{1}" use force to replace '
                                 'this section'.format(namespace_name,
        setattr(context, config.name, config)

    def save_config(self, path=None):
        path = path or self.simplecli_config_file
        backup_path = path + '.bak'
        config_json = self._config_namespaces._to_json()
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            copyfile(path, backup_path)
        save_file = file(path, "w")
        with save_file:

    def _load_plugin_menus(self):
        Loads plugin menus found either in the provided plugin directory
        or the current working dir. Will attempt to load files starting
        with 'menu'. See plugin menu_examples for more info.

        self.plugin_menus = []
        plugin_dir = self.simplecli_config.plugin_dir or os.path.curdir
        for file in os.listdir(plugin_dir):
            if (os.path.isfile(file) and file.startswith('menu')
                and file.endswith('.py')):
                full_path = os.path.join(plugin_dir, file)
                p_name = os.path.basename(file).rstrip('.py')
                plugmod = imp.load_source(p_name, full_path)
                menuclass = getattr(plugmod, 'menu_class', None)
                if not menuclass:
                    raise AttributeError('"{0}". Plugin conf does not have '
                                         'a "menu_class" attribute. See plugin'
                                         'example for info.'
                plugin = menuclass(env=self)
                existing_menu = self.get_cached_menu_by_class(plugin.__class__)
                if existing_menu:
                    raise RuntimeError('Duplicate Menu Classes found while'
                                       'loading plugins: class:"{0}", '
                                       'menu:"{1}", plugin:"{2}", file:"{3}"'
                parent_menus =  getattr(plugmod, 'parent_menus', None)
                if parent_menus:
                    plugin._parents = parent_menus

    def get_cached_menu_by_class(self, menuclass, list=None):
        Returns a loaded menu instance matching the provided class.
        list = list or self.menu_cache
        for item in self.menu_cache:
            if item.__class__ == menuclass:
                return item
        return None

    def get_formatted_conf(self, block=None):
        Returns a json representation of the current configuration.
        ret_buf = ""
        if not block:
            namespace = self._config_namespaces
            namespace = self.get_namespace(block, create=False)
        if namespace:
            ret_buf = namespace._to_json()
        return ret_buf

    def get_config_diff(self, file_path=None):
        Method to show current values vs those (saved) in a file.
        Will return a formatted string to show the difference
        #Create formatted string representation of dict values
        text1 = self._config_namespaces._to_json().splitlines()
        #Create formatted string representation of values in file
        file_path = file_path or self.simplecli_config_file
        file_dict = get_dict_from_file(file_path=file_path) or {}
        text2 = json.dumps(file_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=4).splitlines()
        diff = difflib.unified_diff(text2, text1, lineterm='')
        return '\n'.join(diff)

    def get_menu_by_name(self, name, list=None):
        list = list or self.menu_cache
        for menu in list:
            if menu.name == name:
                return menu
        return None
Example #2
class BaseEnv:
    The intention of this class is to hold environment variables which might be
    global to the tool, it's menus, and the command executed within.

    def __init__(self, base_dir=None, name="simplecli"):
        self.name = name
        self.logger = Logger(name=name, level=INFO)
        handler = StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
        self._config_namespaces = Namespace()
        self.menu_cache = []
        self.completer_context = None
        self.base_dir = base_dir or os.path.expanduser("~/.simplecli")
        if os.path.exists(self.base_dir):
            if not os.path.isdir(self.base_dir):
                raise ValueError('base dir provided is not a dir:"{0}'.format(self.base_dir))
        self.simplecli_config_file = os.path.join(self.base_dir, str(name) + ".config")
        self.simplecli_config = None

    def _setup_stdio(self):
        def _get_stdio(name):
            if hasattr(sys, name):
                return getattr(sys, name)
                return open(name, "wa")

        if self.simplecli_config.default_input:
            self.default_input = _get_stdio(self.simplecli_config.default_input)
            self.default_input = sys.stdin
        if self.simplecli_config.default_output:
            self.default_output = _get_stdio(self.simplecli_config.default_output)
            self.default_output = sys.stdout
        if self.simplecli_config.default_error:
            self.default_error = _get_stdio(self.simplecli_config.default_error)
            self.default_error = sys.stderr

    def init_simplecli_config(self):
        simplecli = Config(config_file_path=self.simplecli_config_file, name="simplecli")
        simplecli.debug = False
        simplecli.history_file = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "history")
        simplecli.page_break = True
        simplecli.plugin_dir = None

        simplecli.default_input = "stdin"  # ie stdin
        simplecli.default_output = "stdout"  # ie stdout or stderr
        simplecli.default_error = "stderr"  # ie stderr
        simplecli.prompt_method = None  # define this method as a global way to
        # construct menu prompts
        simplecli.path_delimeter = ">"  # Used for constructing the default
        # prompt and displayed path string(s)
        self.add_config_to_namespace(namespace_name="main", config=simplecli, create=True)
        # Assign to local var for easy access as well
        self.simplecli_config = simplecli

    def add_namespace(self, name):
        Adds a blank configuration namespace using 'name' to the
        local _config_namespaces list.
        Raises ValueError if the name already exists
        Returns the new namespace object
        if getattr(self._config_namespaces, name, None):
            raise ValueError('Config Namespace already exists for:"{0}"'.format(name))
        newnamespace = Namespace()
        setattr(self._config_namespaces, name, newnamespace)
        return newnamespace

    def get_namespace(self, name, create=False):
        Will retrieve an existing namespace object of 'name' if found.
        If not found and 'create == True' then a new namespace obj will be
        created, added to self._config_namespaces and returned.

        if isinstance(name, basestring):
            name = [name]
        if not isinstance(name, list):
            raise ValueError('Bad value passed for "name" to get_namespace, got:"{0}/{1}"'.format(name, type(name)))
        context = self._config_namespaces
        for n in name:
            last = context
            context = getattr(context, n, None)
            if not context and create:
                context = Namespace()
                setattr(last, n, context)
        return context

    def get_config_for_namespace(self, item_name, namespace_path=None):
        Attempts to get a config object from the specified namespace
        :param item_name: string, name of Config to fetch
        :param namespace_path: string, or list of strings representing the heirarchy/location
                                of the namespace to fetch config from
        returns Config obj
        if namespace_path is None:
            namespace_path = ["main"]
        if not isinstance(namespace_path, list):
            namespace_path = [namespace_path]
        context = self._config_namespaces
        for ns in namespace_path:
            context = getattr(context, ns, None)
            if not context:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Namespace:"{0}" does not exist within path:{1}'.format(
                        ns, ".".join(str(x) for x in namespace_path)
        return context

    def add_config_to_namespace(self, namespace_name, config, force=False, create=False):
        Attempts to add a config object to the specified namespace
        :param namespace_name: string, name of namespace to fetch config from
        :param config: Config() obj to add to namespace named 'namespace_name'
        :param force: boolean, will replace existing config block in namespace
        :param create: bollean, will create namespace if it does not exist
        assert isinstance(namespace_name, str)
        context = self.get_namespace(namespace_name, create=create)
        assert config.name, "block_name was not populated"
        if getattr(context, config.name, None) and not force:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Base env already has config at context:"
                '"{0}", name:"{1}" use force to replace '
                "this section".format(namespace_name, config.name)
        setattr(context, config.name, config)

    def save_config(self, path=None):
        path = path or self.simplecli_config_file
        backup_path = path + ".bak"
        config_json = self._config_namespaces._to_json()
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            copyfile(path, backup_path)
        save_file = file(path, "w")
        with save_file:

    def _load_plugin_menus(self):
        Loads plugin menus found either in the provided plugin directory
        or the current working dir. Will attempt to load files starting
        with 'menu'. See plugin menu_examples for more info.

        self.plugin_menus = []
        plugin_dir = self.simplecli_config.plugin_dir or os.path.curdir
        for file in os.listdir(plugin_dir):
            if os.path.isfile(file) and file.startswith("menu") and file.endswith(".py"):
                full_path = os.path.join(plugin_dir, file)
                p_name = os.path.basename(file).rstrip(".py")
                plugmod = imp.load_source(p_name, full_path)
                menuclass = getattr(plugmod, "menu_class", None)
                if not menuclass:
                    raise AttributeError(
                        '"{0}". Plugin conf does not have '
                        'a "menu_class" attribute. See plugin'
                        "example for info.".format(full_path)
                plugin = menuclass(env=self)
                existing_menu = self.get_cached_menu_by_class(plugin.__class__)
                if existing_menu:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Duplicate Menu Classes found while"
                        'loading plugins: class:"{0}", '
                        'menu:"{1}", plugin:"{2}", file:"{3}"'.format(
                            plugin.__class__, existing_menu.name, plugin.name, full_path
                parent_menus = getattr(plugmod, "parent_menus", None)
                if parent_menus:
                    plugin._parents = parent_menus

    def get_cached_menu_by_class(self, menuclass, list=None):
        Returns a loaded menu instance matching the provided class.
        list = list or self.menu_cache
        for item in self.menu_cache:
            if item.__class__ == menuclass:
                return item
        return None

    def get_formatted_conf(self, block=None):
        Returns a json representation of the current configuration.
        ret_buf = ""
        if not block:
            namespace = self._config_namespaces
            namespace = self.get_namespace(block, create=False)
        if namespace:
            ret_buf = namespace._to_json()
        return ret_buf

    def get_config_diff(self, file_path=None):
        Method to show current values vs those (saved) in a file.
        Will return a formatted string to show the difference
        # Create formatted string representation of dict values
        text1 = self._config_namespaces._to_json().splitlines()
        # Create formatted string representation of values in file
        file_path = file_path or self.simplecli_config_file
        file_dict = get_dict_from_file(file_path=file_path) or {}
        text2 = json.dumps(file_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=4).splitlines()
        diff = difflib.unified_diff(text2, text1, lineterm="")
        return "\n".join(diff)

    def get_menu_by_name(self, name, list=None):
        list = list or self.menu_cache
        for menu in list:
            if menu.name == name:
                return menu
        return None