def run(self): #Call base method to do some logging refSequences = getFastaDictionary(self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r" ) indelCounters = map(lambda aR : IndelCounter(sam.getrname(aR.rname), refSequences[sam.getrname(aR.rname)], aR.qname, readSequences[aR.qname], aR), samIterator(sam)) #Iterate on the sam lines sam.close() #Write out the substitution info if len(indelCounters) > 0: indelXML = getAggregateIndelStats(indelCounters) open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indels.xml"), "w").write(prettyXml(indelXML)) tmp = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indels.tsv"), "w") #build list of data as vectors data_list = [] var = ["readInsertionLengths", "readDeletionLengths", "ReadSequenceLengths", "NumberReadInsertions", "NumberReadDeletions", "MedianReadInsertionLengths", "MedianReadDeletionLengths"] for x in var: data_list.append([x] + indelXML.attrib[x].split()) #transpose this list so R doesn't take hours to load it using magic data_list = map(None, *data_list) for line in data_list: tmp.write("\t".join(map(str,line))); tmp.write("\n") tmp.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/indelPlots.R {} {}".format(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indels.tsv"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indel_plots.pdf"))) self.finish() #Indicates the batch is done
def run(self): #Call base method to do some logging refSequences = getFastaDictionary(self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r" ) #The data we collect avgPosteriorMatchProbabilityInCigar = [] alignedPairsInCigar = [] posteriorMatchProbabilities = [] for aR in samIterator(sam): #Iterate on the sam lines #Exonerate format Cigar string cigarString = getExonerateCigarFormatString(aR, sam) #Temporary files tempCigarFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "rescoredCigar.cig") tempRefFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "ref.fa") tempReadFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "read.fa") tempPosteriorProbsFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "probs.tsv") #Write the temporary files. fastaWrite(tempRefFile, sam.getrname(aR.rname), refSequences[sam.getrname(aR.rname)]) fastaWrite(tempReadFile, aR.qname, aR.query) #Trained hmm file to use. hmmFile = os.path.join(pathToBaseNanoporeDir(), "nanopore", "mappers", "blasr_hmm_0.txt") #Call to cactus_realign system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --rescoreByPosteriorProbIgnoringGaps --rescoreOriginalAlignment --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputPosteriorProbs=%s --loadHmm=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, hmmFile, tempCigarFile)) #Load the cigar and get the posterior prob assert len([ pA for pA in cigarRead(open(tempCigarFile)) ]) > 0 assert len([ pA for pA in cigarRead(open(tempCigarFile)) ]) == 1 pA = [ i for i in cigarRead(open(tempCigarFile)) ][0] avgPosteriorMatchProbabilityInCigar.append(pA.score) #Calculate the number of aligned pairs in the cigar alignedPairsInCigar.append(sum([ op.length for op in pA.operationList if op.type == PairwiseAlignment.PAIRWISE_MATCH ])) assert alignedPairsInCigar[-1] == len([ readPos for readPos, refPos in aR.aligned_pairs if readPos != None and refPos != None ]) #Get the posterior probs #posteriorMatchProbabilities += [ float(line.split()[2]) for line in open(tempPosteriorProbsFile) ] sam.close() #Write out the substitution info node = ET.Element("alignmentUncertainty", { "averagePosteriorMatchProbabilityPerRead":str(self.formatRatio(sum(avgPosteriorMatchProbabilityInCigar), len(avgPosteriorMatchProbabilityInCigar))), "averagePosteriorMatchProbability":str(self.formatRatio(float(sum([ avgMatchProb*alignedPairs for avgMatchProb, alignedPairs in zip(avgPosteriorMatchProbabilityInCigar, alignedPairsInCigar) ])),sum(alignedPairsInCigar))), "averagePosteriorMatchProbabilitesPerRead":",".join([ str(i) for i in avgPosteriorMatchProbabilityInCigar ]), "alignedPairsInCigar":",".join([ str(i) for i in alignedPairsInCigar ]) }) open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "alignmentUncertainty.xml"), "w").write(prettyXml(node)) if len(avgPosteriorMatchProbabilityInCigar) > 0: outf = open(os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "tmp_uncertainty"), "w") outf.write("\t".join([ str(i) for i in avgPosteriorMatchProbabilityInCigar ])); outf.write("\n") outf.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/match_hist.R {} {}".format(os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "tmp_uncertainty"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "posterior_prob_hist.pdf"))) #Indicate everything is all done self.finish()
def run(self, globalAlignment=False): #Call base method to do some logging refSequences = getFastaDictionary(self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r" ) readsToReadCoverages = {} for aR in samIterator(sam): #Iterate on the sam lines refSeq = refSequences[sam.getrname(aR.rname)] readSeq = readSequences[aR.qname] readAlignmentCoverageCounter = ReadAlignmentCoverageCounter(aR.qname, readSeq, sam.getrname(aR.rname), refSeq, aR, globalAlignment) if aR.qname not in readsToReadCoverages: readsToReadCoverages[aR.qname] = [] readsToReadCoverages[aR.qname].append(readAlignmentCoverageCounter) sam.close() #Write out the coverage info for differing subsets of the read alignments if len(readsToReadCoverages.values()) > 0: for readCoverages, outputName in [ (reduce(lambda x, y : x + y, readsToReadCoverages.values()), "coverage_all"), (map(lambda x : max(x, key=lambda y : y.readCoverage()), readsToReadCoverages.values()), "coverage_bestPerRead") ]: parentNode = getAggregateCoverageStats(readCoverages, outputName, refSequences, readSequences, readsToReadCoverages, outputName) open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputName + ".xml"), 'w').write(prettyXml(parentNode)) #this is a ugly file format with each line being a different data type - column length is variable outf = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputName + ".txt"), "w") outf.write("MappedReadLengths " + parentNode.get("mappedReadLengths") + "\n") outf.write("UnmappedReadLengths " + parentNode.get("unmappedReadLengths") + "\n") outf.write("ReadCoverage " + parentNode.get("distributionreadCoverage") + "\n") outf.write("MismatchesPerReadBase " + parentNode.get("distributionmismatchesPerReadBase") + "\n") outf.write("ReadIdentity " + parentNode.get("distributionidentity") + "\n") outf.write("InsertionsPerBase " + parentNode.get("distributioninsertionsPerReadBase") + "\n") outf.write("DeletionsPerBase " + parentNode.get("distributiondeletionsPerReadBase") + "\n") outf.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/coverage_plot.R {} {}".format(os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputName + ".txt"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputName + ".pdf"))) self.finish()
def run(self, globalAlignment=False): #Call base method to do some logging refSequences = getFastaDictionary( self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary( self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r") readsToReadCoverages = {} for aR in samIterator(sam): #Iterate on the sam lines refSeq = refSequences[sam.getrname(aR.rname)] readSeq = readSequences[aR.qname] readAlignmentCoverageCounter = ReadAlignmentCoverageCounter( aR.qname, readSeq, sam.getrname(aR.rname), refSeq, aR, globalAlignment) if aR.qname not in readsToReadCoverages: readsToReadCoverages[aR.qname] = [] readsToReadCoverages[aR.qname].append(readAlignmentCoverageCounter) sam.close() #Write out the coverage info for differing subsets of the read alignments if len(readsToReadCoverages.values()) > 0: for readCoverages, outputName in [ (reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, readsToReadCoverages.values()), "coverage_all"), (map(lambda x: max(x, key=lambda y: y.readCoverage()), readsToReadCoverages.values()), "coverage_bestPerRead") ]: parentNode = getAggregateCoverageStats( readCoverages, outputName, refSequences, readSequences, readsToReadCoverages, outputName) open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputName + ".xml"), 'w').write(prettyXml(parentNode)) #this is a ugly file format with each line being a different data type - column length is variable outf = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputName + ".txt"), "w") outf.write("MappedReadLengths " + parentNode.get("mappedReadLengths") + "\n") outf.write("UnmappedReadLengths " + parentNode.get("unmappedReadLengths") + "\n") outf.write("ReadCoverage " + parentNode.get("distributionreadCoverage") + "\n") outf.write( "MismatchesPerReadBase " + parentNode.get("distributionmismatchesPerReadBase") + "\n") outf.write("ReadIdentity " + parentNode.get("distributionidentity") + "\n") outf.write( "InsertionsPerBase " + parentNode.get("distributioninsertionsPerReadBase") + "\n") outf.write("DeletionsPerBase " + parentNode.get("distributiondeletionsPerReadBase") + "\n") outf.close() system( "Rscript nanopore/analyses/coverage_plot.R {} {}".format( os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputName + ".txt"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputName + ".pdf"))) self.finish()
def run(self, args=""): tempSamFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "temp.sam") system("blasr %s %s -sam -clipping hard %s > %s" % (self.readFastqFile, self.referenceFastaFile, args, tempSamFile)) #Blasr seems to corrupt the names of read sequences, so lets correct them. sam = pysam.Samfile(tempSamFile, "r" ) outputSam = pysam.Samfile(self.outputSamFile, "wh", template=sam) readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences for aR in sam: #Iterate on the sam lines and put into buckets by read if aR.qname not in readSequences: newName = '/'.join(aR.qname.split('/')[:-1]) if newName not in readSequences: raise RuntimeError("Tried to deduce correct read name: %s, %s" % (newName, readSequences.keys())) aR.qname = newName outputSam.write(aR) outputSam.close()
def run(self): readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) nr = re.compile(r"channel_[0-9]+_read_[0-9]+") per_channel_read_counts = Counter([int(x.split("_")[1]) for x in readSequences.iterkeys() if re.match(nr, x)]) sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r") mapped_read_counts = Counter([int(aR.qname.split("_")[1]) for aR in samIterator(sam) if re.match(nr, aR.qname) and aR.is_unmapped is False]) if len(mapped_read_counts) > 0 and len(per_channel_read_counts) > 0: outf = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "channel_mappability.tsv"), "w") outf.write("Channel\tReadCount\tMappableReadCount\n") max_channel = max(513, max(per_channel_read_counts.keys())) #in case there are more than 512 in the future for channel in xrange(1, max_channel): outf.write("\t".join(map(str, [channel, per_channel_read_counts[channel], mapped_read_counts[channel]]))) outf.write("\n") outf.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/channel_plots.R {} {} {} {} {}".format(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "channel_mappability.tsv"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "channel_mappability.pdf"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "channel_mappability_sorted.png"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "mappability_levelplot.png"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "mappability_leveplot_percent.png"))) self.finish()
def run(self, args=""): tempSamFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "temp.sam") system( "blasr %s %s -sam -clipping hard %s > %s" % (self.readFastqFile, self.referenceFastaFile, args, tempSamFile)) #Blasr seems to corrupt the names of read sequences, so lets correct them. sam = pysam.Samfile(tempSamFile, "r") outputSam = pysam.Samfile(self.outputSamFile, "wh", template=sam) readSequences = getFastqDictionary( self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences for aR in sam: #Iterate on the sam lines and put into buckets by read if aR.qname not in readSequences: newName = '/'.join(aR.qname.split('/')[:-1]) if newName not in readSequences: raise RuntimeError( "Tried to deduce correct read name: %s, %s" % (newName, readSequences.keys())) aR.qname = newName outputSam.write(aR) outputSam.close()
def run(self): #Call base method to do some logging refSequences = getFastaDictionary( self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary( self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r") indelCounters = map(lambda aR: IndelCounter( sam.getrname(aR.rname), refSequences[sam.getrname( aR.rname)], aR.qname, readSequences[aR.qname], aR), samIterator(sam)) #Iterate on the sam lines sam.close() #Write out the substitution info if len(indelCounters) > 0: indelXML = getAggregateIndelStats(indelCounters) open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indels.xml"), "w").write(prettyXml(indelXML)) tmp = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indels.tsv"), "w") #build list of data as vectors data_list = [] var = [ "readInsertionLengths", "readDeletionLengths", "ReadSequenceLengths", "NumberReadInsertions", "NumberReadDeletions", "MedianReadInsertionLengths", "MedianReadDeletionLengths" ] for x in var: data_list.append([x] + indelXML.attrib[x].split()) #transpose this list so R doesn't take hours to load it using magic data_list = map(None, *data_list) for line in data_list: tmp.write("\t".join(map(str, line))) tmp.write("\n") tmp.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/indelPlots.R {} {}".format( os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indels.tsv"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indel_plots.pdf"))) self.finish() #Indicates the batch is done
def run(self, kmer=5): #Call base method to do some logging refSequences = getFastaDictionary(self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences sM = SubstitutionMatrix() #The thing to store the counts in sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r" ) for aR in samIterator(sam): #Iterate on the sam lines for aP in AlignedPair.iterator(aR, refSequences[sam.getrname(aR.rname)], readSequences[aR.qname]): #Walk through the matches mismatches: sM.addAlignedPair(aP.getRefBase(), aP.getReadBase()) sam.close() #Write out the substitution info open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "substitutions.xml"), 'w').write(prettyXml(sM.getXML())) bases = "ACGT" outf = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "subst.tsv"), "w") outf.write("A\tC\tG\tT\n") for x in bases: freqs = sM.getFreqs(x, bases) outf.write("{}\t{}\n".format(x, "\t".join(map(str,freqs)), "\n")) outf.close() analysis = self.outputDir.split("/")[-2].split("_")[-1] + "_Substitution_Levels" system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/substitution_plot.R {} {} {}".format(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "subst.tsv"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "substitution_plot.pdf"), analysis)) self.finish()
def run(self): readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) nr = re.compile(r"channel_[0-9]+_read_[0-9]+") per_channel_read_counts = Counter([ int(x.split("_")[1]) for x in readSequences.iterkeys() if re.match(nr, x) ]) sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r") mapped_read_counts = Counter([ int(aR.qname.split("_")[1]) for aR in samIterator(sam) if re.match(nr, aR.qname) and aR.is_unmapped is False ]) if len(mapped_read_counts) > 0 and len(per_channel_read_counts) > 0: outf = open( os.path.join(self.outputDir, "channel_mappability.tsv"), "w") outf.write("Channel\tReadCount\tMappableReadCount\n") max_channel = max(513, max(per_channel_read_counts.keys()) ) #in case there are more than 512 in the future for channel in xrange(1, max_channel): outf.write("\t".join( map(str, [ channel, per_channel_read_counts[channel], mapped_read_counts[channel] ]))) outf.write("\n") outf.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/channel_plots.R {} {} {} {} {}". format( os.path.join(self.outputDir, "channel_mappability.tsv"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "channel_mappability.pdf"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "channel_mappability_sorted.png"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "mappability_levelplot.png"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "mappability_leveplot_percent.png"))) self.finish()
def run(self): #Call base method to do some logging #Hmm file hmmFile = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.samFile)[0], "hmm.txt.xml") if os.path.exists(hmmFile): #Load the hmm hmmsNode = ET.parse(hmmFile).getroot() #Plot graphviz version of nanopore hmm, showing transitions and variances. fH = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, ""), 'w') setupGraphFile(fH) #Make states addNodeToGraph("n0n", fH, "match") addNodeToGraph("n1n", fH, "short delete") addNodeToGraph("n2n", fH, "short insert") addNodeToGraph("n3n", fH, "long insert") addNodeToGraph("n4n", fH, "long delete") #Make edges with labelled transition probs. for transition in hmmsNode.findall("transition"): if float(transition.attrib["avg"]) > 0.0: addEdgeToGraph("n%sn" % transition.attrib["from"], "n%sn" % transition.attrib["to"], fH, dir="arrow", style='""', label="%.3f,%.3f" % (float(transition.attrib["avg"]), float(transition.attrib["std"]))) #Finish up finishGraphFile(fH) fH.close() #Plot match emission data emissions = dict([ ((emission.attrib["x"], emission.attrib["y"]), emission.attrib["avg"]) \ for emission in hmmsNode.findall("emission") if emission.attrib["state"] == '0' ]) matchEmissionsFile = os.path.join(self.outputDir, "matchEmissions.tsv") outf = open(matchEmissionsFile, "w") bases = "ACGT" outf.write("\t".join(bases) + "\n") for base in bases: outf.write("\t".join([ base] + map(lambda x : emissions[(base, x)], bases)) + "\n") outf.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/substitution_plot.R %s %s %s" % (matchEmissionsFile, os.path.join(self.outputDir, "substitution_plot.pdf"), "Per-Base Substitutions after HMM")) #Plot indel info #Get the sequences to contrast the neutral model. refSequences = getFastaDictionary(self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences #Need to do plot of insert and deletion gap emissions #Plot of insert and deletion gap emissions insertEmissions = { "A":0.0, 'C':0.0, 'G':0.0, 'T':0.0 } deleteEmissions = { "A":0.0, 'C':0.0, 'G':0.0, 'T':0.0 } for emission in hmmsNode.findall("emission"): if emission.attrib["state"] == '2': insertEmissions[emission.attrib["x"]] += float(emission.attrib["avg"]) elif emission.attrib["state"] == '1': deleteEmissions[emission.attrib["y"]] += float(emission.attrib["avg"]) #PLot insert and delete emissions indelEmissionsFile = os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indelEmissions.tsv") outf = open(indelEmissionsFile, "w") outf.write("\t".join(bases) + "\n") outf.write("\t".join(map(lambda x : str(insertEmissions[x]), bases)) + "\n") outf.write("\t".join(map(lambda x : str(deleteEmissions[x]), bases)) + "\n") outf.close() ###Here's where we do the plot.. system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/emissions_plot.R {} {}".format(indelEmissionsFile, os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indelEmissions_plot.pdf"))) #Plot convergence of likelihoods outf = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "runninglikelihoods.tsv"), "w") for hmmNode in hmmsNode.findall("hmm"): #This is a loop over trials runningLikelihoods = map(float, hmmNode.attrib["runningLikelihoods"].split()) #This is a list of floats ordered from the first iteration to last. outf.write("\t".join(map(str, runningLikelihoods))); outf.write("\n") outf.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/running_likelihood.R {} {}".format(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "runninglikelihoods.tsv"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "running_likelihood.pdf"))) self.finish() #Indicates the batch is done
def run(self): #Call base method to do some logging refSequences = getFastaDictionary(self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary(self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences node = ET.Element("marginAlignComparison") for hmmType in ("cactus", "trained_0", "trained_20", "trained_40"): for coverage in (1000000, 120, 60, 30, 10): for replicate in xrange(3 if coverage < 1000000 else 1): #Do replicates, unless coverage is all sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r" ) #Trained hmm file to use.q hmmFile0 = os.path.join(pathToBaseNanoporeDir(), "nanopore", "mappers", "blasr_hmm_0.txt") hmmFile20 = os.path.join(pathToBaseNanoporeDir(), "nanopore", "mappers", "blasr_hmm_20.txt") hmmFile40 = os.path.join(pathToBaseNanoporeDir(), "nanopore", "mappers", "blasr_hmm_40.txt") #Get substitution matrices nullSubstitionMatrix = getNullSubstitutionMatrix() flatSubstitutionMatrix = getJukesCantorTypeSubstitutionMatrix() hmmErrorSubstitutionMatrix = loadHmmErrorSubstitutionMatrix(hmmFile20) #Load the held out snps snpSet = {} referenceAlignmentFile = self.referenceFastaFile + "_Index.txt" if os.path.exists(referenceAlignmentFile): seqsAndMutatedSeqs = getFastaDictionary(referenceAlignmentFile) count = 0 for name in seqsAndMutatedSeqs: if name in refSequences: count += 1 trueSeq = seqsAndMutatedSeqs[name] mutatedSeq = seqsAndMutatedSeqs[name + "_mutated"] assert mutatedSeq == refSequences[name] for i in xrange(len(trueSeq)): if trueSeq[i] != mutatedSeq[i]: snpSet[(name, i)] = trueSeq[i] else: assert name.split("_")[-1] == "mutated" assert count == len(refSequences.keys()) #The data we collect expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition = {} frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition = {} totalSampledReads = 0 totalAlignedPairs = 0 totalReadLength = 0 totalReferenceLength = sum(map(len, refSequences.values())) #Get a randomised ordering for the reads reads = [ aR for aR in samIterator(sam) ] random.shuffle(reads) for aR in reads: #Iterate on the sam lines if totalReadLength/totalReferenceLength >= coverage: #Stop when coverage exceeds the quota break totalReadLength += len(readSequences[aR.qname]) totalSampledReads += 1 #Temporary files tempCigarFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "rescoredCigar.cig") tempRefFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "ref.fa") tempReadFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "read.fa") tempPosteriorProbsFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "probs.tsv") #Ref name refSeqName = sam.getrname(aR.rname) #Sequences refSeq = refSequences[sam.getrname(aR.rname)] #Walk through the aligned pairs to collate the bases of aligned positions for aP in AlignedPair.iterator(aR, refSeq, readSequences[aR.qname]): totalAlignedPairs += 1 #Record an aligned pair key = (refSeqName, aP.refPos) if key not in frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition: frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition[key] = dict(zip(bases, [0.0]*len(bases))) readBase = aP.getReadBase() #readSeq[aP.readPos].upper() #Use the absolute read, ins if readBase in bases: frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition[key][readBase] += 1 #Write the temporary files. readSeq = aR.query #This excludes bases that were soft-clipped and is always of positive strand coordinates fastaWrite(tempRefFile, refSeqName, refSeq) fastaWrite(tempReadFile, aR.qname, readSeq) #Exonerate format Cigar string, which is in readSeq coordinates (positive strand). assert aR.pos == 0 assert aR.qstart == 0 assert aR.qend == len(readSeq) assert aR.aend == len(refSeq) cigarString = getExonerateCigarFormatString(aR, sam) #Call to cactus_realign if hmmType == "trained_0": system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputAllPosteriorProbs=%s --loadHmm=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, hmmFile0, tempCigarFile)) elif hmmType == "trained_20": system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputAllPosteriorProbs=%s --loadHmm=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, hmmFile20, tempCigarFile)) elif hmmType == "trained_40": system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputAllPosteriorProbs=%s --loadHmm=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, hmmFile40, tempCigarFile)) else: system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputAllPosteriorProbs=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, tempCigarFile)) #Now collate the reference position expectations for refPosition, readPosition, posteriorProb in map(lambda x : map(float, x.split()), open(tempPosteriorProbsFile, 'r')): key = (refSeqName, int(refPosition)) if key not in expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition: expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition[key] = dict(zip(bases, [0.0]*len(bases))) readBase = readSeq[int(readPosition)].upper() if readBase in bases: expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition[key][readBase] += posteriorProb #Collate aligned positions from cigars sam.close() totalHeldOut = len(snpSet) totalNotHeldOut = totalReferenceLength - totalHeldOut class SnpCalls: def __init__(self): self.falsePositives = [] self.truePositives = [] self.falseNegatives = [] self.notCalled = 0 @staticmethod def bucket(calls): calls = calls[:] calls.sort() buckets = [0.0]*101 for prob in calls: #Discretize buckets[int(round(prob*100))] += 1 for i in xrange(len(buckets)-2, -1, -1): #Make cumulative buckets[i] += buckets[i+1] return buckets def getPrecisionByProbability(self): tPs = self.bucket(map(lambda x : x[0], self.truePositives)) fPs = self.bucket(map(lambda x : x[0], self.falsePositives)) return map(lambda i : float(tPs[i]) / (tPs[i] + fPs[i]) if tPs[i] + fPs[i] != 0 else 0, xrange(len(tPs))) def getRecallByProbability(self): return map(lambda i : i/totalHeldOut if totalHeldOut != 0 else 0, self.bucket(map(lambda x : x[0], self.truePositives))) def getTruePositiveLocations(self): return map(lambda x : x[1], self.truePositives) def getFalsePositiveLocations(self): return map(lambda x : x[1], self.falsePositives) def getFalseNegativeLocations(self): return map(lambda x : x[0], self.falseNegatives) #The different call sets marginAlignMaxExpectedSnpCalls = SnpCalls() marginAlignMaxLikelihoodSnpCalls = SnpCalls() maxFrequencySnpCalls = SnpCalls() maximumLikelihoodSnpCalls = SnpCalls() #Now calculate the calls for refSeqName in refSequences: refSeq = refSequences[refSeqName] for refPosition in xrange(len(refSeq)): mutatedRefBase = refSeq[refPosition].upper() trueRefBase = (mutatedRefBase if not (refSeqName, refPosition) in snpSet else snpSet[(refSeqName, refPosition)]).upper() key = (refSeqName, refPosition) #Get base calls for errorSubstitutionMatrix, evolutionarySubstitutionMatrix, baseExpectations, snpCalls in \ ((flatSubstitutionMatrix, nullSubstitionMatrix, expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition, marginAlignMaxExpectedSnpCalls), (hmmErrorSubstitutionMatrix, nullSubstitionMatrix, expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition, marginAlignMaxLikelihoodSnpCalls), (flatSubstitutionMatrix, nullSubstitionMatrix, frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition, maxFrequencySnpCalls), (hmmErrorSubstitutionMatrix, nullSubstitionMatrix, frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition, maximumLikelihoodSnpCalls)): if key in baseExpectations: #Get posterior likelihoods expectations = baseExpectations[key] totalExpectation = sum(expectations.values()) if totalExpectation > 0.0: #expectationCallingThreshold: posteriorProbs = calcBasePosteriorProbs(dict(zip(bases, map(lambda x : float(expectations[x])/totalExpectation, bases))), mutatedRefBase, evolutionarySubstitutionMatrix, errorSubstitutionMatrix) probs = [ posteriorProbs[base] for base in "ACGT" ] #posteriorProbs.pop(mutatedRefBase) #Remove the ref base. #maxPosteriorProb = max(posteriorProbs.values()) #chosenBase = random.choice([ base for base in posteriorProbs if posteriorProbs[base] == maxPosteriorProb ]).upper() #Very naive way to call the base for chosenBase in "ACGT": if chosenBase != mutatedRefBase: maxPosteriorProb = posteriorProbs[chosenBase] if trueRefBase != mutatedRefBase and trueRefBase == chosenBase: snpCalls.truePositives.append((maxPosteriorProb, refPosition)) #True positive else: snpCalls.falsePositives.append((maxPosteriorProb, refPosition)) #False positive """ snpCalls.falseNegatives.append((refPosition, trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase, probs)) #False negative if trueRefBase != mutatedRefBase: if trueRefBase == chosenBase: snpCalls.truePositives.append((maxPosteriorProb, refPosition)) #True positive else: snpCalls.falseNegatives.append((refPosition, trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase, probs)) #False negative else: snpCalls.falsePositives.append((maxPosteriorProb, refPosition)) #False positive """ else: snpCalls.notCalled += 1 #Now find max-fscore point for snpCalls, tagName in ((marginAlignMaxExpectedSnpCalls, "marginAlignMaxExpectedSnpCalls"), (marginAlignMaxLikelihoodSnpCalls, "marginAlignMaxLikelihoodSnpCalls"), (maxFrequencySnpCalls, "maxFrequencySnpCalls"), (maximumLikelihoodSnpCalls, "maximumLikelihoodSnpCalls")): recall = snpCalls.getRecallByProbability() precision = snpCalls.getPrecisionByProbability() assert len(recall) == len(precision) fScore, pIndex = max(map(lambda i : (2 * recall[i] * precision[i] / (recall[i] + precision[i]) if recall[i] + precision[i] > 0 else 0.0, i), range(len(recall)))) truePositives = snpCalls.getRecallByProbability()[pIndex] falsePositives = snpCalls.getPrecisionByProbability()[pIndex] optimumProbThreshold = float(pIndex)/100.0 #Write out the substitution info node2 = ET.SubElement(node, tagName + "_" + hmmType, { "coverage":str(coverage), "actualCoverage":str(float(totalAlignedPairs)/totalReferenceLength), "totalAlignedPairs":str(totalAlignedPairs), "totalReferenceLength":str(totalReferenceLength), "replicate":str(replicate), "totalReads":str(len(reads)), "avgSampledReadLength":str(float(totalReadLength)/totalSampledReads), "totalSampledReads":str(totalSampledReads), "totalHeldOut":str(totalHeldOut), "totalNonHeldOut":str(totalNotHeldOut), "recall":str(recall[pIndex]), "precision":str(precision[pIndex]), "fScore":str(fScore), "optimumProbThreshold":str(optimumProbThreshold), "totalNoCalls":str(snpCalls.notCalled), "recallByProbability":" ".join(map(str, snpCalls.getRecallByProbability())), "precisionByProbability":" ".join(map(str, snpCalls.getPrecisionByProbability())) }) #"falsePositiveLocations":" ".join(map(str, snpCalls.getFalsePositiveLocations())), #"falseNegativeLocations":" ".join(map(str, snpCalls.getFalseNegativeLocations())), #"truePositiveLocations":" ".join(map(str, snpCalls.getTruePositiveLocations())) }) for refPosition, trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase, posteriorProbs in snpCalls.falseNegatives: ET.SubElement(node2, "falseNegative_%s_%s" % (trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase), { "posteriorProbs":" ".join(map(str, posteriorProbs))}) for falseNegativeBase in bases: for mutatedBase in bases: posteriorProbsArray = [ posteriorProbs for refPosition, trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase, posteriorProbs in snpCalls.falseNegatives if (trueRefBase.upper() == falseNegativeBase.upper() and mutatedBase.upper() == mutatedRefBase.upper() ) ] if len(posteriorProbsArray) > 0: summedProbs = reduce(lambda x, y : map(lambda i : x[i] + y[i], xrange(len(x))), posteriorProbsArray) summedProbs = map(lambda x : float(x)/sum(summedProbs), summedProbs) ET.SubElement(node2, "combinedFalseNegative_%s_%s" % (falseNegativeBase, mutatedBase), { "posteriorProbs":" ".join(map(str, summedProbs))}) open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "marginaliseConsensus.xml"), "w").write(prettyXml(node)) #Indicate everything is all done self.finish()
def run(self): #Call base method to do some logging refSequences = getFastaDictionary( self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary( self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences node = ET.Element("marginAlignComparison") for hmmType in ("cactus", "trained_0", "trained_20", "trained_40"): for coverage in (1000000, 120, 60, 30, 10): for replicate in xrange( 3 if coverage < 1000000 else 1 ): #Do replicates, unless coverage is all sam = pysam.Samfile(self.samFile, "r") #Trained hmm file to use.q hmmFile0 = os.path.join(pathToBaseNanoporeDir(), "nanopore", "mappers", "blasr_hmm_0.txt") hmmFile20 = os.path.join(pathToBaseNanoporeDir(), "nanopore", "mappers", "blasr_hmm_20.txt") hmmFile40 = os.path.join(pathToBaseNanoporeDir(), "nanopore", "mappers", "blasr_hmm_40.txt") #Get substitution matrices nullSubstitionMatrix = getNullSubstitutionMatrix() flatSubstitutionMatrix = getJukesCantorTypeSubstitutionMatrix( ) hmmErrorSubstitutionMatrix = loadHmmErrorSubstitutionMatrix( hmmFile20) #Load the held out snps snpSet = {} referenceAlignmentFile = self.referenceFastaFile + "_Index.txt" if os.path.exists(referenceAlignmentFile): seqsAndMutatedSeqs = getFastaDictionary( referenceAlignmentFile) count = 0 for name in seqsAndMutatedSeqs: if name in refSequences: count += 1 trueSeq = seqsAndMutatedSeqs[name] mutatedSeq = seqsAndMutatedSeqs[name + "_mutated"] assert mutatedSeq == refSequences[name] for i in xrange(len(trueSeq)): if trueSeq[i] != mutatedSeq[i]: snpSet[(name, i)] = trueSeq[i] else: assert name.split("_")[-1] == "mutated" assert count == len(refSequences.keys()) #The data we collect expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition = {} frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition = {} totalSampledReads = 0 totalAlignedPairs = 0 totalReadLength = 0 totalReferenceLength = sum(map(len, refSequences.values())) #Get a randomised ordering for the reads reads = [aR for aR in samIterator(sam)] random.shuffle(reads) for aR in reads: #Iterate on the sam lines if totalReadLength / totalReferenceLength >= coverage: #Stop when coverage exceeds the quota break totalReadLength += len(readSequences[aR.qname]) totalSampledReads += 1 #Temporary files tempCigarFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "rescoredCigar.cig") tempRefFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "ref.fa") tempReadFile = os.path.join(self.getLocalTempDir(), "read.fa") tempPosteriorProbsFile = os.path.join( self.getLocalTempDir(), "probs.tsv") #Ref name refSeqName = sam.getrname(aR.rname) #Sequences refSeq = refSequences[sam.getrname(aR.rname)] #Walk through the aligned pairs to collate the bases of aligned positions for aP in AlignedPair.iterator( aR, refSeq, readSequences[aR.qname]): totalAlignedPairs += 1 #Record an aligned pair key = (refSeqName, aP.refPos) if key not in frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition: frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition[ key] = dict(zip(bases, [0.0] * len(bases))) readBase = aP.getReadBase( ) #readSeq[aP.readPos].upper() #Use the absolute read, ins if readBase in bases: frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition[key][ readBase] += 1 #Write the temporary files. readSeq = aR.query #This excludes bases that were soft-clipped and is always of positive strand coordinates fastaWrite(tempRefFile, refSeqName, refSeq) fastaWrite(tempReadFile, aR.qname, readSeq) #Exonerate format Cigar string, which is in readSeq coordinates (positive strand). assert aR.pos == 0 assert aR.qstart == 0 assert aR.qend == len(readSeq) assert aR.aend == len(refSeq) cigarString = getExonerateCigarFormatString(aR, sam) #Call to cactus_realign if hmmType == "trained_0": system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputAllPosteriorProbs=%s --loadHmm=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, hmmFile0, tempCigarFile)) elif hmmType == "trained_20": system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputAllPosteriorProbs=%s --loadHmm=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, hmmFile20, tempCigarFile)) elif hmmType == "trained_40": system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputAllPosteriorProbs=%s --loadHmm=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, hmmFile40, tempCigarFile)) else: system("echo %s | cactus_realign %s %s --diagonalExpansion=10 --splitMatrixBiggerThanThis=100 --outputAllPosteriorProbs=%s > %s" % \ (cigarString, tempRefFile, tempReadFile, tempPosteriorProbsFile, tempCigarFile)) #Now collate the reference position expectations for refPosition, readPosition, posteriorProb in map( lambda x: map(float, x.split()), open(tempPosteriorProbsFile, 'r')): key = (refSeqName, int(refPosition)) if key not in expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition: expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition[key] = dict( zip(bases, [0.0] * len(bases))) readBase = readSeq[int(readPosition)].upper() if readBase in bases: expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition[key][ readBase] += posteriorProb #Collate aligned positions from cigars sam.close() totalHeldOut = len(snpSet) totalNotHeldOut = totalReferenceLength - totalHeldOut class SnpCalls: def __init__(self): self.falsePositives = [] self.truePositives = [] self.falseNegatives = [] self.notCalled = 0 @staticmethod def bucket(calls): calls = calls[:] calls.sort() buckets = [0.0] * 101 for prob in calls: #Discretize buckets[int(round(prob * 100))] += 1 for i in xrange(len(buckets) - 2, -1, -1): #Make cumulative buckets[i] += buckets[i + 1] return buckets def getPrecisionByProbability(self): tPs = self.bucket( map(lambda x: x[0], self.truePositives)) fPs = self.bucket( map(lambda x: x[0], self.falsePositives)) return map( lambda i: float(tPs[i]) / (tPs[i] + fPs[i]) if tPs[i] + fPs[i] != 0 else 0, xrange(len(tPs))) def getRecallByProbability(self): return map( lambda i: i / totalHeldOut if totalHeldOut != 0 else 0, self.bucket( map(lambda x: x[0], self.truePositives))) def getTruePositiveLocations(self): return map(lambda x: x[1], self.truePositives) def getFalsePositiveLocations(self): return map(lambda x: x[1], self.falsePositives) def getFalseNegativeLocations(self): return map(lambda x: x[0], self.falseNegatives) #The different call sets marginAlignMaxExpectedSnpCalls = SnpCalls() marginAlignMaxLikelihoodSnpCalls = SnpCalls() maxFrequencySnpCalls = SnpCalls() maximumLikelihoodSnpCalls = SnpCalls() #Now calculate the calls for refSeqName in refSequences: refSeq = refSequences[refSeqName] for refPosition in xrange(len(refSeq)): mutatedRefBase = refSeq[refPosition].upper() trueRefBase = ( mutatedRefBase if not (refSeqName, refPosition) in snpSet else snpSet[(refSeqName, refPosition)]).upper() key = (refSeqName, refPosition) #Get base calls for errorSubstitutionMatrix, evolutionarySubstitutionMatrix, baseExpectations, snpCalls in \ ((flatSubstitutionMatrix, nullSubstitionMatrix, expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition, marginAlignMaxExpectedSnpCalls), (hmmErrorSubstitutionMatrix, nullSubstitionMatrix, expectationsOfBasesAtEachPosition, marginAlignMaxLikelihoodSnpCalls), (flatSubstitutionMatrix, nullSubstitionMatrix, frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition, maxFrequencySnpCalls), (hmmErrorSubstitutionMatrix, nullSubstitionMatrix, frequenciesOfAlignedBasesAtEachPosition, maximumLikelihoodSnpCalls)): if key in baseExpectations: #Get posterior likelihoods expectations = baseExpectations[key] totalExpectation = sum( expectations.values()) if totalExpectation > 0.0: #expectationCallingThreshold: posteriorProbs = calcBasePosteriorProbs( dict( zip( bases, map( lambda x: float( expectations[x]) / totalExpectation, bases))), mutatedRefBase, evolutionarySubstitutionMatrix, errorSubstitutionMatrix) probs = [ posteriorProbs[base] for base in "ACGT" ] #posteriorProbs.pop(mutatedRefBase) #Remove the ref base. #maxPosteriorProb = max(posteriorProbs.values()) #chosenBase = random.choice([ base for base in posteriorProbs if posteriorProbs[base] == maxPosteriorProb ]).upper() #Very naive way to call the base for chosenBase in "ACGT": if chosenBase != mutatedRefBase: maxPosteriorProb = posteriorProbs[ chosenBase] if trueRefBase != mutatedRefBase and trueRefBase == chosenBase: snpCalls.truePositives.append( (maxPosteriorProb, refPosition )) #True positive else: snpCalls.falsePositives.append( (maxPosteriorProb, refPosition )) #False positive """ snpCalls.falseNegatives.append((refPosition, trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase, probs)) #False negative if trueRefBase != mutatedRefBase: if trueRefBase == chosenBase: snpCalls.truePositives.append((maxPosteriorProb, refPosition)) #True positive else: snpCalls.falseNegatives.append((refPosition, trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase, probs)) #False negative else: snpCalls.falsePositives.append((maxPosteriorProb, refPosition)) #False positive """ else: snpCalls.notCalled += 1 #Now find max-fscore point for snpCalls, tagName in ( (marginAlignMaxExpectedSnpCalls, "marginAlignMaxExpectedSnpCalls"), (marginAlignMaxLikelihoodSnpCalls, "marginAlignMaxLikelihoodSnpCalls"), (maxFrequencySnpCalls, "maxFrequencySnpCalls"), (maximumLikelihoodSnpCalls, "maximumLikelihoodSnpCalls")): recall = snpCalls.getRecallByProbability() precision = snpCalls.getPrecisionByProbability() assert len(recall) == len(precision) fScore, pIndex = max( map( lambda i: (2 * recall[i] * precision[i] / (recall[i] + precision[i]) if recall[i] + precision[i] > 0 else 0.0, i), range(len(recall)))) truePositives = snpCalls.getRecallByProbability( )[pIndex] falsePositives = snpCalls.getPrecisionByProbability( )[pIndex] optimumProbThreshold = float(pIndex) / 100.0 #Write out the substitution info node2 = ET.SubElement( node, tagName + "_" + hmmType, { "coverage": str(coverage), "actualCoverage": str( float(totalAlignedPairs) / totalReferenceLength), "totalAlignedPairs": str(totalAlignedPairs), "totalReferenceLength": str(totalReferenceLength), "replicate": str(replicate), "totalReads": str(len(reads)), "avgSampledReadLength": str( float(totalReadLength) / totalSampledReads), "totalSampledReads": str(totalSampledReads), "totalHeldOut": str(totalHeldOut), "totalNonHeldOut": str(totalNotHeldOut), "recall": str(recall[pIndex]), "precision": str(precision[pIndex]), "fScore": str(fScore), "optimumProbThreshold": str(optimumProbThreshold), "totalNoCalls": str(snpCalls.notCalled), "recallByProbability": " ".join( map(str, snpCalls.getRecallByProbability())), "precisionByProbability": " ".join( map(str, snpCalls.getPrecisionByProbability())) }) #"falsePositiveLocations":" ".join(map(str, snpCalls.getFalsePositiveLocations())), #"falseNegativeLocations":" ".join(map(str, snpCalls.getFalseNegativeLocations())), #"truePositiveLocations":" ".join(map(str, snpCalls.getTruePositiveLocations())) }) for refPosition, trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase, posteriorProbs in snpCalls.falseNegatives: ET.SubElement( node2, "falseNegative_%s_%s" % (trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase), { "posteriorProbs": " ".join(map(str, posteriorProbs)) }) for falseNegativeBase in bases: for mutatedBase in bases: posteriorProbsArray = [ posteriorProbs for refPosition, trueRefBase, mutatedRefBase, posteriorProbs in snpCalls.falseNegatives if (trueRefBase.upper() == falseNegativeBase.upper() and mutatedBase.upper() == mutatedRefBase.upper()) ] if len(posteriorProbsArray) > 0: summedProbs = reduce( lambda x, y: map( lambda i: x[i] + y[i], xrange(len(x))), posteriorProbsArray) summedProbs = map( lambda x: float(x) / sum(summedProbs), summedProbs) ET.SubElement( node2, "combinedFalseNegative_%s_%s" % (falseNegativeBase, mutatedBase), { "posteriorProbs": " ".join(map(str, summedProbs)) }) open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "marginaliseConsensus.xml"), "w").write(prettyXml(node)) #Indicate everything is all done self.finish()
def run(self): #Call base method to do some logging #Hmm file hmmFile = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.samFile)[0], "hmm.txt.xml") if os.path.exists(hmmFile): #Load the hmm hmmsNode = ET.parse(hmmFile).getroot() #Plot graphviz version of nanopore hmm, showing transitions and variances. fH = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, ""), 'w') setupGraphFile(fH) #Make states addNodeToGraph("n0n", fH, "match") addNodeToGraph("n1n", fH, "short delete") addNodeToGraph("n2n", fH, "short insert") addNodeToGraph("n3n", fH, "long insert") addNodeToGraph("n4n", fH, "long delete") #Make edges with labelled transition probs. for transition in hmmsNode.findall("transition"): if float(transition.attrib["avg"]) > 0.0: addEdgeToGraph("n%sn" % transition.attrib["from"], "n%sn" % transition.attrib["to"], fH, dir="arrow", style='""', label="%.3f,%.3f" % (float(transition.attrib["avg"]), float(transition.attrib["std"]))) #Finish up finishGraphFile(fH) fH.close() #Plot match emission data emissions = dict([ ((emission.attrib["x"], emission.attrib["y"]), emission.attrib["avg"]) \ for emission in hmmsNode.findall("emission") if emission.attrib["state"] == '0' ]) matchEmissionsFile = os.path.join(self.outputDir, "matchEmissions.tsv") outf = open(matchEmissionsFile, "w") bases = "ACGT" outf.write("\t".join(bases) + "\n") for base in bases: outf.write("\t".join( [base] + map(lambda x: emissions[(base, x)], bases)) + "\n") outf.close() system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/substitution_plot.R %s %s %s" % (matchEmissionsFile, os.path.join(self.outputDir, "substitution_plot.pdf"), "Per-Base Substitutions after HMM")) #Plot indel info #Get the sequences to contrast the neutral model. refSequences = getFastaDictionary( self.referenceFastaFile) #Hash of names to sequences readSequences = getFastqDictionary( self.readFastqFile) #Hash of names to sequences #Need to do plot of insert and deletion gap emissions #Plot of insert and deletion gap emissions insertEmissions = {"A": 0.0, 'C': 0.0, 'G': 0.0, 'T': 0.0} deleteEmissions = {"A": 0.0, 'C': 0.0, 'G': 0.0, 'T': 0.0} for emission in hmmsNode.findall("emission"): if emission.attrib["state"] == '2': insertEmissions[emission.attrib["x"]] += float( emission.attrib["avg"]) elif emission.attrib["state"] == '1': deleteEmissions[emission.attrib["y"]] += float( emission.attrib["avg"]) #PLot insert and delete emissions indelEmissionsFile = os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indelEmissions.tsv") outf = open(indelEmissionsFile, "w") outf.write("\t".join(bases) + "\n") outf.write( "\t".join(map(lambda x: str(insertEmissions[x]), bases)) + "\n") outf.write( "\t".join(map(lambda x: str(deleteEmissions[x]), bases)) + "\n") outf.close() ###Here's where we do the plot.. system("Rscript nanopore/analyses/emissions_plot.R {} {}".format( indelEmissionsFile, os.path.join(self.outputDir, "indelEmissions_plot.pdf"))) #Plot convergence of likelihoods outf = open(os.path.join(self.outputDir, "runninglikelihoods.tsv"), "w") for hmmNode in hmmsNode.findall( "hmm"): #This is a loop over trials runningLikelihoods = map( float, hmmNode.attrib["runningLikelihoods"].split() ) #This is a list of floats ordered from the first iteration to last. outf.write("\t".join(map(str, runningLikelihoods))) outf.write("\n") outf.close() system( "Rscript nanopore/analyses/running_likelihood.R {} {}".format( os.path.join(self.outputDir, "runninglikelihoods.tsv"), os.path.join(self.outputDir, "running_likelihood.pdf"))) self.finish() #Indicates the batch is done