def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs): ''' Mapping for the global 30 arc-second elevation (see Parameters: ----------- fileName : string Either the name of a gtopo30 DEM file, or <path>/gtopo30.vrt. The latter is an aggregation of the DEM-files available with gtopo30 except the Antarctic one, which is in polarstereographic projection. You can create your own gtopo30.vrt file with gdal: > gdalbuildvrt gtopo30.vrt [E,W]*.DEM ''' bn = os.path.basename(fileName) if not bn=='gtopo30.vrt' and not os.path.splitext(bn)[1]=='.DEM': raise WrongMapperError metaDict = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'height_above_reference_ellipsoid'}}] # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset) # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT self._create_bands(metaDict)
def test_copy_vrt_pixel_func(self): vrt1 = VRT() vrt1_xml = ''' <VRTDataset rasterXSize="200" rasterYSize="200"> <VRTRasterBand dataType="Byte" band="1"> <ComplexSource> <SourceFilename relativeToVRT="0">%s</SourceFilename> <SourceBand>1</SourceBand> <SourceProperties RasterXSize="200" RasterYSize="200" DataType="Byte" BlockXSize="200" BlockYSize="13" /> <SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="200" ySize="200" /> <DstRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="200" ySize="200" /> </ComplexSource> </VRTRasterBand> <VRTRasterBand dataType="Float32" band="2" subClass="VRTDerivedRasterBand"> <ComplexSource> <SourceFilename relativeToVRT="0">%s</SourceFilename> <SourceBand>1</SourceBand> <SourceProperties RasterXSize="200" RasterYSize="200" DataType="Byte" BlockXSize="128" BlockYSize="128" /> <SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="200" ySize="200" /> <DstRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="200" ySize="200" /> </ComplexSource> <PixelFunctionType>sqrt</PixelFunctionType> </VRTRasterBand> </VRTDataset> ''' % (self.test_file_gcps, vrt1.filename) vrt1.write_xml(vrt1_xml) vrt2 = vrt1.copy() self.assertFalse(os.path.basename(vrt1.filename) in vrt2.xml)
def test_create_band(self): array = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps).ReadAsArray()[1, 10:, :] vrt1 = VRT.from_array(array) vrt2 = VRT(x_size=array.shape[1], y_size=array.shape[0]) self.assertEqual(vrt2.dataset.RasterCount, 0) vrt2.create_band({'SourceFilename': vrt1.filename}) self.assertEqual(vrt2.dataset.RasterCount, 1)
def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs): ''' Create VRT ''' ############## # Get time ############## if fileName[0:len(keywordBase)] != keywordBase: raise AttributeError("Wrong mapper") timestr = fileName[len(keywordBase)+1::] time = datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y%m%d%H%M') ###################################################### # Find windFileName corresponding to a Nansat-readable # file in your local (or remote) file archive ###################################################### windFileName = localFolder + <.......> ###################################################### # Open file with any other Nansat mapper ###################################################### w = Nansat(windFileName) VRT.__init__(self, vrtDataset=w.vrt.dataset) return
def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs): ''' Create NCEP VRT ''' if not gdalDataset: raise WrongMapperError geotransform = gdalDataset.GetGeoTransform() if (geotransform != (-0.25, 0.5, 0.0, 90.25, 0.0, -0.5) or gdalDataset.RasterCount != 2): # Not water proof raise WrongMapperError metaDict = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'eastward_wind', 'height': '10 m'}}, {'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 2}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'northward_wind', 'height': '10 m'}}, {'src': [{'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1, 'DataType': gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType }, {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 2, 'DataType': gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(2).DataType }], 'dst': {'wkv': 'wind_speed', 'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToMagnitude', 'name': 'windspeed', 'height': '2 m' }}, {'src': [{'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1, 'DataType': gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType }, {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 2, 'DataType': gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(2).DataType }], 'dst': {'wkv': 'wind_from_direction', 'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToDirectionFrom', 'name': 'winddirection', 'height': '2 m' } }] # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset) # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT self._create_bands(metaDict) # Adding valid time from the GRIB file to dataset validTime = gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(1).\ GetMetadata()['GRIB_VALID_TIME'] self._set_time(datetime.datetime. utcfromtimestamp(int(validTime.strip().split(' ')[0]))) return
def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs): title_correct = False if not gdalMetadata: raise WrongMapperError for key, val in gdalMetadata.iteritems(): if "title" in key: if not val == "Daily AMSR-E Arctic lead area fraction [in percent]": raise WrongMapperError else: title_correct = True if not title_correct: raise WrongMapperError # initiate VRT for the NSIDC 10 km grid VRT.__init__( self, srcGeoTransform=(-3850000, 6250, 0.0, 5850000, 0.0, -6250), srcProjection=NSR(3411).wkt, srcRasterXSize=1216, srcRasterYSize=1792, ) src = {"SourceFilename": 'NETCDF:"%s":lf' % fileName, "SourceBand": 1} dst = {"name": "leadFraction", "long_name": "AMSRE sea ice lead fraction"} self._create_band(src, dst) self.dataset.FlushCache()
def test_create_band_name_wkv(self): short_name='sigma0' wkv = dict(short_name=short_name) self.mock_pti['get_wkv_variable'].return_value=wkv vrt = VRT() self.assertEqual(vrt._create_band_name({'wkv': short_name}), (short_name, wkv)) self.assertEqual(vrt._create_band_name({'wkv': short_name, 'suffix': 'HH'}), (short_name + '_HH', wkv))
def test_make_filename(self): filename1 = VRT._make_filename() filename2 = VRT._make_filename(extention='smth') filename3 = VRT._make_filename(nomem=True) self.assertTrue(filename1.startswith('/vsimem/')) self.assertTrue(filename2.startswith('/vsimem/')) self.assertTrue(filename2.endswith('.smth')) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename3))
def test_get_projection_raises_NansatProjectionError(self, dataset): dataset.GetProjection.return_value = '' dataset.GetGCPProjection.return_value = '' dataset.GetMetadata.return_value = {} vrt = VRT() with self.assertRaises(NansatProjectionError): proj = vrt.get_projection()
def test_get_projection_dataset(self, dataset): proj = 'SOME_PROJECTION' dataset.GetProjection.return_value = proj dataset.GetGCPProjection.return_value = '' dataset.GetMetadata.return_value = {} vrt = VRT() proj_src = vrt.get_projection() self.assertEqual(proj_src, (proj, 'dataset'))
def test_get_projection_geolocation(self, dataset): proj = 'SOME_PROJECTION' dataset.GetProjection.return_value = '' dataset.GetGCPProjection.return_value = '' dataset.GetMetadata.return_value = {'SRS': proj} vrt = VRT() proj_src = vrt.get_projection() self.assertEqual(proj_src, (proj, 'geolocation'))
def set_gcps(self, lon, lat, gdal_dataset): """ Set gcps """ self.band_vrts['new_lon_VRT'] = VRT.from_array(lon) self.dataset.SetGCPs(VRT._lonlat2gcps(lon, lat, n_gcps=400), NSR().wkt) # Add geolocation from correct longitudes and latitudes self._add_geolocation( Geolocation(self.band_vrts['new_lon_VRT'], self, x_band=1, y_band=self._latitude_band_number(gdal_dataset)) )
def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs): ''' Create LANDSAT VRT ''' # try to open .tar or .tar.gz or .tgz file with tar try: tarFile = except: raise WrongMapperError tarNames = tarFile.getnames() #print tarNames metaDict = [] for tarName in tarNames: if ((tarName[0] == 'L' or tarName[0] == 'M') and (tarName[-4:] == '.TIF' or tarName[-4:] == '.tif')): #print tarName bandNo = tarName[-6:-4] metaDict.append({ 'src': {'SourceFilename': '/vsitar/%s/%s' % (fileName, tarName), 'SourceBand': 1}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance', 'suffix': bandNo}}) if not metaDict: raise WrongMapperError #print metaDict sizeDiffBands = [] for iFile in range(len(metaDict)): tmpName = metaDict[iFile]['src']['SourceFilename'] gdalDatasetTmp = gdal.Open(tmpName) if iFile == 0: gdalDatasetTmp0 = gdalDatasetTmp xSize = gdalDatasetTmp.RasterXSize ySize = gdalDatasetTmp.RasterYSize elif (xSize != gdalDatasetTmp.RasterXSize or ySize != gdalDatasetTmp.RasterYSize): sizeDiffBands.append(iFile) # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only VRT.__init__(self, gdalDatasetTmp0) # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT self._create_bands(metaDict) # 8th band of LANDSAT8 is a double size band. # Reduce the size to same as the 1st band. if len(sizeDiffBands) != 0: vrtXML = self.read_xml() node0 = Node.create(vrtXML) for iBand in sizeDiffBands: iBandNode = node0.nodeList('VRTRasterBand')[iBand] iNodeDstRect = iBandNode.node('DstRect') iNodeDstRect.replaceAttribute('xSize', str(xSize)) iNodeDstRect.replaceAttribute('ySize', str(ySize)) self.write_xml(node0.rawxml())
def __init__(self, inputFileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, logLevel=30, **kwargs): # check if mapper fits if not gdalMetadata: raise WrongMapperError if not os.path.splitext(inputFileName)[1] == '.mnt': raise WrongMapperError try: mbNorthLatitude = float(gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#mbNorthLatitude']) mbSouthLatitude = float(gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#mbSouthLatitude']) mbEastLongitude = float(gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#mbEastLongitude']) mbWestLongitude = float(gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#mbWestLongitude']) mbProj4String = gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#mbProj4String'] Number_lines = int(gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#Number_lines']) Number_columns = int(gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#Number_columns']) Element_x_size = float(gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#Element_x_size']) Element_y_size = float(gdalMetadata['NC_GLOBAL#Element_y_size']) except: raise WrongMapperError # find subdataset with DEPTH subDatasets = gdalDataset.GetSubDatasets() dSourceFile = None for subDataset in subDatasets: if subDataset[0].endswith('.mnt":DEPTH'): dSourceFile = subDataset[0] if dSourceFile is None: raise WrongMapperError dSubDataset = gdal.Open(dSourceFile) dMetadata = dSubDataset.GetMetadata() try: scale_factor = dMetadata['DEPTH#scale_factor'] add_offset = dMetadata['DEPTH#add_offset'] except: raise WrongMapperError geoTransform = [mbWestLongitude, Element_x_size, 0, mbNorthLatitude, 0, -Element_y_size] # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only VRT.__init__(self, srcGeoTransform=geoTransform, srcMetadata=gdalMetadata, srcProjection=NSR(mbProj4String).wkt, srcRasterXSize=Number_columns, srcRasterYSize=Number_lines) metaDict = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': dSourceFile, 'SourceBand': 1, 'ScaleRatio' : scale_factor, 'ScaleOffset' : add_offset}, 'dst': {'wkv': 'depth'}}] # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT self._create_bands(metaDict)
def test_add_swath_mask_band(self, create_band): vrt = VRT() vrt.filename = '/temp/filename.vrt' vrt._add_swath_mask_band() src = [{'SourceFilename': '/temp/filename.vrt', 'SourceBand': 1, 'DataType': 1}] dst ={'dataType': 1, 'wkv': 'swath_binary_mask', 'PixelFunctionType': 'OnesPixelFunc'} create_band.assert_called_once_with(src=src, dst=dst)
def test_find_complex_band(self): a = np.random.randn(100,100) vrt1 = VRT.from_array(a) vrt2 = VRT.from_array(a.astype(np.complex64)) vrt3 = VRT.from_gdal_dataset(vrt1.dataset) vrt3.create_bands([{'src': {'SourceFilename': vrt1.filename}}, {'src': {'SourceFilename': vrt2.filename}}]) self.assertEqual(vrt1._find_complex_band(), None) self.assertEqual(vrt2._find_complex_band(), 1) self.assertEqual(vrt3._find_complex_band(), 2)
def test_from_filenames(self): lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,5,10), np.linspace(10,20,30)) x_vrt = VRT.from_array(lon) y_vrt = VRT.from_array(lat) g = Geolocation.from_filenames(x_vrt.filename, y_vrt.filename) self.assertIsInstance(g, Geolocation) self.assertEqual(['X_DATASET'], x_vrt.filename) self.assertEqual(['Y_DATASET'], y_vrt.filename) self.assertEqual(['LINE_OFFSET'], '0') self.assertEqual(['LINE_STEP'], '1') self.assertEqual(['PIXEL_OFFSET'], '0') self.assertEqual(['PIXEL_STEP'], '1')
def test_copy_empty_vrt(self): vrt1 = VRT() vrt2 = vrt1.copy() self.assertIsInstance(vrt2, VRT) self.assertIsInstance(vrt2.filename, str) self.assertEqual(vrt2.dataset.RasterXSize, vrt1.dataset.RasterXSize) self.assertEqual(vrt2.dataset.RasterYSize, vrt1.dataset.RasterYSize) self.assertEqual(vrt2.dataset.GetProjection(), vrt1.dataset.GetProjection()) self.assertEqual(vrt2.dataset.GetGeoTransform(), vrt1.dataset.GetGeoTransform()) self.assertEqual(vrt2.dataset.GetGCPProjection(), vrt1.dataset.GetGCPProjection()) self.assertIn('filename', list(vrt2.dataset.GetMetadata().keys()))
def test_init_from_gdal_dataset(self, _add_geolocation): vrt = VRT() ds = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps) vrt._init_from_gdal_dataset(ds) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.RasterXSize, ds.RasterXSize) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.RasterYSize, ds.RasterYSize) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetProjection(), ds.GetProjection()) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetGeoTransform(), ds.GetGeoTransform()) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetGCPProjection(), ds.GetGCPProjection()) self.assertIn('filename', list(vrt.dataset.GetMetadata().keys())) self.assertTrue(_add_geolocation.called_once())
def __init__(self, srs=None, ext=None, ds=None, **kwargs): """Create Domain from GDALDataset or string options or lat/lon grids""" # If too much information is given raise error if ds is not None and srs is not None and ext is not None: raise ValueError('Ambiguous specification of both dataset, srs- and ext-strings.') # choose between input opitons: # ds # ds and srs # srs and ext # if only a dataset is given: # copy geo-reference from the dataset if ds is not None and srs is None: self.vrt = VRT.from_gdal_dataset(ds) # If dataset and srs are given (but not ext): # use AutoCreateWarpedVRT to determine bounds and resolution elif ds is not None and srs is not None: srs = NSR(srs) tmp_vrt = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(ds, None, srs.wkt) if tmp_vrt is None: raise NansatProjectionError('Could not warp the given dataset to the given SRS.') else: self.vrt = VRT.from_gdal_dataset(tmp_vrt) # If SpatialRef and extent string are given (but not dataset) elif srs is not None and ext is not None: srs = NSR(srs) # create full dictionary of parameters extent_dict = Domain._create_extent_dict(ext) # convert -lle to -te if 'lle' in extent_dict.keys(): extent_dict = self._convert_extentDic(srs, extent_dict) # get size/extent from the created extent dictionary geo_transform, raster_x_size, raster_y_size = self._get_geotransform(extent_dict) # create VRT object with given geo-reference parameters self.vrt = VRT.from_dataset_params(x_size=raster_x_size, y_size=raster_y_size, geo_transform=geo_transform, projection=srs.wkt, gcps=[], gcp_projection='') elif 'lat' in kwargs and 'lon' in kwargs: warnings.warn('Domain(lon=lon, lat=lat) will be deprectaed!' 'Use Domain.from_lonlat()', NansatFutureWarning) # create self.vrt from given lat/lon self.vrt = VRT.from_lonlat(kwargs['lon'], kwargs['lat']) else: raise ValueError('"dataset" or "srsString and extentString" ' 'or "dataset and srsString" are required')
def test_fix_global_metadata(self): ds = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps) vrt = VRT.copy_dataset(ds) vrt.dataset.SetMetadataItem(str('test'), str('"test"')) vrt.fix_global_metadata(['AREA_OR_POINT']) self.assertNotIn('AREA_OR_POINT', vrt.dataset.GetMetadata()) self.assertEqual('"test"', vrt.dataset.GetMetadataItem(str('test')))
def from_lonlat(cls, lon, lat, add_gcps=True): """Create Domain object from input longitudes, latitudes arrays Parameters ---------- lon : numpy.ndarray longitudes lat : numpy.ndarray latitudes add_gcps : bool Add GCPs from lon/lat arrays. Returns ------- d : Domain Examples -------- >>> lon, lat = np.meshgrid(range(10), range(10)) >>> d1 = Domain.from_lonlat(lon, lat) >>> d2 = Domain.from_lonlat(lon, lat, add_gcps=False) # add only geolocation arrays """ d = cls.__new__(cls) d.vrt = VRT.from_lonlat(lon, lat, add_gcps) return d
def test_set_gcps_geolocation_geotransform_with_geolocation(self): lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 5, 10), np.linspace(10, 20, 30)) vrt = VRT.from_lonlat(lon, lat) vrt.create_band({str('SourceFilename'): vrt.geolocation.x_vrt.filename}) vrt._set_gcps_geolocation_geotransform() self.assertFalse('<GeoTransform>' in vrt.xml) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetGCPs(), ())
def test_get_super_vrt_geolocation(self): lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 5, 10), np.linspace(10, 20, 30)) vrt1 = VRT.from_lonlat(lon, lat) vrt2 = vrt1.get_super_vrt() vrt1 = None self.assertTrue(vrt2.geolocation.x_vrt is not None) self.assertTrue(vrt2.geolocation.y_vrt is not None)
def test_set_fake_gcps_empty(self): ds = gdal.Open('NETCDF:"%s":UMass_AES' % self.test_file_arctic) vrt = VRT.copy_dataset(ds) dst_wkt = vrt._set_fake_gcps(self.nsr_wkt, [], 1) self.assertEqual(dst_wkt, self.nsr_wkt) self.assertEqual(len(vrt.dataset.GetGCPs()), 0)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): filename = args[0] gdal_metadata = VRT._remove_strings_in_metadata_keys(args[2], ['NC_GLOBAL#', 'NANSAT_', 'GDAL_']) gcmd_keywords_mapping = get_gcmd_keywords_mapping() for key, val in list(gcmd_keywords_mapping.items()): if 'source' in list(gdal_metadata.keys()) and key in gdal_metadata['source']: instrument = gcmd_keywords_mapping[key]['instrument'] platform = gcmd_keywords_mapping[key]['platform'] if not 'instrument' in locals(): raise WrongMapperError super(Mapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) time_coverage_start, time_coverage_end = self.time_coverage() self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('time_coverage_start', (time_coverage_start.isoformat())) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('time_coverage_end', (time_coverage_end.isoformat())) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('instrument', instrument) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('platform', platform)
def test_leave_few_bands(self): ds = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps) vrt = VRT.copy_dataset(ds) vrt.leave_few_bands([1, 'L_469']) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.RasterCount,2) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem(str('name')), 'L_645') self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(2).GetMetadataItem(str('name')), 'L_469')
def vrts_from_arrays(self, data, variable_names, pol='', resize=True, resample_alg=2): """ Convert input dict with arrays into dict with VRTs Parameters ---------- data : dict 2D arrays with data from LUT variable_names : list of str variable names that should be converted to VRTs pol : str HH, HV, etc resize : bool Shall VRT be zoomed to full size? resample_alg : int Index of resampling algorithm. See VRT.get_resized_vrt() Returns ------- vrts : dict with (resized) VRTs """ vrts = {} for var_name in variable_names: vrts[var_name+pol] = VRT.from_array(data[var_name+pol]) if resize: vrts[var_name+pol] = vrts[var_name+pol].get_resized_vrt(self.dataset.RasterXSize, self.dataset.RasterYSize, resample_alg) return vrts
def test_set_gcps_geolocation_geotransform_with_geotransform(self): ds = gdal.Open('NETCDF:"%s":UMass_AES' % self.test_file_arctic) vrt = VRT.copy_dataset(ds) vrt._set_gcps_geolocation_geotransform() self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetGeoTransform(), (-1000000.0, 25000.0, 0.0, 5000000.0, 0.0, -25000.0)) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetMetadata(str('GEOLOCATION')), {}) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetGCPs(), ())
def test_fix_band_metadata(self): ds = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps) vrt = VRT.copy_dataset(ds) self.assertIn('standard_name', vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata()) self.assertIn('time', vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata()) vrt.fix_band_metadata(['standard_name', 'time']) self.assertNotIn('standard_name', vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata()) self.assertNotIn('time', vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata())
def __init__(self, filename, gdal_dataset, gdal_metadata, *args, **kwargs): if not filename.endswith('nc'): raise WrongMapperError self.input_filename = filename if not gdal_metadata: raise WrongMapperError if 'NC_GLOBAL#GDAL_NANSAT_GCPY_000' in list(gdal_metadata.keys()) or \ 'NC_GLOBAL#GDAL_NANSAT_GCPProjection' in list(gdal_metadata.keys()): # Probably Nansat generated netcdf of swath data - see issue #192 raise WrongMapperError metadata = VRT._remove_strings_in_metadata_keys( gdal_metadata, ['NC_GLOBAL#', 'NANSAT_', 'GDAL_']) # Set origin metadata (TODO: agree on keyword...) origin = '' nans = 'NANSAT' if 'origin' in list(metadata.keys()): origin = metadata['origin'] + ' ' for key in list(metadata.keys()): if nans in key: metadata['origin'] = origin + nans # else: Nothing needs to be done, origin stays the same... # Check conventions metadata if 'Conventions' not in list( metadata.keys()) or 'CF' not in metadata['Conventions']: raise WrongMapperError # OBS: at this point, generic mapper fails... #if metadata.has_key('GCPProjection'): # # Probably Nansat generated netcdf of swath data - see issue #192 # raise WrongMapperError # Create empty VRT dataset with geo-reference self._create_empty(gdal_dataset, metadata) # Add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT self.create_bands( self._band_list(gdal_dataset, metadata, *args, **kwargs)) # Check size? #xsize, ysize = self.ds_size(sub0) # Create complex bands from *_real and *_imag bands (the function is in # self._create_complex_bands(self._get_sub_filenames(gdal_dataset)) # Set GCMD/DIF compatible metadata if available self._set_time_coverage_metadata(metadata)
def test_transform_coordinates_2d_array(self): src_srs = NSR() dst_srs = NSR(str('+proj=stere')) src_points = (np.array([[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]]), np.array([[5,6,7,8],[5,6,7,8]]), np.array([[5,6,7,8],[5,6,7,8]]),) dst_x, dst_y, dst_z = VRT.transform_coordinates(src_srs, src_points, dst_srs) # check if shape of the result matches the expected shape (2x4 array) self.assertEqual(dst_x.shape, (2,4)) self.assertEqual(dst_y.shape, (2,4)) self.assertEqual(dst_z.shape, (2,4))
def test_set_add_band_options(self): # case 1 srcs = [{'SourceFilename': 'filename', 'SourceBand': 1}] dst = [] options = VRT._set_add_band_options(srcs, dst) self.assertEqual(options, []) # case 2 srcs = [{'SourceFilename': 'filename', 'SourceBand': 0, 'ImageOffset': 0, 'PixelOffset': 0, 'LineOffset': 0, 'ByteOrder': 'i'}] options = VRT._set_add_band_options(srcs, dst) self.assertIn('subclass=VRTRawRasterBand', options) self.assertIn('SourceFilename=filename', options) self.assertIn('ImageOffset=0', options) self.assertIn('PixelOffset=0', options) self.assertIn('LineOffset=0', options) self.assertIn('ByteOrder=i', options)
def test_from_dataset_params(self): ds = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps) vrt = VRT.from_dataset_params(ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize, ds.GetGeoTransform(), ds.GetProjection(), ds.GetGCPs(), ds.GetGCPProjection()) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.RasterXSize, ds.RasterXSize) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.RasterYSize, ds.RasterYSize) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetProjection(), ds.GetProjection()) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetGeoTransform(), ds.GetGeoTransform()) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetGCPProjection(), ds.GetGCPProjection()) self.assertIn('filename', list(vrt.dataset.GetMetadata().keys()))
def test_set_fake_gcps(self): ds = gdal.Open('NETCDF:"%s":UMass_AES' % self.test_file_arctic) gcps = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps).GetGCPs() vrt = VRT.copy_dataset(ds) dst_wkt = vrt._set_fake_gcps(self.nsr_wkt, gcps, 1) self.assertEqual(dst_wkt, None) self.assertEqual(len(vrt.dataset.GetGCPs()), len(gcps)) self.assertEqual([gcp.GCPPixel for gcp in gcps], [gcp.GCPX for gcp in vrt.dataset.GetGCPs()]) self.assertEqual([gcp.GCPLine for gcp in gcps], [gcp.GCPY for gcp in vrt.dataset.GetGCPs()])
def test_transform_coordinates_1d_array(self): src_srs = NSR() dst_srs = NSR(str('+proj=stere')) src_points = (np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]), np.array([5, 6, 7, 8]), np.array([5, 6, 7, 8])) dst_x, dst_y, dst_z = VRT.transform_coordinates( src_srs, src_points, dst_srs) # check if shape of the result matches the expected shape (list with four points) self.assertEqual(dst_x.shape, (4, )) self.assertEqual(dst_y.shape, (4, )) self.assertEqual(dst_z.shape, (4, ))
def test_get_dst_band_data_type(self): self.assertEqual(VRT._get_dst_band_data_type([], {'dataType': 'Float32'}), 'Float32') self.assertEqual(VRT._get_dst_band_data_type([1, 2, 3], {}), gdal.GDT_Float32) self.assertEqual(VRT._get_dst_band_data_type([{'ScaleRatio': 2}], {}), gdal.GDT_Float32) self.assertEqual(VRT._get_dst_band_data_type([{'LUT': [1, 2, 3]}], {}), gdal.GDT_Float32) self.assertEqual(VRT._get_dst_band_data_type([{}], {}), gdal.GDT_Float32) self.assertEqual(VRT._get_dst_band_data_type([{'DataType': 'Float32'}], {}), 'Float32')
def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs): ''' Create VRT ''' fileBaseName = os.path.basename(fileName) if not fileBaseName == 'MOD44W.vrt': raise WrongMapperError metaDict = [{ 'src': { 'SourceFilename': fileName, 'SourceBand': 1 }, 'dst': { 'wkv': 'land_binary_mask' } }] # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only VRT.__init__(self, gdalDataset) # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT self._create_bands(metaDict)
def init_from_manifest_only(self, manifestXML, annotXML): ''' Create fake VRT and add metadata only from the ''' X, Y, lon, lat, inc, ele, numberOfSamples, numberOfLines = self.read_geolocation_lut(annotXML) VRT.__init__(self, srcRasterXSize=numberOfSamples, srcRasterYSize=numberOfLines) doc = ET.fromstring(manifestXML) gcps = [] for i in range(len(X)): gcps.append(gdal.GCP(lon[i], lat[i], 0, X[i], Y[i])) self.dataset.SetGCPs(gcps, NSR().wkt) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('time_coverage_start', doc.findall(".//*[{}startTime]")[0][0].text) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('time_coverage_end', doc.findall(".//*[{}stopTime]")[0][0].text) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('platform', json.dumps(pti.get_gcmd_platform('SENTINEL-1A'))) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('instrument', json.dumps(pti.get_gcmd_instrument('SAR'))) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('Entry Title', 'Sentinel-1A SAR') self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('Data Center', 'ESA/EO') self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('ISO Topic Category', 'Oceans') self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('Summary', 'S1A SAR data')
def test_export(self): array = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps).ReadAsArray()[1, 10:, :] vrt = VRT.from_array(array) vrt.export(self.tmp_filename) self.assertTrue(self.tmp_filename) tree = ET.parse(self.tmp_filename) root = tree.getroot() self.assertEqual(root.tag, 'VRTDataset') self.assertIn('rasterXSize', list(root.keys())) self.assertIn('rasterYSize', list(root.keys())) self.assertEqual([e.tag for e in root], ['Metadata', 'VRTRasterBand'])
def test_remove_strings_in_metadata_keys(self): gdal_metadata = { 'aaa': 'bbb', 'NC_GLOBAL#ccc': 'ddd', 'NANSAT_eee': 'fff' } rm_strings = ['NC_GLOBAL#', 'NANSAT_'] new_metadata = VRT._remove_strings_in_metadata_keys( gdal_metadata, rm_strings) self.assertEqual(new_metadata, { 'aaa': 'bbb', 'ccc': 'ddd', 'eee': 'fff' })
def test_init(self): lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 5, 10), np.linspace(10, 20, 30)) x_vrt = VRT.from_array(lon) y_vrt = VRT.from_array(lat) ga = Geolocation(x_vrt, y_vrt) self.assertIsInstance(ga, Geolocation) self.assertEqual(['X_DATASET'], x_vrt.filename) self.assertEqual(['Y_DATASET'], y_vrt.filename) self.assertEqual(['LINE_OFFSET'], '0') self.assertEqual(['LINE_STEP'], '1') self.assertEqual(['PIXEL_OFFSET'], '0') self.assertEqual(['PIXEL_STEP'], '1') srs = osr.SpatialReference() status = srs.ImportFromWkt(['SRS']) self.assertEqual(status, 0) self.assertEqual(srs.ExportToProj4().strip(), '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') self.assertEqual(['X_BAND'], '1') self.assertEqual(['Y_BAND'], '1') self.assertEqual(ga.x_vrt, x_vrt) self.assertEqual(ga.y_vrt, y_vrt)
def test_transform_points(self): ds = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps) vrt1 = VRT.from_gdal_dataset(ds, metadata=ds.GetMetadata()) vrt1.tps = True lon, lat = vrt1.transform_points([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(lon, np.array([28.23549571, 28.24337106, 28.25126129]))) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(lat, np.array([71.52509848, 71.51913744, 71.51317568]))) lon, lat = vrt1.transform_points([], []) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lon, np.array([]))) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lat, np.array([])))
def test_hardcopy_bands(self): ds = gdal.Open(self.test_file_gcps) vrt = VRT.copy_dataset(ds) vrt.hardcopy_bands() self.assertTrue( np.allclose(vrt.dataset.ReadAsArray(), ds.ReadAsArray())) band_nodes = Node.create(str(vrt.xml)).nodeList('VRTRasterBand') self.assertEqual(band_nodes[0].node('SourceFilename').value, vrt.band_vrts[1].filename) self.assertEqual(band_nodes[1].node('SourceFilename').value, vrt.band_vrts[2].filename) self.assertEqual(band_nodes[2].node('SourceFilename').value, vrt.band_vrts[3].filename)
def test_init(self, mock_make_filename): metadata={'key': 'value'} vrt = VRT(metadata=metadata) self.assertIsInstance(vrt, VRT) self.assertEqual(vrt.filename, '/vsimem/filename.vrt') self.assertIsInstance(vrt.dataset, gdal.Dataset) self.assertIsInstance(vrt.logger, logging.Logger) # just for testing mocking self.assertIsInstance(vrt.driver, gdal.Driver) self.assertEqual(vrt.band_vrts, {}) self.assertEqual(vrt.tps, False) self.assertTrue(vrt.vrt is None) self.assertTrue(vrt.xml.startswith('<VRTDataset rasterXSize="1" rasterYSize="1"')) self.assertTrue(mock_make_filename.called_once()) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.GetMetadata(), metadata)
def test_create_geolocation_bands(self): lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 5, 10), np.linspace(10, 20, 30)) vrt = VRT.from_lonlat(lon, lat) vrt.create_geolocation_bands() self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.RasterCount, 2) self.assertEqual( vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem(str('name')), 'longitude') self.assertEqual( vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(2).GetMetadataItem(str('name')), 'latitude') self.assertTrue( np.allclose(vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(), lon)) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(2).ReadAsArray(), lat))
def __init__(self, filename, gdal_dataset, metadata, quartile=0, *args, **kwargs): super(Mapper, self).__init__(filename, gdal_dataset, metadata, *args, **kwargs) intervals = [0, 1, 2, 3] if not quartile in intervals: raise ValueError('quartile must be one of [0,1,2,3]') y_size = self.dataset.RasterYSize / 4 y_offset = [y_size * qq for qq in intervals][quartile] # Crop self.set_offset_size('y', y_offset, y_size) # Add quartile to metadata self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('quartile', str(quartile)) # Create band of times # TODO: resolve nansat issue #263 ( #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() tt = self.times()[int(y_offset):int(y_offset + y_size)] self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('time_coverage_start', tt[0].astype(datetime).isoformat()) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('time_coverage_end', tt[-1].astype(datetime).isoformat()) time_stamps = (tt - tt[0]) / np.timedelta64(1, 's') self.band_vrts['time'] = VRT.from_array( np.tile(time_stamps, (self.dataset.RasterXSize, 1)).transpose()) self.create_band(src={ 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['time'].filename, 'SourceBand': 1, }, dst={ 'name': 'timestamp', 'time_coverage_start': tt[0].astype(datetime).isoformat(), 'units': 'seconds since time_coverage_start', })
def test_from_lonlat(self): geo_keys = ['LINE_OFFSET', 'LINE_STEP', 'PIXEL_OFFSET', 'PIXEL_STEP', 'SRS', 'X_BAND', 'X_DATASET', 'Y_BAND', 'Y_DATASET'] lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 5, 10), np.linspace(10, 20, 30)) vrt = VRT.from_lonlat(lon, lat, n_gcps=25) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.RasterXSize, 10) self.assertEqual(vrt.dataset.RasterYSize, 30) self.assertIn('filename', list(vrt.dataset.GetMetadata().keys())) geo_metadata = vrt.dataset.GetMetadata(str('GEOLOCATION')) for geo_key in geo_keys: self.assertEqual([geo_key], geo_metadata[geo_key]) self.assertIsInstance(vrt.geolocation.x_vrt, VRT) self.assertIsInstance(vrt.geolocation.y_vrt, VRT) self.assertEqual(vrt.geolocation.x_vrt.filename, geo_metadata['X_DATASET']) self.assertEqual(vrt.geolocation.y_vrt.filename, geo_metadata['Y_DATASET']) self.assertEqual(len(vrt.dataset.GetGCPs()), 25)
def create_VRT_from_ADS(self, adsName, zoomSize=500): """ Create VRT with a band from Envisat ADS metadata Read offsets of the <adsName> ADS. Read 2D matrix of binary values from ADS from file. Zoom array with ADS data to <zoomSize>. Zooming is needed to create smooth matrices. Array is zoomed to small size because it is stred in memory. Later the VRT with zoomed array is VRT.get_resized_vrt() in order to match the size of the Nansat object. Create VRT from the ADS array. Parameters ---------- adsName : str name of variable from ADS to read. should match allADSParams zoomSize : int, optional, 500 size, to which original matrix from ADSR is zoomed using scipy.zoom Returns ------- adsVrt : VRT, vrt with a band created from ADS array """ adsHeight = self.dsOffsetDict["NUM_DSR"] adsParams = self.allADSParams['list'][adsName] array = self.get_array_from_ADS(adsName) if not IMPORT_SCIPY: raise NansatReadError( 'ENVISAT data cannot be read because scipy is not installed...' ) # zoom the array array = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(array, zoomSize / float(adsHeight), order=1) # create VRT from the array adsVrt = VRT.from_array(array=array) # add "name" and "units" to band metadata bandMetadata = {"name": adsName, "units": adsParams['units']} adsVrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadata(bandMetadata) return adsVrt
def test_update_warped_vrt_xml(self): dataset = gdal.Open('NETCDF:"%s":UMass_AES' % self.test_file_arctic) warped_dataset = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(dataset, None, str(self.nsr_wkt), 0) warped_vrt = VRT.copy_dataset(warped_dataset) x_size = 100 y_size = 200 geo_transform = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0.0, -1.0) block_size = 64 working_data_type = 'Float32' warped_vrt._update_warped_vrt_xml(x_size, y_size, geo_transform, block_size, working_data_type) self.assertEqual(warped_vrt.dataset.RasterXSize, x_size) self.assertEqual(warped_vrt.dataset.RasterYSize, y_size) self.assertEqual(warped_vrt.dataset.GetGeoTransform(), geo_transform) self.assertEqual(warped_vrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetBlockSize(), [block_size, block_size]) self.assertIn('<WorkingDataType>Float32</WorkingDataType>', warped_vrt.xml)
def create_VRT_from_ADS(self, adsName, zoomSize=500): ''' Create VRT with a band from Envisat ADS metadata Read offsets of the <adsName> ADS. Read 2D matrix of binary values from ADS from file. Read 'last_line_...' ADS (in case of ASAR). Zoom array with ADS data to <zoomSize>. Zooming is needed to create smooth matrices. Array is zoomed to small size because it is stred in memory. Later the VRT with zoomed array is VRT. get_resized_vrt() in order to match the size of the Nansat onject. Create VRT from the ADS array. Parameters ---------- adsName : str name of variable from ADS to read. should match allADSParams fileType: string, 'ASA_' or 'MER_' type of file (from GDAL metadata) zoomSize : int, optional, 500 size, to which original matrix from ADSR is zoomed using scipy.zoom Returns: --------- adsVrt : VRT, vrt with a band created from ADS array ''' adsHeight = self.dsOffsetDict["NUM_DSR"] adsParams = self.allADSParams['list'][adsName] array = self.get_array_from_ADS(adsName) # zoom the array array = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(array, zoomSize / float(adsHeight), order=1) # create VRT from the array adsVrt = VRT(array=array) # add "name" and "units" to band metadata bandMetadata = {"name": adsName, "units": adsParams['units']} adsVrt.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadata(bandMetadata) return adsVrt
def get_LUT_VRTs(self, XML, vectorListName, LUT_list): n = Node.create(XML) vecList = n.node(vectorListName) X = [] Y = [] LUTs = {} for LUT in LUT_list: LUTs[LUT] = [] xLengths = [] for vec in vecList.children: xVec = map(int, vec['pixel'].split()) xLengths.append(len(xVec)) X.append(xVec) Y.append(int(vec['line'])) for LUT in LUT_list: LUTs[LUT].append(map(float, vec[LUT].split())) # truncate X and LUT to minimum length for all rows minLength = np.min(xLengths) X = [x[:minLength] for x in X] for LUT in LUT_list: LUTs[LUT] = [lut[:minLength] for lut in LUTs[LUT]] X = np.array(X) for LUT in LUT_list: LUTs[LUT] = np.array(LUTs[LUT]) Ym = np.array([ Y, ] * np.shape(X)[1]).transpose() lon, lat = self.transform_points(X.flatten(), Ym.flatten()) longitude = lon.reshape(X.shape) latitude = lat.reshape(X.shape) LUT_VRTs = {} for LUT in LUT_list: LUT_VRTs[LUT] = VRT(array=LUTs[LUT], lat=latitude, lon=longitude) return LUT_VRTs, longitude, latitude
def add_incidence_angle_band(self): # Get GCP variables pixel = self.ds['GCP_pixel_' + self.ds.polarisation[:2]][:].data line = self.ds['GCP_line_' + self.ds.polarisation[:2]][:].data inci = self.ds['GCP_incidenceAngle_' + self.ds.polarisation[:2]][:].data inci = inci.reshape( np.unique(line[:].data).shape[0], np.unique(pixel[:].data).shape[0]) # Add incidence angle band inciVRT = VRT.from_array(inci) inciVRT = inciVRT.get_resized_vrt(self.dataset.RasterXSize, self.dataset.RasterYSize, 1) self.band_vrts['inciVRT'] = inciVRT src = { 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['inciVRT'].filename, 'SourceBand': 1 } dst = {'wkv': 'angle_of_incidence', 'name': 'incidence_angle'} self.create_band(src, dst) self.dataset.FlushCache()
def __init__(self, filename, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, fast=False, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('manifestonly', False): fast = True NansatFutureWarning( 'manifestonly option will be deprecated. Use: fast=True') if not os.path.split(filename.rstrip('/'))[1][:3] in ['S1A', 'S1B']: raise WrongMapperError('%s: Not Sentinel 1A or 1B' % filename) if not IMPORT_SCIPY: raise NansatReadError( 'Sentinel-1 data cannot be read because scipy is not installed' ) if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): zz = zipfile.PyZipFile(filename) # Assuming the file names are consistent, the polarization # dependent data should be sorted equally such that we can use the # same indices consistently for all the following lists # THIS IS NOT THE CASE... mds_files = [ '/vsizip/%s/%s' % (filename, fn) for fn in zz.namelist() if 'measurement/s1' in fn ] calibration_files = [ '/vsizip/%s/%s' % (filename, fn) for fn in zz.namelist() if 'annotation/calibration/calibration-s1' in fn ] noise_files = [ '/vsizip/%s/%s' % (filename, fn) for fn in zz.namelist() if 'annotation/calibration/noise-s1' in fn ] annotation_files = [ '/vsizip/%s/%s' % (filename, fn) for fn in zz.namelist() if 'annotation/s1' in fn ] manifest_files = [ '/vsizip/%s/%s' % (filename, fn) for fn in zz.namelist() if '' in fn ] zz.close() else: mds_files = glob.glob('%s/measurement/s1*' % filename) calibration_files = glob.glob( '%s/annotation/calibration/calibration-s1*' % filename) noise_files = glob.glob('%s/annotation/calibration/noise-s1*' % filename) annotation_files = glob.glob('%s/annotation/s1*' % filename) manifest_files = glob.glob('%s/' % filename) if (not mds_files or not calibration_files or not noise_files or not annotation_files or not manifest_files): raise WrongMapperError(filename) # convert list of MDS files into dictionary. Keys - polarizations in upper case. mds_files = { os.path.basename(ff).split('-')[3].upper(): ff for ff in mds_files } polarizations = list(mds_files.keys()) # read annotation files annotation_data = self.read_annotation(annotation_files) if not fast: annotation_data = Mapper.correct_geolocation_data(annotation_data) # read manifest file manifest_data = self.read_manifest_data(manifest_files[0]) # very fast constructor without any bands only with some metadata and geolocation self._init_empty(manifest_data, annotation_data) # skip adding bands in the fast mode and RETURN if fast: return # Open data files with GDAL gdalDatasets = {} for pol in polarizations: gdalDatasets[pol] = gdal.Open(mds_files[pol]) if not gdalDatasets[pol]: raise WrongMapperError('%s: No Sentinel-1 datasets found' % mds_files[pol]) # Check metadata to confirm it is Sentinel-1 L1 metadata = gdalDatasets[polarizations[0]].GetMetadata() # create full size VRTs with incidenceAngle and elevationAngle annotation_vrts = self.vrts_from_arrays( annotation_data, ['incidenceAngle', 'elevationAngle']) self.band_vrts.update(annotation_vrts) # create full size VRTS with calibration LUT calibration_names = ['sigmaNought', 'betaNought'] calibration_list_tag = 'calibrationVectorList' for calibration_file in calibration_files: pol = '_' + os.path.basename(calibration_file).split( '-')[4].upper() xml = self.read_vsi(calibration_file) calibration_data = self.read_calibration(xml, calibration_list_tag, calibration_names, pol) calibration_vrts = self.vrts_from_arrays(calibration_data, calibration_names, pol, True, 1) self.band_vrts.update(calibration_vrts) # create full size VRTS with noise LUT for noise_file in noise_files: pol = '_' + os.path.basename(noise_file).split('-')[4].upper() xml = self.read_vsi(noise_file) if '<noiseVectorList' in xml: noise_list_tag = 'noiseVectorList' noise_name = 'noiseLut' elif '<noiseRangeVectorList' in xml: noise_list_tag = 'noiseRangeVectorList' noise_name = 'noiseRangeLut' noise_data = self.read_calibration(xml, noise_list_tag, [noise_name], pol) noise_vrts = self.vrts_from_arrays(noise_data, [noise_name], pol, True, 1) self.band_vrts.update(noise_vrts) #### Create metaDict: dict with metadata for all bands metaDict = [] bandNumberDict = {} bnmax = 0 for pol in polarizations: dsPath, dsName = os.path.split(mds_files[pol]) name = 'DN_%s' % pol # A dictionary of band numbers is needed for the pixel function # bands further down. This is not the best solution. It would be # better to have a function in VRT that returns the number given a # band name. This function exists in Nansat but could perhaps be # moved to VRT? The existing nansat function could just call the # VRT one... bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] band = gdalDatasets[pol].GetRasterBand(1) dtype = band.DataType metaDict.append({ 'src': { 'SourceFilename': mds_files[pol], 'SourceBand': 1, 'DataType': dtype, }, 'dst': { 'name': name, }, }) # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT self.create_bands(metaDict) ''' Calibration should be performed as s0 = DN^2/sigmaNought^2, where sigmaNought is from e.g. annotation/calibration/calibration-s1a-iw-grd-hh-20140811t151231-20140811t151301-001894-001cc7-001.xml, and DN is the Digital Numbers in the tiff files. Also the noise should be subtracted. See The noise correction/subtraction is implemented in an independent package "sentinel1denoised" See ''' # Get look direction longitude, latitude = self.transform_points( calibration_data['pixel'].flatten(), calibration_data['line'].flatten()) longitude.shape = calibration_data['pixel'].shape latitude.shape = calibration_data['pixel'].shape sat_heading = initial_bearing(longitude[:-1, :], latitude[:-1, :], longitude[1:, :], latitude[1:, :]) look_direction = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom( np.mod(sat_heading + 90, 360), (np.shape(longitude)[0] / (np.shape(longitude)[0] - 1.), 1)) # Decompose, to avoid interpolation errors around 0 <-> 360 look_direction_u = np.sin(np.deg2rad(look_direction)) look_direction_v = np.cos(np.deg2rad(look_direction)) look_u_VRT = VRT.from_array(look_direction_u) look_v_VRT = VRT.from_array(look_direction_v) lookVRT = VRT.from_lonlat(longitude, latitude) lookVRT.create_band([{ 'SourceFilename': look_u_VRT.filename, 'SourceBand': 1 }, { 'SourceFilename': look_v_VRT.filename, 'SourceBand': 1 }], {'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToDirectionTo'}) # Blow up to full size lookVRT = lookVRT.get_resized_vrt(self.dataset.RasterXSize, self.dataset.RasterYSize, 1) # Store VRTs so that they are accessible later self.band_vrts['look_u_VRT'] = look_u_VRT self.band_vrts['look_v_VRT'] = look_v_VRT self.band_vrts['lookVRT'] = lookVRT metaDict = [] # Add bands to full size VRT for pol in polarizations: name = 'sigmaNought_%s' % pol bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] metaDict.append({ 'src': { 'SourceFilename': (self.band_vrts[name].filename), 'SourceBand': 1 }, 'dst': { 'name': name } }) name = 'noise_%s' % pol bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] metaDict.append({ 'src': { 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['%s_%s' % (noise_name, pol)].filename, 'SourceBand': 1 }, 'dst': { 'name': name } }) name = 'look_direction' bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] metaDict.append({ 'src': { 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['lookVRT'].filename, 'SourceBand': 1 }, 'dst': { 'wkv': 'sensor_azimuth_angle', 'name': name } }) for pol in polarizations: dsPath, dsName = os.path.split(mds_files[pol]) name = 'sigma0_%s' % pol bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] metaDict.append({ 'src': [{ 'SourceFilename': self.filename, 'SourceBand': bandNumberDict['DN_%s' % pol], }, { 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['sigmaNought_%s' % pol].filename, 'SourceBand': 1 }], 'dst': { 'wkv': 'surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave', 'PixelFunctionType': 'Sentinel1Calibration', 'polarization': pol, 'suffix': pol, }, }) name = 'beta0_%s' % pol bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] metaDict.append({ 'src': [{ 'SourceFilename': self.filename, 'SourceBand': bandNumberDict['DN_%s' % pol] }, { 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['betaNought_%s' % pol].filename, 'SourceBand': 1 }], 'dst': { 'wkv': 'surface_backwards_brightness_coefficient_of_radar_wave', 'PixelFunctionType': 'Sentinel1Calibration', 'polarization': pol, 'suffix': pol, }, }) self.create_bands(metaDict) # Add incidence angle as band name = 'incidence_angle' bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] src = { 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['incidenceAngle'].filename, 'SourceBand': 1 } dst = {'wkv': 'angle_of_incidence', 'name': name} self.create_band(src, dst) self.dataset.FlushCache() # Add elevation angle as band name = 'elevation_angle' bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] src = { 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['elevationAngle'].filename, 'SourceBand': 1 } dst = {'wkv': 'angle_of_elevation', 'name': name} self.create_band(src, dst) self.dataset.FlushCache() # Add sigma0_VV if 'VV' not in polarizations and 'HH' in polarizations: name = 'sigma0_VV' bandNumberDict[name] = bnmax + 1 bnmax = bandNumberDict[name] src = [{ 'SourceFilename': self.filename, 'SourceBand': bandNumberDict['DN_HH'], }, { 'SourceFilename': (self.band_vrts['sigmaNought_HH'].filename), 'SourceBand': 1, }, { 'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['incidenceAngle'].filename, 'SourceBand': 1 }] dst = { 'wkv': 'surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave', 'PixelFunctionType': 'Sentinel1Sigma0HHToSigma0VV', 'polarization': 'VV', 'suffix': 'VV' } self.create_band(src, dst) self.dataset.FlushCache()
def correct_geolocation_data(data, max_height=5): """ Correct lon/lat values in geolocation data for points high above ground (incorrect) Each GCP in Sentinel-1 L1 image (both in the GeoTIF files and Annotation LUT) have five coordinates: X, Y, Z (height), Pixel and Line. On some scenes that cover Greenland (and probably other lands) some GCPs have height above zero even over ocean. This is incorrect, because the radar signal comes actually from the surface and not from a point above the ground as stipulated in such GCPs. This function provides correction of such GCPs. First, Lon/Lat are converted to X/Y in meters. Second, Pixel coordinates are approximated by a 2nd order polynomial of input X,Y,Z. Third, this polynomial is used to calculate new Pixel coordinate for ocean surface (Z=0). Fourth, a temporary VRT from original X, Y, Line and corrected Z,Pixel coordinates is created. Fifth, the temporary VRT is used for converting original Pixel/Line coordinates into correct Lon/Lat Parameters ---------- data : dict Original geolocation data from Mapper.read_annotation() max_height : int Maximum afordable height (meters) Returns ------- data : dict Corrected geolocation data with new longitude and latitude """ # don't correct geolocation data if only few points are affected if (data['height'] > max_height).sum() < 10: return data # convert XY from degrees to meters in stereographic projection central_point = int(data['shape'][0] / 2), int(data['shape'][1] / 2) dst_srs = '+proj=stere +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +lat_0=%f +lon_0=%f +no_defs' % ( data['latitude'][central_point], data['longitude'][central_point]) x, y, z = VRT.transform_coordinates( NSR(), (data['longitude'].flat, data['latitude'].flat, data['height'].flat), NSR(dst_srs)) # create training data a = np.vstack( [np.ones(x.size), x, x**2, y, y**2, x * y, z, z**2, x * z, y * z]).T # calculate polynomial coefficients for values of Pixel (using least squares) b = np.linalg.lstsq(a, data['pixel'].flat)[0] # pixel_test =, b) # for debugging # set height to zero (ocean surface) a[:, 6:] = 0 # calculate Pixel at ocean surface pixel_ocean =, b) high_pixels_idx = data['height'] > max_height tmp_pixel = np.array(data['pixel']) tmp_pixel[high_pixels_idx] = pixel_ocean[high_pixels_idx.flat] new_height = np.zeros(data['height'].shape) # create temporary VRT with correct GCPs for converting original pixel/line into lon/lat tmp_gcps = Mapper.create_gcps(x, y, new_height, tmp_pixel, data['line']) tmp_vrt = VRT(data['x_size'], data['y_size']) tmp_vrt.dataset.SetGCPs(tmp_gcps, NSR(dst_srs).wkt) tmp_vrt.tps = True new_lon, new_lat = tmp_vrt.transform_points(data['pixel'].flatten(), data['line'].flatten()) data['latitude'] = new_lat.reshape(data['shape']) data['longitude'] = new_lon.reshape(data['shape']) data['height'] = new_height return data
def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs): ''' Create VRT ''' ThreddsBase = '' # First check if mapper is called with keyword syntax: # filename = metno_hires_seaice:YYYYmmdd keywordBase = 'metno_hires_seaice' foundDataset = False if fileName[0:len(keywordBase)] == keywordBase: keywordTime = fileName[len(keywordBase)+1:] requestedTime = datetime.strptime(keywordTime, '%Y%m%d') # Search for nearest available file, within the closest 3 days for deltaDay in [0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3]: validTime = (requestedTime + timedelta(days=deltaDay) + timedelta(hours=15)) fileName = (ThreddsBase + validTime.strftime( '%Y/%m/')) try: urllib2.urlopen(fileName + '.dds') foundDataset = True # Data is found for this day break except: # No data for this day pass if not foundDataset: raise WrongMapperError # Then check if a valid OPeNDAP URL is given # (or has been constructed from keyword) if fileName[0:len(ThreddsBase)] != ThreddsBase: AttributeError("Not Svalbard-ice Thredds URL") else: timestr = fileName[-15:-3] validTime = datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y%m%d%H%M') fileName = fileName + '?ice_concentration[0][y][x]' srcProjection = osr.SpatialReference() srcProjection.ImportFromProj4('+proj=stere lon_0=0.0 +lat_0=90 +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs') srcProjection = srcProjection.ExportToWkt() # From thredds web, with manual shift srcGeotransform = (-1243.008 - 1, 1, 0, -3190.026 - 7, 0, 1) # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only VRT.__init__(self, srcGeoTransform=srcGeotransform, srcProjection=srcProjection, srcRasterXSize=3812, srcRasterYSize=2980) metaDict = [{'src': {'SourceFilename': fileName, 'sourceBand': 1}, 'dst': {'name': 'sea_ice_area_fraction', 'wkv': 'sea_ice_area_fraction'}}] # Add band self._create_bands(metaDict) # Set time'Valid time: %s', str(validTime)) self._set_time(validTime)
def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, **kwargs): ''' Ocean Productivity website VRT ''' try: assert 'IDL' in gdalMetadata['Projection Category'] assert '-9999' in gdalMetadata['Hole Value'] except: raise WrongMapperError print 'Ocean Productivity website data' # get list of similar (same date) files in the directory iDir, iFile = os.path.split(fileName) iFileName, iFileExt = os.path.splitext(iFile) simFilesMask = os.path.join(iDir, '*' + iFileName[4:11] + iFileExt) #print 'simFilesMask', simFilesMask simFiles = glob.glob(simFilesMask) #print 'simFiles', simFiles metaDict = [] for simFile in simFiles: #print 'simFile',simFile # open subdataset with GDAL tmpSourceFilename = simFile tmpGdalDataset = gdal.Open(tmpSourceFilename) # get metadata, get 'Parameter' tmpGdalMetadata = tmpGdalDataset.GetMetadata() iDir, ifileName = os.path.split(tmpSourceFilename) #print 'ifileName',ifileName simParameter = ifileName[0:3] # set params of the similar file simSourceFilename = tmpSourceFilename simGdalDataset = tmpGdalDataset simGdalMetadata = tmpGdalMetadata # get WKV from the similar file for param in self.param2wkv: #print 'param', param if param in simParameter: simWKV = self.param2wkv[param] break #print 'simWKV', simWKV # generate entry to metaDict metaEntry = { 'src': { 'SourceFilename': simSourceFilename, 'SourceBand': 1, 'ScaleRatio': float(simGdalMetadata['Slope']), 'ScaleOffset': float(simGdalMetadata['Intercept']) }, 'dst': { 'wkv': simWKV, 'name': self.bandNames[simWKV], 'Parameter': simParameter } } #print 'metaEntry', metaEntry # append entry to metaDict metaDict.append(metaEntry) #get array with data and make 'mask' a = simGdalDataset.ReadAsArray() mask = np.zeros(a.shape, 'uint8') + 128 mask[a < -9990] = 1 self.bandVRTs = {'maskVRT': VRT(array=mask)} metaDict.append({ 'src': { 'SourceFilename': (self.bandVRTs['maskVRT'].fileName), 'SourceBand': 1 }, 'dst': { 'name': 'mask' } }) # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only # print 'simGdalMetadata', simGdalMetadata latitudeStep = 0.08333334 longitudeStep = 0.08333334 numberOfColumns = 4320 numberOfLines = 2160 #longitudeStep = float(simGdalMetadata['Longitude Step']) VRT.__init__( self, srcGeoTransform=(-180.0, longitudeStep, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, -longitudeStep), srcProjection= 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]', srcRasterXSize=numberOfColumns, srcRasterYSize=numberOfLines) # add bands with metadata and corresponding values to the empty VRT self._create_bands(metaDict) # Add valid time startYear = int(iFile[4:8]) startDay = int(iFile[8:11]) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem( 'time_coverage_start', (datetime.datetime(startYear, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(startDay)).isoformat())
def __init__(self, srs=None, ext=None, ds=None, lon=None, lat=None, name='', logLevel=None): '''Create Domain from GDALDataset or string options or lat/lon grids d = Domain(srs, ext) Size, extent and spatial reference is given by strings d = Domain(ds=GDALDataset): Size, extent and spatial reference is copied from input GDAL dataset d = Domain(srs, ds=GDALDataset): Spatial reference is given by srs, but size and extent is determined from input GDAL dataset d = Domain(lon=lonGrid, lat=latGrid) Size, extent and spatial reference is given by two grids Parameters ---------- srs : PROJ4 or EPSG or WKT or NSR or osr.SpatialReference() Input parameter for nansat.NSR() ext : string some gdalwarp options + additional options [] Specifies extent, resolution / size Available options: (('-te' or '-lle') and ('-tr' or '-ts')) (e.g. '-lle -10 30 55 60 -ts 1000 1000' or '-te 100 2000 300 10000 -tr 300 200') -tr resolutionx resolutiony -ts sizex sizey -te xmin ymin xmax ymax -lle lonmin latmin lonmax latmax ds : GDAL dataset lat : Numpy array Grid with latitudes lon : Numpy array Grid with longitudes name : string, optional Name to be added to the Domain object logLevel : int, optional, default=30 level of logging Raises ------- ProjectionError : occurs when Projection() is empty despite it is required for creating extentDic. OptionError : occures when the arguments are not proper. Modifies --------- self.vrt.datasetset : dataset in memory dataset is created based on the input arguments See Also --------- Nansat.reproject() [] [] [] [] ''' # set default attributes self.logger = add_logger('Nansat', logLevel) = name self.logger.debug('ds: %s' % str(ds)) self.logger.debug('srs: %s' % srs) self.logger.debug('ext: %s' % ext) # If too much information is given raise error if ds is not None and srs is not None and ext is not None: raise OptionError('Ambiguous specification of both ' 'dataset, srs- and ext-strings.') # choose between input opitons: # ds # ds and srs # srs and ext # lon and lat # if only a dataset is given: # copy geo-reference from the dataset if ds is not None and srs is None: self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=ds) # If dataset and srs are given (but not ext): # use AutoCreateWarpedVRT to determine bounds and resolution elif ds is not None and srs is not None: srs = NSR(srs) tmpVRT = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(ds, None, srs.wkt) if tmpVRT is None: raise ProjectionError('Could not warp the given dataset' 'to the given SRS.') else: self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=tmpVRT) # If SpatialRef and extent string are given (but not dataset) elif srs is not None and ext is not None: srs = NSR(srs) # create full dictionary of parameters extentDic = self._create_extentDic(ext) # convert -lle to -te if 'lle' in extentDic.keys(): extentDic = self._convert_extentDic(srs, extentDic) # get size/extent from the created extet dictionary [geoTransform, rasterXSize, rasterYSize] = self._get_geotransform(extentDic) # create VRT object with given geo-reference parameters self.vrt = VRT(srcGeoTransform=geoTransform, srcProjection=srs.wkt, srcRasterXSize=rasterXSize, srcRasterYSize=rasterYSize) self.extentDic = extentDic elif lat is not None and lon is not None: # create self.vrt from given lat/lon self.vrt = VRT(lat=lat, lon=lon) else: raise OptionError('"dataset" or "srsString and extentString" ' 'or "dataset and srsString" are required') self.logger.debug('vrt.dataset: %s' % str(self.vrt.dataset))
class Domain(object): '''Container for geographical reference of a raster A Domain object describes all attributes of geographical reference of a raster: * width and height (number of pixels) * pixel size (e.g. in decimal degrees or in meters) * relation between pixel/line coordinates and geographical coordinates (e.g. a linear relation) * type of data projection (e.g. geographical or stereographic) The core of Domain is a GDAL Dataset. It has no bands, but only georeference information: rasterXsize, rasterYsize, GeoTransform and Projection or GCPs, etc. which fully describe dimentions and spatial reference of the grid. There are three ways to store geo-reference in a GDAL dataset: * Using GeoTransfrom to define linear relationship between raster pixel/line and geographical X/Y coordinates * Using GCPs (set of Ground Control Points) to define non-linear relationship between pixel/line and X/Y * Using Geolocation Array - full grids of X/Y coordinates for each pixel of a raster The relation between X/Y coordinates of the raster and latitude/longitude coordinates is defined by projection type and projection parameters. These pieces of information are therefore stored in Domain: * Type and parameters of projection + * GeoTransform, or * GCPs, or * GeolocationArrays Domain has methods for basic operations with georeference information: * creating georeference from input options; * fetching corner, border or full grids of X/Y coordinates; * making map of the georeferenced grid in a PNG or KML file; * and some more... The main attribute of Domain is a VRT object self.vrt. Nansat inherits from Domain and adds bands to self.vrt ''' def __init__(self, srs=None, ext=None, ds=None, lon=None, lat=None, name='', logLevel=None): '''Create Domain from GDALDataset or string options or lat/lon grids d = Domain(srs, ext) Size, extent and spatial reference is given by strings d = Domain(ds=GDALDataset): Size, extent and spatial reference is copied from input GDAL dataset d = Domain(srs, ds=GDALDataset): Spatial reference is given by srs, but size and extent is determined from input GDAL dataset d = Domain(lon=lonGrid, lat=latGrid) Size, extent and spatial reference is given by two grids Parameters ---------- srs : PROJ4 or EPSG or WKT or NSR or osr.SpatialReference() Input parameter for nansat.NSR() ext : string some gdalwarp options + additional options [] Specifies extent, resolution / size Available options: (('-te' or '-lle') and ('-tr' or '-ts')) (e.g. '-lle -10 30 55 60 -ts 1000 1000' or '-te 100 2000 300 10000 -tr 300 200') -tr resolutionx resolutiony -ts sizex sizey -te xmin ymin xmax ymax -lle lonmin latmin lonmax latmax ds : GDAL dataset lat : Numpy array Grid with latitudes lon : Numpy array Grid with longitudes name : string, optional Name to be added to the Domain object logLevel : int, optional, default=30 level of logging Raises ------- ProjectionError : occurs when Projection() is empty despite it is required for creating extentDic. OptionError : occures when the arguments are not proper. Modifies --------- self.vrt.datasetset : dataset in memory dataset is created based on the input arguments See Also --------- Nansat.reproject() [] [] [] [] ''' # set default attributes self.logger = add_logger('Nansat', logLevel) = name self.logger.debug('ds: %s' % str(ds)) self.logger.debug('srs: %s' % srs) self.logger.debug('ext: %s' % ext) # If too much information is given raise error if ds is not None and srs is not None and ext is not None: raise OptionError('Ambiguous specification of both ' 'dataset, srs- and ext-strings.') # choose between input opitons: # ds # ds and srs # srs and ext # lon and lat # if only a dataset is given: # copy geo-reference from the dataset if ds is not None and srs is None: self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=ds) # If dataset and srs are given (but not ext): # use AutoCreateWarpedVRT to determine bounds and resolution elif ds is not None and srs is not None: srs = NSR(srs) tmpVRT = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(ds, None, srs.wkt) if tmpVRT is None: raise ProjectionError('Could not warp the given dataset' 'to the given SRS.') else: self.vrt = VRT(gdalDataset=tmpVRT) # If SpatialRef and extent string are given (but not dataset) elif srs is not None and ext is not None: srs = NSR(srs) # create full dictionary of parameters extentDic = self._create_extentDic(ext) # convert -lle to -te if 'lle' in extentDic.keys(): extentDic = self._convert_extentDic(srs, extentDic) # get size/extent from the created extet dictionary [geoTransform, rasterXSize, rasterYSize] = self._get_geotransform(extentDic) # create VRT object with given geo-reference parameters self.vrt = VRT(srcGeoTransform=geoTransform, srcProjection=srs.wkt, srcRasterXSize=rasterXSize, srcRasterYSize=rasterYSize) self.extentDic = extentDic elif lat is not None and lon is not None: # create self.vrt from given lat/lon self.vrt = VRT(lat=lat, lon=lon) else: raise OptionError('"dataset" or "srsString and extentString" ' 'or "dataset and srsString" are required') self.logger.debug('vrt.dataset: %s' % str(self.vrt.dataset)) def __repr__(self): '''Creates string with basic info about the Domain object Modifies --------- Print size, projection and corner coordinates ''' outStr = 'Domain:[%d x %d]\n' % (self.vrt.dataset.RasterXSize, self.vrt.dataset.RasterYSize) outStr += '-' * 40 + '\n' try: corners = self.get_corners() except: self.logger.error('Cannot read projection from source!') else: outStr += 'Projection:\n' outStr += (NSR(self.vrt.get_projection()).ExportToPrettyWkt(1) + '\n') outStr += '-' * 40 + '\n' outStr += 'Corners (lon, lat):\n' outStr += '\t (%6.2f, %6.2f) (%6.2f, %6.2f)\n' % ( corners[0][0], corners[1][0], corners[0][2], corners[1][2]) outStr += '\t (%6.2f, %6.2f) (%6.2f, %6.2f)\n' % ( corners[0][1], corners[1][1], corners[0][3], corners[1][3]) return outStr def write_kml(self, xmlFileName=None, kmlFileName=None): '''Write KML file with domains Convert XML-file with domains into KML-file for GoogleEarth or write KML-file with the current Domain Parameters ----------- xmlFileName : string, optional Name of the XML-file to convert. If only this value is given - kmlFileName=xmlFileName+'.kml' kmlFileName : string, optional Name of the KML-file to generate from the current Domain ''' # test input options if xmlFileName is not None and kmlFileName is None: # if only input XML-file is given - convert it to KML # open XML, get all domains xmlFile = file(xmlFileName, 'rb') kmlFileName = xmlFileName + '.kml' xmlDomains = ElementTree(file=xmlFile).getroot() xmlFile.close() # convert domains in XML into list of domains domains = [] for xmlDomain in list(xmlDomains): # append Domain object to domains list domainName = xmlDomain.attrib['name'] domains.append(Domain(srs=xmlFileName, ext=domainName)) elif xmlFileName is None and kmlFileName is not None: # if only output KML-file is given # then convert the current domain to KML domains = [self] else: # otherwise it is potentially error raise OptionError('Either xmlFileName(%s)\ or kmlFileName(%s) are wrong' % (xmlFileName, kmlFileName)) # open KML, write header kmlFile = file(kmlFileName, 'wt') kmlFile.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') kmlFile.write('<kml xmlns="" ' 'xmlns:gx="" ' 'xmlns:kml="" ' 'xmlns:atom="">\n') kmlFile.write('<Document>\n') kmlFile.write(' <name>%s</name>\n' % kmlFileName) kmlFile.write(' <Folder><name>%s</name><open>1</open>\n' % kmlFileName) # get border of each domain and add to KML for domain in list(domains): kmlEntry = domain._get_border_kml() kmlFile.write(kmlEntry) # write footer and close kmlFile.write(' </Folder></Document></kml>\n') kmlFile.close() def write_kml_image(self, kmlFileName=None, kmlFigureName=None): '''Create KML file for already projected image Write Domain Image into KML-file for GoogleEarth Parameters ----------- kmlFileName : string, optional Name of the KML-file to generate from the current Domain kmlFigureName : string, optional Name of the projected image stored in .png format Examples --------- # First of all, reproject an image into Lat/Lon WGS84 (Simple Cylindrical) projection # 1. Cancel previous reprojection # 2. Get corners of the image and the pixel resolution # 3. Create Domain with stereographic projection, # corner coordinates and resolution 1000m # 4. Reproject # 5. Write image # 6. Write KML for the image n.reproject() # 1. lons, lats = n.get_corners() # 2. srsString = '+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs' extentString = '-lle %f %f %f %f -ts 3000 3000' % (min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats)) d = Domain(srs=srsString, ext=extentString) # 3. n.reproject(d) # 4. n.write_figure(fileName=figureName, bands=[3], clim=[0,0.15], cmapName='gray', transparency=0) # 5. n.write_kml_image(kmlFileName=oPath + fileName + '.kml', kmlFigureName=figureName) # 6. ''' # test input options if kmlFileName is None: raise OptionError('kmlFileName(%s) is wrong' % (kmlFileName)) if kmlFigureName is None: raise OptionError('kmlFigureName(%s) is not specified' % (kmlFigureName)) # open KML, write header kmlFile = file(kmlFileName, 'wt') kmlFile.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') kmlFile.write('<kml xmlns="" ' 'xmlns:gx="" ' 'xmlns:kml="" ' 'xmlns:atom="">\n') kmlFile.write('<GroundOverlay>\n') kmlFile.write(' <name>%s</name>\n' % kmlFileName) kmlFile.write(' <Icon>\n') kmlFile.write(' <href>%s</href>\n' % kmlFigureName) kmlFile.write(' <viewBoundScale>0.75</viewBoundScale>\n') kmlFile.write(' </Icon>\n') # get corner of the domain and add to KML domainLon, domainLat = self.get_corners() kmlFile.write(' <LatLonBox>\n') kmlFile.write(' <north>%s</north>\n' % max(domainLat)) kmlFile.write(' <south>%s</south>\n' % min(domainLat)) kmlFile.write(' <east>%s</east>\n' % max(domainLon)) kmlFile.write(' <west>%s</west>\n' % min(domainLon)) kmlFile.write(' </LatLonBox>\n') # write footer and close kmlFile.write('</GroundOverlay>\n') kmlFile.write('</kml>') kmlFile.close() def get_geolocation_grids(self, stepSize=1, dstSRS=NSR()): '''Get longitude and latitude grids representing the full data grid If GEOLOCATION is not present in the self.vrt.dataset then grids are generated by converting pixel/line of each pixel into lat/lon If GEOLOCATION is present in the self.vrt.dataset then grids are read from the geolocation bands. Parameters ----------- stepSize : int Reduction factor if output is desired on a reduced grid size Returns -------- longitude : numpy array grid with longitudes latitude : numpy array grid with latitudes ''' X = range(0, self.vrt.dataset.RasterXSize, stepSize) Y = range(0, self.vrt.dataset.RasterYSize, stepSize) Xm, Ym = np.meshgrid(X, Y) if len(self.vrt.geolocationArray.d) > 0: # if the vrt dataset has geolocationArray # read lon,lat grids from geolocationArray lon, lat = self.vrt.geolocationArray.get_geolocation_grids() longitude, latitude = lon[Ym, Xm], lat[Ym, Xm] else: # generate lon,lat grids using GDAL Transformer lonVec, latVec = self.transform_points(Xm.flatten(), Ym.flatten(), dstSRS=dstSRS) longitude = lonVec.reshape(Xm.shape) latitude = latVec.reshape(Xm.shape) return longitude, latitude def _convert_extentDic(self, dstSRS, extentDic): '''Convert -lle option (lat/lon) to -te (proper coordinate system) Source SRS from LAT/LON projection and target SRS from dstWKT. Create osr.CoordinateTransformation based on these SRSs and convert given values in degrees to the destination coordinate system given by WKT. Add key 'te' and the converted values into the extentDic. Parameters ----------- dstSRS : NSR Destination Spatial Reference extentDic : dictionary dictionary with 'lle' key Returns -------- extentDic : dictionary input dictionary + 'te' key and its values ''' coorTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(NSR(), dstSRS) # convert lat/lon given by 'lle' to the target coordinate system and # add key 'te' and the converted values to extentDic x1, y1, _ = coorTrans.TransformPoint(extentDic['lle'][0], extentDic['lle'][3]) x2, y2, _ = coorTrans.TransformPoint(extentDic['lle'][2], extentDic['lle'][3]) x3, y3, _ = coorTrans.TransformPoint(extentDic['lle'][2], extentDic['lle'][1]) x4, y4, _ = coorTrans.TransformPoint(extentDic['lle'][0], extentDic['lle'][1]) minX = min([x1, x2, x3, x4]) maxX = max([x1, x2, x3, x4]) minY = min([y1, y2, y3, y4]) maxY = max([y1, y2, y3, y4]) extentDic['te'] = [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] return extentDic def _create_extentDic(self, extentString): '''Create a dictionary from extentString Check if extentString is proper. * '-te' and '-lle' take 4 numbers. * '-ts' and '-tr' take 2 numbers. * the combination should be ('-te' or '-lle') and ('-ts' or '-tr') If it is proper, create a dictionary Otherwise, raise the error. Parameters ----------- extentString : string '-te xMin yMin xMax yMax', '-tr xResolution yResolution', '-ts width height', '-lle minlon minlat maxlon maxlat' Returns -------- extentDic : dictionary has key ('te' or 'lle') and ('tr' or 'ts') and their values. Raises ------- OptionError : occurs when the extentString is improper ''' extentDic = {} # Find -re text str_tr = re.findall('-tr\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s?', extentString) if str_tr != []: # Check the number of -tr elements elm_str = str(str_tr[0].rstrip()) elms_str = elm_str.split(None) if len(elms_str) != 3 or elms_str[2] == '-': raise OptionError('Domain._create_extentDic():' '-tr is used as' '"-tr xResolution yResolution"') # Add the key and value to extentDic extentString = extentString.replace(str_tr[0], '') trElem = str(str_tr).split(None) trkey = trElem[0].translate(string.maketrans('', ''), "[]-'") if trkey != '': elements = [] for i in range(2): elements.append( float(trElem[i + 1].translate(string.maketrans('', ''), "'[]'"))) extentDic[trkey] = elements # Find -ts text str_ts = re.findall('-ts\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s?', extentString) if str_ts != []: # Check the number of -ts elements elm_str = str(str_ts[0].rstrip()) elms_str = elm_str.split(None) if len(elms_str) != 3 or elms_str[2] == '-': raise OptionError('Domain._create_extentDic(): ' '"-ts" is used as "-ts width height"') # Add the key and value to extentDic extentString = extentString.replace(str_ts[0], '') tsElem = str(str_ts).split(None) tskey = tsElem[0].translate(string.maketrans('', ''), "[]-'") if tskey != '': elements = [] for i in range(2): elements.append( float(tsElem[i + 1].translate(string.maketrans('', ''), "[]'"))) extentDic[tskey] = elements # Find -te text str_te = re.findall( '-te\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s' '+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s?', extentString) if str_te != []: # Check the number of -te elements elm_str = str(str_te[0].rstrip()) elms_str = elm_str.split(None) if len(elms_str) != 5: raise OptionError('Domain._create_extentDic():' '-te is used as "-te xMin yMin xMax yMax"') # Add the key and value to extentDic extentString = extentString.replace(str_te[0], '') teElem = str(str_te).split(None) tekey = teElem[0].translate(string.maketrans('', ''), "[]-'") if tekey != '': elements = [] for i in range(4): elements.append( float(teElem[i + 1].translate(string.maketrans('', ''), "[]'"))) extentDic[tekey] = elements # Find -lle text str_lle = re.findall( '-lle\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s' '+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s+[-+]?\d*[.\d*]*\s?', extentString) if str_lle != []: # Check the number of -lle elements elm_str = str(str_lle[0].rstrip()) elms_str = elm_str.split(None) if len(elms_str) != 5: raise OptionError('Domain._create_extentDic():' '-lle is used as ' '"-lle minlon minlat maxlon maxlat"') # Add the key and value to extentDic extentString = extentString.replace(str_lle[0], '') lleElem = str(str_lle).split(None) llekey = lleElem[0].translate(string.maketrans('', ''), "[]-'") if llekey != '': elements = [] for i in range(4): elements.append( float(lleElem[i + 1].translate( string.maketrans('', ''), "[]'"))) extentDic[llekey] = elements result ='\S', extentString) # if there are unnecessary letters, give an error if result is not None: raise OptionError( 'Domain._create_extentDic():' 'extentString is not redable :', extentString) # check if one of '-te' and '-lle' is given if ('lle' not in extentDic) and ('te' not in extentDic): raise OptionError('Domain._create_extentDic():' '"-lle" or "-te" is required.') elif ('lle' in extentDic) and ('te' in extentDic): raise OptionError('Domain._create_extentDic():' '"-lle" or "-te" should be chosen.') # check if one of '-ts' and '-tr' is given if ('ts' not in extentDic) and ('tr' not in extentDic): raise OptionError('Domain._create_extentDic():' '"-ts" or "-tr" is required.') elif ('ts' in extentDic) and ('tr' in extentDic): raise OptionError('Domain._create_extentDic():' '"-ts" or "-tr" should be chosen.') return extentDic def get_border(self, nPoints=10): '''Generate two vectors with values of lat/lon for the border of domain Parameters ----------- nPoints : int, optional Number of points on each border Returns -------- lonVec, latVec : lists vectors with lon/lat values for each point at the border ''' # prepare vectors with pixels and lines for upper, left, lower # and right borders sizes = [self.vrt.dataset.RasterXSize, self.vrt.dataset.RasterYSize] rcVector1 = [[], []] rcVector2 = [[], []] # loop for pixels and lines for n in range(0, 2): step = max(1, sizes[n] / nPoints) rcVector1[n] = range(0, sizes[n], step)[0:nPoints] rcVector1[n].append(sizes[n]) rcVector2[n] = rcVector1[n][:] rcVector2[n].reverse() # coumpund vectors of pixels (col) and lines (row) colVector = (rcVector1[0] + [sizes[0]] * len(rcVector1[1]) + rcVector2[0] + [0] * len(rcVector1[1])) rowVector = ([0] * len(rcVector1[0]) + rcVector1[1] + [sizes[1]] * len(rcVector1[0]) + rcVector2[1]) return self.transform_points(colVector, rowVector) def _get_border_kml(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Generate Placemark entry for KML Returns -------- kmlEntry : String String with the Placemark entry ''' domainLon, domainLat = self.get_border(*args, **kwargs) # convert Border coordinates into KML-like string coordinates = '' for lon, lat in zip(domainLon, domainLat): coordinates += '%f,%f,0 ' % (lon, lat) kmlEntry = '' # write placemark: name, style, polygon, coordinates kmlEntry += ' <Placemark>\n' kmlEntry += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % kmlEntry += ' <Style>\n' kmlEntry += ' <LineStyle><color>ffffffff</color>'\ '</LineStyle>\n' kmlEntry += ' <PolyStyle><fill>0</fill>'\ '</PolyStyle>\n' kmlEntry += ' </Style>\n' kmlEntry += ' <Polygon><tessellate>1</tessellate>'\ '<outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>\n' kmlEntry += coordinates + '\n' kmlEntry += ' </coordinates></LinearRing>'\ '</outerBoundaryIs></Polygon></Placemark>\n' return kmlEntry def get_border_wkt(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Creates string with WKT representation of the border polygon Returns -------- WKTPolygon : string string with WKT representation of the border polygon ''' lonList, latList = self.get_border(*args, **kwargs) # apply > 180 deg correction to longitudes for ilon, lon in enumerate(lonList): lonList[ilon] = copysign( acos(cos(lon * pi / 180.)) / pi * 180, sin(lon * pi / 180.)) polyCont = ','.join( str(lon) + ' ' + str(lat) for lon, lat in zip(lonList, latList)) # outer quotes have to be double and inner - single! # wktPolygon = "PolygonFromText('POLYGON((%s))')" % polyCont wkt = 'POLYGON((%s))' % polyCont return wkt def get_border_geometry(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Get OGR Geometry of the border Polygon Returns ------- OGR Geometry, type Polygon ''' return ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(self.get_border_wkt(*args, **kwargs)) def overlaps(self, anotherDomain): ''' Checks if this Domain overlaps another Domain Returns ------- overlaps : bool True if Domains overlaps, False otherwise ''' return self.get_border_geometry().Intersects( anotherDomain.get_border_geometry()) def contains(self, anotherDomain): ''' Checks if this Domain fully covers another Domain Returns ------- contains : bool True if this Domain fully covers another Domain, False otherwise ''' return self.get_border_geometry().Contains( anotherDomain.get_border_geometry()) def get_border_postgis(self): ''' Get PostGIS formatted string of the border Polygon Returns ------- str : 'PolygonFromText(PolygonWKT)' ''' return "PolygonFromText('%s')" % self.get_border_wkt() def get_corners(self): '''Get coordinates of corners of the Domain Returns -------- lonVec, latVec : lists vectors with lon/lat values for each corner ''' colVector = [ 0, 0, self.vrt.dataset.RasterXSize, self.vrt.dataset.RasterXSize ] rowVector = [ 0, self.vrt.dataset.RasterYSize, 0, self.vrt.dataset.RasterYSize ] return self.transform_points(colVector, rowVector) def get_min_max_lat_lon(self): '''Get minimum and maximum lat and long values in the geolocation grid Returns -------- minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon : float min/max lon/lat values for the Domain ''' allLongitudes, allLatitudes = self.get_geolocation_grids() maxLat = -90 minLat = 90 for latitudes in allLatitudes: for lat in latitudes: if lat > maxLat: maxLat = lat if lat < minLat: minLat = lat maxLon = -180 minLon = 180 for longitudes in allLongitudes: for lon in longitudes: if lon > maxLon: maxLon = lon if lon < minLon: minLon = lon return minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon def get_pixelsize_meters(self): '''Returns the pixelsize (deltaX, deltaY) of the domain For projected domains, the exact result which is constant over the domain is returned. For geographic (lon-lat) projections, or domains with no geotransform, the haversine formula is used to calculate the pixel size in the center of the domain. Returns -------- deltaX, deltaY : float pixel size in X and Y directions given in meters ''' srs = osr.SpatialReference(self.vrt.dataset.GetProjection()) if srs.IsProjected: if srs.GetAttrValue('unit') == 'metre': geoTransform = self.vrt.dataset.GetGeoTransform() deltaX = abs(geoTransform[1]) deltaY = abs(geoTransform[5]) return deltaX, deltaY # Estimate pixel size in center of domain using haversine formula centerCol = round(self.vrt.dataset.RasterXSize / 2) centerRow = round(self.vrt.dataset.RasterYSize / 2) lon00, lat00 = self.transform_points([centerCol], [centerRow]) lon01, lat01 = self.transform_points([centerCol], [centerRow + 1]) lon10, lat10 = self.transform_points([centerCol + 1], [centerRow]) deltaX = haversine(lon00, lat00, lon01, lat01) deltaY = haversine(lon00, lat00, lon10, lat10) return deltaX[0], deltaY[0] def _get_geotransform(self, extentDic): ''' the new coordinates and raster size are calculated based on the given extentDic. Parameters ----------- extentDic : dictionary includes 'te' key and 'ts' or 'tr' key Raises ------- OptionError : occurs when maxX - minX < 0 or maxY - minY < 0 OptionError : occurs when the given resolution is larger than width or height. Returns -------- coordinate : list with 6 float GeoTransform rasterSize : list with two int rasterXSize and rasterYSize ''' # recalculate GeoTransform based on extent option minX = extentDic['te'][0] minY = extentDic['te'][1] maxX = extentDic['te'][2] maxY = extentDic['te'][3] cornerX = minX cornerY = maxY width = maxX - minX height = maxY - minY if width <= 0 or height <= 0: raise OptionError('The extent is illegal. ' '"-te xMin yMin xMax yMax" ') if 'tr' in extentDic.keys(): resolutionX = extentDic['tr'][0] resolutionY = -(extentDic['tr'][1]) if (width < resolutionX or height < resolutionY): raise OptionError('"-tr" is too large. ' 'width is %s, height is %s ' % (str(width), str(height))) rasterXSize = width / resolutionX rasterYSize = abs(height / resolutionY) else: rasterXSize = extentDic['ts'][0] rasterYSize = extentDic['ts'][1] resolutionX = width / rasterXSize resolutionY = -abs(height / rasterYSize) # create a list for GeoTransform coordinates = [cornerX, resolutionX, 0.0, cornerY, 0.0, resolutionY] return coordinates, int(rasterXSize), int(rasterYSize) def transform_points(self, colVector, rowVector, DstToSrc=0, dstSRS=NSR()): '''Transform given lists of X,Y coordinates into lon/lat or inverse Parameters ----------- colVector : lists X and Y coordinates in pixel/line or lon/lat coordinate system DstToSrc : 0 or 1 0 - forward transform (pix/line => lon/lat) 1 - inverse transformation dstSRS : NSR destination spatial reference Returns -------- X, Y : lists X and Y coordinates in lon/lat or pixel/line coordinate system ''' return self.vrt.transform_points(colVector, rowVector, DstToSrc, dstSRS=dstSRS) def azimuth_y(self, reductionFactor=1): '''Calculate the angle of each pixel position vector with respect to the Y-axis (azimuth). In general, azimuth is the angle from a reference vector (e.g., the direction to North) to the chosen position vector. The azimuth increases clockwise from direction to North. Parameters ----------- reductionFactor : integer factor by which the size of the output array is reduced Returns ------- azimuth : numpy array Values of azimuth in degrees in range 0 - 360 ''' lon, lat = self.get_geolocation_grids(reductionFactor) a = initial_bearing(lon[1:, :], lat[1:, :], lon[:-1:, :], lat[:-1:, :]) # Repeat last row once to match size of lon-lat grids a = np.vstack((a, a[-1, :])) return a def shape(self): '''Return Numpy-like shape of Domain object (ySize, xSize) Returns -------- shape : tuple of two INT Numpy-like shape of Domain object (ySize, xSize) ''' return self.vrt.dataset.RasterYSize, self.vrt.dataset.RasterXSize def write_map(self, outputFileName, lonVec=None, latVec=None, lonBorder=10., latBorder=10., figureSize=(6, 6), dpi=50, projection='cyl', resolution='c', continetsColor='coral', meridians=10, parallels=10, pColor='r', pLine='k', pAlpha=0.5, padding=0., merLabels=[False, False, False, False], parLabels=[False, False, False, False], pltshow=False, labels=None): ''' Create an image with a map of the domain Uses Basemap to create a World Map Adds a semitransparent patch with outline of the Domain Writes to an image file Parameters ----------- outputFileName : string name of the output file name lonVec : [floats] or [[floats]] longitudes of patches to display latVec : [floats] or [[floats]] latitudes of patches to display lonBorder : float 10, horisontal border around patch (degrees of longitude) latBorder : float 10, vertical border around patch (degrees of latitude) figureSize : tuple of two integers (6, 6), size of the generated figure in inches dpi: int 50, resolution of the output figure (size 6,6 and dpi 50 produces 300 x 300 figure) projection : string, one of Basemap projections 'cyl', projection of the map resolution : string, resolution of the map 'c', crude 'l', low 'i', intermediate 'h', high 'f', full continetsColor : string or any matplotlib color representation 'coral', color of continets meridians : int 10, number of meridians to draw parallels : int 10, number of parallels to draw pColor : string or any matplotlib color representation 'r', color of the Domain patch pLine : string or any matplotlib color representation 'k', color of the Domain outline pAlpha : float 0 - 1 0.5, transparency of Domain patch padding : float 0., width of white padding around the map merLabels : list of 4 booleans where to put meridian labels, see also Basemap.drawmeridians() parLables : list of 4 booleans where to put parallel labels, see also Basemap.drawparallels() labels : list of str labels to print on top of patches ''' # if lat/lon vectors are not given as input if lonVec is None or latVec is None or len(lonVec) != len(latVec): lonVec, latVec = self.get_border() # convert vectors to numpy arrays lonVec = np.array(lonVec) latVec = np.array(latVec) # estimate mean/min/max values of lat/lon of the shown area # (real lat min max +/- latBorder) and (real lon min max +/- lonBorder) minLon = max(-180, lonVec.min() - lonBorder) maxLon = min(180, lonVec.max() + lonBorder) minLat = max(-90, latVec.min() - latBorder) maxLat = min(90, latVec.max() + latBorder) meanLon = lonVec.mean() meanLat = latVec.mean() # generate template map (can be also tmerc) plt.figure(num=1, figsize=figureSize, dpi=dpi) bmap = Basemap(projection=projection, lat_0=meanLat, lon_0=meanLon, llcrnrlon=minLon, llcrnrlat=minLat, urcrnrlon=maxLon, urcrnrlat=maxLat, resolution=resolution) # add content: coastline, continents, meridians, parallels bmap.drawcoastlines() bmap.fillcontinents(color=continetsColor) bmap.drawmeridians(np.linspace(minLon, maxLon, meridians), labels=merLabels, fmt='%2.1f') bmap.drawparallels(np.linspace(minLat, maxLat, parallels), labels=parLabels, fmt='%2.1f') # convert input lat/lon vectors to arrays of vectors with one row # if only one vector was given if len(lonVec.shape) == 1: lonVec = [lonVec] latVec = [latVec] for i in range(len(lonVec)): # convert lat/lons to map units mapX, mapY = bmap(list(lonVec[i].flat), list(latVec[i].flat)) # from x/y vectors create a Patch to be added to map boundary = Polygon(zip(mapX, mapY), alpha=pAlpha, ec=pLine, fc=pColor) # add patch to the map plt.gca().add_patch(boundary) plt.gca().set_aspect('auto') if labels is not None and labels[i] is not None: plt.text(np.mean(mapX), np.mean(mapY), labels[i], va='center', ha='right', alpha=0.5, fontsize=10) # save figure and close plt.savefig(outputFileName, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi, pad_inches=padding) if pltshow: else: plt.close('all') def reproject_GCPs(self, srsString=''): '''Reproject all GCPs to a new spatial reference system Necessary before warping an image if the given GCPs are in a coordinate system which has a singularity in (or near) the destination area (e.g. poles for lonlat GCPs) Parameters ---------- srsString : string SRS given as Proj4 string. If empty '+proj=stere' is used Modifies -------- Reprojects all GCPs to new SRS and updates GCPProjection ''' if srsString == '': lon, lat = self.get_border() srsString = '+proj=stere +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +lat_0=%f +lon_0=%f +no_defs' % ( np.nanmedian(lat), np.nanmedian(lon)) self.vrt.reproject_GCPs(srsString)
def __init__(self, fileName, gdalDataset, gdalMetadata, latlonGrid=None, mask='', **kwargs): ''' Create VRT Parameters ----------- fileName : string gdalDataset : gdal dataset gdalMetadata : gdal metadata latlonGrid : numpy 2 layered 2D array with lat/lons of desired grid ''' # test if input files is ASCAT iDir, iFile = os.path.split(fileName) iFileName, iFileExt = os.path.splitext(iFile) try: assert iFileName[0:6] == 'ascat_' and iFileExt == '.nc' except: raise WrongMapperError # Create geolocation subDataset = gdal.Open('NETCDF:"' + fileName + '":lat') self.GeolocVRT = VRT(srcRasterXSize=subDataset.RasterXSize, srcRasterYSize=subDataset.RasterYSize) GeolocMetaDict = [{ 'src': { 'SourceFilename': ('NETCDF:"' + fileName + '":lon'), 'SourceBand': 1, 'ScaleRatio': 0.00001, 'ScaleOffset': -360 }, 'dst': {} }, { 'src': { 'SourceFilename': ('NETCDF:"' + fileName + '":lat'), 'SourceBand': 1, 'ScaleRatio': 0.00001, 'ScaleOffset': 0 }, 'dst': {} }] self.GeolocVRT._create_bands(GeolocMetaDict) GeolocObject = GeolocationArray( xVRT=self.GeolocVRT, yVRT=self.GeolocVRT, # x = lon, y = lat xBand=1, yBand=2, lineOffset=0, pixelOffset=0, lineStep=1, pixelStep=1) # create empty VRT dataset with geolocation only VRT.__init__(self, srcRasterXSize=subDataset.RasterXSize, srcRasterYSize=subDataset.RasterYSize, gdalDataset=subDataset, geolocationArray=GeolocObject, srcProjection=GeolocObject.d['SRS']) # Scale and NODATA should ideally be taken directly from raw file metaDict = [{ 'src': { 'SourceFilename': ('NETCDF:"' + fileName + '":wind_speed'), 'ScaleRatio': 0.01, 'NODATA': -32767 }, 'dst': { 'name': 'wind_speed', 'wkv': 'wind_speed' } }, { 'src': { 'SourceFilename': ('NETCDF:"' + fileName + '":wind_dir'), 'ScaleRatio': 0.1, 'NODATA': -32767 }, 'dst': { 'name': 'wind_direction', 'wkv': 'wind_direction' } }] self._create_bands(metaDict) # This should not be necessary # - should be provided by GeolocationArray! self.dataset.SetProjection(GeolocObject.d['SRS']) # Add time startTime = datetime.datetime(int(iFileName[6:10]), int(iFileName[10:12]), int(iFileName[12:14]), int(iFileName[15:17]), int(iFileName[17:19]), int(iFileName[19:21])) # Adding valid time to dataset self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('time_coverage_start', startTime.isoformat()) self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('time_coverage_end', startTime.isoformat()) # set SADCAT specific metadata self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('sensor', 'ASCAT') self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('satellite', 'Metop-A') warnings.warn("Setting satellite to Metop-A - update mapper if it is" \ " e.g. Metop-B") self.dataset.SetMetadataItem('mapper', 'ascat_nasa')